The Symbol Of Hope: My Hero A...

By TheSpectre21

523K 9.8K 7.6K

A world where super powers called "quirks" has become the norm and heroes and villains constantly face off da... More

Chapter 1: First Day Excitement, Potential Debut
Chapter 2: A Desperate Battle, The Symbol's of Peace & Hope Meet
Chapter 3: Clash Between Heroes & Villains, Welcome To Class 1-A
Chapter 4: Old Faces Meet, U.A. Sports Festival
Chapter 5: Dates & Training, Welcome To The U.A. Sports Festival
Chapter 6: Dramatic Finish, Onto The Next Event
Chapter 7: Cavalry Battle Explosion, Shoot For The Ten Million Points!
Chapter 8: Stunning Conclusion, The Real Challenge Begins
Chapter 9: Pride Of The Prince, Epic Conclusion Of The Sports Festival
Chapter 10: Hero Names & Internships, The Worry Of A Friend
Chapter 11: Temporary Heroes, Villainous Sneak Attack
Chapter 12: Villains On The Move Again, True Horror In The Form Of A Killer
Chapter 13: Aftermath Of The Hero Killer, Internship Tag Along
Chapter 14: Back To Classes, The Dreadful Final Exams
Chapter 15: A Scary Encounter, A New Hero Is Born
Chapter 16: Welcome Your New Classmate, Practical Exams
Chapter 17: Shopping Adventure, More Confessions & Fun
Chapter 18: Pool Party, Reflections Of The Past
Chapter 19: Summer Training Begins, A Promise From A Friend
Chapter 20: Ascend To The Next Level, A Better Understanding
Chapter 21: Deadly Ambush, Kota's Hero
Chapter 22: Defend Yourselves From The Villains, A Shocking Turn
Chapter 23: Rescue Operations, Free The Symbol of Hope
Chapter 24: All Might's Final Battle, Here Comes A Mighty Warrior!
Chapter 25: Send em' Running, Number One In The Making
Chapter 26: Moving Into Dorms Pt.1, Brotherly Bond
Chapter 27: Moving Into Dorms Pt.2, The Consequence That Follows The Battle
Chapter 28: Ultimate Move Training, Midoriya's Big Break
Chapter 29: The Test Begins, The First Step To Becoming Pros
Chapter 30: Class 1-A's Struggle, An Angry Super Saiyan
Chapter 31: The First Test Is Over, The Legendary Warrior
Chapter 32: A Love Crime, Flash Before Your Eyes
Chapter 33: A Legend's Destructive Power, Dramatic End To The Provisional Test
Chapter 34: A Hero's Melancholy, Where Has Your Pride As A Warrior Gone?!
Chapter 35: A Level Beyond The Ascended, Acknowledgement Of A Warrior
Chapter 36: Brother-Sister Bonding, Villains of Love
Bio (Update)
Chapter 37: A New Look For A Change, When Confidence Begins To Take Over
Chapter 38: The Unrivaled Third Year, The Hero And The Villain
Chapter 39: Respect For The Upper Class men, U.A's New Top Three
Story Update, Not A Chapter
Chapter 40: A Look Back At The Past, The I-Island Incident Part 1
Chapter 41: I-Expo Invasion, The I-Island Incident Part 2
Chapter 42: To Go Even Further Beyond, The I-Island Incident Part 3
Thank You Everyone
Chapter 43: Hero Work Studies Begin, The Scared Girl & An Angry Prince
Chapter 44: Lingering Pain, Seeking Even More Power
Chapter 45: Life As A Sidekick, Not So Great Introductions
Chapter 46: A Sudden Call Back, Shocking Discoveries Are Made
Chapter 47: The Fated Day Arrives, Commence The Rescue Operation!
Chapter 49: Everything's Gone To Hell,The Decisive Battles of Our Heroes
Chapter 50: Togata Mirio's Efforts & Sacrifice, The Battle Rages On
Chapter 51: The Tables Have Turned, A Dire Situation
Chapter 52: Ryu's Full Power, The Rescue Operation Is Over
Bio (Update 2/Evil You)
Chapter 53: A Hero's Last Wish, Ryu's Growth As A Hero
Chapter 54: U.A's Cultural Festival Is Here! A Chance For Her Happiness
Chapter 55: Excitement For The Upcoming Festival, Eri Arrives To U.A!
Chapter 56: The Invasion Plan Of U.A, The Cultural Festival Has Arrived!
Chapter 57: A Gentle Downfall, The Cultural Festival's Explosive Beginning
Chapter 58: Back Together Again, Welcome Home Super Saiyan
Chapter 59: Riku Back Into The Fray, Elite Warrior's True Desire
Chapter 60: Elite Warrior & Endeavor's Final Push, An Unforgivable Act
Chapter 61: The Ultimate Clash of Titans, Warriors With Overwhelming Power
Not A Chapter, Check This Out!
Chapter 61.5 (Special): The Nabu Island Conflict
Chapter 61.5 (Part II): The Nabu Island Conflict
Chapter 61.5 (Part III): The Nabu Island Conflict
Chapter 61.5 (Finale): The Nabu Island Conflict
Chapter 62: Back On The Grind

Chapter 48: The Enemy's Trap, A Dangerous Foe Awaits

2.5K 80 10
By TheSpectre21

"I want the girl..." Ryu said as he fired his Big Bang Attack point blank at the villain.

A bright ball of energy blasted out from his palm as the villain was sent flying into the building, following a large explosion that sent more members inside flying.

"Ryu! Stop! Stick to what we've got!" You yelled. 

"Ryu-kun! If you do this, you might kill her, too!" He tried to reason.

"SILENCE!" Ryu yelled as he aimed his blast towards Midoriya. "You heard the chief during the explanation! They've kept her hidden underground! I'll just level the entire building above and dig down to grab her safe and sound! Now you listen to me! What happens to these weakling criminals or any of these other weak bastards behind us is none of my concern! The strongest will find a way to survive and the weaklings shall perish! I will get in there and save the girl no matter how much blood I have to spill!" Ryu yelled.

Suddenly, he was struck from the back and knocked out completely as his energy died down. Everyone looked to see you had struck him in the back of the neck in your transformed state and grabbed him by the shirt before tossing him to a few of the police.

"If you do that, then I'm sorry but you won't be a hero like that." You said to Ryu as he laid unconscious. "All right, stick to the plan. Hado, Uravity, Froppy, 21, stay here and provide support with Ryukyu. Mirio, Amajiki, Kirishima, Midoriya, and everyone else, we find Eri-chan and bring down these bastards once and for all? Got it?" You asked everyone.

"Got it!" They all replied as you turned towards the main entrance that was lit aflame.

"All right, let's go!" You said as you ran inside with everyone following you.


Suddenly, more yakuza members ran up and tried to stop the police and you all.

"HEY, HEY, HOLD IT! WHO THE HELL'RE YOU?! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" A member of the gan asked an officer.

"LIKE WE SAID, THIS IS AN INVESTIGATION!" The officer yelled in his face.

Suddenly, pros were pouring in and subduing the gangsters and everyone else who interfered. You pushed and beat the gangsters who got in your way and after pushing through, you kicked down the main door to the building.

"They're coming at us to buy time! Let's hurry!" You said as you ran with everyone else following behind you.

"This's an urgent situation, so sorry for trackin' in dirt!!!" Fat Gum yelled as you all ran through the halls. "Forget about watchin' out for any "suspicious behavior," this is way beyond that!" He yelled.

"Yo, I'm gettin' a REAL bad feeling about this! Not that we've got any choice but to keep going now that the mission's on." Lockrock said while running.

"I bet this means the info got leaked from somewhere...and I don't like how we're all just lumped together..." Amajiki said.

"Then we need to find a way to be smarter about avoiding their attacks. They must be united in purpose on a routine basis." The chief spoke up as another one of his officers held back a gangster.

"Once they've crossed sake cups, their vows of loyalty to their boss are sealed. They probably feel inferior so they emphasize the kind of unity you'd see in gangs of bygone days." Aizawa said.

"Given all this commotion...and the fact that neither Chisaki nor his top brass have shown themselves...They must be in the basement, preparing to hide everything or to escape." Amajiki mentioned.

"You call that loyalty!? A real man would never push all the responsibility on his henchmen and escape!" Kirishima yelled in rage over the topic of loyalty.

"Damn straight!" Fat Gum agreed with him.

"Here it is." Nighteye said as you all came to a stop.

You were stood in front of a wall that had a little shrine like decoration and a vase in the middle.

"Under this vase there's a mechanism to open a hidden pathway. If we push on these wooden panels in a certain order, it'll open." He said as you took a step in front of him.

"No time, plus I feel the energies of three people waiting on the other side. Everyone, cover your ears." You said as everyone stepped back and did so. "HAAAAAA!" You yelled.

You blasted the secret door open and a pathway was revealed through the wall along with the three gangsters, who were now unconscious, you felt earlier.

"It's like a ninja's house!" Bubble Girl said.

"If we weren't looking for it we'd never notice." Centipeder said.

"Everyone be wary of the quirks that have yet to show themselves. Bubble Girl, Centipeder, stay here and guard the entrance." Nighteye said as they nodded and you all began to rush into the secret pathway.

"Wow that was fast...!" Kirishima said in surprise.

"Let's go!" Midoriya said as they ran and caught up behind you.

After passing through, you traveled down a set of stairs and once you rounded the corner though, you were met with a dead end.

"Look!! It's a dead end!" The chief said in shock. "We WE'RE going the right way, right?!" He asked.

"Explain yourself, Nighteye!" Lockrock said.

"I'll go take a look!" Mirio said as he removed his head piece.

"Lemillion-senpai, wait--You'll lose all your clothes again...!" Kirishima called to him as he phased through the wall and Amajiki placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Mirio's costume is line with special fibers made from his hair. It's designed to be able to phase with him whenever he activates his quirk." Amajiki reassured as he came back through to you guys.

"This wall was just thrown up to block the way! Though it's very very thick." Mirio said.

"Guess even stuff like that is possible if Chisaki can disassemble and reassemble at will." Lockrock said.

"Damn cheap trick..." Fat Gum said.

"Midoriya, Kirishima, give me a hand." You said as the three of you walked up to the wall.

"It's as good as telling us he'd hate it if we were able to get there!" Midoriya said as he readied his kick.

"You're right!!" Kirishima agreed as he hardened his fist. "They're takin' us too lightly if they think this'll be a hindrance!! Red Gauntlet!!" He yelled while throwing his left fist.

"One for All: Full Cowl!! Shoot Style!!" Midoriya yelled.

You threw your fist at the same time as they attacked and the three of you blew apart the wall in an instant as another path was revealed to you all.

"...And they've gone and done it. Not bad..." Lockrock admitted.

"Got to it before us." Fat Gum said in surprise and satisfaction.

"Let's move on..." Mirio said.

Just as you all stepped into the new hallway though, there was sudden movement in the entire area you were in.  Back at the secret entrance, Bubble Girl and Centipeder both turned around in shock as the entrance was suddenly closed.

"AH, THE PATH...!" Bubble Girl yelled as it closed.

"Hold up! What is this!?" Kirishima yelled as the entire hallway you were in began to warp and shift crazily.

"The path!! It's shifting, twisting!!" The police chief yelled. "This ain't Chisaki...It's warping! And it may seem unthinkable,'s gotta be Irinaka, the chief of headquarters!" He yelled.

"But this is way too much for him to be able to handle! The most he should be able to slip into and manipulate is an object about the size of a refrigerator...If he got a reeaaally ginormous boost then it ain't outta the question...A quirk that allows its user to enter objects and control them freely...!! "Mimicry!" Fat Gum yelled.

"He's slipped into the concrete that makes up the basement floor and become a living labyrinth...!!!" The chief said.

You clenched your fist as you grew a bad feeling from the energy that you were sensing.

"It's feint...but there is someone strong's one of them...I know it..." You thought before shaking your head. "What if I blast the floor?" You asked.

"Don't, you'll make the basement cave in and trap us all." Nighteye warned you as you returned to your normal state.

"I was watchin' out for what he mighta turned into, but I never thought he'd become the whole basement! The burden on his body won't be small, that's for sure..." Fat Gum said before turning to Aizawa. "Can't you erase it, Eraser!?!" He asked.

"Not unless I see the user's body, no..." He replied.

"If the pathway keeps changing...we'll never reach our goal...And during that time, they can prepare any number of escape routes. Dealing with all of this instantaneously...deciding a course of's no good, I can't..." Amajiki was muttering to himself in despair of the situation. "It won't only be the girl we can't save. We also will be...!!" He muttered before getting interrupted.

"Tamaki!!" Mirio called him as he got his attention. "That's not gonna happen! You are Suneater! Not to mention, all this is a stopgap measure! No matter how much he warps the passage, as long as I know the right direction I can get there!" He said as you all turned towards him.

"Lemillion!" Nighteye called him.

"Senpai!" Midoriya tried to stop him.

"Don't--!!" Your hand missed grabbing him as he ran ahead and towards the wall.

"They're just buying time, cuz they know as well as we do this is a race! I'll go on ahead!!" He yelled as he phased through the wall.

"Mirio...!!" Amajiki called his name as he watched him disappear into the wall.

Suddenly though, the floor opened beneath you all and your group fell through a massive hole and into a room under the floor you were on. Aizawa shot back up as he looked at the hole above.

"The way back up...It's closed." He said as the hole closed up above you. "However...we only fell about a single floor down...not enough to kill us on impact..." He said as he examined the room you were all in.

You groaned as you sat up and rubbed your head and looked to see you were in some giant gathering hall as the dust stirred from the concrete being moved and broken up.

"A hall...?" Midoriya asked while helping up an officer.

"We're getting farther and farther away from our objective! They've got us right in their hands!!" Lockrock said as a voice that you all didn't know spoke up.

"Well well well, what do we have here? The authority of the government, fallen from the sky?" Someone asked creepily as you all turned around and saw three figures emerge from the dust, and which you all assumed were yakuza members or members of Chisaki's main guards.

The first you saw was a lean young man who has light hair with bangs that cover the right side of his face. His eyes had prominent dark circles around them and he wore a beak-shaped mask. The next was someone who wore a ragged burlap mask that covered his entire head and was held by a rope knot located around his neck. The mask had two openings from were his eyes were visible and a stitched Glasgow smile. The last one you saw was a bald, muscular man with shadowed eyes and no hair on his face or head. His wore a mask that seemed to be a simple medical mask that he wore over his mouth.

"Great, it's the welcome party..." You said as you got into a defensive stance.

"Looks like you're itching for an all-out war here...! All right then, I hope you pros'll show me their strength..." Fat Gum said before Amajiki suddenly stuck his hand out.

"I'll show you the strength of a pro--To achieve our goal...!! The only one who's needed to take down these time-eating pawns..." He said as he tightened his gloves that he wore. " me." He said while glaring at the villains. "As for this attempt for them to buy more time...I can handle it alone." He said to everyone's shock.

"What the hell're you saying!? Let's work together!!" Kirishima yelled at him.

"Yeah, you heard him. Work together. I'll make quick work of you all." The one with a beak nose said.

"It's Setsuno! We won't be able to shoot with this guy around! Heroes, it's up to you!" The police chief yelled as Setsuno threw his hand out towards you all.

"The secret's out, eh? Well, no matter. It just makes it that much easier...for me to run wild!" Setsuno yelled.

"Not if I have anything to say about it. Drop the sword." Aizawa said as he erased his quirk.

"It's not working!?" Setsuno yelled.

"Quirk erasure...similar to Eri's deterioration quirk. I had heard there was a hero like that out there." The one with a medical mask said as he pulled out a pistol and Setsuno readied his sword.

"Your blades and guns won't work on me! They'll sink right into my body! So give up, for your own sake!" Fat Gum yelled while getting in the way.

"Empty threats like that only work on people who hold their own lives dear!" Setsuno yelled as they went to attack.

"Now that Eraser is holding them down, our weapons will work! Admit defeat, and surrender immediately!" The chief demanded them.

Suddenly, one of your group rolled in towards them and a set of octopus tentacles came out from the person and wrapped each one of them up while grabbing their weapons.

"Larceny" Setsuno. "Crystallization" Hojo. "Meal" Tabe. I'll be your opponent." Amajiki said as he was the one who grabbed them. "I ate my fill of takoyaki at Fat's office, so m octopus proficiency levels are at their peak...And I'm also extremely wary of weapons like these, now that I've been shot once." He said as he crushed their weapons into parts. "It's pointless to waste time taking these guys on. We've got plenty of pro heroes on the premises. This situation...It's exactly what we wished for." He told you all.

"But Amajiki...!" Kirishima called him.

"This is a contest of speed! We cannot afford to waste even a single second! You should keep the pro's quirks in reserve for what's to come! Especially Eraser's! You'll also need the power to break through these twisting underground passages! And the police with their guns! Fatgum! I can shut these three out myself!" Amajiki yelled as Fatgum put his hand on Kirishima's back and began to move him.

"Let's get a move on! Through that door!" He yelled as you all saw the door behind the gangsters.

"Fat!" Kirishima yelled at him in disagreement but couldn't resist his push enough.

"Hey, hey, hey! Wait up, wait up!" Setsuno yelled as he tried to use his quirk again but Aizawa used his first. "Again...!" He thought in shock.

There were three hard crashes as everyone saw you with your fist balled and their heads hung as they went unconscious.

"That'll make it a little easier for ya. Good luck." You said as you ran off with the others and he tightened his octopus restraints around them.

"Everyone!" He called you all as you looked back. "Take care of Mirio for me! He'll...definitely do something rash, so be sure to help him out!" He requested as the door opened and everyone began to run inside.

"You got it!" You yelled as you followed everyone else.

As you were running and leaving Amajiki behind to deal with the criminals, Kirishima spoke up in worry.

"Senpai...Is he gonna be okay...? Damn, I can't help but worry." Kirishima said while running.

"Yeah..." Midoriya agreed.

"Hey, it'll be okay." You said while catching you friends attention. "The moment he turned his back, believing in them is what it means to be manly! But even then, senpai'll be all right, have faith!" You said.

"Yeah! He'll do just fine! He's our senpai!" Kirishima agreed quicker than you expected.

"Wait, now it just looks like you're a guy who's easily swayed!" Midoriya said in shock of how quick he changed moods.

"I'm still worried, but there's nothing for it, we gotta believe in him!!" Kirishima said.

"We can't waste a single second of the time Suneater's given us to work with!" Fat Gum said as you noticed the police chief and Lockrock were both annoyed from their yelling.

"Let's go back up." Nighteye said.

"Take those stairs!" Fat Gum said as you all moved towards the stairs at the end of the hall.

"Something's not right." Aizawa spoke up as you looked at him. "It's strange that the villain who was warping the basement hasn't shown any signs of movement." He said as you were surprised as well.

"That's's not twisting like before back up stairs...!" You said.

"We're charging ahead to no obstacles. If he's not going to come try to impede us now...Then it may mean that he can't exactly grasp what's happening across the entire basement floor and warp it. There's also the police squad that was left behind above Suneater. Maybe it's them...His attention is probably focused in that direction." He said as everyone looked around the hall.

"So the range he's aware of is limited?" Lockrock asked.

"Ultimately, that's just my guess. He entered the underground and is manipulating it. He hasn't become it. If he's just moving through the walls, all the while watching and listening, when he changes things to hinder our progress, there's a possibility his real body is somewhere nearby. And then, his body may peek out, eyes and ears probing..." He said.

All of a sudden, the wall next to you all was manipulated and a pillar of concrete shot out towards Aizawa as a hole on the other wall opened up and he was being pushed into it.

"Eraser!" Fat Gum yelled as he jumped in and pushed Aizawa out of the way.

"Fat!!" Aizawa yelled as he shot out his restraints to try and grab him.

"If we play right right into his hands then the time Tamaki bought us'll come to nothing, Eraser! You've gotta erase him!" Fat Gum yelled.

"Sorry!" Aizawa yelled in regret.

"Don't worry 'bout it!!!" Fat yelled as he disappeared into the hole and it was plugged by the concrete that pushed him.

Play Song At Top

"Shit!" You yelled as you punched the wall and cracked it.

"Don't stop now. Keep moving." Aizawa said before you took a look around and noticed Kirishima was gone.

"Where's Kirishima?" You asked as everyone looked around before you all stared at the hole. "Dammit!" You yelled.

"Fat'll take care of him! Let's get going!" Lockrock said as everyone bolted up the stairs.

Midoriya placed a hand on your shoulder as you gritted your teeth.

"We can only trust in what the pros and police say, let's go." He said as he ran off ahead.

"No...That's not it..." You said as felt an energy that disturbed you. "I don't want to believe it...But...I know that energy all too well..." You said as turned around and ran towards the stairs with the others. "You're here aren't you..." You thought as you could remember the image of the person you were feeling and gritted your teeth.

"Hehehehehe...Yes, keep coming for us. I'm waiting for you..." Buu thought while standing in the middle of a hallway as Chisaki walked pass him and in the arms of his henchman behind him was little Eri. 

"It's time you went to work transfer temps." Chisaki said while walking by Buu, Twice, and Toga.

"Sure will~" Toga said happily.

"Leave it to us, Overhaul." Twice said.

Buu smiled widely as he felt your energy growing closer and closer.

"Yes, come, Super Saiyan. The time has finally arrived. The time..."































"...Where I finally kill you...!"

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