Substitute Alchemist - Bleach...

Av Midnight_Lilac

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Disclaimer and Copyright
Author's Note
Chapter 1 - Past and Present
Chapter 2 - Dimension Lapse
Chapter 3 - Truth
Chapter 4 - State Alchemist Qualification Exam
Chapter 5 - State Alchemist
Chapter 6 - Mission
Chapter 7 - Rekindled
Chapter 8 - The Warehouse
Chapter 9 - Transferred
Chapter 10 - Partner
Chapter 11 - Homunculus
Chapter 12 - Light Moments
Chapter 14 - Proposal
Chapter 15 - Briefly Sidetracked
Chapter 16 - Development
Chapter 17 - Contacted
Chapter 18 - Developments
Author's Note
Chapter 19 - Saved
Chapter 20 - Vacation
Chapter 21 - Revelation
Chapter 22 - Fight
Chapter 23 - Changes

Chapter 13 - Nightmare

793 49 14
Av Midnight_Lilac

Scar pov:

I cursed as I looked at my aching right arm, the seal of the Philosopher Stone given to me by my brother pulsing under the effects of recently absorbing alchemically created red stones. I was wounded on the torso and my thigh too, thanks to a run in with three strong State Alchemists over the past two weeks – one of them being the Glacier Alchemist – and I felt horrible. I wanted to lie down in some place where I wouldn't be found and get the rest my body craved for and needed for my wounds to heal quicker. But being a most wanted criminal in the busiest city of Amestris, I couldn't find or even hope to find a place where I could rest while letting my guard down.

I looked ahead through my dark glasses, trying to spot State Alchemists that I could kill. There were none in sight at the moment though and I relaxed slightly, reducing my pace of walking through the bustling market street. I turned into an alley a few moments later and sat down in a dark area while leaning back against the stone wall of a building. I took off my glasses and sighed deeply, glad for this momentary break.

I opened my eyes moments later as thoughts of the Glacier Alchemist filled my mind. During our fight several days ago, we had had a conversation that had not only annoyed me but, surprisingly, sparked something in the depths of my conscience. It was a feeling that made me doubt my actions momentarily and even when I thought about it now, I felt....unsettled.

She had asked me my reasons for constantly going after State Alchemists – she knew of the Ishval War but she wanted to know my reasons specifically. Perhaps she knew I was seeking revenge but wanted to hear me say it myself. She had probably hoped to hear a different reason, one that she could speak against and somehow try to convince me that I should stop. I had thought that no matter what she said, I wouldn't change my mind or my course of action. I would stay strong, for my sole purpose in life now was to avenge my clan and complete what my elder brother started when he was still alive.

But her response to my revenge was startling – she looked sad and pained, as if she understood how I felt from losing my family. She had told her Chimera partner to stop fighting, even though he was willing to push on despite being hurt by me quite a bit already, and she had tried to reason out with me by talking just as I had expected. She had spoken about the families of the State Alchemists I killed and how I was causing them pain just as the military had caused Ishvalans pain. She even had the gall to say that with the way I was living now and seeking revenge on every State Alchemist, whether they were involved in the Ishval War or not, I was no different from those that killed the people of my clan. I was blinded by rage and irrationality and killing people who didn't deserve to be killed. If anything, it was the Fuhrer and the higher ups of the military who had ordered the annihilation of Ishval and the State Alchemists had no choice but to follow orders – so it was wrong of me to go after them.

She even mentioned that she had met several people, State Alchemists and regular soldiers, who felt guilty and unhappy about the people they had had to put down because of orders. She hesitated to fight too, apparently, but upon hearing words of truth and strength from a fellow soldier, she had understood that sometimes we have to see beyond ourselves and our wishes and work for the greater good. Of course, she was talking about herself and those who had everything they wanted in their life.

How would a pampered brat like her know the pain of losing their only family unfairly? She had no business lecturing me and telling me what I should and shouldn't do. But I was surprised by one thing – when she sympathized with me for how much pain and suffering I must be going through because of the burden and the lives I carry on my shoulders.

Never before had anyone in the military, or even the remaining populace of the Ishval Clan, expressed such thoughts about me. I was seen as a cold hearted murderer, a man who was nothing more than a hollow, conscienceless existence who felt no guilt or remorse for walking down the dark bloody path while using forbidden techniques. Yes, I knew I caused pain to many people and would to many more in the future – my mind was filled with turbulent thoughts, my heart in deep unrest and the feeling of having no way out of this vicious routine I had forced myself into overwhelmed me sometimes. But it was my quest, my only reason for living....but this girl that suddenly turns up as a State Alchemist had so easily shattered my strong will.

I couldn't fight her after that. I couldn't bring myself to fight the girl who held such vivid emotions in her eyes – emotions that resonated with the true feelings I had inside. How I missed my brother, how I missed the days of peace and joy, how I lived with a burden so heavy that it suffocated me – she had seen them through the walls I had erected around myself. Now, because of her and her useless chatter, I had lost focus. I was sloppy when I fought a State Alchemist two days ago and it had resulted in these hindering wounds and a sore right arm.

No matter how much I disliked her now, the wrenching feeling in my heart didn't sync with the rational thoughts in my mind. I couldn't help but feel the need to see that girl again, Kiana Sojuro, perhaps talk to her and see the honest empathy she had for me once again.

I closed my eyes with a deep sigh. I was being foolish and unreasonable. It was because of these irrational and rather nonsensical thoughts that I had pushed on in my tattered state and come here to East City. I hadn't seen Kiana on my way here from the train station and surprisingly enough, I was mildly disappointed.

I tensed momentarily when I heard a sudden scuffing noise just a little away from where I sat. In the midst of thinking, I had become so lost in thought that I was no longer aware of my surroundings.

I cursed under my breath for being careless and readied my hand to attack whoever it was who had come here but I relaxed upon seeing a dog. He was skinny but held curiosity in his marble like eyes. I leaned back against the wall again and held my hand out, as if calling the dog to me. He trotted to me slowly, cautiously, but wagged his tail when he received ruffles. He whined and growled and sat down next to me with his head on my thigh.

I would think an hour passed in this silence, in the midst of which the dog had fallen asleep. I had rested enough and so I got up, leaving the whimpering dog behind, and I had set off to search for Kiana. I wasn't sure if I wanted to talk to her or merely watch her from the distance for now to judge her character before I did something unnecessary. Perhaps she was merely tricking me when she spoke to me that day, trying to create an opening or weak spot where she could strike. She didn't seem like one who would be two faced but I trusted no one from the military – I would not be fooled by wolves in sheep skin.

I walked through the streets, avoiding the military and making use of the dark alleys every now and then. After about ten minutes, I made it to the market I had walked through before. I looked at the vegetables and fruits on display on either side of me and also at the clothes and other things normal people would show interest in. I looked ahead for a moment and narrowed my eyes as I spotted Kiana and her Chimera partner. They were looking through some groceries, though had a basket in hand filled with some vegetables and fruits already. Judging from the quantity, they were probably going to be staying in East City for a while. Well, it was understandable, considering the wounds she had suffered when trying to protect the Chimera from debris that flew at him because of my escaping attack.

But something told me that she could have easily avoided it.

"Are you sure you can carry that yourself? We can split the groceries." The Chimera said while eying the basket in her hands.

"I'm fine carrying it, Kyran. Stop worrying." She said with a light laugh that lit up her eyes. "You know that I'm tough and these wounds don't really bother me. Besides, you're in worse shape than me. You should just enjoy being pampered now."

"I guess....but I feel bad knowing that you got hurt because you protected me from Scar's attack." He pointed and Kiana merely rolled her eyes with an amused smile.

"Don't feel bad over something so silly. I wanted to protect you, Kyran, just as you would wish to protect me if I'm in any danger. Now help me pick out some good potatoes. You remember how to pick them, right?" Kiana changed the topic and it lightened Kyran's mood.

They went ahead with some more shopping and I followed them while maintaining a decent amount of distance and staying alert to any trouble that could suddenly pop up around me. Having bought everything then needed, they thanked the shop keeper and walked out of the market and to probably where they were staying temporarily.

"What do you think of rice and spicy vegetable gravy for dinner, Kyran?" Kiana asked after a few moments of silence.

"I'm fine with that, as long as the spice is low."

They settled into silence once again but I noticed Kyran glancing at Kiana every now and then as if he had something he wished to say. Having noticed it, Kiana sighed and stopped walking. She looked at Kyran who seemed to get flustered momentarily – his ears twitching and a barely visible coloring coming to his face.

"Did you want to tell me something, Kyran?" She asked gently.

"W-well, that" He hesitated before looking to the side. "Why haven't you asked Yukio to heal you yet?"

My frown deepened at his question. Who was Yukio? It was a strange name and I couldn't tell if it was that of a boy or a girl. And what did he mean when he said Kiana should get her wounds healed by that person?

"You have no reason to have to feel sore're probably not used to it either. Since you don't need to see the doctor again, why don't you just let Yukio heal you and spare you from the extended pain? I know it's not pleasant to go through." Kyran continued.

"Being wounded and feeling pain is a natural process every living thing has to endure." Kiana said with an undoubting smile. "It shows us that we are alive and teaches us to value life, love, happiness and peace. Perhaps there are some circumstances under which I would prefer Yukio to heal us completely – in dire situations during missions that we have to finish – but otherwise, I would wish to experience everything like every other normal person. I have no reason to have special treatment."

"You're a really weird human, you know that?" Kyran said flatly though I could see the intense attachment and loyalty he felt for Kiana. Perhaps loyalty was too weak a word – he looked devoted.

"And that's why you like me, hmm?" She teased with a laugh before walking again, Kyran falling in step with her soon enough.

I didn't take another step forward. I took off my glasses and watched them as they walked farther and farther away from me, Kiana's aura radiant and the genuinely cheerful smile never leaving her lips as she spoke to Kyran. Kyran didn't show much expression though, retaining what one would call a poker face, but all the emotions he felt as he looked at her and the things around him were vivid in his eyes.

I suppose I wasn't the only one whose deep conscience she had touched – that Chimera had found solace in Kiana who didn't discriminate him like how every normal person would. She was different from the others of the military. She wasn't like any other stonehearted soldier. In fact, with the way she had spoken to me and the way she was now, she didn't appear to fit into the barbarous environment of the military. And yet....there was something about her that was powerful and mysterious, as if clouded in the dark and not visible to the naked eye.

The mention of the person Yukio had got me curious now. I wanted to find out the truth she seemed to be hiding. I would, definitely, in time.

Exhaling deeply, I put on my glasses, turned around and walked away to search for other State Alchemists to get rid of.

Kiana pov:

"Ahh....this paperwork is endless." I mumbled to myself and leaned back in my seat with my head lolling off the backrest of the chair so I was looking at the ceiling.

"It is, isn't it?" Lt. Jean asked and I turned just my head to see him grinning at me with an unlit cigarette between his lips. He had cut down on smoking lately, saying that my words had given him motivation to kick the bad habit but he occasionally kept an unlit one between his lips just for the 'feel' of it. "I told you you'll be stuck with huge stacks of papers to check since you won't be out on missions for a while."

"You did tell me but I didn't think there would be this much." I said and straightened up with a soft laugh.

"Well, we should be done in a few hours, right? Why don't we go out for dinner together after this?" Lt. Heymans said with a grin. "And we can have a drinking party to properly welcome Kiana san to the team!"

"Yeah! That sounds like a great idea!" Lt. Jean agreed.

"I know a good place where they serve really tasty food and beer." WO. Vato spoke up with his usual closed eyed smile.

"I appreciate the idea of a welcoming party but I don't drink." I said awkwardly and glanced at Kyran. "And I'm pretty sure Kyran doesn't either."

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't know that!" Lt. Heymans said, holding both hands up in fluster.

"That's alright." I responded laughing, finding his fluster funny.

"Then how about we just go out for dinner? We can skip the beer." Lt. Jean suggested. "And, of course, since we're welcoming Kiana san to the 'Col. Mustang's team', he has to be our generous benefactor."

I looked at Col. Mustang who sat at his desk, Lt. Riza standing beside him and making sure that he wasn't slacking off over the paperwork that was to be submitted in just a few hours, and his brow twitched at Lt. Jean's words. He looked at us with a raised brow, not happy that he was being pulled into this idea and expected to pay for all the food that this welcoming party would consume. Of course, if the colonel was paying, I'm quite sure everyone would buy expensive food in large quantities and attempt to leave a hole in his pocket.

"I have no objection to the welcoming party. However, each of you will pay for your own food. Kiana san and Kyran san will be the only ones receiving free dinner." He said stoically.

"Oi oi, that's really not fair, Colonel!" Lt. Heymans voiced.

"Yeah, you never treat us for anything! You were so stingy even when you got all that money for getting the highest rank in this year's evaluation exam." Lt. Jean commented with a scoff.

"Well, he did get us free lunch during that fair...." Lt. Kain said in a small voice.

"That doesn't count! He's still being stingy!" Lt. Heymans complained.

Having heard enough of this debate, the colonel slammed his hands on his desk and stood up. All of us looked at him as he stood with his eyes closed, a deep frown on his face, before he sighed deeply and looked at all of us in defeat.

"Alright, since I'm feeling a little generous today, I'll treat you useless lot for dinner. Now stop chattering and finish the paperwork!" He bellowed and I bit my lip to hold in a smile that wanted to surface. The others were already rejoicing at the thought of receiving free dinner, grinning at each other and exchanging fist bumps to celebrate their victory.

I shook my head with a smile and went back to finishing my share of paperwork. It took most of the evening to finish everything and those of us who finished our share early helped out the others so we wouldn't have anything left pending before we went out for dinner. By the time we were done, it was close to eight thirty. All of us were tired and hungry and we didn't waste any time in wrapping up, locking the office and heading into the main part of the city to a restaurant that WO. Vato had said had a good variety of delicious food.

It was on the main street with the name 'Paul's Food Service' written in bold above the entrance. We walked inside and we were led to an eight seater table on one side of the large dining hall. The ambiance was nice – warm, cozy and welcoming – and it wasn't long before we had all decided what we wanted to eat and had ordered it. Of course, the guys were ordering mountains of food in their excitement and Col. Mustang was slowly starting to get more irked by their endless list.

Dinner was pleasant with joyous conversations and laughter. Beer was ordered as well though Kyran, Lt. Riza and I didn't drink. Apparently, Lt. Heymans was the heaviest drinker and after chugging down a good four mugs of beer, he was completely wasted. Lt. Jean, like the others, was still halfway through his first mug of beer and he was making fun of Lt. Heymans as he complained about his job and the colonel in his drunken state. Col. Mustang wasn't taking it too well though and ended up yelling at the lieutenant who merely brushing him off with a wave of his hand and continued his complaining.

"I hope you're not feeling uncomfortable with anything, Kiana san." Lt. Kain said smiling. "It's usually loud like this with us, especially when beer is included."

I brought a fist to my lips and giggled. "No, it's quite alright. In fact, I'm enjoying myself. I didn't know Lt. Heymans could be so entertaining. Although, I hope you're not finding being here uncomfortable, Kyran."


"He's doing fine, Kiana san! Look, he's relaxed even though he's silent and not really engaging in any unnecessary conversation. Honestly, you worry too much." Lt. Heymans said, grinning in the middle of hiccups while putting an arm around Kyran's shoulders before he could respond.

Kyran had tensed though, his hands balled into tight fists, his brows slightly knitted and his ears twitching in uneasiness. I could tell that he didn't really like the smell of alcohol that came off Lt. Heymans, all the more because of how it must feel with his heightened senses, and he wasn't used to having any sort of physical contact with anyone. In fact, the most he had was when I held his hand or dragged him somewhere by the wrist....and, not to forget, the time I caressed his ears and earned a rather interesting reaction. I smiled halfheartedly at the drunken lieutenant and reached out to make him move his arm. However, Lt. Jean beat me to it and yanked Lt. Heymans away from Kyran after getting his arm off his shoulder.

"Yeah yeah, we all know he's fine. Stop falling all over the guy." Lt. Jean muttered.

"Oi Lt. Havoc! How dare you get between best buddies, ehh?!!" Lt. Heymans bellowed and then hiccupped which made me laugh. He was thoroughly wasted indeed.

"Best buddies, huh? Well, that's something new." Lt. Jean mused with a raised brow before laughing and pushing Lt. Heymans towards Lt. Kain and WO. Vato for them to take care of. "Sorry about that, Kyran san, Kiana san. He didn't mean to be rude."

"We know that and Kyran is fine too. He's getting used to more interactions with people." I answered, returning Lt. Jean's dashing smile with a sort of shy smile of my own.

When we were done with dinner, we split up to head to our respective homes. WO. Vato vouched to take Lt. Heymans home while Lt. Jean and Lt. Kain headed to their apartment and dormitory respectively. Col. Mustang and Lt. Riza headed to their homes, having split with Kyran and me at an intersection. The walk home was pleasant with Kyran and me sharing small talk.

Having reached home ten minutes later, we wished each other goodnight and went to our respective rooms to sleep. I changed into comfortable night clothes and got under the blankets. I couldn't fall asleep immediately though and I watched the stars for a while until my eyes began to get heavy and soon fell asleep.


"Kiana! Kiana, where are you?" I heard a voice, gruff and somehow eerie.

I looked around, unable to see anything but endless black expanse. The source of the voice wasn't visible either. I was unguarded and vulnerable and I frowned as a feeling of dread settled over me.

"Who's there?" I called out, my voice echoing around me.

"Kiana, it's time. It's time again." The voice echoed again and a shiver went down my spine at the maliciousness lacing it.

"Time for what? Who are you?"

"Time to sacrifice....time to kill....time to devour." It hissed before a chaotic and unbearably harsh noise filled my ears.

I shut my eyes and ears, wincing at the noise. I opened my eyes slowly, pulling my hands away from my ears when the noise was no longer audible, only to see a car accident in the middle of a dark street. I recognized the car immediately and my heart rate spiked. I saw unconscious bodies of my family lying there and the Hollow that had attacked us on that dreadful night slowly making its way towards the car.

"No! Get away! Leave them alone!" I yelled desperately and ran towards the car. But no matter how fast I ran, I couldn't get any closer.

I watched in horror as my parents and sister were lifted up by the Hollow one by one and ripped to pieces before being devoured. Tears ran down my cheeks and I screamed, begging for the Hollow to stop, for this nightmare to stop. It was movements after that everything in front of me faded into the wind as dust. I was left breathing heavily and searching for even the slightest remnants of what had happened.

I tensed though, hearing dark chuckles from behind me. I turned to see another Hollow – no, a swarm of Hollows now surrounding me and watching me through those ominous eyes.

" is time to sacrifice." They said in unison. I looked at them fearfully and reached for my Zanpakuto at my waist. However, it was not there. I was unarmed, I couldn't summon reishi to cast Hado or Bakudo spells. I was completely defenseless.

"Sacrifice....sacrifice...." They chanted and it made me dizzy.

"S-stop saying that! What do you mean by sacrifice anyway?!" I yelled and they laughed again.

"It is time to kill everyone around you, Kiana. will lose everything. You will lose everyone!"

"W-what do! Stop it! Don't hurt them!" I screamed in absolute terror as I saw the Hollows holding up people I loved, people I cared for – Edward, Alphonse, Winry, Pinako san, Col. Mustang, Lt. Jean, Lt. Col. Hughes....and Kyran.

"Sacrifice!" The Hollows yelled again and laughed as I struggled to move.

I looked down to see my feet sinking into something black – a swirling portal of sorts that was slowly pulling me into itself. I had already been pulled in until my knees.

I looked up again and my blood ran cold at the sight of blood and several people missing. More people appeared in the hands of the Hollows – those I couldn't recognize but didn't want for to die – and they were crushed in the hands of the Hollows, blood splattering around them and even on me.

"No! Stop it! Please, I beg you!" I shrieked but it kept happening. More crushing and more blood staining me with not even an inch of my body spared of it.

However, every last bit of composure left me as Kyran was held up and crushed in the hands of the Hollow holding him. The sound of his bones shattering and the splatter of his blood on my face was overwhelming. Something inside me snapped and I screamed.

>>Dream end

"KYRAN!" I shrieked and bolted up into sitting position.

I looked around in panic and stumbled out of bed, wincing as I fell to my knees and bruised them. I wobbled up to stand and rushed out of my room and to Kyran's. Even before I could enter his room though, I bumped into him and yelped in panic again. I was sure to fall to the floor but I was grabbed on the shoulders and steadied. I looked up through watering eyes only to meet worried scarlet orbs.

"K-Kiana! What happened? What's wrong?" Kyran asked whilst looking over me in worry.

I stared into his eyes for a few moments, my breathing ragged and my mind slowly starting to escape from the clouded mess it was in because of the nightmare. I blinked and relaxed, realizing that Kyran was alright and what I had seen was really nothing more than a nightmare, a bad dream that wasn't true. The energy in my legs drained out and Kyran fell to his knees along with me as I collapsed in a heap on the floor. I shut my eyes, though couldn't stop the tears that continued to fall from them, and I leaned forward with my head against Kyran's chest. I lifted my arms shakily and held his sides, reassuring myself that he was alright, that he was warm and alive and right here in front of me.

"K-Kiana....what happened?" He asked again, sounding just a bit awkward through his worry.

"I'm fine....I'm fine....everything's fine." I mumbled airily and shivered. I was drenched in sweat and I suddenly felt cold.

Kyran noticed it and hesitantly wrapped his arms around me in an attempt to give me some of his body heat. We stayed like this until I felt better and I pulled away from him feeling slightly embarrassed.

"I-I'm sorry....I-I just had a really bad dream. I'm alright now." I said and forced out a smile.

"You're not alright. You're pale." Kyran said. "You should sit. I'll get you some water."

He helped me up and onto the couch. He wrapped me in a blanket before going to the kitchen to get me some warm water to drink. After having half of it, I felt some energy return to me.

"Are you better now?" Kyran asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah....I'm sorry I woke you screaming like that. I just remembered how I lost my parents and saw something similar happening to the people here....including you." I confessed and shuddered as I remembered the gore dream.

"Nothing like that will happen here – you said so yourself, didn't you? You haven't seen any Hollows here, right? I'm fine and I'm sure everyone else is too." Kyran reassured and nodded slowly.

"I guess....but just because Hollows aren't here, it doesn't mean that there aren't other people who would want to kill people. There are the Homunculi and Scar and...." I paused, feeling my heart sink at the thought of Scar. I felt sad for him but I also knew what he had been doing and what he was probably still doing. "And Scar's way of killing people is so similar to what I saw in my dreams. All that crushing and blood and...."

I wrapped my arms around myself and shut my eyes, feeling very disturbed at the moment. I hated this weakness of mine. I hated that I was so terrified of seeing people suffering and covered and surrounded by blood. I had got stronger, I suppose, but there were times when I would feel shaken by the sight of blood and the thought of losing someone important. And I was sure I would be quite unsettled for a few days or weeks because of the dream I had just had. I was glad that I was recuperating and didn't have to go on missions – I wouldn't be fit to go on missions in this state.

I sighed deeply and opened my eyes. I looked at Kyran and smiled just a bit, feeling bad for making him look so worried. "I'm fine, Kyran. Really."

He hummed out a response and nodded though didn't seem entirely convinced. Well, I'm sure no one would after seeing the way I behaved. And I was quite sure that I still looked a little perturbed.

"You know, I think I'm going to take a walk. I need some fresh air." I said and moved the blanket off myself.

"I'll go with you." Kyran said immediately and spoke again before I could refuse. "I'm not letting you go out by yourself as you are. I'll be....worried."

He mumbled the last line, sounding embarrassed but I found it heartwarming. "Thank you, Kyran. I'm glad that you worry for me."

The two of us walked down the dark, empty and silent streets slowly – well, Kyran was matching my slow and rather unsteady pace of walking. I was dazed, all my thoughts jumbled, making me unfocused and oblivious of my surroundings. I was so oblivious that Kyran had to pull me away from obstructions three times before I bumped into them.

"Maybe we should sit down somewhere." Kyran suggested, having pulled me to the side again before I ran into a light pole.

"A-ah, I guess..." I said sheepishly. "Or maybe we can stand there."

I pointed to the bridge over the stream that ran through the city. Kyran nodded and we walked there to stand leaning against the railings. The sound of the water running was soothing and I closed my eyes, relaxing into the silence.

"Who's there?" I heard a voice moments later. I opened my eyes and looked to my right to see someone coming towards us while holding a lantern.

When the person got close enough for us to recognize, I smiled and turned to face him. Lt. Jean walked up to me curiously and glanced at Kyran once before looking back at me.

"Kiana san? What are you doing out here at this time of the night?" He asked and then frowned. "And why do you look so pale? Are you feeling unwell?"

Much to my surprise and fluster, he reached out with a hand to place it on my forehead to check my temperature. I laughed softly and moved his hand off my forehead. He realized how forward he had been and blushed while taking a step back and stuttering out an apology.

"It's alright, Lt. Jean. I'm fine. I just woke up from a nightmare and couldn't go back to sleep. I wanted to get some fresh air to clear my mind so here I am." I said with a shrug, my mind no longer as disoriented as before. And I somehow felt even better now, having seen Lt. Jean. "What about you? How come you're out so late, and still in your uniform?"

"Oh, I'm just scouting the city along with Lt. Kain. It's our shift for the first half of tonight."

"Ah....I see." I said and we fell silent. The atmosphere began to get a little awkward so leaned against the railings again to look over the water of the stream.

"Kiana, we should go back. You should try and sleep again." Kyran said after a few minutes.

"Yeah, I suppose I should. Tomorrow is a working day after all." I agreed and looked at Lt. Jean. "Sorry I interrupted your scouting, Lt. Jean. We'll head back home now. Please take care."

"A-ah wait!" He called out as Kyran and I turned to leave. I looked at him curiously and he rubbed the back of his neck once before clearing his throat. "N-never mind....I just wanted to ask you something but it isn't urgent. I'll ask you tomorrow when you're better."

"I don't mind if you ask me now." I said, mildly curious about what he wanted to ask me.

"It's not urgent. We'll talk tomorrow." He insisted and coaxed us to return.

I just nodded, wished him good night and headed back home. I wasn't as dazed on the way back so I didn't nearly bump into anything in front of me. But once we were at home, I was a little hesitant to sleep by myself.

"Um, Kyran? Could we sleep together in the living room, please? I'm feeling a little uneasy about sleeping alone tonight." I said while looking at the floor in slight embarrassment. I'm sure I sounded really silly right now.

"The couches won't be comfortable to sleep on." He pointed and I laughed awkwardly.

"A-ah, that's true, isn't it? Besides, my request is kind of shameless and rude. I-I'm sorry. I'll just go sleep in my room by myself." I said still smiling.

Before I could escape from the embarrassing situation I had put us into, Kyran sighed with his eyes closed. "I don't want you to feel uneasy when you sleep. I will sleep in your room with you but perhaps we both would be more comfortable if I am in this form."

"What do you....?"

I paused midway through my question as he closed his eyes and his body glowed white. He hunched and shrunk in height, turning into a beautiful black and white wolf. His ears twitched and he swished his tail from side to side once before looking up at me with his marble eyes. I kneeled in front of him and touched the side of his head, ruffling his fur and scratching him behind the ears to earn a gruff purr in satisfaction. I smiled and shook my head.

"I didn't know you could turn into a wolf like're beautiful, Kyran. And I guess we both can sleep easy like this. C'mon." I coaxed and we headed to my room.

I got under the covers first and Kyran got in after me but settled near my head. I shifted closer to him so that my head was resting against his neck and I snuggled into his soft fur. He, in turn, shifted his head closer to my back and my smile widened at the comfort it gave me.

Sighing, finally feeling calm, I closed my eyes and let myself be pulled into dreamless slumber.


Awwie, did Kiana's kindness touch your heart, Scar? It seems you're more interested in her because of her kindness rather than your curiosity of the person named 'Yukio'. Perhaps this is your chance to finally have a friend??

Poor Kiana had a terrible nightmare. Good thing Kyran and Jean were there to make her feel better, right? And Kyran was even sweet enough to comfort her while they slept by turning into a wolf! A majestic looking wolf at that :D

But....what did you want to ask, Mr. Jean Havoc? *wiggles eyebrows with a smug smile*




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