Stellaride behind the flames

By myersa81

79.8K 852 172

These are one shots based off of the episode in season six and what happens in each and what I think Stella... More

After the road trip pt 1
Authors note
After the road trip pt 2
Aurthor note
Friendship can turn to somthing else
A fire within
The moring glow
Authors note
Keeping the sercet
Meet the mom part 1
Autor's note
Meet the mom pt 2
Authors note
Meet the mom pt 3
Authors note
Teasting the waters pt1
Testing the waters pt2
First date and meeting the ex-girlfriend
Ex- girlfriend pt1
Putting the past behind me pt 1
Putting the past behind me part 2
Putting the past behind me part 3
authors note
just us being happy
all I care about is Stella part 1
All i care about is stella part 2
Being Detectives for the day
Autors note
Meeting stella's friend
I love you
Saying the final goodbyes
Learning to move on
Hitting a bump in the road
I can't do this anymore
Working past a break up with a coworker
Authors note
Realize how much i care
Trust your gut
Where do we go form here
Strom on the inside and out of the firehouse
I am here for you anytime
You're the one he needs right now
Better man
New beginnings
Its scary
Badass stella
Push to the limit part 1
Push to the limit part 2
Just the two of us
Happy birthday kelly
Stella is the best
Find your people
Girls on fire part 1
girls on fire Part 2
Girls on fire part 3
A future leader
Set back
Over it
Presure getting to me
Bringing back memories
Change is okay
Happy anniversary stellaride 
Being inspired
You got this kelly severide
You are so strong
Did i pass the test
Im never gonna leave you
My  fiancé
something for the fans
Firehouse is my family
season 10
Where is stella
Are we okay
Helping a fellow firefighters part 1
Helping a fellow firefighter out part 2
You are an inspiration Stella kidd 
Thinking of my past
 i'm scared to lose you 
Leadership disagreement
weirdness before the wedding
The wedding day is finally here
I have something to tell you
Finale thoughs
Married life
Helping a friend move pasted the hard part
Helping a troubled young girl and her mom
Married fire cops
A proud moment
Leadership differences
Taking the control back
The aftermath 
The missing parts of the aftermath 
We are in this together
Working on our trust again
Doing this on my own
I can finally breathe again

Dealing with a lot of stuff

654 7 1
By myersa81

Kelly's pov: it's been a couple days since I talk to my dad about how grosch is acting toward us at 51 and I ask him to help us because we all are miserable at work with him here. I ask him to talk to grissom to see if he can take grosch away from the firehouse so we can finally breath again. And of course right now this shift is the worse since he got here everting that can go wrong is going wrong. I just hoped my dad can get back to me so I know he help me out for the first time in my life.
Later in the shift
While I am doing nothing I get a text from my dad saying he has some information and tells me to meet him at a diner for breakfast when I get off shift in the morning
The next morning
Shift ended and I go straight to the diner he wanted to meet at and of course I get their first. So I just order me a coffee and just look over the newspaper until he shows up. About two hours after waiting on him to show up I gave up and went home. I can't believe I had hoped he would show up and he disappointed me like always.

Stella's pov: we are on shift today and it's been pretty quiet right now. And all I am thinking about is Kelly because he told me about how his dad wanted to meet up and then stood him up. Kelly always has a not so good relationship with his dad and he always seem to walk away from his talk with pain even if he try's not to feel anything about what his dad says. I feel bad because Kelly always seem to try to be the better person and he gets her hope up all the time. He definitely a better man then Benny for sure. So I decide to go check on him and how he doing ( Stella knocks on Kelly's office doors and goes in)

S= hey heard from Benny ( Kelly shakes his head no) I'm sorry
K= ah it's typical
S= yeah but don't beat yourself up I mean you were trying to help the firehouse you did the right thing
K= did I !!!
S= you know what I'm just going to get out of your hair
K= Stella!!!

Stella's pov cont. once Kelly kinda yelled at me I just left because he has his own ways of dealing with stuff and I don't want him to get mad at me for some reason. It's sucks I am trying to be there but he has a hard time opening up to people. So for now I am just going to be here when he wants to come to me.

Kelly's pov: I hate that I kinda yelled at Stella I know she is trying to help and she was just checking to make sure I was doing ok and that's why she is the best and why I love her so much nobody has ever been like Stella before. About 10 minutes later as I am still sitting in my office doing paperwork when my phone starts to ring so I answer it and it was med and they said Benny was just admitted into the hospital so I told them I will be right there. Once I came out of my office I ran into Matt and he asked me what's going on

Mc= what's up
K= tell boden I had to go to med
MC= what is it
K= Benny had a stroke
As I am driving to med I am freaking out a little bit. I hope he doesn't die at all or before I get there to see him I feel bad for the way we left things. Once I get inside I go find a nurse and ask what room my day is in and she said she will go look. Once she walks away I here my name being called.
Ab= Lieutenant severide
K= yeah
AB= i'm sorry we did everything we could your father passed away 10 minutes ago
K= what
AB= I'm so sorry
All of sudden it hit me and now I realize that my dad is dead

Matt's pov: once Kelly told me what is happing with Benny I went to boden's office to tell him what's up and he said I should tell everybody else while he calls med to get an update on Benny. So I gather everybody around but Stella I some how couldn't find her so I told them the news and then I told Brett to go find Stella and tell her since she a good friend of Stella.

Brett's pov: once Matt told me the news about Benny and told me to go find Stella and tell her the news. I went to find her in the bathroom.
SB= hey Stella
S= what's up you look sad what's going on
SB= well med just called Kelly and told him that Benny was just brought to the hospital because he had a stroke.
S= wait what I got to go be there for Kelly
SB= yea I am sure Matt will understand
( they run to the apparatus floor)
S= casey hey can I
MC= yes of course I'll cover for you
S= thank you
(Once Stella walk always cheif came out and had an update on Benny)
CB= can I have everybody's attention please just received word from Chicago med Benny severide died before Kelly couldn't make it over there he's gonna need your support right now
Stella's pov: once casey told me I can go I hurry up and got in my car and drive as fast as I can to med and park my car and walk inside trying to find Kelly. At first I couldn't find him but then I find him standing against the wall in a State of shock so I go over to him
S= hey what's going on
K= he died
S= oh my god Kelly ( she hugs him) come on let's sit down over there
K= I don't know what happened
S= shhh it's OK you don't have to talk about it right now we can just sit here until you're ready to talk

They sit there for a few minute just sitting by each other and comforting each other when the firehouse walks in

MC= what happened
K= The cleaning lady at his place came in and he had been alone for
( Maggie comes out to get him )
NM= Kelly can you come with me please
( Kelly and Maggie walk away from the group and the new chaplain comes in)
CPS= came as soon as I heard
MC=. Chaplin
CPS= where is that Lieutenant
MC= they took him back
CPS= OK listen I know I don't know much of you but I have been in this position before and I know that when one person in the firehouse loses a parent the whole house grieves. All I can tell you is what your brother needs right now he need your love he needs your sympathy and he needs to know you care your think he's aware of these things already but he can't hear them enough trust me

Once chaplain did his speech Stella got up and went to find Kelly and just be there for him
About half and hour later Stella comes out to the waiting room and tells them how Kelly is doing
S= hey they ask Kelly where to deliver the remains so he looked a bit overwhelmed but he wanted me to tell you not to wait around because you know he knows how you are guys are and he also wants me to say that if we take it to Herman's house he will join us later
H= it's good by me I'll let Cindy know
S= all right
Sb= hey how are you doing
Mc= you want me to take him
S= um no no I can stay
MC= all right just make sure he comes he shouldn't be alone
S= yeah of course i will
MC= all right lets regroup at Herman's

Stella pov: once everybody left I just stayed in the waiting room for a few more seconds to gather myself together before I go fine Kelly

Kelly's pov: once I figured out what to do with my dad's buddy I tell Stella let the others know and to tell them to go to Herman's house and that I will join them later on while she does that I go down to the chapel that's in the hospital and just sit there to think and just be alone for a few seconds by myself. After about an half hour chief shows up and sits by me and starts talking

K= The last thing I said to him was that you were a better father to me than he ever was and then he does nothing I asked him for one thing despite every alarm bell in my head telling me not to it's the same old Benny

CB= you don't know
K= I don't know what
CB= Your father stepped in Kelly he stepped up with Grissom I've just spoken with the commissioner he met with him personally talked about the situation and 51 about how it's not only affected me but the whole house how it affected you every bit of goodwill every piece of political capital and every favor he was ever a owned he put it on the line to appeal to the commissioner to back off of 51 and it worked grosch is gone your father told Grace that I am the type of leader who molds good men into great ones and that you Kelly you're all the poop he needs to know that that is true goes with exact words of your father

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