[74] Hermione Granger

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You are a Hufflepuff

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You are a Hufflepuff. You could be very harsh and stand up for your friends but never for yourself. You made the mistake of telling Hermione about what Draco said.


"Mione it wasn't that bad. I mean just a couple of words, they don't do harm," you told her trying to keep her from storming to Draco. Let me tell you something you weren't doing a good job.

She just kept a stern face and walked faster. "He can't say that sort of things. He isn't more important or has more right to go to Hogwarts. If you aren't doing this for you, you should do it for all those other students."

You nodded she had a point. She walked up to Draco, you stayed a little bit behind. You couldn't exactly hear what they were saying, but Hermione quickly turned around, until.

"Protecting that mudblood friend of yours. Mudbloods got to stick together don't they?" He looked at a friend next to him.

Hermione was having none of it. "You! You, foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach."

Instead of doing it the wizard way and hexing him. She punched him in the face. She immediately turned around to you.

"Sorry, I know you hate violence," she apologized but didn't feel bad at all for what she did. She would do it again.

"Doesn't matter. He needed it." You laughed.


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