Small (Yoongi's Sister BTS Fa...

Oleh singformeangel

444K 13K 11.7K

"You were fifteen, Yoongi-ah." Jin states softly, "Neither of you had a choice." DISCONTINUED, but there is a... Lebih Banyak

To New Readers~
I | Home
II | Absence
III | Coffee
4 | Dare
5 | FaceTime
6 | Sorry (Not Sorry)
7 | Chance
8 | Hug Him
9 | Deal or No Deal
10 | The Question
11 | "Oh, Please, No."
12 | A Girl?!
13 | Nothing
14 | For Me
15 | Memories
16 | Occupation?
17 | Hangry
18 | "Don't Say That"
19 | Except One
20 | I Could Never
21 | For You
22 | Sweet Dreams
23 | No Matter
24 | Cute Enough
25 | Good Dongsaeng
26 | Mask On
27 | The Man on the Other End
28 | Safety First
29 | Respect Your Elders!
30 | Awkward
31 | 쩔어 on the Street
32 | Didn't You Know?
33 | Little Min Swag
34 | In Our Blood Pt. 1
35 | In Our Blood Pt. 2
36 | In Our Blood Pt. 3
37 | Bitter
39 | Worth It
40 | Not a Date
41 | D- D- Chats?
42 | Too
43 | New Reality
44 | Of Course
45 | Siren
46 | Really, Really
47 | "Would You Like Your Receipt?"
48 | Brother
49 | Heart-Stopping
50 | Worse for Wear
51 | Deaf to My Own Pleas
52.1 | Second Skin
52.2 | Compromised
53.1 Interim
Unfortunately :(

38 | Kids These Days

5.7K 171 306
Oleh singformeangel

      I'm sorry. This chapter is a mess. XD

      "But hyungs, I don't wanna go." Jungkook whines, holding onto his bedpost with all his might. His ankle is starting to hurt a bit from were Taehyung is relentlessly pulling, but the stubborn muscle pig refuses to let go, "She'll lead me into a dark alley and kill me and toss my mutilated body into the river like Yoongi hyung always says he will!" 

      "Kook-ah, you're being ridiculous." Namjoon huffs from his place beside Taehyung. The leader crosses his arms, disappointment radiating off him in waves, "Not all girls are sasaengs or psychopaths. B-ah is family, and she won't hurt you."

      "How do you know that?!" The maknae yelps when Taehyung uses his entire body weight to pull against Jungkook's strong grip, "Girls are evil!"

      "Anybody can be evil, Jungkook." Namjoon sighs, wishing the youngest hadn't assimilated  Yoongi's stubborn streak, "Boys or girls. You've just had bad luck with women so far, Kook. B isn't like other women. If you stop being a brat and just hang out with her you'll see."

      "I don't want to see!" Jungkook protests, using both of his arms to keep himself in place, "I want to stay home and play Overwatch!"

      "I didn't like her at first either, Kookie." Taehyung huffs, struggling (and failing) to pull the obstinate boy away from his bed, "But then I spent some time with her, and found out that she's actually really awesome! You just got to give her a chance, Kookie. She's adorable and fun, and she really likes ice cream."

      "No!" Jungkook shouts, shutting his eyes tightly, "I won't go! I won't!"

      Jungkook does not want to go out, alone, with some strange sister of Yoongi's. And once Jeon Jungkook has made up his mind, nobody can change it.

      Well, almost nobody.

      "Jeon Jeongguk!" Yoongi's bursts into the room like a tiny (and absolutely terrifying) tornado. His eyes burn with liquid fire as he glares at the stubborn youngest, "Stop this right now! I won't allow this atrocious behavior to continue any longer; we didn't raise you to be a brat! My Byeol-ah has been looking forward to spending time with you all week, and so help me if you make her cry just because you couldn't man up and hang out with her--I'll-- I'll-- I'll make you wish you were never our maknae!"

      And that, by far, is the scariest threat Yoongi could've ever made.

      Reluctantly, Jungkook lets go of the bar and sits on the edge of the bed, bowing his head in an apology to his angry hyung.

      "I'm sorry." The boy mumbles, fumbling with his fingers.

      "No you're not." The unhappy pale man grunts, his eyes dark, "I know this is hard for you, Kook-ah, but your attitude is ridiculous. You're not the only one having a hard time. Byeol-ah's just as afraid of men as you are afraid of girls. The only reason she feels comfortable around you is because you're her tokki and my trusted dongsaeng."

        B's afraid of guys? Jungkook scrunches up his nose. She probably just told hyung that because she wanted more attention. I mean, she's really quiet and hardly says anything, but aren't all Mins like that sometimes? 

      "I don't want to be her tokki." The youngest mumbles, disgruntled.

      "Please, Kook?" Jungkook nearly has a heart attack when he hears his proud hyung begging. Everyone knows that Yoongi hates begging. But here he is, staring down at Jungkook with soft eyes, almost pouting as he asks for the favor. Yoongi keeps his voice silky soft as he pleads, "Can't you just try for three hours?" 

       But Jungkook's too stubborn when it comes to girls. No matter who asks him, it's always going to be a no. The boy shakes his head.

       "Pretty please?" Yoongi blinks fitfully, his pout transforming into a sad frown, "She's had a stressful week, and I think spending some time with you would really cheer her up."

      "A hard time?" Jungkook snorts. Since when did the freaky silver chibi ever have a hard time? All she's done all week is cuddle with Yoongi hyung and eat Jin hyung's cooking! The fear burning in Jungkook's veins makes him bolder than usual, and he childishly sneers at the second oldest member, "All I've seen you guys do is spoil her. How the heck do you call that 'having a hard time'?"

      The soft look in Yoongi's eyes vanishes into thin air, replaced by a coldness that sends shivers down Jungkook's spine.

      Maybe I took it a little too far.

      "First of all~" Yoongi growls out, growing visibly angrier by the second, "She was freaking terrified to meet you all. She didn't want to leave my room, but I convinced her by saying I'd murder you all if you didn't treat her like a princess. I didn't expect that I'd actually have to do that."

      "Second of all~," The hard lines of Yoongi face sharpen even more, "You haven't spoken so much as a word to her. How would you know whether she's had a hard week or not?"

      Well... he might have a point there.

      "Third of all, I'm pretty sure she and Taehyung were verbally harassed at the mall yesterday," The pale rapper bluntly reveals, his hands clenching into dangerous fists. Tae pales a little bit from his place at the end of Jungkook's bed, but Yoongi plows onward, "I'm especially worried because Taehyung dances around the subject as if it were a fairy-tale. But Byeol-ah refuses to tell me what happened, and I can't force her to do something she's not comfortable with. What kind of brother would that make me?"

        Taehyung and B were... verbally harassed? Jungkook's rebelliousness tames a little at the new information, but not enough to the point that he's willing to bend to the other members' will. But that wasn't my fault! So why do I have to be the one "cheering" her up?

       "And last of all, B had a-" Yoongi suddenly cuts himself off, a heated debate flashing behind his eyes. The older boys glances between Jungkook and Taehyung, a frown etched on his face. When Yoongi finally comes to a decision he stands rigid, his entire body tense with the weight of the words he's about to say, "Taehyung... Jungkook. Your other hyungs and I decided not to tell you this but... do you remember a couple days ago? When Hobi-ah got those purple and black bruises on his face?"

       "Yeah!" Taehyung pipes up first, "Hoseokie hyung told us that he picked a fight with the dance studio floor."

      "And lost." Jungkook adds, rolling his eyes, "Which is stupid! How could you possibly lose to a floor? It can't even punch back!"

       The ridiculous story Hoseok told them had obviously been conjured out of thin air. Jungkook thought that it was probably a cover story to hide the real embarrassing cause of the injuries.

      Lost in their own thoughts, the youngest two miss the concerned look that Namjoon sends Yoongi.

      "Well, that story was a lie." Yoongi deadpans, "The truth is... I- I did that to him."

      The two maknaes gape at him, their eyes as wide as saucers.

      "I might've overreacted a bit when Byeol-ah ran back to the dorm in the middle of a mental breakdown." Yoongi continues, wincing at the memory, "I didn't know that it was all a misunderstanding, and I thought that Hobi had upset her, so I took it out on him. I learned later that none of it was Hobi's fault and I deeply regret taking my own frustration out on him, but that doesn't change that fact that Byeol had a mental breakdown."

      Jungkook stares up at the pale rapper, unable to believe his ears. Sure, Yoongi hyung has threatened them thousands of times over the years, but nobody ever took the threats seriously. Yoongi was always as harmless as a kitten. Grumpy and foul-mouthed-- yes. Violent-- no. If Yoongi got angry enough to beat someone just because B cried, Jungkook doesn't want to know what the older boy would do if someone actually hurt her.

      If B-ah cries because I refuse to hang out with her, will hyungie beat me too?

      Jungkook thickly swallows, afraid for his life.

      "I know what you're thinking." Yoongi breathes out a chuckle, his eyes glittering, "No, I will not beat you up if you continue to act like a spoiled brat. Hurting Hobi was a mistake that I hope to never repeat.(AN: Hope... get it? Hope? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ okay I'll shut up now.)    But... I will be disappointed in you if you don't go. If you can't put aside three hours of your time for the sake of someone else, what kind of person does that make you?"

      A selfish one.

      That makes Jungkook feel bad.

      (Warning~ my dates and ages will probably be off! Just ignore them- I've switched up a lot of the timeline already, so it doesn't really matter anymore... ㅋㅋㅋ Oops?)

      The maknae had only been twelve when he became a trainee. He was young, impressionable, scared, and homesick. He missed his eomma more than anything, and sometimes he missed her so much that he cried himself to sleep. He took showers at night because he was afraid of running into one of the other members. He practiced dancing alone as much as he could because he was scared that the others would be better than him, and would laugh at him. If Jungkook had joined any other group besides Bangtan, he probably would've given up. 

      As a trainee, Jungkook was constantly alone. He was scared out of his wits, and all he wanted to do was go home.

      But then it happened. Jin came up to him and begged the younger boy to join him for lunch. Namjoon cornered the boy and forced a normal conversation out of him. Yoongi drug Jungkook into his precious studio and schooled him on the basics of rapping. One by one the members approached him with gentle smiles and comforting words. One by one they all said the exact same thing;

      "You've got to trust us, Jungkook-ah. Either we're in this together, or we give up now. It's your choice."

      Jungkook stayed, and he has never regretted it.

      They never treat him like just another member. They don't throw him around like every other idol group does to their maknae. (I'm not hating on other groups!! I've just noticed that a lot of them always boss the maknae around, instead of the maknae bossing the hyungs around [which is what Jungkook does a lot XD]) Instead they comforted him, laughed with him, and cried with him like brothers would. They scolded him, congratulated him, and teased him too. Without ever having to say those three words, it was obvious from the beginning that they loved each other like family.

       The members practically raised Jungkook. They taught him to be humble, forgiving, kind, and everything good in between. Hearing that one of his precious hyungs is disappointed in him hurts way worse than any beating.

      Jungkook hangs his head, feeling Yoongi's words wash over him in agonizing waves.

      I am being selfish and stubborn, aren't I? Jungkook pouts pitifully. I really should give B a chance. And if she does turn out to be crazy, then I can always call one of my hyungs to come protect me... I suppose it wouldn't hurt to hang out with her for a couple hours.

      "I'll go." Jungkook mumbles, forcing the words to leave his mouth, "I'm sorry for being a brat, hyung. I'll go."

      "You will?" Yoongi asks, the stone cold look finally melting away into excitement.

      If it makes Yoongi hyung this happy, I'll do it over and over a hundred times.

      "Yeah." The maknae begrudgingly nods, "I'll do this bonding outing thing. But it she turns out to be mean, you won't make he hang out with her again, right?"

      "I'll agree to that."  Yoongi smiles softly, ruffling Jungkook's fluffy brown hair, "I have no doubt that Byeol-ah will spoil you rotten, but I won't hesitate to scold her if she does step out of line, arasseo? Don't you worry, Kook-ah. Hyung'll stand up for you."

      "Okay, hyung!" Jungkook sighs in relief, less afraid than before. If his hyung is willing to scold his own sister for Jungkook's sake, than Jungkook is willing to risk his safety by hanging out with a girl. After all, how dangerous can she be? She's tiny. Jungkook could probably snap her in half if he really wanted to.

      "Alright!" Yoongi claps in finality, a hint of happiness on his face, "Since that's finally been settled, I'll go tell Byeol-ah to get ready. Meet us outside at the car in fifteen."

*          *          *          *

      Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

      Jungkook starts to feel nauseous the moment Yoongi drives away. The boy isn't used to being anywhere without at least one of his hyungs nearby. But here he is. And the only person here with him is this tiny silver chibi with a terrifyingly bright smile on her face.

      "Come on, tokki!" She chirps, her eyes creasing into happy slits that painful remind Jungkook of the man who just drove away, "Tae Tae and Noise Boy and Jinnie-ssi all told me that you love arcades! Aren't you excited?"

      Jungkook can't deny that he liked arcades. On any other day he'd be jumping for joy at the chance to demolish everyone else's high scores. But not today. AN: NO NO NO! NOT TODAY!

      The frightened boy stares up at the familiar neon sign spelling out the name of his favorite arcade. He swallows nervously, wishing he was somewhere else.

      "Yeah. I like... I like arcades." Jungkook forces out, feeling sicker by the second. B lights up, her cheeks pink with happiness.

      "Awesome! Then let's go play some games!" The silver horror cheers and latches her conniving little fingers into the crook of Jungkook's innocent elbow. The surprisingly strong little imp tugs him in through the front door with that scary smile still plastered on her face, "Don't worry about the cost, tokki tokki. I'll pay for everything!"

      True to her word, B pays for everything. She buys the largest amount of tokens that Jungkook has ever seen, and she promptly hands most of them over to him. Jungkook stares at the heavy container full to the brim with golden tokens, not believing his eyes.

      Yoongi hyung was definitely right about her spoiling me.

      "Tokki, what should we do first?" She asks, her own tokens almost spilling out of their cup as she bounces in excitement, "Maybe we can play lots of racing games! And puzzle games! And Pac-Man!"

      "I don't care." Jungkook mumbles, his eyes travelling across the colorful interior of the building. Multiple families with children and a small group of teens wander about, but other than them the establishment is empty. Most of the games are unattended, and are patiently waiting to be started up, "I like all of them."

      "Okay! Then we can play all of them!" The silver chibi beams up at her taller companion before dragging him to the nearest machine. Unbeknownst to Jungkook, she notices his nervous expression. She continues to smile as she gestures at the brightly flashing game in front of them, hoping that he'll get more comfortable once they start to play games, "Let's start with this one!"

      So they do.

      Jungkook feels strange playing the games he usually loves without a smile on his face. Normally he would be shouting with glee or concentrating so hard that his brain hurts, but instead he simply goes through the motions with his face blank.

      I know I told hyungs that I'd try to have fun, but... Jungkook shivers as he watches B demolish adversary after adversary in one of the most popular combat games. I'm alone. With a girl. A really freaky, somewhat scary Min girl. How in the world am I supposed to have fun when I'm sure that she's gonna brutally murder me and bury my useless body in our backyard at any given moment?

      What Jungkook doesn't expect is for B to notice.

      "Tokki..." The silver chibi frowns a little, her cheeks puffing out in concern, "Everybody told me that arcade games are your absolute favorite, but you don't seem like you're having any fun. Is there something wrong? Did you want to do something else instead?

       Jungkook starts, his doe eyes widening in surprise. He stares down at the mildly upset girl, watching her carefully as she nervously pulls at the hem of her shirt. Her eyes are softer than clouds as she looks up at him, and for a split second she doesn't look quite so threatening as before. Jungkook stares right back at her, unsure of what to do with the odd silver thing.

       What do I say? I can't tell her that I'm afraid of her. That would make me sound stupid and weak. Jungkook furrows his eyebrows, biting his bottom lip in thought. Plus, she's probably laugh at me if I said that. Because all girls are mean, right?

      "Nothing's wrong." Jungkook states bluntly, blinking at the worried girl, "I just... I'm not used to going somewhere without my hyungs, I guess."

      "Oh~" B smiles in understanding, "So you miss them?"

      "Y-yeah." Jungkook flushes in embarrassment.

      What was I thinking? Saying that I miss my friends is just as stupid and weak as saying I'm afraid of girls!

      "That's okay!" B giggles, standing on her tiptoes to comfortingly pat the top of Kookie's head, "One of my friends is like that too! She can't go anywhere without one of ou-her other members going with her. You don't have to feel embarrassed!"

      "I- I'm not embarrassed!" Jungkook hates it when he stutters, and he flushes an even darker red.

      "Whatever you say." B chuckles, way too happy for Jungkook's comfort. Once again the tiny leech attached herself to Jungkook's elbow and starts to drag him in a new direction, "Let's go get something to make you feel better! Maybe then you won't miss them so much."

      Something to make me feel better? Jungkook clutches tightly onto his bucket full of tokens, fear shooting through his limbs. Did she finally decide that she's ready to kill me? Is she taking me to a dark alley where she can murder me without any witnesses?? Am I going to die without ever getting to meet IU Noona!?

      But B is full of surprises. She stops in front of a claw machine, and detaches from Jungkook's arm in order to slip two tokens into it. She hums along to the little song that plays and expertly maneuvers the large claw over a small stuffed turtle. She presses the GRAB button without any hesitation, and the metal contraption shoots down and picks the stuffed creature up. Without a hitch the turtle is dropped down the chute, and B collects it with a proud grin. 

      "Here, tokki!" B hands the soft animal over to Jungkook, watching in satisfaction as the boy accepts it with a crooked smile. She smiles as he examines it, a faraway look in her eyes, "There used to be an old, run-down arcade a couple streets down from our house. Whenever I was sad oppa would take me there, and he'd win me a new stuffed animal. It cheered me up when oppa always pulled one out on his first try. I thought- I thought that maybe it would cheer you up too."

       So she didn't want to kill me? Jungkook stares at the tiny face of the turtle, an odd feeling bubbling in his chest. She just wanted to cheer me up?

       "But if you still feel upset I can-- I can call oppa and ask him to take us home, if you want." B offers, wringing her hands, "I can t-tell him that we played all the games too fast and used up all of our tokens. Do you want to go h-home?"

      Jungkook freezes in place, blown away for the millionth time this evening. 

      Did she just offer to call hyung and tell him to pick us up? Jungkook tightly squeezes the green animal. But didn't hyung tell me that she's been looking forwards to hanging out with me all week? Why would she offer to go home so soon?

      "But-- aren't there other games you want to play?" Jungkook asks, utterly baffled at her behavior.

      "Well, I guess so." B shrugs, her eyes falling to the floor, "But they won't be any fun if I know that you're uncomfortable. I'm sorry for making you come. You probably just wanted to stay home with your hyungs."

       Did she just apologize?! Jungkook blanches. Isn't apologizing something only nice people do? Why is she apologizing! She's a girl! Girls aren't nice!

      "It's o-okay, B-ah," Jungkook stumbles over the words, unable to comprehend the kind emotion on her face, "W-we can stay longer. It's okay-"

      "I'm calling oppa." B huffs, pulling her phone out of her back pocket. She turns it on before Jungkook can protest and clicks on the phone icon, "You're unhappy, so we're going home."

      "No, B-ah! It's fine!" Jungkook shakes his head, "We can stay, I'm alright! Really!"

      "You sure you're alright?" B glances up at him with narrowed eyes, "You don't look alright. You look stressed. Don't worry about me, tokki, I'll call oppa right awa-"

      "NO!" The word rips out of Jungkook's throat in a frantic haste, and B's finger freezes in place above Yoongi's contact. Her eyes dart up to Jungkook's face as they both stand stone still, shocked. Jungkook breathes frantically, clutching his turtle to his chest, "I- I lied. I miss my h-hyungs, but not that much. I just- I was- I'm scared. S-scared of... you. Scared of g-girls."

      B blinks once. Then she slides her phone back into her pocket.

      "I didn't u-used to be." Jungkook shuts his eyes tightly, hating to remember, "T-there was a s-sasaeng a y-year ago. Sh-she cornered me when I went out by m-myself for dinner. She called me s-strange names, and tried to t-touch me! She did touch me, but I r-ran away before she could d-do anything. She c-chased me all the way back to the d-dorms, and hyungs had to p-pull her off me! She l-left scratches down my arms, and she sc-screamed curses at us when the police took h-her away. She was scary. Girls are s-scary."

      Jungkook finally opens his eyes. He carefully peeks down at the silver chibi, expecting her to look disgusted, or amused, or bored, or anything mean. But she only looks sad.

      Maybe TaeTae hyung was right. Jungkook hugs his plushie. Maybe... she isn't all that bad.

      "I didn't mean to be rude." The maknae mumbles, his lower lip jutting out, "I just- I was scared, because I didn't expect you to be so nice."

      "That's alright, Kookie." B smiles sweetly, gently pinching Jungkook's right cheek, "I'm sorry that you had to go through that. Thank you for telling me. But now that you know I'm not gonna hurt you, you're not afraid of me anymore, right?"

      "Yeah." Jungkook huffs, attempting (and failing) to push her bony hand away from his cheeks, "You're too small to be scary."

      B glares up at him and scrunches up her nose.

      "I'll let that pass only this once, tokki." She sniffs in distaste, pulling her hand away. She glances around at the awaiting games, a smile slowly returning to her face, "But if you aren't scared anymore, does that mean we can have fun now? I still want to play some racing games! And some of those basketball games oppa always beat me at!"

      "Yes~" Jungkook sighs, "I guess we can have fun now."

      How is she so bipolar? Jungkook ponders as he watches the sprite skip over to the nearest game with a steering wheel. She looked so serious a couple of seconds ago.

      When she turns around with a smile a bazillion times brighter than the sun (and one shade duller than Hobi) Jungkook decides not to question it.

*          *          *          *

      Jungkook never knew that girls could be so good at video games. Jimin and Taehyung are the only members that can hope to compete with Jungkook's ambitious nature, so Jungkook is used to easily winning. But B isn't anything like his hyungs. She puts up a good fight in every game, and her own scores is better than Jungkook's half of the time. At first Jungkook thinks her wins are beginners luck, but he soon comes to the conclusion that she's just good.

      With both of their gaming expertise it's easy to collect a large amount of tickets. They play some games multiple times, others only once, and they receive long strips of tickets from each game. When Jungkook's last token is put to good use they can hardly carry all of the paper tickets they've won. It's a struggle not to drop any as they cross the large room with their arms full.

      The man at the ticket counter stares at them in incredulity as they dump the massive collection on the counter in front of him. Jungkook can hear the man's exhausted sigh as he begins to feed the tickets into the counting machine, but the maknae ignores the exasperated worker and excitedly examines the large selection of prizes.

     The prizes range from 2 ticket candies and bracelets to a huge 30000 tickets disco ball on the top shelf. There are water guns, and masks, a SpongeBob blanket and a lava lamp. There's a large assortment of candies, and a whole box full of stickers. There's toys of all kinds (that Jungkook isn't interested in) and a whole shelf of board games stacked on top of each other. There's even a pair of giant sunglasses hanging on the wall. 

      "You have 12672 tickets." The man sighs in relief as soon as the last paper slip is fed into the machine, "What would you like to exchange them for?"

     "What do you want?" B asks, looking almost as excited as Jungkook feels, "You can use all the tickets-- I don't need anything."

      "You sure?" Jungkook asks, a little confused. Who wouldn't want to spend their own hard-earned tickets?

      "I'm sure!" B giggles, her dark eyes sparkling, "Just hanging out with you is enough for me."

      "Can I..." Jungkook stares up at the second highest shelf, "Can I get the bunny?"

      "The bunny?" B follows Jungkook's gaze and smiles at the sight of the bright pink stuffed bunny. The bunny is priced at 3000 tickets and B nods happily at Jungkook. She then points at the stuffed creature and calls for the attendant's help, "Could we get the stuffed bunny, please?"

      "The pink bunny?" The man turns around and carefully pulls the plush from the shelf. He rings it up with an obnoxious beep and hands it to B over the counter. B quickly hands the pink plush over to Jungkook, who accepts it with a bright smile.

      Jungkook never thought he'd be so happy to get a fuzzy pink rabbit, but for some reason he can't stop himself from giggling as he hugs the new plushy tight.

      "I love it!" Jungkook cheers, "Thank you so much, noona! I-"

      Jungkook pauses and suddenly realizes what just came out of his mouth.

      Did I... He blinks at a very stunned looking B. Did I just call her noona? 

      "I- I didn't mean-" The poor maknae feels embarrassed for the hundreth time today. The blood drains out of his face as he searches for a way to explain his verbal blunder, "It just came out-- I didn't mean to say it! You just feel like my noona."

      "I-" B looks just as surprised as Jungkook does, and her tone is abnormally timid, "I do?"

      "Yeah." Jungkook shrugs, looking at the floor, "You spoil me like my hyungs do, and you act so much like Yoongi hyung. You just- you just feel like you should be my noona."

      The employee watches the encounter, feeling very confused.

      "I know I'm almost a month younger than you, but..." B sheepishly scratches behind her ear, "Y-you can call me noona if you want, tokki. I really don't mind."

      "Really?" Jungkook perks up, "You'll be my noona? I've never had a noona before, except for our stylist noonas!"

      "Yes, I'll be your noona." B laughs at Jungkook's elated expression, "Now I think you better finish choosing your prizes before the employee starts asking us questions."

      "Oh- then I want seven of the smaller plushies!" Jungkook demands, pointing at the colorful objects in a box on the third shelf, "One of each!"

      "Yes sir." The employees laughs, pulling the box off the shelf and onto the counter. He helps Jungkook choose out seven medium sized plushies and rings them all up, "You now have 2672 tickets left. What else would you like?"

       Obviously, Jungkook gets a ton of candy.

       The pair waltz out of the arcade with three bags: two full of plushies and one stuffed to the brim with candy. B watches in amusements as Jungkook stuffs his face with Pandas. (AN: You got to believe me! My friend bought these once, and now we're both hooked on them. They're so delicious! I'm always begging her to buy them for me~)

      "Why'd you get so many plushies, tokki?" B asks, lifting up the bag she's carrying to take a quick peek at the contents, "You already had two!"

      "Well, if I got plushies I didn't think it would be fair unless hyungs got one too!" Jungkook explains through a mouthful of chocolate, "All my hyungs except Yoongi hyung love stuffed animals."

      "But you got seven extras, not six." B states, examining the colorful characters, "And you only have six hyungs."

       "But now I have a noona too!" Jungkook chirps, his eyes bright. After today, he's never going to doubt his noona again. 

       Just then the familiar grey Nissan pulls up, and the two youngest of the Bangtan household pile into the vehicle with their prizes. Yoongi raises an eyebrow at the suspicious bags full of creatures, but wisely doesn't question it.

      "Well, Kook, did you have more fun than you thought you would?" Yoongi asks, simultaneously putting his blinker on and pulling back onto the road. 

      "Yeah." Jungkook begrudging admits, stuffing another handful of chocolate into his mouth, "Noona's not as scary as I thought she'd be."

      "Noona?" Yoongi scrunches his nose, "You don't have to call her noona, Kook-ah. You're older than her."

      "He asked me if he could, oppa." B pipes up, her eyes sparkling, "He said he's never had a real noona before! I told him it was okay. Do you not like it?"

       "I..." Yoongi huffs, baffled." It's... fine. Weird, but fine."

      "It's not weird!" Jungkook protests, narrowing his eyes, "She acts just like you! It feels weird not calling her noona."

       "I thought you didn't like having to respect people!" Yoongi grumbles, "Now you want to? Kids these days! Can't make up their minds."

       "You're just bitter because you're a grumpy old grandpa." Jungkook snarks.

      "Grandpa!" The car swerves dangerously as Yoongi turns around in his seat, "Who're you calling a grandpa?!"

      "You, you old turtle!"


       B was happily surprised when they all made it back to the dorm in one piece.

      This is 5317 words of sleep deprived nonsense. I hope you enjoyed it?

      6 down, 1 left. There's only one boy remaining. Have you been keeping track?

     Now we know why Kookie is afraid of girls. Sasaengs are the bane of all idols' existences. But we still don't know why B is afriad of men. I've heard lots of theories, and some are pretty close... Only two (or three. Depending on my imagination) more chapters until we reach the third and final phase of the book. I'm so excited! Drama is my favorite. 

      Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT! <3 <3


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