Bitten But Alive (The Walking...

By chibicandimei

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When it all began, you,being one of the best soldiers,helped get as many people as you could out of multiple... More



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By chibicandimei

Rick Finally Finds Out


(Glenns' POV)


"I'm sorry! I'm-! It-It just came out!" I brought my arms up in defense, in case Lori decided to hit me for opening my big mouth. I groaned internally as she got even closer to me. 'Fuck-Fuck-Fuck-Fuck-Fuck!' I looked behind Lori to see that Y/N had appeared, accompanied by Carl, who was hanging off of her back.

'Ahh! Y/N, help me!'

She looked over at me and Lori, but the second her eyes met my pleading ones, Carl grabbed her attention again. 'Fuck Carl! Can you stop hogging Y/N?!' Knowing I was on my own, I looked back to Lori. "And it was Dale, I couldn't not tell hi-...?" I stopped talking as I saw her shaking her head. 'Is she not... Mad...? I'm not dying today...?'

She sighed. "Look, it's okay. I never should have put you in that position. I understand that kinda secret is hard to keep." My eyes looked a bit passed her to see if Y/N was still around. 'Just in case I need to run and hide behind someone...' I stayed silent as Lori began to talk again, this time her eyes were focused on the floor. "I've been thinking about what you said, about needing help-... a-and you're right. I-... I do."

I nodded at her. I was excited! She was gonna get herself some help! "Yeah, yeah! Name it, and I'll help."

"If-... if you're still willing to make a run into town for me..." She finally looked up to see my reaction to her request. I saw the worry in her eyes quickly diminish, not disappear though, as the smile on my face comforted her.

I nodded again with an even wider smile."Of course, I'm you're man. Just say what I'm gonna be looking for."

She didn't respond. She stood still for a moment before she leaned forward and pulled me into a hug, her arms quickly coming around me. "Thank you..." I was confused by her reaction, but non the less, I hugged her back and she seemed to relax a bit more. I heard her sigh as I patted her back.

"It's okay, it's not a big deal-... Really." She quickly pulled away and looked at me with a grim smile. She began to walk away, but I stopped her for a moment. "Ahh, wait, Lori?" She stopped and turned back to look at me. "Is Y/N allowed to come along with me or-?"

She made a worried face, but nodded. "If she wants to go, then yes."

I gave a small wave as she walked away slowly, as I stared at her retreating figure I thought about what she could possibly want this time, maybe Y/N could tell me if I asked, she is a girl too so maybe she'd know what Lori wants? I shifted my eyes to the ground, I should probably go ask Y/N if she wants come with me. Also Maggie, I'm gonna need the horse again and she knows the route to get there. I raised my hand to scratch at my neck only for it to be stopped midway by someones body. Huh?

I quickly looked up to see Y/N standing there with a raised eyebrow, I looked back at my hand to see that it got stopped by her chest, Oh shit, I quickly pulled my hand back to my side as I felt my face go completely red with embarrassment. When I finally looked back at her face obvious amusement began to fill her eyes and I noticed she was slightly smirking at me, Wait where's her mask? "Well ignoring that now, how'd it go with Lori big mouth?"

My eyes widened,"Wait-how did you, but..."

She let out a small laugh before answering," Did you forget my background already Glenn? Listening in to your surroundings is one of the most useful attributes to have." I let my head fall forward to avoid looking at her face," Basically I heard someone that wasn't you, and that wasn't me, confront Lori as passively as possible. From what Ive seen , only Dale is that passive and kind."

"Dammit," I muttered under my breath ,the redness of my face going away, but she heard me and placed her arm over my shoulders.

"Don't worry ,at least she didn't kill you," my cheeks began to turn a light shade of pink as she leaned her face closer. Her face seemed so emotionless but her eyes were smiling. "Honestly I thought she would but hey, you got lucky right?" She suddenly pecked my cheek causing my rosy cheeks to go scarlet in a matter of seconds. Before I could say anything she began to pull me over to the fire where Carl was munching on some food,"Have you eaten yet? I was about to make myself something since me and Carl both missed out from sleeping."

Not trusting my mouth to function after the kiss to my cheek I just smiled and nodded as an answer. She understood and began to cook while I went and sat down next to Carl," Did my mom say something to you?"

I avoided Carl's eyes, Knowing what I know, if I let it slip about his mom then this time she will definitely hang me by my neck. Swallowing out of nerves I just scratched at the back of my neck and let out a small laugh," She wanted me to go get some more stuff from the town, that's all."

He nodded and went back to eating with a smile on his face,"This is really good Y/N!"

She only hummed in response.

Oh right, I was supposed to ask her about going to town with me before I accidentally.. hit... her... I covered my cheeks with my hands as the thought of my hand against her chest was just-

"Glennnnnnnn!" My eyes widened as I looked up to see Y/N with a raised eyebrow, then I noticed she was holding out a plate which was right in front of my nose. "Take it before I give it to someone else would you."

I quickly took it, I wouldn't pass up the chance of eating something that Y/N specifically made for me. "Umm thank you."

She hummed again," Check to see if it's actually cooked all the way Glenn, I have a...umm...habit for undercooking meat. I rather you not get sick."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I looked down at the meat, How does someone have a habit for not cooking meat all the way. I bit into the meat carefully, her warning had me both confused and worried but after my bit I confirmed it was safe. And it's really good too. I looked up at her to see that she was eating as well, but when I looked at it her food looked extremely undercooked. Does she not get sick from eating uncooked meat? I watched as she easily bit into the red meat and swallowed it without flinching at the raw taste. Some people do order their food rare but....

( Your POV )

It's funny teasing Glenn, mostly because it is surprisingly easy to make him blush, but also cause his reactions are cute. I just shrugged as I watched Carl eat happily, my eyes then moved over to Glenn who seemed to be focused on me, no not me but my lap. The raw meat. I frowned as I stared at him, I needed to move his focus and fast. "Glenn." He looked up at my face slowly," When Lori was talking to you what did she ask for anyway?"

To this I noticed his thoughts vanish and his previous focus on my food was easily tossed to the back of his mind, I sighed internally, I need to be more careful, but my body was craving for raw meat at this point. He put his food down,"Oh she asked me to run into town again, I was gonna ask you if you wanted to join me. Just in case anything happens."

I nodded with a soft smile,"Sure, I've been thinking of heading back to see if they have any knives."

He nodded with a smile,"That's great, now I just gotta ask Maggie ."

I cocked my head to the side as he said this, does he not want Maggie to come along or something? Actually maybe something happened between them again...I shrugged it off,"Anyway, what does Lori want this time?" He visibly flinched at the question before looking off in a different direction, does this have to do with her being pregnant again? "Glenn."

He slowly inched his eyes back to find mine staring at him,"Well, I don't know what she wants exactly. She hasn't told me yet?"

I nodded slowly at his response, what could she want though? "Does it have to do with what we got last time?" He just simply shrugged at my question. oh well.

"I was kinda hoping you'd know."

I just stared at him with my eyebrows furrowed in confusion,he isn't joking is he? Glenn you're...stupid.I sighed with a roll of my eyes before asking, "How the fuck would I know?"

He gave me an awkward smile,"Womans Intuition?"

"You're lucky I won't hurt you in front of Carl."


"Carl you can't come, you're mom will kill me if I put you in danger," he wouldn't listen and just nuzzled his face further against my chest.His arms were tightly wrapped around me as well.

God dammit.

Just at that moment Lori seemed to pass by only to see Glenn and Maggie waiting on their horses while I tried to pry a cute Carl off of me. She stopped walking and turned to face us making eye contact with me,"Carl."

At his name Carl looked up at me in confusion, to this I motioned with my head behind him. The second he saw his mom he began to pout as she called him over, "Sorry Carl, I'll see you when we get back,okay?" He just tightened his grip on me so I looked back at Maggie and Glenn with a smirk,"Start going, I'll catch up."

They both nodded with an understanding look and began to make their way down the path,"Y/N?" At my name I looked back at Carl who rested his chin on my chest as his big blue eyes stared into my e/c ones, I furrowed my brows as he tried to find the words. I cocked my head to the side when he finally opened his mouth,"How you are with me." I raised an eyebrow,"Do I remind you of someone?"

The small amused look I had on because of Carl's childishness quickly left once he finished his question and I went silent, Lori noticed the sudden change at the question and stepped closer to get my attention, "Y/N?"

I looked up at her with wide eyes before I quickly closed them and pushed Carl off of me, he seemed to have realized how the question struck me and was now left stunned at my reaction,"It's nothing." Carl tried to reach to grab me again to apologize but Lori grabbed his shoulder,"I'll see you later."


I didn't look back at his voice, they both have blue eyes too... With a sigh I got onto the horse before quickly making my way toward Glenn and Maggie who had gotten quite ahead of me. Fuck...

( Maggie POV )

"You didn't have to come you know?" I didn't care one bit if he was talking to me, my eyes stayed forward, I really don't want to see his face right now. "You could hate me from a distance.....please say something?"

Are you bringing this up because Y/N isn't here yet?

It still stayed silent, So many things I want to say to him, I want to hurt him so much for opening his fucking mouth! I sighed as I felt my anger beginning to get out of control, I need to say something before Y/N gets here..... at least she didn't say anything to anyone, I side glance Glenn who looked uncomfortable. With another sigh I opened my mouth just as he spoke again,"Maggie I-"

I glared at him,"I asked you for your trust and you betrayed it!" He opened his mouth again but quickly shut it. "Now my dad is pissed at me, do you understand now!" He quickly looked away, I did the same but the glare never left my face, hearing in coming steps I figured Y/N was beginning to catch up. "Your turn."

"So, you're dad thinks they're sick?" Once he finished his question I heard the horses steps slow down, Y/N had finally caught up but didn't say a word to either of us, I took this as a normal thing. Y/N barely ever forced herself into a conversation unless it actually involved her, I thought this was no different. "And you agree with that? Even after what you saw at the well?"

"Look, I'm not even sure of what I saw at the well-" "Yes you are."

I ignored him, and things stayed silent until we reached our destination. Y/N instantly began to go down the road more,"I'll be back, if anything happens just yell." With that she gave a small wave before slowly continuing forward, did something happen when we left?

I didn't have time to think about it as Glenn suddenly opened his mouth again ,and about the same topic as before,"Look if you had seen Atlanta, you would not have a barn full of walkers!"

My anger increased at that stupid name, walkers this, walkers that, WALKERS! With a harsh glare I leaned closer to him,"God I wish you would STOP calling them that!"

He went silent again, I angrily tied my horses reign against the stores front post,"Then.." I glanced over at Glenn as he slowly looked at me,"What do you call them?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I stared at him,"Mom," his eyes widened as I began to pull on the reign to make sure the tie wouldn't slip. With a glare I continued,"Shawn, Mr. and Mr.s Fischer, Lacy , Duncan...."

The topic was finally dropped by him, after tying his horse he went into the store and began to look around, I walked in after him with only one important question resting on my lips,"What does she want now?"

Glenn sighed before muttering,"I can't say."

I stopped dead in my track, my mouth wide as I let out a scoff before swerving on my feet to face his back again, alright , ok, I fucking get it now. I began to walk towards him and I could see he was regretting his choice of words,"So when one of them asks you to keep your mouth shut -"

Glenn turned around with a glare of his own as he handed over the paper he was holding,"Crawl out of my butt, and help me look," he held the same glare while looking straight into my eyes,"Please."

I tossed him another look of my own before looking down at the paper, let's see what is so important that this idiot could't fucking tell me... my eyes widened as I stared at the writing, no way. No fucking way! I looked back up at him in anger, he just stared at me flatly. I shook my head in disbelief as I turned and walked away with the paper,"You've gotta be fucking kidding me."


I didn't answer and just made my way to the back of the store, I sighed angrily as I opened the paper again and stared down at the writting, I should have fucking known, ridiculous. Fucking ridiculous! I crushed the paper in my hand before beggining to look around the back where all the medicinal supplies were located. Glenn stayed away from me, and just looked around out of boredom, I continued to pick up bottles and read their labels before placing them back down. When I went to a different shelf I reached to the back to grab on that had it's label hidden. When I had finally grabbed it to read it a discolored arm suddenly shout of from behind the shelf and gripped my wrist. My eyes widened as I instantly tried to pull free,"No!"

I continued to pull as his face suddenly came into view as he began to pull my hand towards its mouth,"No NO! Glenn!" He began to shake the entire shelf to get to me while I pulled and pulled on my arm to get away from him, I quickly glanced to the side,"GLENN!"


"Glenn! Help ME!" He quickly ran over and the sound of the stores items falling to the floor gave me the idea that he was trying to find a weapon, I was to busy to look over as I began to push the shelf against him to get it away from me but it wasn't working. "Get it off me! Help!" I finally pulled my arm away, but the hand that was gripping onto the shelf was grabbed as it began to walk around the shelf,"Ahh let go!"

Glenn jumped up onto the counter before swinging the long wooden board he had grabbed and slamming it into it's head, it let go of my hand and I quickly jumped back out of its way in case it got up again, I just stared at it on the floor as it began to shake from having it neck ripped open by the wood. Glenn's face was suddenly blocking my view as he began to speak but I couldn't hear him. Slowly I was able to make out his words just as a shadow appeared behind Glenn,"Did it get you? Did it bite you??"

I shook my head and he pulled me into a hug, when he did I got a view behind him as I saw the one he had hit about to jump onto him,"Glenn!" He pulled away and quickly looked behind him in fear, and he instinctively grabbed for a weapon on his waist but it wasn't there and his eyes widened,"GLENN!" Before it could reach either of us though ,suddenly a knife flew at an unimaginable speed and lodged itself into the side of its head and it quickly tumbled to the floor...dead...finally...

My body continued to shake as a black figure began to walk closer, the second my eyes met e/c colored eyes worry of another attack left my body, even so my body continued to shake from fear and Glenn pulled me in for a hug again. I closed my eyes as I clung to him, tears began to escape my eyes, and all I heard was Glenn say,"Thank you Y/N."

Y/N only hummed in response.

( Shane POV )

It's way too quiet around here...My glare hardened as I continued to move slowly throw the street, the sound of the car could attract them to us, but I don't see anything. They couldn't be hiding could they? I pushed ahead anyway, until I came to a full stop but I didn't leave the car just yet. Andrea didn't pay any attention and instantly opened the door with a gun in hand, I sighed.

I should have brought Y/N instead.

With another sigh, I opened the door and slipped out of the drivers eat, my eyes trained on our surroundings. Seeing nothing I decided to raise up my binoculars, maybe they're all too far for my eyes to see any of them. After a quick sweep of the area the only thing my eyes could prominently see was trash and leaves covering the floor. I lowered my binoculars and closed the car door, Andrea followed my actions before we both began to walk away from the car and towards one of the houses,"Ok, we're going to have to go from house to house. We'll start at the far end and work our way back."

"If Sophia got this far she has a real shot. Don't you think?"

I just looked at her face, she had a smile as she expected me to agree full heartily. I gave a light shake of my head before looking away and walking faster, ya she has a real shot alright, a shot at this point of not even being alive. Everyone is set on finding this little girl when she could already be dead, or worse for Carol, already a walker.

( Your POV )

This is not gonna end well...

The second I saw Maggie slam the fence shut on Glenn with a hard glare on her face I sighed and slammed the palm of my hand onto my forehead," This is definitely not gonna go well."

Knowing how down hill things could go I began to slowly make my way towards an extremely pissed off Maggie and a frantic Glenn,"Hey!" I raised an eyebrow as Maggie yelled but I quickly understood when my eyes made eye contact with Lori. Aww shit. "We got the shit you asked for!"

"Maggie! Hang on, please-" Glenn shut up as Maggie slapped the small hold he had on her arm away before rushing towards Lori again.

Even though Lori had been taken aback by Maggie's aggressive call , all Lori did was make sure that no one was around before motioning her over to a different spot which happened to be the inside of her tent, they din't make it though. "Come in here-"

"Why? " This made Lori freeze in her step," We got nothing to hie right! We got your special delivery right fucking here!" Lori had finally got back her composure and turned to see Maggie pulling things out of a plastic bag and slamming them against the ground in front of Lori. I cringed at the sight of a confused and worried Lori as Maggie began to name of her items," We got your lotion! Your conditioner! Your soap opera digest!"

Lori finally spoke up with wide eyes,"Maggie-wait-"

This made Maggie stop tossing the stuff an she stepped closer to Loris ace,"Look, next time you need something, go get it your damn self. We aren't your little errand boys!"

I had finally caught up to them but I just stepped off to the side to watch, I don't know how Maggie found out but seeing that I left these two alone, I have no doubt that an idiot named Glenn opened his mouth.....again, I rolled my eyes as Glenn could only watch Maggie while he was frozen, not knowing what to do. Taking Maggie was definitely a mistake but, whatever Glenn's dick wants right?

"Honey I-"

Maggie suddenly reached down to grab onto a small back, seeing its label her fist clenched in even more anger before meeting Lori's eyes that resembled saucers at this point,"And here's your abortion pills." She said this with the most malice and sneering tone before tossing the box at Lori's feet. Glenn didn't even try to stop her when she bean to walk off with her feet stomping into the ground.

I sighed as her eyes connected with my emotionless ones, the anger in her orbs calmed for a bit as she whispered a small "Thank you," to which I bowed my head in understanding of what she meant. To Maggie I have nothing to do with this situation, oh if only you knew, after this she walked off to blow off some steam. With another sigh I looked over at Glenn who was now staring at the box in Loris hands, after a bit of thinking it wasn't hard or me to figure out what she wanted. If she wanted to know she was pregnant but at the same time not want anyone to know. I shook my head, the only next step would be to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Now having realized what Lori wanted ,Glenn stormed off to chase after his love Maggie after tossing me an indifferent look, I laughed internally,"And here I though he couldn't muster up looks like that, cute he's starting to grow up mentally."

( Shane POV )

With my gun at the ready I led the way through the house, Andrea stood behind me with her body turning to face the way we came just in case, coming up to a room I leaned against the wall next to it. Andrea gave me a look to which I nodded and I quickly turned and opened the door with my gun pointed up, one look inside and Andrea quickly turned away. A pile of rotting bodies rested in the middle of the room, with a sigh me and Andrea continued forward, we were now going down a set of stairs to a partially opened door.


With no response Andrea began to follow me again, after pushing something out of the way to get through, we entered the door only to stumble across another pile of bodies, but this one was different. This room had bones resting over bones which sat above even more bones, besides that the room was completely scarred in black, whether they were walkers or had gotten bit, they were burned alive either way in this very room. I removed my hat, out of habit, to the many dead in this room.

"Sophia was never here," I had walked further into the room only to look back at Andrea who seemed quite ready to vomit at the sight,"was she?" I didn't answer as she suddenly crouched down to the ground with her hand on her head,"I don't know how to tell Carol that this was another dead end..."

I sighed as I looked at her, I was ready to respond, with something that I hadn't thought of yet, when my ears twitched at the smallest sound,"The fuck.." I quickly reached the end of the room which turned out to be a garage and looked below the partially open garage door. I fucking knew it was too god damn quiet around here! Having been crouching down she noticed the multiple feet headed our way and stood up in fright, I raced over and grabbed her arm,"Come on, lets move! Now!"

We both ran out the house to see walkers now lingering in the streets, my head moved over to the car to see multiple surrounding it with their eyes on us,"Alright, Andrea you cover that street! I'll clear a path for the car."

Sh began to shoot from where she stood as I stepped closer to the car and began to gun down the small huddle that surrounding our only means of escape, I slowly stepped back towards Andrea only to hear her curse under her breathe. This was then quickly followed by the clicking of her gun being jammed, I quickly took out the one in front of her before focus back on my target. "Come on, focus Andrea. Focus now, clear the jam. Focus."

I stood and watched as she began to frantically fumble with the gun in her hands, I refused to shoot the walker getting closer and closer to he with each coming step,"I -I can't."

She looked over at me and I glared at her,"You can do this, I got your back just shoot!"

She looked up in fright at the walker that had gotten to close and instinctively raised her gun up and shot it straight through the head, at that moment the look that rested in her eyes changed and it made me smirk. Without thinking she began to make clear head shots that, for once, contained no ounce of hesitation. Finally, took this blonde long enough. After taking out a few more I began to move to the car,"Andrea! Lets go!"

I quickly got into the car, silently cursing myself for closing the doors, when I got the car ready to go I realized a certain body was missing from the passengers side and instead was standing in front of the car, fucking hell now's not the time to act like you're at a shooting range. I sighed,"Andrea, lets go." She ignored and simple took another shot. I want Y/N here instead.

( Your POV )

My nose scrunched up as I felt a small sneeze come through, well that was weird, I wiped under my nose with my gloved hand before laying back down on the floor, is someone maybe talking about me?


With a shrug to my thoughts I looked back at Lori who just sat there in silence ,I cringed at the awkward atmosphere as she would touch the abortion pill box every now and then. I have never been the best person to go to for comfort, even when I wasn't a half dead wanting to bite into your delicious flesh walker zombie..thing. The point is, when it comes to comfort all I really know is to hug them and try to reassure them, but knowing this can only get you so far when you emotionally don't care. This was on of those moments, I can't do anything for Lori even if I did want to.

I closed my eye for a second when I noticed a shadow pass by and I quickly snapped them open, one of my hands went to grab the handle of my knife and I stood up ready to attack,"Lori.." I groaned , not an attack, it's just Glenn. With a roll of my eyes I flopped back down onto the floor.

Lori looked at me with curiosity before looking over at Glenn who stood still at the opening of the tent, with an awkward pause as the two stared at each other, Lori finally spoke up,"What was that blood on Maggies shirt?"

Glenn looked away for a second before answering,"She was attacked.."

Lori's bottom lip quivered at the thought, "Are you guys alright? How bad was it?"

He sighed,"It was pretty close, if Y/N hadn't gotten there on time things would have gone a different route..."

"I'm so sorry," she began to shake her head thinking about what could have happened,"I should have never asked you to go-"

"I offered."

She looked up at him before looking back down and shaking her head," I thought the town was safe, but- but if you hadn't come back...I-," Lori's voice cracked at the end of her sentence and I could imagine her eyes beginning to tear up.

"We did come back though, I always come back Lori." She looked back at her hands that held the abortion pills, her eyes I imagined were beginning to turn red as tears threatened to spill out of them again,"Lori." She glanced at Glenn,"Will the morning after pills even work?"

"I don't know."

But you're still gonna try, right?

I noticed her raise her hand o wipe at her eyes, she had begun to cry, "And I'm not sure I even want them to work."

I quickly sat up at this, wait Lori actually wants- Glenn suddenly set a bag down in front of her,"If they don't that's why I brought these.Just in case." My eyes looked at Glenn's figure not knowing what he had grabbed, Glenn, what did you give her? I stood up and walked over to Glenn's side, my eyes instantly attached themselves to the white bag as Lori pulled out a white bottle. A smile came to her face as she read it,"Prenatal Vitamins." I felt a small smile come to my face, and without thinking I hugged Glenn, which just freaked him out since I hadn't hugged him in a while, well at least I'm not the only one who wants her to keep the baby! "That's a hell of a choice."

Afterwards I hugged Glenn even more making his face go bright red, for the reason that he ended up asking Lori to not make this choice on his own, implying for her to tell Rick.She looked worried but it's honestly time for her to tell him before someone else does.


Glenn had left the tent with me after that, we had to leave Lori alone for the time being even if I personally didn't want to."Do you think she'll do it?"

I glanced at Glenn as his focus was on the house, he's probably thinking about Maggie and her freak out over being attacked.I had gotten farther from there only to hear Maggie yelling like crazy, for a second I thought they were fighting again but then her yells became cries for help. If I had taken a second longer one of then wouldn't be here right now. I sighed before deciding to answer Glenn's question," I think she will, but she won't."

Glenn just looked confused as he looked over at me, but he just shook his head and began to head towards the house. I stayed where I was and just stared at the sky, but my head instantly whipped around when I heard rushing feet. Looking back I spotted a rushing and crying Lori, she was trying to get as far away as she could before she tossed herself on the ground on her knees.I didn't want her to see me so I got as close as I needed to watch her from behind a few trees,what is she doing?

My eyes downcasted as I watched her forcefully stick her fingers in her mouth to gag, she did it a second time and succeeded in making herself vomit. When she finished she began to look through the pile of vomit and I finally understood, she wants to keep the baby..

( Dale POV )

They're finally back. I went to see Shane and Andrea exiting the car, Carol had come out of the RV in hopes of good news but there weren't any unfortunately and in the end she took Andrea with her to get cleaned up. Before they left though Andrea would look over at Shane with a knowing smile while Shane would just look away. I stayed put and stared at Shane ready to speak but he began to walk away,"Shane, Shane."

He stopped and looked back,"What?"

"I was thinking, you got that nice new ride of yours,"he face changed but he stayed silent,"plenty of fuel, more than enough for you to get far away from here."

He leaned more on one of his legs and crashed his arms, a scoff came out before he answered back,"What, you telling me to leave now."

I shook my head,"No, not at all, but I do know that you've been planning to." He just stared at me to make sure I was serious,"Maybe now is a good time."

He let out a sarcastic laugh, shaking his head at the thought,"Is this about Andrea?" He raised his eyebrow as if stating that Andrea was just a joke for him, nothing serious, but I didn't care.

"I'm looking out for the group."

His sarcastic smile disappeared and he got closer to my face with a hard glare,"You think the group would be better off without me, Dale?" I stayed silent,"Why don't you go and tell that to Rick and Lori huh? Without me, their boy would be dead if I hadn't put my ass on the line. It's not like someone else would have done something."

"And Otis too, right?" He looked at me while licking his lips, and finally he just turned around ready to walk away ,"You've been vague about that night, about what really happened over there. What happened to Otis?"

He stopped with his back turned to me, and his entire head was pointing down and the ground,"He died a hero-"

"So you've said."

He looked back up with another glare," Look, a little boy lived because of what went down that night, I think you outta show some gratitude for what I did, for what I risked."

I looked at him with a raised eyebrow,"I wasn't there-" "No , man, you weren't." I got closer to his face making sure he was looking at me dead in the eye, "-but I was there the time that you raised your gun on Rick." He sighed loudly before mumbling under his breath," You had him in your sights...and you held him there!" He looked away from me, but I spoke again making him slowly meet my eyes once more,"I know what kind of man you are."

"You think I'd shoot Rick, that man is my best friend. That's the man that I love, I love him like he's my brother." His voice began to drop lower and lower with each word,"You think that's the kind of man that I am?"

"Yes, I do."

"Well, maybe we outta just think that through, say I'm the kind of man who'd gun down his own best friend. What do you think I'd do to some guy that I don't even like when he starts throwing accusations my way? Hmm? What'd you think? " My eyes widened at the obvious threat, my breathing began to speed up as he got closer to my face with a glare that wouldn't back down. Realizing my fear he gave me a smirk before looking to the side and finally walking away,what do I do?

I turned around slowly, to head back to the RV, looking up though I found someone laying against the closest tree with their eyes closed, almost as if sensing my stare their eyes opened. My brown eyes were met with emotionless e/c eyes belonging to none other than Y/N. Had she heard the entire conversation? She slowly nodded her head to the question that my wide eyes seemed to have asked her, this girl never misses any information around here, she pushed off the tree and began to walk away leaving me alone with my thoughts.

( Your POV )

I could only shake my head at what I had just witnessed, this group just gets worse and worse and worse. I'm starting to think that my huge secret is nothing compared to the bullshit this group is always tossing around, I rolled my eyes as I began to walk to the gate but I stopped when I noticed Lori. She was quite far from the group but I had fucking eagle eyes and this distance was nothing for me. My mind went to earlier-

After Lori had vomited everything up, she turned towards me at the sound of my footsteps.

I didn't stay long with her, but the second she saw who the footsteps belonged to she tossed her frail shaking body at me and hugged me tightly, I wasn't completely sure of what to do or say but I hugged her back. I could tell her tears were falling again as her shoulders shook every now and then to hide her crying. "Don't worry Lori, tell him. He'll understand, he loves you."

It didn't last long, soon she pulled away, said thank you and then disappeared from my sight. I then walked back to the groups camp only to find even more bad news, a conversation involving Shane's twisted mind. I wasn't surprised, not even when he threatened Dale, then again Dale was also overstepping a line there. If he knew Shane was planning to leave maybe if he hadn't have said anything Shane probably would have.

As I stared at Lori sitting in the field I pulled my mask down,"At least now I know I was right about something, Shane killed Otis, or at least got him killed."

I nodded to myself as another part and Dale and Shanes conversation came to mind, and he may be having a fling with Andrea so maybe he'll leave me alone now...maybe....hopefully. He's a creep.

I laughed to myself but it didn't last very long as a hand suddenly grabbed one of my shoulders and turned me around, I was met with frantic blue eyes, with a raised eyebrow I spoke,"Ummm, Rick? Are you ok?"

"Where's Lori?"

My eyes widened just a bit and I let out an "Oh," I looked back at Lori's tent to see the box for the abortion pills gone, this sin't how I was hoping for him to find out but I guess it's better than nothing? I shrugged mentally to myself as I gave him a soft smile that easily calmed him down,"Don't worry, she's over there. She's waiting for you."

He suddenly pulled me forward giving my forehead a quick kiss before running off in the direction I pointed, he was able to see a dot in the distance and realized it was her. I just stood there with my hand on my forehead," That's a first coming from him." I shrugged as I watched him finally arrive and she quickly stood up,"At least Rick finally knows, fuck that took way too long."

Oh well.

I'm sorry, currently writing to other chapters, hoping to make them as long as this to make up for being about 4 weeks late,

I've been late before but this time is just ridiculous

I'm really sorry


At least I think I've finally got myself at an ok place, I need to get out of the house more


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