Bad Royals

By SRoseAllam

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In our modern days. In these days, our days. In this century. Two kingdoms with two Royal families chained w... More



61 5 0
By SRoseAllam

"Lizzy?" Bella whispered still surprised. "Oh my god, Lizzy!" She ran to her, engulfing her British friend in a tight longing hug.

"I missed you girlie." Eliza squealed jumping up and down through the hug.

"Oh my god, I was just thinking about you." Bella jumped with Eliza squealing as well. "I missed you so freaking much."

"Okay.. okay enough jumping and squealing I will puke."

"Eww.. get off!" Bella pushed Eliza playfully as Eliza laughed. "Always the mood ruiner."

"That' me." Eliza threw her auburn shoulder-length hair smugly over her shoulder.

"So are you here on a vacation?" Bella asked taking a place on the elegant white and gold sofa gesturing to Eliza to occupy the seat beside her.

"No actually..." Bella frowned after hearing that. "..But you are coming with me."

"What?" Bella asked confusion written all over her face. "What do you mean? Are you right in the head?"

"I am completely fine actually, thank you." Eliza gave a little bow with her head. Then her expression changed suddenly with the widest smile Bella has ever seen on her best friend's face with sparkling eyes. "I am getting married."

"What!!" Bella's jaw dropped to the ground. She couldn't believe what she just heard, Eliza? Eliza the party girl with a guy every night is getting married? Eliza who could never be tamed to a man? She then wondered if she is still talking about the same Eliza, her best friend? But by the look on her friend's face it all seemed real. "Wait! You are not joking?"

Eliza chuckled. "Of course not silly! Why would I?"

"I don't know it seems like something Eliza would do." She shrugged.

"True." Eliza nodded with a light chuckle. "But that's the old young Eliza. I am the matured Eliza now."

"Shame! I liked the old one more."

"Well suck my dick."

"Guess she is not completely gone after all." Bella sent Eliza a look. "And how many times should I tell you, you have no dick." Eliza stuck her tongue playfully at Bella then Bella continued. "So, who is the unlucky man?"

Now the smile was back full-on display on Eliza's face. "A guy I got to know from work."

"Wait is that the cookie guy you rambled to me about last time we talked?"

"The one and only." Eliza gave a proud look.

"Woah! I can't believe that cookie cocky guy is the one who settled you down."

"I know!" Eliza's cheeks reddened. "It was just yesterday he was dropping me a cookie on my desk like every morning trying to take me on a date flexing his muscles and showing that smug smirk of his."

"It actually was three years ago." Even though it was three years ago but the two friends would talk once a month or so. With their different lives and the long distance between them and the time difference, it was hard to keep in touch. Sometimes they wouldn't be able to talk for three months and judging by their strong relationship it was like torture to them but that was life.

"Anyways,.." Eliza rolled her eyes. "..our wedding is in two weeks and I came to take you and Dylan to spend that time with me and our old gang and some Of Adrian's friends. You can come back after the wedding."

"Oh.." of course Bella was over the moon for her friend and would never want anything more than to spend some more time with her that she hasn't seen since their college days, but was it reasonable to leave her papa for that long? And being a princess she has duties even though they aren't anything major thanks to Dylan and Ashley handling everything, and oh..! What about Dylan? Being a king he can't have that free time as before and be his old flirting guy. Would he come with them? "I..I don't know Liz--"

"No more words lady! You are coming and that's final! And where is that bubbly arse, Dylan? I missed that lad a lot!"

Bella chuckled at the old nickname that Eliza used for Dylan replaying their college days in London. "Come, I will let you meet him. I am sure he is going to lose his nuts after seeing you."

"Oh, he already lost them after that hot model of a princess he married that I never heard about by the way." They were now making their way up the stairs towards the king's main grand office.

"You heard about that?"

Eliza scoffed." Who didn't hear bout that Bels? You are royalty and you know I am a sucker for gossip."

Bella gave her a look. "That unfortunately I know."

"And by the way who is the hot piece of meat that you had a scandal with? Huh? Is that your boyfriend? You and bubbly arse took the twin hot royal package?" Eliza nudged Bella playfully through the corridor.

"Shut up Liz!" Bella chuckled and then knocked on Dylan's door.

"Come in."

"God! His voice got more manly." Eliza whispered.

Bella rolled her eyes, a small smile never leaving her face as she opened Dylan's office door sticking her head through the door. "Hey Bels what got you here?"

"I have a surprise for you." Dylan gave her a weird look as she opened the door more wide revealing squealing Eliza.

"Bubbly arse!"

"Liz!" And Eliza was jumping on Dylan by now engulfing him in a crushing hug. "Oh god! It's really you."

They broke the hug and she slapped him on the shoulder. "Of course it's me. Who else would call you bubbly arse?"

"Apparently no sane person would call me that."

"That very true my friend." Eliza nodded smirking. "But oh my god Dyl! You got hotter dude! I mean you always were hot but now damn!" Then she walked around him slapping his ass. "Even your arse isn't bubbly anymore. Shame! Really it suited your name."

Dylan and Bella let out a high laugh roaring the palace as a throat was cleared at the same time. They turned to see where the voice came from to see Ashley standing behind Dylan.

"Oh my god! That's your hot model princess. God Dyl, even your standards got higher."

"Geez Eliza, would you ever have more faith in me?" Then Dylan put his arms around furious looking Ashley pulling her closer to his side. "Eliza meet my gorgeous wife Ashley..." he gave Ashley a soft kiss on the cheek and Ashley's cheeks reddened. "Honey, meet our old friend Eliza. We used to go to college together. Bella, Eliza, and I took the same major at Cambridge university."

Eliza bowed respectfully to Ashley. "It's my pleasure to finally meet you in person my Queen."

"The pleasure is all mine." Ashley let out a light laugh getting rid of her jealousy a little bit. "And please don't bow or call me Queen. After all, you are Dylan's and Bella's friend so you are mine as well."

"God! She is really perfect and well mannered." Eliza wiped a fake tear. "You don't deserve that bubbly arse dear."

Dylan rolled his eyes. "Don't mind her baby, she has always been a drama queen."

"Oh hush child! Don't ruin my moment."

"Stop that dramatic seen Liz and tell them your big news." Bella huffed.

"Oh right right!" Eliza started jumping again with her lovely wide smile on display. "I am getting married."

"Shut up!" Dylan's eyes widened. "You aren't joking? You? You getting married?"

"Geez! Is that really hard to believe?" Eliza let out a sigh with a roll of her eyes.

"Well yeah.." Dylan shrugged. "You are... Eliza."

"Yes, I know my name thank you."

"It's just... I never imagined you getting married. You have always been for one-night stands."

"Well, things changed..." Eliza smirked. "I found my prince charming who broke off the curse."

"It's the cookie guys, isn't it?" Dylan let out a laugh.

Eliza gasped, "You also know about him?"

"Bella told me."

"Traitor!" Eliza mock-glared at a yawning Bella. "And his name is Adrian, by the way!"

"Adrian, cookie guy, same thing." Bella shrugged.

"Either way I am really happy for you Liz." Dylan scooped her into a brotherly hug.

"Thank you, bro." She patted his back then they broke off the hug. "And by the way you are all coming with me now in my private jet to spend those two weeks with me and our old squad and Adrian, my fiancè's friends."

"I really want to Lizzy but..." Dylan scratched his neck nervously with sorrowful eyes. "I can't. I have so many duties right now, being a king isn't that easy you know."

"But Dyl.." Eliza gave him her puppy eyes that she always did unwillingly when she was sad and really wanted something.

"Ohh don't give me that look..." he whined burying his face in Ashley's neck. "I really miss you all and want to be with you on your big day but I can't. I am sorry Lizzy."

"I understand Dylan. Don't worry."

"You do? However, I am really sorry Liz." He mumbled from Ashley's neck. What breaks him more that at his wedding he couldn't get the chance to meet his friends, even though they traveled all the way for him but he was so busy even at his wedding. Even Bella had so many guests and interviews to take for Dylan to try and let him enjoy his big day with his lover. Being a royalty left them no privacy and no choice or freedom. And having friends, true friends like their friends was rare for royals. They were grateful to have them still by their side even though they don't talk that much like before.

"Stop hiding in your wife's neck and give me a hug man!" She punched his back playfully as Ashley and Bella chuckled.

"First, did she stop making that face Ashley?"

"I don't do faces Dylan!" Eliza rolled her eyes.

"Oh yes, you do!" Bella nodded.


Ashley chuckled. "No, she isn't doing it anymore."

Dylan lifted his face slowly with one eye closed and the other open till he completely faced Eliza with her crossed arms. "Thank god!" He let out a breath and Ashley laughed at her husband's childless that she missed on him since they began ruling the kingdom.

"You are such a baby." And Eliza pulled him by the collar into a goodbye hug. "I will miss you bubbly arse."

"I will miss you too Lizzy." He patted her back. "And take that depressed ass that called Bella with you."

"Oh, I sure as hell will." They broke the hug. "I would have dragged her by myself no matter how much she fought."

"I already said i can't g--" Bella started but Dylan cut her off.

"You are going Bella and that's a king order. And you know you can't reject a king's order." He sent her a threatening look.

"Fine." She sighed in defeat. "I am coming."

"Yay! Best bubbly arse ever." Eliza clapped her hands like a child jumping up and down excitedly. "Let's go now prepare your bags Bels." But before she left she took Ashley in one of her significant bear hugs. "It was really nice meeting you and I am really proud of your sexy arse that tamed bubbly arse here and made him settle down instead of flirting around with ugly girls." She then backed away. "You know he always tried sleeping with bitches and had a very bad taste in girls,..."

"Oh did he now?" Ashley raised her brows giving nervous Dylan a look.

"Yes, he always hit on girls that wore nothing and I think they were actual hookers but he never succeeded, to be honest even those bitches were out of his league but just know that he was a big flirt and used to flirt with anything that had vagina he even used to bet on w---"

"That's enough Eliza thank you very much." Dylan pushed Eliza all the way out of the door.

"See you soon Queen Ashley and I am waiting for your hot babi--" and Dylan shut the door in her face.

"Guess someone was a real player back in college days huh?" Ashley took slow predator steps towards Dylan whose back was to the door.

"Well..i..i.." Dylan scratched his neck nervously. " know it was in the past when I was young and immature..."

"Oh, I know.." Ashley was now inches aways from Dylan talking in her seductive voice.

"You know I only love you right?" Dylan asked nervously as she pulled him from the collar of his shirt.

"I know that too..." her lips were brushing on his as she talked with their breaths mingling together. "..and I would never doubt your love. You are now with me, stuck forever and that's enough for me." Then she crashed her lips on him. She started kissing him hungrily and aggressively, biting and sucking making him let out a groan. She then started kissing his jaw trailing down to his neck when she found a spot and started sucking and nibbling on it making him let out another louder groan. After she was down with his neck she backed away examining her work on his neck with a smile, proud. "Here, perfect." She pecked his neck. "My territory is marked."

Dylan pulled Ashley flush against him whispering in her ear. "Now it is my turn marking mine." And smashed his lips on hers in another hot, dominant, and passionate kiss.

"Don't do it on the desk kids. It won't be comfortable, trust me I tried." Eliza's voice teased from outside the door freezing their intimate moment.

Dylan threw his head on Ashley's shoulder his face buried in her neck and hair groaning.

Ashley chuckled. "I like that girl a lot."

"Don't we all do?" Dylan rolled his eyes.


"Take care of yourself child." King Evans hugged Bella tightly as the servants started taking her luggage out. "And give me a call as soon as you settle."

"Sure thing papa, don't worry." She hasn't traveled alone before, she always traveled with Dylan or anyone else, and King Evans was worried that she might have another panic attack or something with no one besides her.

"Please take good care of her, she is precious to me." King Evans couldn't help but worry about his daughter, with pleading eyes and a very caring voice that a king should not use he had to order that from Eliza.

"Don't worry, King Evans. She is precious to me too." Eliza gave a small genuine polite smile, all her foolishness disappeared as she had to reassure that old and kind-hearted king. Even though she is Bella's best friend she never met the king from that close till now and she was so intimidated by him that she felt the urge to stay polite if she cared for her life.

"We have to go now, papa." With a last hug and biding their last goodbyes, Bella and Eliza took off and were soon on the plane.

As they were flying in the air in the private jet Eliza suddenly squealed, "God! I still can't believe that you are actually coming with me." Bella chuckled then Eliza continued. "Can't wait till you see the guys and my Adrian. I promise you will love him."

"As long as you love him and he treats you good, I will have no problem with him." Bella shrugged.

"Eekk.." Eliza squealed again squeezing Bella.

"Calm your tits girl." Bella laughed.

"I am just so happy. Can't contain it."

"Yeah, I noticed."

After a long plane ride, they finally arrived on London's lands.

As soon as Bella put her foot on the ground, she was welcomed with the gentle smooth wind caressing her face. She didn't notice how much she missed London until now. She missed the slight freedom she got here and being able to be reckless. She felt warm and safe here, it was like her second home. Especially as they had a queen and king as them despite the United kingdom being so much larger than theirs. She also found her friends here, the friends who for the first time in her life didn't take her friendship for granted and didn't give a shit about her status, they treated her normally, cursing, fighting, and joking together without fearing her being a royalty.

"Welcome back Bella. London's grounds missed our precious princess."

"Thanks, Liz, I missed it here too." Bella smiled genuinely as they got in Eliza's fancy car with bodyguards around them to get rid of any unwanted paparazzi.

Soon enough they arrived at Eliza's mansion. It was her father's gift for her as she got accepted to Cambridge University. Eliza's father was one of the wealthiest men in England but Eliza didn't want to just take everything handed down to her on a silver plate. She wanted to earn it and make up her own name with her own will and power and till now she was doing really good. Once she is satisfied with what she achieved she would help in the family business as all of her five elder siblings.

"Your mansion still looks the same, I see," Bella commented gazing at the beautifully and elegantly decorated mansion.

"Yup, still in good shape," Eliza stated proudly. "Now get up and get some rest." She pushed Bella slightly. "Zeina will lead the way." she gestured to a petite slim woman, "And you will already find your things stacked and placed neatly." And with that Bella got upstairs, took a shower, changed into something comfy, and hit the bed after that long plane ride. She slept with a content smile on her face tonight.

She felt happy that she was finally going to have some fun with the people she loves and missed. She needed to let loose a little and that what she is intending on doing. And with the help of bodyguards that she never left without them, she would definitely enjoy her time without the paparazzi's shit around her.



"Bella!" Eliza jumped on Bella's bed. "Wake up Bella!" She snatched the duvet off her, earning a growl from Bella. "Get that hard arse off yours of the bed now!"

"Eliza let me the fuck sleep before I twist your neck." She groaned.

"Just get up bitch! You have gotta get ready and let the night begin." She slapped Bella's ass then hopped off the bed as soon as Bella shot up from bed with a deep frown and red blazing eyes aimed at Eliza. "Wear something sexy and hot, we are meeting up with the guys in that rich private bar that doesn't allow anyone." She yelled as she flew out of the door, leaving fuming Bella with messy hair and glaring sleepy eyes.

"Goddamit!" Bella huffed hopping off the bed and marching to the bathroom.

After she was done with her business in the bathroom. she went to the dressing room to find her stylist that never left Bella's side preparing a sexy but elegant black dress. She soon was done dressing and her stylist finished her make-up and hair after that.

"Ready Bels?" Eliza asked as she appeared in her bedroom suddenly. Bella always wondered how the hell did that girl always pop out from nowhere. Guess it will stay a mystery to me. Bella shrugged. "Wow! Bella, you look hot as fuck girl! your body gained more muscles, making its shape looking more perfect than it already was."

"look who is talking." Bella gave Eliza a side glance. "The girl who is generous in both the ass and the chest area. girl, you are thick and attractive."

"Yeah, I know." Eliza made a little twirl. "that's why we are friendship goals." she winked at Bella then continued. "two hot sexy hoes coming right up people." she grabbed giggling Bella and went downstairs to their fancy car with the bodyguards.

"so who is exactly coming?" Bella asked through the way.

"Everybody!" Eliza exclaimed clasping her hands together with a wide grin.

"And by everybody you mean..?"

"God Bella, don't be so thick." Eliza rolled her eyes. "By everybody, I mean our gang except Dylan of course, Adrian and his two best friends."

"So basically you are bringing your best friends and he is bringing his?" Eliza nodded. "What? Is that something like get to know each other's best friends?"

Eliza gave it a little thought then nodded. "Pretty much yes."

"Seriously?" Bella gave her a look.

"Well yeah, I want him to get to know me entirely and that includes meeting my closest friends" who stood by my side through all my ups and downs." Eliza shrugged a sad emotion flashed through her eyes and Bella knew what memory exactly brought sadness to her. "and of course I want to get to know the same about him as well."

Bella nodded understanding where she is coming from now. However, she couldn't help but notice the frown that took over her face and her glassy eyes that held tears threatening to roll down her cheeks. "You know, she would be so happy for you if she was here right now." Bella gave Eliza's hand a little squeeze.

"Eliza nodded sadly and let a lone tear fall. "I know.." Another tear fell. ".. I just miss her."

Bella didn't know what to do except embracing her in a warm and comforting hug. She couldn't

stand seeing her best friend like that and she knew that this incident is her weakness and how much it affected her. "We all do honey." Bella patted Eliza's back gently as she let silent tears fall. Luckily her makeup is waterproof.

Eliza had a twin sister and they were inseparable. They also were identical except Eliza had dark green eyes while her sister had brown ones, that was the only way they could differentiate between them. Eliza was the wild and noisy one while her twin was the nerd and quiet one. Eliza had always loved partying and she didn't like to date but she wasn't sleeping every night with a guy until what happened to her sister. They went to the same university and met Bella and the others in their first year, they all got pretty well together immediately. Eliza's twin had the same great sense of humor as Eliza but she was shyer than Eliza in so many aspects, yet they still loved them both the same, without one of them they felt as there was something missing. But what they didn't know and only Eliza knew that her sister suffered from depression since she was young. She was taking pills for it and Eliza always made sure that she didn't miss one, and actually, her sister was doing good but you could never know.

As exams neared Eliza had to stay late for extra classes and she couldn't come back to their mansion that her father gifted it to both sisters early as usual. Both sisters chose different majors. So Eliza wasn't able to keep track of her sister's pills and she was concentrating on her studies and exams. It was a hectic period that she didn't notice that much of a change on her sister so she assumed that everything was okay. However, what she didn't know that it was the calm before the storm because one day she came late as usual and she went to call her sister to have dinner together as usual but what welcomed her as soon as she opened her sister's bedroom was beyond her imagination. Never in a million years would she imagine entering her twin's room to find her laying on the floor with a pool of her blood around her pale, dead, and cold body. She stood stunned with an open mouth not blinking nor moving a muscle, she couldn't register what she was seeing right now. Her sister, her kind and beautiful sister was lying dead in her blood. She walked shakily towards her, bending to check her pulse praying that maybe she could still save her while calling an ambulance at the same time. But it was useless. She was already dead. She has been dead so long.

And she left a note saying in it: 'I got tired and desperate. Forgive me for being weak Eliza. I will always love and support you. Tell all our loved ones that I love them all too and that I already enjoyed my life with every single one of them.

ps: Goodbye my twin, my other half, and please don't blame yourself.'

After that day Eliza kept blaming herself for her sister's death. She felt that it was her fault that she was that carless and focused on her life more than her own sister. She was in a dark and bad mood all the time. She stopped paying attention to her studies and only partied, got drunk, and slept around. Her friends couldn't stand seeing her in that state so they took an action towards her especially Bella who slapped her with reality and made her realize that it wasn't her fault and her sister was already sick and couldn't stand it anymore. Yes, Eliza got better after a while but she never was the same Eliza they first met and her habit of sleeping around stayed and increased but they couldn't stop her, it was her way of dealing with the situation.

"Okay, a soon-to-be bride should not cry like that.." Bella wiped Eliza's tears with a napkin and thought of something to distract her and lift her mood. "Tell me about that Adrian dude of yours." The traffic was heavy anyways and they were stuck for a while.

As soon as Eliza heard Adrian's name a smile and blush graced her face. Bella noticed it and felt happy that her best friend finally stopped suffering and found someone who made her that happy and had that deep effect on her with only hearing his name.

"Okay..." Eliza nodded adjusting herself. "You know how we met. He always tried to hit on me since I joined work but I never gave a damn. Yes, he was handsome, with a really good body. He also has a good sense of humor and is an amazing cook but I still didn't give a damn about him. So he tried another technique and started leaving me a homemade cookie by him every morning. Every morning I came to my office I would find it with a different note that surprisingly always made my day but I still gave him the cold shoulder. However, that didn't mean he gave up and we stayed with the cookies and notes for like a month and a half till I went up to him and asked him out.." She paused smiling livingly as she was replaying the memory and that made Bella smile. "..and god! His face! It was priceless. That shocked and astonished look on his face was something. And after that first date we hit it off." She then looked at smiling Bella and blushed then scratched her neck awkwardly. "..but you already know that."

Bella chuckled and shook her head. "No! I didn't know the details. I only knew about the cookie guy who you kept complaining about." Bella paused for a moment then continued. "Now tell me about him. His family, age, and business."

"Okay. He is the same age as us and studied at Oxford University. He comes from a wealthy family like mine and he is an only child. The company I work for is actually his family's and he will take it soon from his father. He was training for the past years and now he is ready to run it. He has two best friends, one from college and the other from high school. He doesn't like to have so many friends. I mean he is a really sociable and flirty guy but he just feels comfortable with only those two, unlike me." She paused thinking for a moment. "I think that's all."

"We have arrived Miss and princess." The driver announced.

"Let's get this party started." Eliza wiggled her butt with a mischievous smile. Then the bodyguard opened the doors and they both made their way to the private club. Luckily it was a secluded club and made for the extremely wealthy people, so you could not spot paparazzi from a meter afar.

A waiter ushered them both to their reserved, secluded space to find their old college mates all here already.

"Oh my god! Bella!" Lana, the tall slim with pitch-black hair was the first one to spot them. She ran into Bella with an engulfing hug.

"Surprise pals!" Eliza pointed with open arms to Bella that she finally brought her.

"Oh, man! We missed you as fuck." Charles the blonde guy with glasses who was always the genius of the gang came and took Bella in a hug as well as as soon as Lana let go.

"I missed you all too." Bella tightened her hug with a wide smile not leaving her face. She really missed them.

"Where is Dylan?" Charles asked as he broke off the hug.

Bella shook her head sadly. "Couldn't make it."

"Move your butts, it's my turn now." And that was the one who Bella was waiting as crazy for. Her partner in flirting, challenges, and dancing. He was always by her side, of course besides Dylan. But James was another matter to her. And they kind of had romantic feelings back then. Maybe it's gone and maybe not, they will figure it out now. "I missed you my cupcake." He flashed her his significant smirk taking her in a longing hug. He was still a very good-looking guy that all the girls on campus were drooling on but he already had his eyes on someone. As Bella hugged him and he tightened the hug she noticed how his muscles increased in a good way, she felt every flex of it. His dark brown hair seemed shorter, making his eye-catching eyes appear more. His eyes, those were her true weakness. She always felt lost in them and liked the shape and color of them a lot.

"I missed you more," Bella whispered tightening her arms more if possible.

"Aww, the love birds are back on track." Lana gushed.

"Shush bish! Bella is already reserved to that hot prince of her." Eliza has been nagging on Bella to talk to her about him since she saw her but Bella kept pending the subject. However, for Eliza, she knew how deep Bella's feeling for that prince but she kept fighting them as always. Bad Bella! Bad! Eliza kept saying that to her.

"We have so much to catch up on cupcake." James smiled, with his gaze fixed on Bella as they broke off the hug but his arms were still on her waist.

Bella nodded with a wide grin. "Yes, we do."

"I am here my vixen." Came Adrian's happy voice with his arms snaking around Eliza's waist, taking her by surprise that she let out a little squeal.

Eliza turned in his arms to face him with a wide smile. "Took you long enough cookie guy." She pecked his lips.

"Sorry, the traffic."

By now Bella and James were watching their interaction and finally meeting the guy who tamed that Vixen -their friend. James still had his hands resting on Bella's waist and she actually didn't mind. However, what she wasn't prepared for was the view behind Eliza and her finacè. She gasped not believing her own eyes.

"Lizzy, meet my two best friends..." Adrian announced turning with Eliza to introduce them. Unconsciously Bella's hands rested on James' ones that were resting on her waist. She just needed something to grasp on and James noticed so he tightened his hold. But it seems he wasn't the only one to notice.

Eliza gasped and Bella knew why but she was already stunned herself.

"The mysterious prince."

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