Special (Naruto fanfiction)


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Naruto and his friends have been playing near the training grounds. When they heard an explosion and realized... More

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Special 31
Not An Update
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Special 12

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I did not know what was going on. I could feel my chakra being taken away from me. I watched as Kimimaru was being held back by all the senseis and the Hokage.

"Naruto! Are you alright?" Sakura said helping me to my feet.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. But what about Kimimaru? What are they doing to her?" I asked confused out of my mind. I watched as they tried to keep their grip on Kimimaru.

"Let her go once I say so." Old man Hokage said.

Everyone nodded and kept her still. Old man Hokage made some hand signs and slammed his plam on Kimimaru's stomach.

"Release her!" He shouted and all the senseis let her go.

I watched as the red chakra around her started to fade away. I could also feel my chakra being returned to me. I watched as Kimimaru scream in pain then at that moment I remembered when I first met her. She screamed just like this and Itachi and I help her calm down.

I jumped over the bars at the same time that Sasuke did. We ran up to Kimimaru but Kakashi tried to stopped us. I was able to get passed him and reach Kimimaru but the Hokage told me not to touch her.

"Naruto, don't move her or touch her right now. She's unstable right now." He said standing in front of me preventing me from getting to her.

"Let me through! She needs me right now!" I yelled trying to get passed him.

"Naruto!" Kimimaru shouted out to me.

"Kimimaru! Don't worry I'm coming!" I said pushing the Hokage out of my way. I didn't care if he was the Hokage. Kimimaru needed me right now.

I ran to her and helped her up to her feet. I could tell she was tired. Her nails and teeth went back to normal but her hair stayed red.

"Naruto. W-Where's Sasuke?" She said trying to look up.

"He's over here." I said walking her over to him.

"Kimimaru! Are you alright?" Sasuke said taking her away from me.

"I c-can't feel my body. I-It feels numb." Kimimaru said before losing consciousness.

"Sasuke give her to me." Kakashi sensei said but Sasuke pushed him away.

"Naruto, come help me with her." Sasuke said as he walked up stairs to the stands.

We walked up to the stands and sat Kimimaru against wall. Sasuke put a strand of her hair behind her ear. He grabbed her hand and squeeze it.

"Alright, the winner of the first match goes to Kimimaru. Now we will continue with the second match." Hayate said pointing at the scoreboard. I looked over at the board and Sasuke's name appeared on it.

"Sasuke, you're next. I'll take care of her while you're fighting." I said tapping his shoulder.

"Alright, I'll be back if she wakes up during my match just tell her that I'm fighting." He before jumping over the bars one last time.

As Sasuke walked to the middle of the arena Kakashi sensei started talking to him. I couldn't tell what they what they were saying.

"Naruto, here." Kiba said handing me his jacket.

"Thanks Kiba but I think I can handle it." I said but he just bended down to wrap his jacket around Kimimaru.

"You're not the only who cares about her you know." He said walking back to his team.

I looked back Kimimaru and whipped blood off her face. While I was about to whip the blood from her cheeks she let a tear fall. I was surprised but then again she almost killed someone.

I was so focused on Kimimaru that I didn't pay attention to Sasuke's fight. I saw some of his moves but I didn't really care. I just wanted Kimimaru to wake up.

"The winner of the second match goes to Sasuke Uchiha." Hayate said and everyone cheered for him.

I noticed Kakashi sensei taking him out of the room. I turned to look at Kimimaru and noticed her move a little. I let out a sigh of relief then walked back to her. I was about to touch her when her head moved and her eyes shot opened.

"No!" Kimimaru shouted standing up and tackling me down on the ground.

She had a kunai in her hand and she hold it against my neck. She regular black eyes were blue and she stared at me in fear.

"Kimimaru! Get off of him." Kiba said pulling her off of me.

"Naruto are you alright?" Sakura asked and I nodded.

"Kimimaru, what's gotten into you!" Kiba shouted at her but she started to cry.


"Where am I?" I asked looking around.

I was in the middle of the arena but everyone was gone. I looked around and I could see was a huge gate in front of me. I tried to touch it but someone grabbed my arm. I turned around to see Itachi.

"Itachi? What's going on? Where am I?" I asked him but he didn't respond.

He turned around and walked away from me. I followed him and I ended up outside in the middle of the village. I looked around at all the villagers but they didn't seem to notice me.

"Hey Kimimaru! Over here!" I heard Sakura calling out to me. I turned around and saw her with a bloody kunai in her hand.

"Sakura why do you have a bloody kunai?" I asked but she just giggled.

"Follow me and I'll show you." She said walking towards the training grounds.

I started to follow her and she just giggled as we walked deeper into the training grounds. As we walked I could feel someone following us. I turned around to see if we were being chased but no was there. I turned around again and noticed Sakura was gone.

"Sakura! Where did you go!?" I shouted but no response.

I started to walk deeper into the training grounds until I found myself in the forest of death. I looked around me but only saw trees and bushes.

"She's useless I don't understand why we even help her." I heard someone say. I walked towards the voices and saw Kiba, Neji and Shikamaru standing in the middle of nowhere.

"Hey guys! Where is everyone?" I asked them but got no response.

"Hey Kiba, Neji, Shikamaru, can you hear me?" I said but they stood still.

I was about to poke Kiba when he slapped me. I looked up at him and he laughed. I looked over at Neji and Shikamaru and they were laughing too. Then I heard someone else laugh and I turned around to see Orochimaru.

"Well, if it isn't Kimimaru. Or should I say my little experiment." He said walking up to me. I tried to run but Kiba, Neji and Shikamaru stopped me.

"Let me go!" I shouted then I heard four loud thud. I opened my eyes slowly to see them lying motionless on the ground.

"Kiba? Neji? Shikamaru?" I said crouched down to move them. I moved them and I saw red blood coming of them.

"Oh my god! What happened!?" I shouted.

"You killed them." I turned around to see Zabuza and Haku.

"What? No, I didn't. They were holding me back and I tried to get away from them. And the next thing I knew was that they were dead!" I yelled.

"Why Shira? Why?" I heard them.

I looked at them I noticed them bleeding. They fell to the ground and I saw myself behind them with my blade covered with red blood.

"Why did you make me do it? Why!?" She yelled at me and I covered my ears and close my eyes.

"Kimimaru, wake up sleepy head." I heard Naruto's voice. I opened my eyes slowly to see Naruto and Saskue looking at me.

"Hey, are you alright?" Sasuke asked and I just stared at him.

"Give her some room." Kakashi sensei said pushing them away from me.

"Thank goodness you're wake." Kiba said smiling at me.

"Where am I?" I asked looking around.

"The Chunin Exams." Sakura, Ino and Hinata said at the same time.

"You scared us a little. We really thought you were dead." Ten Ten said helping me to my feet.

"Are you alright Kimimaru?" Shikamaru asked me.

"I think so." I said rubbing my head.

"Are you sure?" Neji asked and I nodded.

"I'll be fine. I think my just tired that's all." I replied.

"They you should sit down. Here sit." Lee said pulling up a chair for me to sit down.

"Thanks guys." I said and they nodded.

"Now we can kill you." Kurenai sensei said cheerfully.

"What did you say Kurenai sensei?" I asked and she gave me a smile.

"Tie her up." Asuma sensei said.

"What? No." I said standing up but Kiba and Sasuke pushed me back down.

"Hurry guys!" Kiba shouted.

"No! Let me go!" I shouted as they tied me up.

"There she's all tied up." Gai said smiling at everyone.

"Naruto, you do it." Kakashi said looking at Naruto then at me.

"Yeah! Naruto!" Choji said eating some of his chips.

"No stop!" I screamed but they laughed.

"Naruto don't do it!" I yelled at him.

"Die you monster." He said taking out a kunai and stabbing me in the chest.

"No!" I shouted take out a kunai and holding it against someone's neck.

"Kimimaru! Get off of him!" Kiba shouted pulling me off of whoever I was on top of.

"Naruto! Are you alright?" I heard Sakura asked. Then at the moment I realized who it was.

"Kimimaru, what's gotten into you!" Kiba shouted at me. I couldn't help but cry.

"Kimimaru? What's wrong?" Kiba said trying to grab my arm but I flinched away from him.

"Don't touch me!" I shouted making everyone look at me.


"No!" I said running away from him. Lee and Neji tried to stop me but I quickly flipped over both of them landing skillfully on the ground. Quickly, I made my way to the stairs trying to get away from them.

"What's going on?" Kakashi asked as he walked up the stairs. He tried to stop me as well but I reacted fast by throwing a kunai at him. He moved to the right to dodge it making an openingfor me.

"Leave me alone!" I shouted running pass him.

"Kimimaru! Come over here!" I heard Kankuro shout. I looked over at he and made my way up the other stairs.

I ran towards my red head friend and hugged him. I didn't care if he didn't want me to do this. I just needed someone to hold.

"What's wrong?" Gaara whispered to me. I tightened the hugg and rubbed my face on his shirt.

"What's wrong?" He asked again.

"I'm scared." I said and he pulled away from me.

"You can stay with us. Here sit down against the wall. You must be tired from your match." Temari said as I whipped my eyes.

"Thanks guys." I said sitting down and watching the rest of the matches.

I just wish that doesn't happen in real life. I thought to myself.

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