I Caught A Thugs Eye

By Queennogoodeed

501K 12.3K 1.3K

(EDITING)Nashaé is 17yr old a senior in high school she has her regular teen problems until she meets a thug... More

Not Today Bitch pt1
Not Today Bitch pt2
"Wassup Stranger?"
A night to forget
Tunnel Vision For Her
Who's Boss?
Complicated with no title....
Make it Make Sense.
Small World
Small world pt2
What is. What it ain't.
A Friendly Conversation
A Friend Conversation pt2
It's All In The Eyes.
It's All In The Eyes pt2
ButterFly Effect
Butterfly Effect Pt2
The Message
The Message pt2
The Birthday Girl
Trouble In Paradise
What a family.
What Heart?
These Arms OF Mine
Thanks Again.
The Files Part 2
On My Own
{ Them }
The Winter Stories Part 1
The Winter Stories Part 2
Smoke and Mirrors part 1
Smoke and Mirrors part 2
Smoke and Mirrors part 3
Stop At Nothing
The Girl From His Past
Prayer, Patience & Positivity
You Sly Dog
Dismembering Christmas
Dismembering Christmas Part 2
More Red Than Green This Christmas
Where Are The Better Days
Shaé knows more than you thought
They Been Plotting....
The Games Begin
Things coming together
His case....and his friend
Is this about Hakeem or Nashaé
WOW....what a year.
Handle your business
Get Your Information Part 1
Get Your Information part 2
I had Enough
While You Here
Unplanned Part 2
One those rainy days
Big Moves
New Road
Play For Keeps pt.1
Play For Keeps PT2
Out of my hands

Somebody is making moves...not us

4.4K 99 56
By Queennogoodeed

"The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes."

Arthur Conan Doyle


Detective Andre Childs🕵🏽‍♂️

I been sitting here thinking to myself....

"How everything went down in twenty sixteen;Hakeem was a good dude, cool and all...I just wish I could've seen the future maybe would've helped him out but now I can only help him by closing his case and helping his family cope with it."

So that's what I'm doing looking back through evidence before court Monday because even though nobody has faith in me right now I never folded up and stoppped so I got up and
went to the station trying to find out what else was going on when I walked through the door and my ringed

"Wassup?" I said peeking into Chiefs office and he wasn't there

"I been callin' you." Keshaun said as Andre looked around

"Hold on." I told Keshaun

"Where did Chief go?" I asked a officer standing in the break room

"He got an emergency call from the prison." He replied

"An emergency call for what?"I asked

"Something about a woman." He responded and I booked to front door

"Keshaun I have to call you back."

"I need to talk to Nashaé." Keshaun said as Andre was getting back in the car

"No, what did I tell you stop talking to her right...so do what I ask; I'll call you back."

Andre hung up, threw his phone in the passenger seat, cranked the car up and hauled ass to the prison


"What is so important that it couldn't wait til after I ate?" DeMarco said yawning when he seen The Chief and his lawyer standing up the guard sat Demarco down and took the cuffs off he didn't feel right

"Is there a problem?" Demarco asked when his lawyer looked shooked as he slid papers across the table to him

DeMarco looked at the papers then really started to read it as his eyes got big he slapped the papers off the table


He said rubbing his head and pasting the floor "When did she write this bullshit!?"

"Two hours ago." The lawyer answered as The Chief just observed not saying anything

"She wrote this shit at two a.m and I'm just now finding out what the fuck kind of lawyer are you!?"DeMarco asked pulling on his suit when a cop came in when The Chief waved him off

"Mr.Jones even if he would've brought it in right away in it was nothing he or I could've did." The Chief said as DeMarco looked at Chief then back at his lawyer

"Why!?" DeMarco took a step back letting of his lawyer as nobody answered but the Chief smiled enjoying himself as he knocked on the window and a lady walked in and handed Demarco a gold envelope

"This is also for you." Chief said

When tears started to run down DeMarcos face as he shook his head already knowing what it was and he couldn't take it with what he was feeling right now

"She wouldn't."DeMarco screamed as he flipped the table over and charged at his lawyer again, jacking and pushing him into the window as he lost it he beating him down when the officers ran in trying to get him off

DeMarco didn't stop;he punched the guards so one tased him as Demarco dropped to his ground laying on the cold ground as he just seen his life flash before his eyes as he was crying and The Chief was laughing walking out the room hearing DeMarco scream




Its Friday and I'm in class the bell was about to ring in a few I didn't want it to because it was the only thing to keep my mind off Kami not talking to me, Ember not responding to my text every since Tom talked to her she's making me think she knows something and I can't get it out my head and on top of that I've been dodging Keshaun he's been blowing up my phone up since Marshawn got arrested I know what he's calling for but I'm scared to pick up.

I thought to myself when I had to pee

"Can I go to the restroom before the bell?"I asked the substitute and she nodded

"Take your stuff if you don't make it back." She said so I took my things and went to the restroom as I got down the hall Keshaun was calling my phone again so I turned it off

Four minutes later...

Nashaé just got done flushing the toilet; she walked to the sink then put her phone down on the sink next to the one she was using and ran the water when she heard the door open and close then it lock she looked up in the mirror and seen Keshaun standing there mad

It was a awkward silence; Nashaé had her phone on the sink she reached for it but Keshaun threw it at the mirror breaking it as Nashaé headed for the door Keshaun ran behind her as she tried to unlock it but he caught her

NaShaé tried hitting and yelling but Keshaun grabbed her behind and pushed her away from the door

"What do you want?!"Nashaé yelled as water was overflowing the sink with her books

Keshaun walked to Nashaé as she backed up to the sink as he stood over her

"How long have you known that Marshawn and his boys was the ones who shot at me?"

"I didn't."Nashaé said then Keshaun slammed his hand against the other mirror breaking it

"You standing here in my face and telling me that shit when you heard about it that it didn't make you wonder!?" Keshaun said as Shaé couldn't speak

"Hello, answer me!"Keshaun said grabbing Nashaé's face

"Yes it came across my mind but-..."

"But what...fuck it right as long it's wasn't you or somebody you love!" Keshaun yelled as Shaé was crying

"I-.." Shaé said when Keshaun caught her off

"I should've known when I told you me and that nigga wasn't cool you was still trying to befriends with the nigga because you didn't get it then and you still don't fucking get it!" Keshaun said as Shaé began to stress

"You never told me truth until it was to late get the fuck out of here!" Shaé argued back

"You want the truth!?" Keshaun asked backing back from her and Shaé nodded wiping her eye

"I've been protecting, being loyal to you and betraying my family to help you but for what...just for another nigga that got feelings for you to come and shoot at me?" Keshaun said as tears came down his eyes letting all his pain show as Shaé just stood there

"Right nothing to say huh?" Keshaun laughed

"I fooled myself when I was about to ask you to be my wife trying to get us out of this shit that's what Hakeem wanted was for both you and Kami to get the fuck away from here...hints after hints I've been trying to get you to come into the light but I don't know what the fuck is clouding your judgement." He said then walked up to Shaé getting in her face

"You might look grown and do grown shit-..." He said looking at her up and down

"But here and here..." Keshaun said pointing at her heart and her mind

"...you still got some growing to do." He said backing away from her

Shaé tried to grabbed him for a hug but he grabbed her arms

"I'm sorry." She cried

"When you met me you didn't know shit about me and apparently you still don't and probably won't never get that chance to again." Keshaun said letting her go and walking towards the door unlocking it people was standing outside watching

When a the custodian ran in yelling about the water and Shaé ran after Keshaun and pushed him from behind while Kami came on the hall with her friends when some students grabbed Shaé

"You said you loved me but when did you ever show it!?"Shaé said as a a few students held her back when Keshaun noticed Shaé had on the necklace he gave her and stared at it and looked at her

"From the beginning." He said and walked away and Shaé looked at the necklace and put her hand over her mouth and walked back in the restroom as people start to carry on and Kami noticed Ember hiding in the shadows watching this happen she didn't say nothing to Ember


Andre finally made it to the prison and Tom was already waiting on him there when the guards was bringing Melody down the hall Andre didn't wait til they got in the room he went to her

"How come you called The Chief to signed the papers when we leave but we both begged you to sign them in front of us Andre yelled

"Did it really matter the papers are fucking signed and I'm alone thanks for caring now leave me the fuck alone."Melody said nonchalantly when Andre and Tom look at each other

"Take her back." Andre said

The guard was escorted Melody back down the hall as Tom and Andre watched

"Why you looking like that?" Andre asked Tom

"Didn't you tell your Chief to back off and let you handle this since this is your case right?" Tom asked

"Yeah why?" Andre answered

"When?" Tom asked

"When he started wanting to know every little detail to the t."Andre said

"That's not specific enough I need you to try to remember everything he wanted to know something you didn't tell him about the case and he got excessive." Tom said when Andre's phone ringed

"Hello?" He answered

"Wait what-..!?" Andre said as Tom looked at him

"I'm sorry about the damage I'll handle him and the damages." Andre said when the phone hung up

"What?" Tom asked

"Keshaun was arguing with Shaé at school and some water problems." Andre responded

"When that happened?"Tom asked

"A half hour ago." Andre answered

"Am I missing something?" Andre said looking around with a puzzled look on his face

"I don't know but something about today isn't right?" Tom said

"What you mean?" Andre said looking at Tom as Tom's face was in the process of thinking

"I got Cole watching Jaceon's place following Ember and she left and went to school today." Tom asked as Mya came down the hall hanging up the phone

"Sly just demanded to talk to the both of you." Mya said as Tom and Andre gave each other a look

"Somebody is making a moves and it's not us." Andre said as they headed for the door and Mya followed

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