Only You (J-Hope x Reader)

By XutieMiako

96.2K 4K 1.1K

With a traumatic past, you avoid everyone. He gets the best of you though. Warning ⚠️: Preferably fifteen or... More

Kim is "Different"
Happy Birthday Yoongi!
Giving Them a Chance
Where The Isolation Began
Running From Hoseok
An Unexplainable Feeling
BTS Five Year Anniversary
Protect Hoseok
Fourth of July (Special)
"She is Who Changed me"
Homework Session
Hamburgers And Burritos
A Little Clarification
Hoseok's Past
Happy Thanksgiving!
A Rose
Christmas Special! (Part One)
Chrismas Special! (Part Two)
New Years Special!
His Past...
Valentine's Day Special!
Happy Birthday Hoseok!
Hi, Again
First Date
Permission From you
Get Used to it
More Time With him
Like the Past
Drawing Each Other
With the Others
An Unsure Feeling
Forgive, but Never Forget
My dad
Affection Just Like Before
His Location
Mac and Cheese Lasagna
Disagreeing With Each Other
Not The Same
Like a Father and Son Duo
Who's Famous?
You Need Food!
Someone Better
They'll Adore You!
Welcome Back
Things Keep Happening
Leave it to me
These People
Why did the World...?
Stopping all of This
Job Done
Just One Day
You do it
Only Two People
My Other Stories
Epilogue: Best Life

Halloween Special

1.3K 45 14
By XutieMiako

Hey, so it's Halloween. It also happens to be on Wednesday as well.

Anyways, Happy Halloween everyone! I hope that you all have a fun time getting cavities- I mean candies...

Anyways, I'm sure you guys can tell what this will be about. It's a Halloween special with BTS!

This will be the exact same as the Fourth of July one, I'm busy so I can't really provide for all the members... I'm sorry, but I hope you guys will be happy with this. :)

They say I'm too old for Trick-or-Treating, and I say "I look like I'm ten years old either way!"

Ahem, have fun today. This is a holiday that only happens once a year, so spend it the best you can! Unless you hate Halloween, then I guess you can just relax.

No matter how old you are, have fun today and don't mind the people who tell you that you're too old to be doing this. Dress up and be fabulous.

Happy Halloween! Have a wonderful, and don't forget to be spooky!

~The day before Christmas- I mean Halloween~

I walked happily on the sidewalk with my hands behind my back. Today BTS had promised me that they'll go Halloween shopping with me. Mostly for costumes and decorations. BTS and I were planning to just go Trick-or-Treating tomorrow and get a lot of candy, so then we can get fat. When I finally had the house in sight, I immediately ran to it. Then I was standing at the front door. A smile began to form on my face at the thought of how much fun I'll have shopping with them. I knocked on the door and waited. After a minute of no response, I knocked again. "Geez, did they head out without me?" I asked myself. The door still hasn't opened up. I knocked once more, louder this time. "Who is it?" I heard from within. It wasn't any of the voices I was familiar with. The voice was more soft and innocent. "It's Y/N," I said and then silence. "Who?" the voice asked. "Am I at the wrong house...? I don't know who this voice belongs to..." I thought as I started analyzing the house. It was definitely the correct house. "Babysitting?" I mumbled. "No... that makes no sense," I sighed. "Are you still there, Miss?" I heard from behind the door. "Who are you?" I asked in response. "Me? My mom says not to give out my name to strangers, you may be a kidnapper," the voice said. "So it is a kid... but why is a kid in the house...?" I stood there for a moment, thinking of possibilities. "Could you... open the door?" I asked. "What's the magic password?" another voice asked. This voice was more high pitched and happy. "Unicorns...?" I answered questionably. "How'd she know?" I heard little whispers between the two voices. "Should we let her in?" the happy one asked. "She got the password right..." and then there was a long silence. "But we don't know her," the other voice said. "Hmm... maybe she should ask her a question," the innocent voice asked. "Oh! Good idea! I know!" the happy one shouted. "Am I a boy or a girl?" the voice asked. "That's too easy!" the other one said. "You're a boy," I answered.

There were more tiny whispers, and then the door was unlocked. The door swung open, and there stood two little boys. "Wait," I stared at them for a little longer. "Seokjin and Hoseok?" I asked shocked. Their faces resembled their younger self so perfectly. "How do you know our names, Miss?" Seokjin asked with wide eyes. "Well, that's because we're friends..." I answered. "We are? We just met you today, Miss," Hoseok gave a confused face. I kneeled down and looked at the both of them. "What happened to you guys? I swear you guys were around your twenties yesterday," I stared at them. "Twenties? We're not that old yet!" Hoseok shouted. I continued to stare at them, "This is a prank isn't it?" and then I stood up. "Okay guys, come out. You guys got me, haha, hurry and come out," I started looking around. But there wasn't any movement. "Who are you talking to, Miss?" Seokjin asked with confusion. I looked down at them before crouching down. "So you guys are really BTS?" I asked as I started analyzing them again. "BTS? What's that?" Hoseok asked. I shook my head, "Never mind... where are the others?" "Others? Oh, they're in the living room," Seokjin motioned me to follow him. When I entered the living room, there was a mess. Taehyung and Jungkook were jumping on the couch while screaming at one another. Yoongi was laying sluggishly on the floor with his eyes closed, and once in a while he'll shout for everyone to tone it down. Namjoon was sitting at the living table, pencil in hand and writing words on a piece of paper (sloppy handwriting). Jimin was in the corner, his knees drawn to his chest, he seemed too afraid to interact with the others. "What is going on???" I demanded for answers, but there was no way to explain this.

Suddenly the room fell quiet. The tiny eyes stared at me. "There's a... adult lady in the room," Jungkook stared at me. "Hello..." I smiled sheepishly. "Who are you?" Namjoon asked in a protective way. "I'll explain all that later, could you all... gather around?" I asked. They looked at one another. Seokjin looked up at me and then to the others. "She's older than us, we should show respect by following her orders... she's not dangerous," Seokjin said. It seemed Seokjin trusted me even if he met me a few seconds ago- well not really. The others nodded at Seokjin's command. They seemed to understand that he was the oldest among them. I watched as they huddled together and sat down; I could tell who got together just fine and the ones who were still working on their bond. "Alright, um can you guys explain what's going on here?" I asked. They looked at one another with confusion. "First, explain who you are. You can't just walk in here and assume we'll give you immediate answers," Namjoon said. "Ah right, you're the smart one," I sat down with them. "I'm Y/N, I'm your friend... well you wouldn't know, would you?" I said. "Now can you guys explain?" I asked once more. "We don't even know how we got here, we all woke up and we were just here. From the beginning we didn't know each other, but then we interacted and became friends," Hoseok answered. "Weird, you guys were just adults yesterday-" I started thinking of ways on how this phenomenon could happen. I couldn't draw any conclusions, it didn't make sense. "You guys aren't this young, you guys are in your twenties," I started telling them their real ages. They stared at me in disbelief; it seemed they didn't believe my words. Then they were saying their ages, or the ages they think they are. "I have proof," I pulled out my phone and showed them the images of all of us together. They stared at me again, this time with more confusion. "So... why are we so young?" Yoongi asked tiredly. I shrugged, "That's what I want to know." "Maybe it's a Halloween curse!" Taehyung shouted as he jumped up. "Right, tomorrow is Halloween..." I thought. I was so caught up with this that I completely forgot about Halloween.

The kids seemed like they wanted questions, but I had no time to stall and answer them all. I sat there, and then an idea popped into my head. I snapped my fingers. "Alright, call me mom," I said. They stared at me with confusion. "Mom? But why?" Jungkook asked. "Aren't you our friend?" Jimin asked softly, I barely heard it. "Well... yes, but if you guys want to go Halloween shopping and Trick-or-Treating, I need to be your guardian. Also I don't mind being called mom, it'll help me understand the duties of a mom," I said. They stared at one another once more; it seemed that helped them or something. "Alright mom," Hoseok smiled brightly. I smiled back, "Now, shall we go Halloween shopping... kids?" They all nodded in excitement. I stood up and they copied me. "Wait... where did you guys get those clothes?" I asked as I turned to look at them. All seven of them stare down at their clothes; some even pull their shirts out to inspect them. "We had them when we woke up," Namjoon explained. I stared at them, "Even the shoes?" They all nodded in response. "What is BTS doing sleeping with their shoes on?" I thought as I headed for the door. "Ah right! My car, I didn't bring it. I walked here... so then we have to walk to my house so I can get my car keys," I said. "Yes mom!" they shouted in unison. "They adapted to that rather quickly..." I smiled.

~Shopping time~

Once I stepped out of my car, I knew I made a mistake. The younger form of BTS ran out the car. "Guys! Wait!" I shouted. They turned to look at me, and surprisingly they had obeyed. I immediately went to them. "Let's hold hands," I held out my hands to the ones closest to me. Taehyung had gladly taken my hand, but Jimin was hesitant. "Come on, it'll be more safe if we hold hands," I said. Jimin looked at my hand and then drew his wandering eyes to me. I continued to insist with my hand. After a while, he had taken my hand. I watched as he lowered his head, but noticed a shy smile appear on his face. Suddenly, I was the mother of seven, and we walked together with our hands held. When we walked into the store, eyes looked at me suspiciously. "Mommy," Jungkook waved his hand frantically in my direction. "Hmm?" I asked. "Can I be a bunny?" Jungkook asked. I nodded before smiling, "The innocent version of the bunny." "I want to be a UFO!!" Taehyung shouted. I looked over to Taehyung, "Is there even a UFO costume??" I asked myself. Soon, we were in the costume section. The seven kids released their grip and ran into the aisles. "Meet me back here!" I shouted, I was unsure if they even heard me.

I stood there for a complete of seconds, soon realizing that I needed a costume as well. I was quick to go into the adult section. As I scanned through the costumes, I stopped at one. "Maybe I should be red riding hood..." I thought. I grabbed the costume and looked at it. "Alright, I think I'll be this then," I nodded to myself before returning to the spot. While waiting, I continued to look at the costume. "After they find their costumes, we'll try them on," I paused. "Wait, they're capable of changing themselves, right?" It would only be a disaster if they couldn't change themselves. One by one, they came with costumes in their tiny hands. "Awe, I forgot how cute and innocent they looked when they were younger... if only they were still like that," my eyes couldn't leave the tiny cute features of them. Then I snapped out of it. "What did you guys decide to be?" I asked. "Look!" Taehyung held up his costume. "He actually found a UFO costume?!" I stared at him in shock. "Where did you get that?" I asked. "It was the last one... so I took it," Taehyung replied. "He definitely still has his powers," I thought. Hoseok went over to me and handed me his costume. "I want to be a monster!" Hoseok flung up his arms, and made his hands look like claws. "Rawr!" he shouted with an intense facial expression. It caught nearly every kids attention, and the parents hadn't mind. I smiled and gave back Hoseok's costume. "I'm going to be a nerd, I found the clothes for it too," Namjoon held up tiny glasses that would classify as "nerd glasses," along with a collared shirt and vest, and a pair of jeans. "Typical Namjoon," he looked so proud of his idea, it was so cute. "I wanted to be a princess, but then... some girl said I couldn't be a princess because I was a boy," Seokjin looked disappointed. "What did you do then?" I asked.

"I told her that she was just jealous because I would be a better looking princess than she will ever be," Seokjin said. I stare at him, eyes wide, and then I started laughing. Seokjin smiled and looked up at me, confusion vividly shown on his face. "That's amazing," I laughed. Eventually I had stopped laughing, and I cleared my throat. "Did you get the costume?" I asked. Seokjin nodded with a proud smile. "I don't care if that girl says I can't be a princess, I will be a princess. I'm my own person," Seokjin said in a sassy tone. "That's right," I smiled. "What did you decide to be, Yoongi?" I asked as my attention made its way to the little boy who seemed too tired to even stand up straight. He held up his costume. "I'm going to be a ninja," Yoongi said. "Should you have more energy to be a ninja?" I joked. "I'm my own person, so I can be whatever I want to be," Yoongi replied. I couldn't believe that Yoongi had used Seokjin's words (that I agreed on) to use against me. "Did you find a bunny costume?" I quickly looked over to Jungkook. He nodded and his hair bounce with his movement. Jungkook was quick to hold up his costume. It was a full body costume. "Won't you sweat a lot? We'll be walking a ton," I gave a concern look. He was quick to push aside my worries by shaking his head. "It's autumn, it'll be cold! So it won't matter," Jungkook nodded at his knowledge. "Alright, as long as you enjoy your time," and then my attention drew its way to the one who was too shy to say anything. Jimin only simply smiled and laughed to himself. He played with his fingers and would give me glances, as if asking for my attention. I found it so cute. "What did you choose?" I asked. Jimin stared up at me and then to his costume. He tried hiding it behind his back, as if shy about his option. "Come on, don't be shy. No one is judging you," I smiled and crouched down. Jimin's big wandering eyes stared at me unsurely. "It's not boyish..." Jimin said softly. "Neither is mine!" Seokjin was trying his best to make Jimin feel comfortable, I appreciated that. For a long time, Jimin stared at me. "Let's see?" I held out my hand. My leg was starting to hurt from all the crouching. After a few hesitations, he placed the costume in my hand. "A sailor?" I could imagine it. "You'll look adorable in it," I assured. Finally I stood up straight. "Don't be shy Jimin, we're all family now," I gave a gentle smile. "That's right! You're our younger brother, and we'll always love you," Hoseok immediately hugged Jimin. "You're our older brother," Jungkook and Taehyung smiled brightly. Soon the others were surrounding Jimin and hugging him. A smile appeared on his face.

It seemed that role playing as a family was easy for them. Then before I knew it, Jimin was more comfortable than before. He's still shy but I could tell that he was trying his hardest to break out of his shell. After I finished getting Halloween decorations, we headed to the cash register. While at the cash register, the person was giving a full expression of judgement. I didn't know who they were judging: me for having about seven kid, Seokjin for happily and proudly placing his costume down, or the kids who ran all around in a energetic mode, and the fact they listened to me without me needing to yell at them. Once the costumes and decorations were in the bags, one by one, they started helping me. They started carrying the bags. "We forgot to ask, what did you choose as a costume, mom?" Seokjin asked as we were walking out the store. "Red riding hood," I answered. As I continued to walk with the seven kids, I continued to receive judgmental looks. And in return, I gave them a judgmental look.

~At home~

"Good thing BTS gave me a spare key," I quickly unlocked the door. "I want to try out my costume!" Taehyung was quick to run into the house with excitement. "Go and try on your costumes," I motioned the rest. Soon they all disappeared into their rooms. I put the bags down and started pulling out decorations. As I waited for them to try on their costumes, I started decorating the living room. When I was midway, the kids rushed out. I looked at the; they looked so precious and innocent. Their cuteness was overwhelming for my sight. I felt like my eyes would jump out just to hug each one of them. "You guys look so adorable!" I smiled. From Seokjin being in a pink dress to Jungkook in a bunny costume. Seokjin held a fake rose in his hands, Yoongi's hands were occupied with fake katanas, Hoseok's hands were covered with gloves that had claws coming out from the fingertips, Namjoon carried a book in his right arm (probably found it somewhere in his room), Jimin had his hat in his hands, Taehyung had a plush alien in his hand, and Jungkook had a plush carrot that came along with the costume. "I need to capture this," I thought as I pulled out my phone. "I'm going to take a picture of you guys," I said. I motioned them to gather together. Then I looked over to the decorations. I quickly set some fake pumpkins, tombs, and skeletons around them. "Say Halloween!" I said. "Halloween!" they all said in unison with a huge smile. "Mommy, take a picture with us!" Hoseok ran over to a bag and pulled out my costume. Soon I was pushed to change and take a picture with them. It was like a Halloween photoshoot.

~Halloween night~

The night was finally here. I was walking around with the seven kids- the ones who randomly appeared the day before Halloween. I still hadn't found any reasons as to why this happened. One day they were in their twenties, and now they were able to be in elementary school. But I pushed aside any further thought. The guys wouldn't believe any of this happened. So I decided to take pictures and record videos of them. It was the most precious thing that was on my phone. I only hoped that everything would stay in my phone, so then I can remember the oddest time in my life. "Trick-or-Treat!" we all said in unison. A smile on our faces. "My my! So many kids, are they yours?" the old woman asked. I nodded, "Oh, what a hassle it must be! They look like angels," she smiled at them. She started placing candies one by one in our bags. "They are angels," I smiled as I looked at all of them. They all gave me a huge smile. "Have a nice night," Seokjin bowed as we walked off. "Mommy," Jungkook tugged at my dress. "Yes?" I asked as I turned to him. "It's getting hot," Jungkook started fanning himself. "Shall we take a break?" I asked the others around me. "We should," Jimin said. Ever since yesterday, Jimin was suddenly attracted to Jungkook. It was so cute to see their relationship together. A bunny and a sailor holding hands while walking together. Their smiles never faded once. It was so adorable so I got a picture of it. Soon the eight of us were at a park, sitting on a bench. Around me, the little ones we're talking about trading candy. I was mesmerized by the stars above. They were beautiful, the way they twinkled in the night sky. It had eventually drawn in the attention of the kids. "Are we finished with Trick-or-Treating?" Namjoon asked as he kicked his tiny feet. "We can stop by a few more if you guys want," I said. They looked at one another. "Let's do that," Yoongi gave off an energetic aura. Then we were heading to more houses. Getting leftover candy, and eventually it all ended.

As we were heading back, a random person popped out from the corner. "Boo!" the person said. The person had scared the younger ones, and the kids looked like they were about to cry. "Oh, no I'm so sorry," the person immediately started bowing. "What's wrong with you?" I asked, I was about to hit the person for scaring them. The person took off their mask. "I'm really sorry; I just saw you and thought you were the only one. So I wanted to scare you," he paused and stared at the kids. "But instead, it turns out you're a mom of seven, and you didn't get scared at all," he gave an apologetic expression. "Don't apologize to me, apologize to them," I furiously pointed at the younger BTS. He stared at me for a while, and then a light bulb popped up from his head. "Here, I have candy for you, this is my apologies for scaring you," he grabbed his bag and pulled out candy. The kids happily held out their Halloween baskets, with a smile on their faces. I watched as he placed about ten pieces in each one of them. "They'd not poisonous, right?" I asked. "I sure hope not," he replied jokingly. Then he turned to me, seeing that I didn't take his joke. "They're not," he promised. "It must be a hassle to deal with seven kids," he said when we were about to leave. I turned and smiled. "Maybe for others, but I've been dealing this these kids for years now," I said. Then we were heading home. I was back in the house, the kids were exhausted and so was I. For the first time, I realized that this might end today. It brought tears to my eyes at the thought. "Don't cry!" they all began to comfort me. I started wiping my tears. "Why are you crying?" Seokjin asked. "I was just thinking how you guys aren't going to stay like this. You'll all return to your normal selves, you can't all stay like this," I smiled. "No matter what happens..." Hoseok began. "We'll always be here," Taehyung finished for Hoseok. "Thank you for being with us, mommy," Jimin smiled. I didn't know that this would be the last time I would be called this from the little BTS. They all hugged me, it's like they knew their time was running out. I hugged them back. "Let's take one more photo together! Family photo," Yoongi suggested. He seemed more hyper, but I could sense his sadness through it all. After all that, they all fell asleep in the living room. I placed blankets on them. My eyes started getting heavy, and I fell asleep right beside them all.

~The next day~

I was awake, the sun shined brightly. I had noticed that I was now on the couch and not the ground. Once I got up, I had headed to the kitchen. It was the Seokjin I knew. "Ah morning, Y/N," he smiled. His smile reminded me of the younger Seokjin. I felt like crying again, but I held back. Soon the other members came running in. "Did we get drunk for two days straight?!" Jimin asked with complete confusion. "Halloween passed and I don't remember a single thing! Did we even go Treat-or-Tricking?!" Jungkook looked disappointed. "You guys won't believe me, but you guys did," I said. They turned to look at me. "Really? Why can't we remember?" Yoongi gave a confused expression. "You won't believe me, but your younger self went Trick-or-Treating," I said. For a second they stared at me, and then they started laughing. "That's nonsense Y/N, you know that's highly impossible," Namjoon said. "I have proof too!" I pulled out my phone and went to my photos. Everything from Halloween was there. "See!" I showed them. They looked at the photo. "What? That make no sense," Seokjin shook his head in confusion. "You have nice photoshopping skills," Jungkook most definitely didn't believe it. None of them seemed to believe me, even with the image. "Look, I have videos too," I showed them everything but they still didn't believe me. "Fine, don't believe me!" I crossed my arms in frustration. Taehyung placed his hands on my shoulders. "Don't worry friend, I believe you," he smiled.

~At home~

I stepped into my house, "It wasn't a dream... everything is still there." As I stepped into my room, I noticed something. It was the things the younger BTS were holding for the costumes. I stared at them. There was a note and I went to read it. "We'll always be here... mommy," I covered my mouth and cried silently as the memories flooded back in.

"I will never forget."


"Who did it you wonder?" she stared at the fellow readers that are currently reading this. "Well it was the one and only witch," she said. "Me! XutieMiako! I did this all," she smiled, before flying off with her broom.

Happy Halloween!
Have an amazing day today!
Don't forget to have fun!
I hoped you enjoyed!

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