Working With The Hounds

By Clay91

428 4 0

There where 3 new neighbors and 1 me... And a friendship that came to be in the most oddest way possible. J... More

Intro To My Life
Dinner for 7?
When Hearts Fight
Confronting Her Past: Joe POV
Confronting Her Past: Kawaii POV
Confronting Her Past: Colby POV
Osaka to Iowa
New Beginning
Along came a Monkey
The Sit Down
Their Redemption
Their Redemption: Jon POV
2 for 1 Love: Kody's Birthday
2 for 1 Love: Kawaii's Birthday
2 for 1 Love: The Aftermath
His Love Letter
Kody's Bad Day
2 Hours Away: Author's POV
3 Hounds and a Kody: Colby POV
3 Hounds and a Kody: Jon's POV
Drunken Night, Sober Conversation
The Strong May Fall

Her Silent Cries: Joe's POV

11 1 0
By Clay91

She was the toughest girl growing up but now she's had more bad days than anything. We didn't know how bad things were these past few months until her mom called me while I was in the store getting the things on the list she gave.

Ok Joe I need you to listen to me carefully... ok?, Mrs. Morris said in a serious tone.

I'm listening Mrs. Morris, I said as I stopped to grab a bag of curly fries.

Kawaii is going to try to push you guys away and I don't want her to do that.. ok?, she said a bit choked up.

The tone in her voice changed suddenly that it gave me the notion that she wasn't in the room with Kody.

Joe... keep an eye on my daughter tonight.. She hasn't been her self for the past month and a half, she said.

We'll be there making sure she doesn't do anything dangerous. We've been waiting to see her and Kody since we left so we're going to protect her, I said .

Mrs. Morris let out a soft cry that tore me up on the inside because... she was so strong all the time. She was the reason Kawaii wore a stone face when it came to showing emotions but now Kawaii's a ball of stress and fear while her parents are trying to save her from herself.

Once I hung up the phone with her mom, I grabbed 4 more things and headed to check out. I made my way back to the truck and saw Kawaii passed out on the back seat.

Ok guys... we're going to sleep like we did when we had that talk with her... by no means do we let her out of our sight, I said.

Alright, Jon said.

Ok... but Joe we got to talk to her about what's been going on, Colby said as he looked down at his arm.

Kawaii had a visible grip on his arm that we knew too well from our past. Tears stained her cheeks as soft snores came from his shoulder.

Ok ok ok... no sudden moves Colby until we get to her house, I instructed him and started the car and drove off.

We stopped at the last 2 stores and made our way to her house.

I grabbed her from the back seat and carried her in once we parked in her garage.

Jon put all the food up as Colby grabbed blankets and pillows and carried them to her room. We got our showers in and we all slept around her.

~Later that Night~

I woke up to Kawaii looking at me lying on the floor around her. She had this look that only showed fear and I didn't want to see her like that.

What's wrong baby?, I asked sitting up but she moved over in her bed. Kawaii?, I called out but her silent sniffles spoke volumes.

I got up and climbed into her bed and pulled her into my arms. We made eye contact and I could instantly see the hurt.

Talk to me baby girl... we're here for you.., I said but she layed down on me and fell back asleep.

I rubbed her back as she snored softly.  Soon Colby got up and walked past the bed and left out. I watched her eyes flutter as her arms layed locked around me. I placed kisses around her forehead and jawline causing her to jump some.

Wwhhooa baby girl it's just me, I said watching her dart away from me scared. Kawaii it's me! It's just me! Calm down ok?, I said as I  reached for her bedside lamp and she saw it was me.

What! Wait! What I'm up! What's going on?!, Jon yelled as he jumped up running towards the bed.

Jon calm down!, I yelled but Colby came running in.

What!?, he said rushing back in the room but we only scared her even more.

Hey dude.... it's juusst us ok?, Jon said and slowly sat down next to me.

She looked at us as if it was hard to believe that we were there.

Colby climbed in and sat next to her but she jumped a bit...... We looked at her in shock and confusion. What happened to her while we were gone? Why was she so timid towards us?

Kawaii... Talk to us.. please, I asked but she said nothing.

I took her hand in mines and in that instant she realized that we were actually there and it puzzled us while simultaneously hurting us.

Kawaii why?... Why are you so scared? Why did you think it wasn't us sitting here? Dude what the hell is going on?, Colby said as she pulled us into hugs one by one.

I'm so scared!, she sobbed into my shoulder.

Talk to us darlin ok? Come on, Jon said wipping tears from her eyes.

Luke knows where I stay.. the gang he rolled with back in Osaka flew out and walked up on Kody and I in a store and followed me here, she said crying. I've given names and photos to the police but they know Luke from the Army so I'm fucked. Then Kody.... My baby.. his arm... it's my fault cuz I didn't see the car! I didn't see it, she continued and cried.

First off, it wasn't your fault Kawaii... the driver had a blood alcohol level high enough to kill his self! You did nothing wrong, I said holding her close to me. Feeling her shaking took me back to the night Jon lost his favorite cousin.

And secondly, we're going to move you and Kody to a place where they can't find you... completely off the grid, Jon said as he pulled his phone out and walked out the room.

No it's no use... They'll only find me again, she said looking down.

Joe.., Colby said looking at her but I was stomped...

How was I supposed to save her from this? True, Jon had a fool proof plan but we do go country to country performing so how would she be safe during those times?

We have to do something because I have a gut feeling that their accident was on purpose, Colby said and I felt the same.

Jon walked back in and sat at Kawaii's feet.

So?, Colby asked Jon which snapped him out of his thoughts.

Oh! Oh yeah well aah..., he grabbed his phone out and typed something and handed it to us.

Dude.... Wait?..... Duude!, Colby said.

Are you sure? I mean what about his school and all?, I said.

What? Who's school?, Kawaii asked looking at us.

Do you trust me?... Even after how we treated you in the past?, Jon asked her.

Are you guys leaving me?, she asked completely crushing us. Like.... why would she say that? And more importantly how could we when we know she needs help?

No no no darling we wouldn't dare especially when Kody's still in the hospital. We have a plan that we can't speak on but it involves you, Kody, your mom and dad.. if they want to join.. but the 1st yes has to come from you though, Jon said and grabbed her hands. Dude... we got to protect you. It's breaking my heart to see you cry and to know that you were the strongest girl we've ever known but now you've fought for so long that you're gonna give up now. We can't have that Kawaii. You have Kody and he's going to need you more than anyone he'll ever know, Jon said and she cried.

You got to be strong baby girl so we'll be here to support you in this journey. We love you and you know I love you with everything I have so we won't let you fall no further than where you stand now ok? Jon's doing this for you and Kody so... would you trust him enough to save you and trust Colby to do the same? I ,myself, know nothing about a situation like this so would you trust me to learn as I go? I'm your boyfriend and I want to protect you and Kody more than anything but without these two it wouldn't mean as much to Kody like I know it would, I said moving to hold her.

She felt cold and defeated already but I wanted her to fight. We wanted her to feel safe when we're on the road but Luke was making that very impossible. And to hurt them intentionally was nothing we expected but this time he took it too far.

Ok.., She said from my shoulder.

You don't deserve this Kawaii and Kody doesn't either, Colby said as he messed with one of her girly pillows. You're my bestfriend, he added.

Well that hurts but he's right dude... We love you too much to have gotten close to you again and lose you this easliy, Jon said poking her shoulder.

She moved from me and hugged them both.

Hey Colby go get her food for her and we'll facetime Kody, I asked him but Kawaii protested.

I'm not hungry, she quickly replied.

Noooope, I said as Colby came in and handed her the food we bought.

I'm not..., she tried to say but Colby pushed a frie in her mouth.

Eeeeeaaaattttt, he said.

And to our surprise, she ate her food.

Thank you for eating your food without a fuss, I said to her but earned a raspberry in return.

Very grown-up baby girl, I laughed as she pushed the food bag in the garbage.

Jon grabbed his phone then came and sat next to us and called her dad.

For 2 whole hours we talked to Kody and he seemed soooo comfortable with her not being there. He laughed and blew kisses to everyone as the pain meds kicked in but Kawaii wasn't ready to let him go just yet. She held on to Jon's phone as Kody slept and stared. She was searching for something but there was nothing to be found.

Here you go Jon, Kawaii said handing him the phone.

Aaww he's sleep, Jon said making her smile.

Yeeaah...  Thank you...  Thank you to all 3 of you, she said holding back a tear.

We got you baby and we will aways be here for you, I reasurred her.

The guys got up and went to her guest room to catch some sleep leaving us alone. She curled up on my chest and closed her eyes...  She was beautiful mess laying there and I was happy that she was mines once again. This time we were going to make sure she's protected by any means before we leave in a few days.

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