harry potter gif series; 'fel...

By starlordesses

616K 14.1K 3.9K

"every human life is worth the same, and worth saving." a starlordesses gif series about harry potter More

[1] Harry Potter
[2] Hermione Granger
[3] Hermione Granger
[4] Draco Malfoy
[5] Tonks + Harry
[6] Cedric Diggory
[7] Sirius Black
[8] Remus Lupin
[9] Draco Malfoy
[10] Luna Lovegood
[11] Ron Weasley
[12] Harry Potter
[14] Ginny Weasley
[15] Oliver Wood
[16] Oliver Wood
[17] Draco Malfoy
[18] Lucius Malfoy
[19] Narcissa Malfoy
[20] Hagrid
[21] Fleur Delacour
[22] Sirius Black
[23] Remus Lupin
[24] James Potter
[25] Remus + James
[26] Fred + George
[27] Hermione Granger
[28] Cho Chang
[29] Ron Weasley
[30] Ron Weasley
[31] Viktor Krum
[32] Nymphadora Tonks
[33] Sirius Black
[34] Hermione Granger
[35] Harry Potter
[36] Harry Potter
[37] Draco Malfoy
[38] Sirius Black
[39] Draco Malfoy
[40] Lucius Malfoy
[41] Neville Longbotom
[42] Hermione Granger
[43] Harry Potter
[44] Draco Malfoy
[45] Hermione Granger
[46] Ron Weasley
[47] Harry Potter
[48] Hermione Granger
[49] Draco Malfoy
[50] Ron Weasley
[51] Remus + Sirius
[52] Fred + George
[53] Lily Potter
[54] Hermione Granger
[55] Hermione Granger
[56] Harry Potter + Ron Weasley
[57] Marauders
[58] Harry Potter
[59] Wolfstar
[60] Remus Lupin
[61] Fred + George
[62] Sirius Black
[63] James Potter
[64] Marauders
[65] James Potter
[66] Fred + George Weasley
[67] Remus Lupin
[68] Hermione Granger
[69] Hermione Granger
[70] Severus Snape
[71] Cedric Diggory
[72] Lily Potter
[73] Harry Potter
[74] Ron Weasley
[74] Hermione Granger
[75] Ron + Harry
[76] Draco Malfoy
[77] Harry Potter
[78] Sirius Black
[79] Draco Malfoy
[80] Luna Lovegood
[81] Slytherins
[82] Oliver Wood
[83] Harry Potter
[84] Blaise Zabini
[85] Cho Chang
[86] Neville and Luna
[87] Voldemort
[88] Oliver Wood
[89] Sirius Black
[90] Remus Lupin
[91] The Golden Trio
[92] Nymphadora Tonks
[93] Ron
[94] Seamus
[95] Remus Lupin
[96] Harry Potter
[97] Blaise Zabini + Draco Malfoy
[98] Draco
[99] Pansy park
[100] Harry Potter
[101] Draco Malfoy
[102] Neville
[102] Hermione Granger
[103] Ron Weasley
[105] James Potter
[106] Ron + Hermione
[107] Hermione Granger
[108] Hermione Granger
[110] Oliver Wood
[111] Draco Malfoy
[112] Hermione Granger
[113] Lily Evans
[114] Harry Potter
[115] Cedric Diggory
[116] James Potter
[117] wolfstar
[118] Draco Malfoy

[109] Sirius Black

3.7K 73 31
By starlordesses

You and Sirius are in a relationship.


"Sirius," you said with a troubled look plastered on your face, "we aren't made for each other. We—" you pointed between your boyfriend and yourself, "—are the complete opposites. You are brave, outgoing and—"

"Let me cut you off right there, even though I love you talking about me," he said, lightening the situation with small joke. "We may be completely different from each other, but that doesn't change the fact that I love you."

"I love you, [your full name]. Even though we are two sides of a coin, I love you, even though there's a war coming and I know you'd rather stay safe and I'd rather fight, I love you."

You looked Sirius in the eye, you almost never saw this side of him, he always hides it behind the playful mischief side.

Your boyfriend put his hand out for you to take it, "are you willing to stay with me even though it will be hard and we will have fights?"

You took his hand and said, "of course I am, I love you."


Are you going to do something for Valentine's Day?

Sorry for not publishing last night I had absolutely no inspiration.

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Harry Potter gif series Enjoy :) All rights for the characters and gifs go to there respectable owners!