Splatoon Manga Various x Mode...

By vendingg

62.5K 1K 976

I like Splatoon. I like manga. Let's read the Splatoon Manga. So your otaku butt did that. You went to bed. A... More

Info Corner
I'm fucking here!
Would ya Look at That?
I liek Water
Yaay Special Training~
Purple People
Fresh Fresh Greenery
Cubeey Squares
I. . . CAN. . . FIGHT!!
Well fuck
crates + birds + oof = Goggles
Pyun, pyun~~
camp triggered
booyah bacc
Junior Squid [31.005 - Bonus]
So Apparently Ranked is a Thing Now
blitz is a useless word
prince is a big boi now c:
prince IS a big boy c:
and i oop-
gloves but maybe with a harem
imagine taking a photo of that one time in this chapter skulls mask flips
a/n: this book has been downgraded from [HIATUS] β†’ [DISCONTINUED]

Retro bowling ball team

1.3K 27 12
By vendingg

A/n: my vid pro, teacher showed my class the vid over there, it's quite inspiring. She said she actually met the youtuber at a convention.

Tennis headband.
Jogging headband.
Squash headband.
B-ball headband.

Those were the lousy names of your enemy.

Enemies you probably wouldn't face again sometime soon.


Oh, shit.

You tightened your grip on your (f/w), excited to splat some—


Well fuck.

You quickly started to ink turf, following the rest of Gloves's team.

"Team Gloves is swiftly painting the area!"

"Let's do it in a cool way!"

You smirked before checking the sidelines. You briefly eyed the billow of squids, in search if the blue team.

'Good... Not there.'

"Just what's cool?!"

You looked back ahead of you, as Tennis headband stopped your train of thought.

"The opponents.!"

"Trying to look cool by showing off...!!"

"The boys only, Retro gamer team!"

Or maybe they're all girls inside.

"We'll show you the strength of our manly squad!" Tennis Headband bragged with the pride of a lion, "And..."

"We'll never forgive guys who have girls on their team!"


"Mega oof."

Gloves seized the chance, "You won't be popular with the ladies if you come on that strong!"



Gloves looked at you, bamboozled.

"I think the busty women like abs and dicc more."


You snickered.

"U-unforgivable!" The retro gamer team remarked in sync, brushing off your "bold" statement.

"What bold attacks!"

'Wasn't it supposed to be 'a fierce attack?''

"Take this and this and this!"

"They've cornered Gloves the player!"

You snapped back into reality and was dumbfound when they were only shooting Gloves.

'Soo, should I splat 'em..? Wait...'

You looked around and noticed everyone was inking turf.

It was that moment you felt like a dimbo.

'How the fuck did I forget?'

Hurriedly, you began to assist in thy inking of turf, hoping you didn't looks stupid.

But you kinda are.

"They're in a jam!"

And cue the true nature of the school cardigans being revealed.

gEnDeR bEnDeR iN A nUtShElL

"The retro gamer team is relentlessly attacking Gloves, the player!"

You quietly snickered at the thought if random crap, as you kept inking the ground a noice neon green.

You looked around the stage, Musselforge fitness.

'Hhh looks pretty green to me.'

You checked the map.


"GRAAAHHH!" you overheard the Retro gamer team rage.

"... Almost time," Gloves muttered, "take a look behind you."


You watched as Tennis headband pathetically looked behind him.

"They've inked that much?!"

"I was just a decoy," Gloves explained, "too bad!"

"Now," Gloves began, smirking, "Time for our counter attack! In a cool way."

"Go back and re-ink!"

"Too slow."







My splats.


You smirked, you had stolen Gloves splats last second.


"The Gloves team wins!"

"Standing out for the team is also cool, yeah?"


And then Gloved was chased outside as you snickered, following him the rest of his team.


"You were amazing!" Goggles commended, admiring Rider. You stood were still standing by Gloves team, Clips happened to find you guys and approached everyone.

"Hmph. Looks like you didn't do too bad." Rider mentioned, sneakig a glance at Gloves.

sHiP mOmEnTs

"You too."

"Though if we meet in a battle, I'll wreck you with my dynamo."

Your outdated dynamo...

"I'll just dodge with my dualies."

Yeah, yeah, good luck with that.

Rolling away from a dynamo.



"Alright! Let's do our best in our next match!" Goggles cheered.


"Hey look in Block B!"

Wheey S4 team.

You turned to glance over at the crowd like literally everybody else.

"What's going on?" Glasses wondered, bamboozled.

"Maybe Skull's team?" Goggles suggested, also it peeking his interest.



"Next up is..."

You struggled to keep up with the blue team as they tried to get a good view in the front row. Bodies and butts pushing against you, much chaos.


"Now then," you heard Aloha cheer, his familiar pink tentacles fading into view. "Shall we go?"

"The S4 team—"



"What?" you asked, looking at the irritated and deadpanning faces surrounding you, "It's true."

—Time Skip—

"For their first round in Block B, it's the S4 vs The safari!"

"Guess we'll go watch," Rider muttered. You were about to follow him until you realized you had lost sight if Gloves. 'Dafuq?'

"Me too!" Goggles exclaimed, following after— not before Glasses grabbed him by the collar.

"Wait wait! We also have a match!"

"Eeh?! I wanna watch!"

"Goggles, you have to swap modes!"

"Roger that!"

"What a fast swap!"

You snickered, 'Wait, Inkfall gonna—'

"Let's hurry up and go."

"You're still gonna eat dango like that?!"

And then came the big collision.


You cringed at Inkfall's cries.

'Yaay, Inkfalll boii.'

"It's all messed up!" Inkfall frantically cried, "I can't go on living!"

"Eh? Living?"

"The competitors are having a dispute!"

"We hate getting dirty!" Inkfall cried with pride, his comrades surrounding him.

You frowned at Hat(-chan), who was cleaning Inkfall's shirt.

"Hey hey, Hat, that's not how you do it," you remarked, approaching the bamboozled squid. The blue and Inkfall team giving you questioning looks.

"How do you—"

"You're supposed to do it like this," you criticized, stealing the bottle and doing it properly. Internally delighted with the blushing Inkfall.

Huh. Why was he blushing anyway?

You also snuck a glance at the bamboozled Arrow(-chan) and Lyvader(-kun).

'I need their numbers.'

"Ah, as I was saying," Inkfall continued, regaining his composure, "we love smearing our opponents in ink—"

"Because it turns you on."


"C'mon, everyone has their fetishes," you half-joked, glancing up at the flabbergasted Inkfall, as you were still cleaning, as Hat admired your technique. 'Thanks, mom.'

You also noticed Lyvader's awkward looking pair of Turquoise kicks, of which did not match his positive longcuff sweater.

'Fashion choices, fam.'

"Uh, (Y/n)... that comment..."


Distracted, you looked over at the speaker, Glasses.

Though you felt a small sense of guilt when you noticed Inkfall pull away from you, flustered and maybe disgusted.

"We're gonna be late," Headphones informed, looking at her comrades. You were a bit bamboozled when they excitedly left for their match. 'What was Glasses gonna say about my comment?'

"Uhm, who are you?" Hat asked, seemingly uncomfortable. You realized you were still kneeling, and so you steadily rose up to their level.

"I'm (Y/n)," you greeted, waving, "I'd like to see more of you guys— at least, if you'll let me."

A/n: asdfghjkl look at dem readss

900* boii

Gonna be about 960 or higher after this.

What should I do for the 1K special?

A lemon oneshot? (I cant write those, I can TRY— but no)

Please leave suggestions. ^u^


Mask: Do a Maask x Reeader ooneshot—


Mask: ...

Mask: No.


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