The Runaways: Industrial Revo...

By Hermioneabba

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(Completed) A/N- Don't forget to vote for each chapter if you liked them. William Everett and James Marshall... More

Chapter 1. James' POV
Chapter 2. William's POV
Chapter 3. James' POV
Chapter 4. William's POV
Chapter 5. James' POV
Chapter 6. William's POV
Chapter 7. James' POV
Chapter 8. William's POV
Chapter 9. William's POV / James' POV
Chapter 10. William's POV
Chapter 11. James' POV
Chapter 12. James' POV
Chapter 13. William's POV
Chapter 14. James' POV
Chapter 15. William's POV
Chapter 16. James's POV
Chapter 17. William's POV
Chapter 18. James' POV

James' POV

29 1 2
By Hermioneabba



It had been one year without the friendship of William. My words couldn't quite describe how tormenting this was. I think it was as worse as working in a dull and harsh factory, especially with a supervisor like Phillip roaming inside it. Life had gotten worse as far as I knew. The Luddites had destroyed life more. Them turning against The Industrial Revolution and even destroying some of the technology had gotten on my nerves. I'd rather live in The Industrial Revolution with no technology getting destroyed, than putting up with a bunch of annoying Luddites,trying to protest against the Revolution. The Luddites had gotten worse as years had passed by. I never wanted any if this to occur. It's an outrage!

Last year when Mother and Father found out that I had a knife and blood on my hands, they were utterly shocked at first, but it told them the truth and what had happened to mine and William's friendship and him not believing me. Of course, parents would understand their child's honesty, and so, they believed me. They tried cheering me up and to stay strong, but if couldn't help it. Without William, no matter how bigger our fight gets, I still think he's my friend; at least in my head.

"James dear, you ok?" Father asked me nicely and walked inside my room, and sat next to me on the bed. He gazed into my eyes when I looked at him. I felt my eyes had some years filled inside them. I couldn't be bothered wiping them away.

"Society has gotten worse now. The Luddites, broken friendship etc", I said softly and shakily.

"It has and I agree. The Luddites were destroying mechanical machines the last time I saw them", Father told me honestly.

"But the one thing that has constantly hurt me is broken friendship. I can't live without it!" I wailed and tears started streaming down my face.

Father bought me closer to him and I leaned my head against his.

"Oh, I understand what occurred and we definitely believe you. Whoever killed his parents was a loser! Why did that person do it? Surely William's parents were pure innocent", Father said.

"They were innocent, and so am I!" I wailed, again.

"You are, son. Don't worry, your Mother and I believe and will always !" Father said. "By the way, you haven't talked to Maria for a while, have you?" Father asked eagerly.

"Because of the dreadful things that have been occurring, I haven't been getting a chance to visit her. Haven't told her that it wasn't me that killed them. I hope she will believe me", I responded with hope and crossed my fingers for luck.

"I'm sure she will believe you! She knows you're innocent and she's your friend", Father said.

"But William was my friend and didn't believe me!' I cried out painfully.

"Well, I guess Maria is a girl and girls I think trust people easily", Father replied.

"I guess, if that's a stereotype", I said.

"I think William didn't believe you, because of so much grief and solace, he had too much his mind on his parents and might've not got the chance to forgive or to believe you", Father said sounding intellectual.

I stopped my head on his and directly fixed my eyes into his. I thought what he said was true. Sometimes, when a person is suffering grief, the person maybe doesn't get the chance to pay attention to one another. Father may be correct.

"I think what you're saying is correct", I agreed and gave him a perpetual smile.

"My Aunt said that to me when I was little. My best friend once ignored and didn't believe me that, because he thought I stole his ball of wool. At that time, he had lost his Father and he was deeply saddened. A few days later, he believed me that I didn't steal his ball of wool", Father spoke. "Sometimes, having too much on your mind can distract a person".

"That's a great story. So sad when we lose our loved ones. I deeply feel sorry for William, but it's been a year since he hasn't talked to me", I responded.

"Well, someday, he might talk to your, and realise what he did to his best friend and should apologise for accusing his friend", Father said with a smile and I cuddled into his soothing warmth, closed my eyes tight and rested a bit in his lap.


"James?" A recognisable voice called out from being me. I turned back and saw it was Maria. She looked absolutely pleased, but a bit worried to see me. She rushed towards me and stopped until she was near enough to me. She was staring at me excitedly and looked eager to talk to me. I was glad to see her, since I haven't seen her for a while. Maybe she might wanna help me out in the situations I've been trying to deal with.

"I haven't seen you for a while! You've been ok, right?" Maria asked sounding a bit concerned.

"Society's transformed and broken friendship has tore mentally broken my soul", I said sounding saddened.

"Come, let's sit inside your front yard and discuss this", Maria said and I lead the way to the front yard. We sat down on the grassy surface, where some of the grass was turning light brown.

"Yes, The Luddites have become an issue. So plain stupid to be against such wonderful technology", Maria said sounding angry.

"Yes, that's one of society's issues now, but my issue is friendship-"

"You're sad because William doesn't believe you? You didn't kill his parents?" Maria asked eagerly.

"Yeah, William told you?" I asked.

"Last year, he came over to my house and told me he's so fed up with you", Maria said.

"Yeah, and you probably don't believe I'm innocent because he brainwashed you?" I sadly asked.

"No, no! I so believe you. I know you wouldn't do such thing, because by looking into your eyes, you even looked innocent. I totally believe someone did it to take revenge or to break your friendship with William", Maria said sounding intelligent.

"Whoever that was is just plain jealous and cruel!" I spoke angrily.

"Don't worry, that person shall get a hiding in his life once it is found out that he truly killed two innocent people", Maria said.

"Yeah, agreed!" I responded. "So, how have you and your parents been?"

"They've been great and so have I, but not when they found out yours and William's friendship ended and that how I told them William's parents died, when he told me", Maria said, her voice sounding rather shaky.

"I just want to commit suicide now. The world's totally broken now, and I don't think I can live now with my heart all shattered. I-"

"NO! Don't commit suicide! The world will be broken without you!" Maria begged and her eyes widened with fear.

"Nothing special about me from William's point-of-view, and society's broken now!" I complained like a little child.

"No! Just plesse, don't let that issue bother and affect you yet. Just forget about it, please", Maria said and held my hand to comfort me.

"How can I possibly-"

"Please! I feel this issue has got you depressed, James. Just forget about it. One day, you both may reunite and become the best of friends again", Maria said, her voice sounding confident.

"I'll try to forget all of this, but I just feel like smashing that person into bits who blamed this all on me!" I yelled fiercely and lowered my eyebrows instantly.

"Look, why not come to my house tomorrow and we can have a tea party. That way, it'll cheer you up. I can't watch you suffer the pain anymore. Just please, for my sake and your parent's too, live and stay strong!" Maia begged and gazed into my eyes.

For a few seconds, I looked away to think about what she said, and then. Few seconds later, I fixed my eyes into hers, and I viewed my reflection clearly in her eyes.

"Well, for your sake and for my parents' I will. Thanks for always being there for me!" I thanked and smiled and widly as possible.

"Always wanting to help, remember that", Maria responded nicely.

"I will try to", I spoke a bit weakly.

"Make sure you tell your parents that I've invited you tomorrow for tea. I understand if say say no, completely fine!' Maria said.

"Sure will! Can't wait!" I said eagerly.


Tomorrow was here, and it was the afternoon. I was at Maria's place having the tea party. It was a pleasant one and it was easing and calming me down I guess. There were lots of pasties, cookies, tea drinks and crisps. I mostly ate every kind of those snacks and I drank Green Tea. The Dining Room was once again looking stunning. We were seating in the comfortable chairs, and were having fun. Maria's parents where here too in the Dining Room. They were trying their very hardest to cheer me up by telling me jokes and riddles.

"Nice party! It's easing me down slowly", I said cheerfully.

"It's good to see you're enjoying! I dislike it when I see depressed people. It makes me sad and sorry for them", Maria said sympathetically.

"Look, we can all work together to get you and William reunited", Mr Evans spoke with confidence.

"He'll have to believe you! Good friends do that!' Mrs Evans said courageously as if she was determined to enlist for a war.

"I hope so. Without William for a long time, it's been a hard journey for me", I said shakily.

"Guess what?" Mr Evans said.

"What?" Maria eagerly questioned.

"Phillip hasn't harassed you boys for a year now!" Mr Evans said cheerfully.

"Woah, nice! What ever happened to him? Committed suicide because you and William left the factory?" Mrs Evans said.

"Don't know, but hopefully he committed suicide. He deserved it and it he would hav re-payed his sins for being one cruel human-being", I said, trying to sound confident.

"True too! He'll have to get punished or deserved to get punished in order to re-pay for his sins", Mr Evans said in a stronger voice.

We all laughed heartedly for some moments. Laughing at Phillip was also making me feel better a bit. Hopefully, I can achieve my goal to befriend William again like before.

"You hungry for more snacks, James?" Mrs Evans asked.

"I'm full, thanks!' I replied and gave her a sunshine smile. She smiled back and then looked away.

"Always be welcomed to come to our place, James. This is like your home", Mr Evans politely spoke.

"I will, with the permission from my parents of course!" I responded instantly.

"We actually invite William too and try to tell him to befriend you, again. Obviously, his current answer is [ no]", Mrs Evans said and sighed.

"Well, hopefully it can be changed to a [ yes]", Mr Evans replied and chucked.


Five minutes swiftly passed and there was a 'Knock, knock, knock!' There was a knock at the door and they sounded quite loud. Honestly, when I bang so hard on a door, my knuckles turn red.

"I'll get it!" Mrs Evans said and she stood up from the chair and left the dining room to see who was knocking on the door.

"I wonder who it could be?" Maria asked.

We waited for some moments to pass, and then, there was something not so pleasant.

"STOP, GET OUT OF OUR HOUSE!" Mrs Evans yelled. From my angle, I saw two thin, tall, but strong-looking men wearing plain , navy blue shirts and black jeans. Their features on their face were broad and quite mean-looking. Their eyebrows lowered as my met my face. Woah! They sure looked disgusted when they saw me.

Maria, I and Mr Evans stood up from our chairs and walked a bit closer to them. Mrs Evans backed off so she could be next to Mr Evans.

"We are here to collect James Marshall!" One man said in an utterly deep voice.

"He must be James!" The other man said pointing directly at me. My heart skipped a beat and my stomach felt peculiar. I feel my skin go colder and getting goosebumps. How else could I react? So much was to occur!

"Hey, why are you's here to collect him?" Maria asked unsympathetically and gave the men a disgusted look.

"We're Phillip's guards and he asked us to collect him, becasue he's going back to the factory to work", One of them said. My heart started beating even faster; so fast, that my entire body felt numb and strange. What was I hearing? Why does Phillip want me now? Does he want more revenge or what? But I didn't want to go back! I hate working in the factory! It's pure torture and poverty!

"HEY! Leave the boy alone! He doesn't-"

"Enough!" One of them yelled and gave Mr Evans a dirty look.

"Hey, don't you speak to me like that!' Mr Evans yelled.

"Who are you to be respected? The King?" One of them questioned rudly.

"I'm older than you both! So respect me!" Mr Evans yelled.

"I don't want to go back and to work in an awfully, crowded and a pathetic factory with a pathetic superviror who is a cruel human-being!" I yelled and complained. A few tears then started streaming down my face like a rainfall. My mouth even started dealing numb now; numb enough to prevent me from talking.

"Young man, stop complaining and come with us, or we'll have to excecute you!" One of them said and gave me a dirty look.

"NO! I don't want to go back! Ever since I left that awful factory, I feel freedom and peace! I want more of that, not war!" I wailed like a child.

"Grow up!' One of them yelled and he ran towards me. He harshly and inhumanely grabbed my wrist, twisted it first and dragged me like a wild animal. Ouch! That hurted when he twisted my wrist. As much as Phillip is cruel, his guards are obviously too. I tried to hold back and run away from all this, but the guard was too strong. I was a weakling.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Maria yelled, and tried running towards me to help me, but the other guard stopped her and pushed her back towards Mrs Evans. I looked back and I saw them looked extremely worried. They looked as if they wanted to help me, but they couldn't , becasue they knew the guards would stop them anyway. Maria was crying harshly and so was Mrs Evans. Mrs Evans was holding onto her, but Maria looked as if she was still eager to run after me.

Mr Evans fell down to the ground on his knees. He was looking extremely worried. I seriously tried to get out of this trouble, but the guard had his arm hardly tight onto my wrist. I trikes kicking him behind his legs, but he stopped me like magic.

"LET GO OF ME!" I begged.

"NO!" He snapped back.

"Everyone has the right to have peace and freedom!" I said, trying to outsmart him.

"But a loser like you doesn't!" He outsmarted me and chuckled.

I was pulled away harshly out of the house, leaving the Evans family depressed and worried for me. The doors were shut behind us and darkness was crept in inside of me like a battle. War had begun once again, and facing Phillip again will obviously a nightmare, but what about William? Do you think the guards already captured William and he has to be sent back into the factory too? Maybe this is my chance to reunite with him. Becasue we're stuck in trouble now, he may befriend me! Hopefully this happens.

At least with this situation, there's the good side to it, and it's to do with William, my friend.

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