I Will Never Be Yours

By asminc007

1.8M 139K 31.6K

'Love has the power to tender the broken, but self love has the power to change' Sequel to 'It was Always you... More

Sneak Peek #1
Sneak peek #2
Character's Intro
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26a
Chapter 26b
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Character's Rant
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Engagement (Part 1)
Engagement (Part 2)
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Wedding (Part 1)
Wedding (Part 2)
Wedding (Part 3)
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Author's note
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122a
Chapter 122b
Chapter 122c

Chapter 88

17.6K 1.3K 436
By asminc007


'Now the bride and the groom will stand for the pheras....' the priest announced

Ved gets up from the seat, and then forwards his hand to Deepika for helping her to stand, she smiles at him and holds his hands, Vansh looked at this and smiled

Deepika and Ved stood next to each other, staring at each other lovingly, forgetting about everyone else around, they smiled holding each other's hands and intertwining their fingers together, finally Deepika was marrying her dream man and Ved got his ideal partner he always missed in his life, there was nothing else they could ask for....

Some love stories are not that complicated, isn't it...!

Aayan coughed intentionally to break their reverie and they see everyone staring at them with amused or playful expressions....

They look away embaressed and then priest asks Ved to come forward, as Deepika turns facing Ved's back, her eyes land on Vansh who was staring at the couple admiringly..

She smiles at him and he reciprocates, happy tears filling his eyes, Ved follows Vansh's gaze and sees Deepika smiling at him, she mouths a 'Thank you' to him and Ved smiles at him too, muttering a quick 'thank you' to him as well, Vansh quickly wipes his tears and raises both his hands to dramatically bless the couple and they chuckle...

Arjun who sees this from a distance, smiles proudly at Vansh, understanding his situation, he feels bad for him...
The priest starts chanting the mantra and Ved - Deepika start taking circles around the holy fire, holding each other's hands...

Aayan - Ananya smiled at this, but then Ananya's smile faded soon as she remembered her wedding day, when she was preparing herself to tackle Aayan, and was not happy at all, Aayan who turned to Ananya to say something, observes her sad expression and understands what was going on in her mind, he too gets serious, both of them stare each other, more like complain each ofher through their eyes and then look away, with Ananya wiping her tears....

This was observed by Naina, who sensed some issue between them...

'She is very pretty sir, no wonder you fell for her...' Khushi whispers to Vansh and he chuckles

'It's nothing like that, I didn't fall in love with her or something, I just had a minor crush on her, it's long gone now....' Vansh said looking at the couple

'Well, your eyes speak a different story altogether....' Khushi smiled and Vansh looked at her confused and Khushi turns to face him

'You don't how to lie sir, had you tried to lie in front of Deepika, saying that you don't like her, even she would've understood that you are lying...' she said and Vansh looked away, and Now Deepika was in the front during the pheras..

'My brother must get all the happiness he deserves...' Vansh muttered not looking at Khushi...

'Selfless heart always suffers....' Khushi sighed and Vansh didn't say anything

The pheras were complete now, and both of them were seated on their respective seats, folding hands in front of the holy fire...

'You know sir, I am glad that you didn't say anything to her...' Khushi said smiling as Ved tied Mangalsutra around Deepika's neck

Vansh looked at her shocked, but she didn't look at him, continued seeing the rituals, now Ved filled the partition of Deepika's hair with vermillion and everyone around them clapped, breaking Vansh's reverie, he too composed his expressions and clapped

Did she just flirt with me....? Wow...! He thought

Ananya who was lost in the painful memories of her own wedding, clapped too.... seeing her best friend living her dream, she was unaware that her mother was watching her and Aayan intently from a distance...

Even though Aayan won't accept this explicitely, but he cannot deny to his own inner conscience that, his wedding day was the most memorable day of his life...

'The wedding is complete, you are Husband and Wife now...' the preist announced and Ved's siblings and cousins cheered

'Congratulations Buddy...' Aayan hugged Ved

'Finally my Cinderella is married to her Prince Charming...' Ananya said hugging Deepika and she blushed

'No, Annie... Finally the Princess is married to  her Frog....'  Vansh teased and everyone laughed

'Ooo really, congratulations to you too, Frog's twin...' Ved said sarcastically

'Awww... I love you Vedie boo...' Vansh walked towards them as they stood up and hugged Ved

'I love you too chhote, Thank you for everything...' Ved said hugging him back

'Anything for you Bade, Anything....' Vansh said

They left each other and Arjun - Naina walked towards them, And Ved Deepika touched their feet to take their blessing...

'Be happy kids...' Arjun blessed them

'May god give you all the happiness in this world my kids...' Naina says tears filling her eyes..

'Maa... No tears...' Ved says wiping her tears and hugs her

'Yeah Maa, don't Worry Ved will visit every weekend...' Vansh joked

'Yes Mom, he will take care of his in laws...' Aayan said and all of them chuckled

'Well, he must take care of his in laws, afterall they gave him their most precious thing...' Arjun smiled and they look at him confused

'What...? Why should only girls take care of their in laws, why can't boys do the same...?' he said and turns to Deepika's father

'Arun, we also give you our Ved, and don't worry he doesn't trouble people much...' Arjun said and they all laughed

Ved-Deepika took blessing of other elders in the house and then they come to Jai who grins at them

'May you bear 100 daughters, enough of the sons now...' he laughs and the couple gets embarrassed

'Bade Papa, Ask Aayan Bhai to get you a grandkid first...'  Rudra teased and Aayan - Ananya look or more like glare at him

'Yeah... It's high time, you must give us grand kids...' Riya joked too

'It's only been six months for god's sake...' Ananya mutters

'I know right...' Aayan says irritated

'I don't want to have kids with you in six births...' Ananya hissed angrily

'Like I am dying to have kids with you...' Aayan countered back rolling his eyes

'Ewwww guys, Don't start planning right now...' Vansh says

'Arrey Yaar...' They both mutter irritated

'We already have Amayraa, ask Ved to have kids now...' Aayan said and Ananya nodded

'Not fair...' Riya pouts and others chuckle

'Come on lets proceed towards the reception hall...' Sash says and they all walk towards the venue

1 hour later...

Ved and Deepika were attending the guests on the stage and were smiling for the camera

Vansh and his brothers were playing with Amayraa

Ananya and Khushi were talking to
Naina, while Jai, Arjun, Adi and Sash were chatting among themselves

'This is so stupid...' Ved mutters, while smiling for the camera

'I know...' Aayan who was sitting behind him says, he was playing with his phone

'How did you manage all this...?' Ved asked

'Because I am Aayan...' Aayan said proudly and Ved kicks him on his legs

'Sir please look at the camera...' The photographers say to Ved

'Ved what are you doing...?' Deepika scolds him 

'Sorry Baby, this Aayan was distracting me...' Ved says and they again pose for the camera

'Baby...? Seriously...?' Aayan asks mockingly

'Don't tell me you and Annie don't have any nicknames for each other...' Deepika raises her brows at Aayan

Aayan gets uncomfortable, and then nervously looks at the couple looking at him in anticipation

'Ofcourse we do...' He says and pretends to read something on his phone

'What do you call each other...?' Deepika asks

'Uh... I call her Crazy witch she calls me Devil...' He blurted out and Ved - Deepika looks at him shocked

Aayan covers his mouth and curses himself under the breath

'You call my sister crazy witch...?' Ved asks

'Uh...' Aayan gets up from his seat

'What's up....?' Ananya interrupts them

'You call him Devil...?' Deepika asks Ananya

'What...!' Ananya asks bewildered

'He said, you guys call each other crazy witch and devil...' Ved said and Aayan slapped his forehead, bracing himself for a sharp reply from his wife

Ananya glared at him and he looked away

'I don't call my sweet husband as Devil...' Ananya said sweetly and Aayan looks at her bewildered

'I call him Useless...' she finishes her sentence glaring at Aayan

He glares at her back and says
'Yeah and I call her Hopeless...' Aayan said

'Are you both Brainless...' Deepika says and Ved controls his laugh

'What...!' Both Aayan and Ananya say together

'This is not the way to address your spouse... I expected this from Aayan of course, but Annie you..! What's wrong with you !' Deepika exclaims and Ananya rolls her eyes

'Wow, people start hating each other within six months of marriage... I didn't know....' Ved said

'Hey we don't hate...' Aayan began

'ARJUN THAPAR...!' A Voice boomed from the other end of the hall and everyone turned to look at the source of the noise

Prateek singhal, who looked like a mad man marched towards Arjun angrily, fisting his hands and glaring at him with his bloodshot eyes

He was followed by his wife and Yash who was glaring at the stage's direction, specifically at Aayan...

Arjun stood up from his seat and Jai comes forward protecting Arjun, and glares at Prateek, who looked furious and ready to kill

Aayan and Ved got down from the stage and walked towards them, and all the guests were staring at angry man marching towards Groom's father...

Prateek who was so mad, raised his hands to punch Jai who came between Arjun and him was stopped by Vansh, who held his hands and then pushed him away

'Mind your step old man...' Vansh growled and Arjun pulled him back to stop him from doing anything stupid

'Dont do anything stupid son, we have guests here...' Arjun says clasping Vansh's hands tightly

'You moron ! Where is my son...!' Prateek growled and Yash glared at him too

'I don't know...' Arjun replied calmly

'Don't lie Arjun Thapar, I know you hid him somewhere...! He is missing since your useless son's sangeet...' He points at Ved and others glare at him, while guests gather around to see the drama

'He said he doesn't know where your son is...' Jai declared calmly, yet in a threatening manner

'Stay out of this old man, you and your loser son....' Yash began


Everyone gasped at this as Aayan slapped yash and he was about to fall, but was supported by his mom

'Aayan...' Priyanka said angrily

'Shut up woman...! I will not tolerate someone disrespecting my father, specially this bastard son of yours....' Aayan growled and Ananya held his hands calming him down

'Let's talk somewhere in private please, Mr. Singhal...' Sash said looking around as the guests were staring

'No ! I will talk here only...! This man has ruined my life...! My business...! And now has taken away my son from me...' Prateek sneered glaring at Arjun who just took a deep breath

'Look at me and talk....! I know you want to target me, and you are using Arjun as cover...' Jai said walking closer to Prateek

'Jai, tell us where Sameer is, and we will leave quietly or else...' Priyanka began

'Else...?' Jai raised his brows

'The consequences won't be good...' Yash completed her sentence, glaring at Ananya

'Don't you dare to look at her...' Vansh and Aayan warned Yash at the same time

'We don't know where your son is...' Arjun repeats himself

'I don't believe you...!' Prateek growled

'Then don't, but that is the truth...' Adi said and Prateek glares at him

'What did you say to him...?' Priyanka asks Jai and he doesn't look at her

'The truth...' Jai said and she gasps

'Why...?' she said her voice cracking

'Because he deserved to know it... You and your husband deserve all this hate for ruining 5 lives...' Aayan said angrily and Priyanka looks at him teary eyed

'Son, don't talk to me like that... I am your mother...' She cried

'I don't want to keep any relations with you...' Aayan said coldly and Ananya held his hands to support

'Stop with your mother son drama alright ! And tell me where is my Sameer... Or else I will call the police...' Prateek snapped

'And what will you say to them...? My son came to know about my infidelity with his mother and abandoned me and this man helped him...?' Adi asked sarcastically and Prateek was speechless

'You think that your family is very clean and all saints live with you...!' Yash smirked looking at Aayan and others look at him

'What do you mean...?' Ved asked

'Ask your best friend ! Did he or he did not cheat on your sister...?' Yash said and Naina - Arjun gasped, while Aayan - Ananya went pale

'Stop your rubbish talk...! Nothing like that happened...' Ananya says and Aayan looks at her shocked

'Don't you accuse my son for being like your parents...' Jai said angrily, but Arjun - Vansh stared at Aayan intently as he looked nervous

Naina was staring at Ananya, and she could figure out that she was lying as she couldn't make eye contact with her parents

'Exactly... Aayan can never do that...!' Ved said angrily

'Infidelity runs in our blood, Mr. Thapar....' Yash smirked at Aayan and then winked at Ananya who glared at him

'I suggest you guys must leave as we have a function here... We don't know where your son is.. And he is gone for his own good...' Jai said and Prateek glares at him finally

'I will get back to you on this...' Prateek threatened Arjun and Jai while they rolled their eyes

'Come Yash, we need to find your brother...' Prateek said walking towards the exit and Yash gave a last look to Aayan - Ananya

'I know your secret...' he whispered going close to them and then walked away smirking

Aayan - Ananya look at each other nervously, and Priyanka walked towards them

'This is all because of you...' Priyanka accuses Ananya and she looks at her confused

'Both my sons lost their minds coming under your influence...both of them hate me because of you...!' she said angrily and tears filled Ananya's eyes

'But mom... I...' Ananya began but Priyanka cuts her off

'I lost my sons because of you, you will understand my pain when you will lose your own child...! I curse you that you will also suffer like I am suffering...' Priyanka growled and Naina - Ananya gasped

'You know what Mom, you should leave...' Aayan says coming forward and pushing Ananya behind

Priyanka glared at both of them and left the hall wiping her tears

Ananya looks at Amayraa scared who was staring at everyone confused, Sayesha was carrying her in her arms

'Please have some refreshments and enjoy yourselves, it was just a small glitch...' Adi says to the guests and motions the DJ to begin the song

Jai walks towards Deepika's father, assuring them that everything is fine, Vansh pulls Ved towards the stage and others start attending the guests

Aayan - Ananya take a deep breath and look at each other nervously

Arjun who was staring at Aayan since Yash revealed about Aayan cheating, walks towards them and so does Naina

'Is everything okay between you two kids...?' Arjun asks looking suspiciously at Aayan - Ananya who gulped

'Paa, Yash was lying, it's nothing like that... Everything is okay between us...' Ananya smiled and Aayan nodded nervously

'Okay...' Arjun says and walks towards Jai

'Are you hiding something from me kids...?' Naina asks and Aayan's throat went dry

He opens his mouth to say something, but nothing comes out, and Ananya also gets nervous

'Maa...we are...' Ananya began but Naina silences her

'You can't lie to me kids, I can see something is not right between you two...' Naina says and they look at her shocked

'Every married couple faces hurdles kids, but giving up is not an option... I am sure you will pass this hurdle...' she smiles and caresses Ananya's hair and they look at each other and then at her

'Come... Let's attend the guests...' She says and they nod

Ananya stood there thinking where this marriage was going to, do they really have a future or they will get separated...

Aayan who was not ready to accept that he has feelings for Ananya, took a deep breath...

What is wrong with me... What the hell is going on... He thought

'Let's go...' Aayan says holding her hands, but she pulls her hands away from his grip

'Don't touch me...' Ananya glares at him and he stares at her shocked

She was glaring at him,and he sighed and held her hands pulling  her to a secluded corner

'Aayan... What are you....' she protests

'Shhhhh....! What did I do now...?' he asks irritated

'Nothing...' Ananya huffed

'Are you bipolar or something...? What happened out of nowhere...! You were so sweet with me few hours back and now you are angry...! What is your problem...?' Aayan says massaging his temples

'You are my problem !! You entering my life itself is a problem...! And me allowing you to manipulate my life was my grave mistake...' She hissed angrily

'When did I manipulate...! And what's with this sudden change of mood.... Hold on... *takes out his phone* What's the date today...?' he mutters looking at the phone

'What does date have to do anything with this...?' Ananya asked confused

'Your periods are 10 days away, why are you cranky from now...? We should see a gynac Ananya, hormonal imbalance is a serious issue...' He says patting her shoulders

Ananya jerks his hands away and glares at him

'My periods have nothing to do with this...! Why you men always stereotype bad moods with them...' she said angrily

'But you don't get this moody, unless you are on... You know...' Aayan says taking a step back

'You track my dates....! That's so....' Ananya says angrily...

'Hey ! I was just concerned...' Aayan said softly

'Aarrgghhh.... You... You.... You know what, I don't want to talk to you right now...' She says irritated and pushes him away to go out

He sighs, and grabs her arms and pulls her closer, so that she collides with his chest, he wraps his arms around her waist to tighten his grip on her

'Aayan let me go...' she struggles to get out

'Hey, listen ! I am sorry for being judgemental and everything I did before...' Aayan began and she sighs

'But what happened to you back there... You were in a good mood before the pheras, and after that you were all sour and irritated... I just wanted to ask is everything okay...?' he asked putting her hair strands behind her ears

Ananya's eyes filled with tears, and she took a deep breath to prevent them from falling

'I... I was just thinking about our wedding which was supposed to be my 'Happily ever after', but of course it was not...' she says and Aayan's grip on her loosens

'We don't like each other Aayan, why are we still married... Do we have any future together ? Or we will fight like cats and dogs the whole life, and then end up getting divorced after getting tired of each other... We have to figure out something....' Ananya says with a hint of tiredness in her voice

'You are right... We must talk...' Aayan said and Ananya looks at him

'I can't fight with you anymore, I don't feel like...' He says caressing her cheeks with the back of his hands and stares into her eyes

Ananya stares at him and says
'Me too...'

'Let's talk after this wedding...?' Aayan asks

'Yeah...' Ananya smiles

'Okay then let's go...' Aayan said leaving her

Ananya adjusts her hair and then walks ahead and Aayan follows

'By the way did I tell you, you look absolutely hideous in this dress...' Aayan smirked and Ananya chuckled

'You look pathetic too...' Ananya said

'Thank you...' he said laughing and they walked towards the venue

Things were getting better


Thank you for your 'get well soon' wishes guys.. My viral is better now
Sorry to keep you all waiting for 15 days I guess...

Kindly check the message board if you don't find updates on saturdays... I do inform there...

Next update : Tuesday

Thank you once again for being patient

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