Her Blood Lost

By Kaylawide

39.4K 1.6K 170

Threequel/Third Installment to "Her Wolf Alpha" Began 26Oct2018 Amelia's firstborn son struggles with his pla... More

Author's Note
Her Blood Lost
Chapter 1| It's Life
Chapter 2 | Breaking
Chapter 3 | Half
Chapter 4 | Hate
Chapter 5 | Goodbye & Good Riddance
Chapter 6 | Homeward Bound
Chapter 7 | Enemies
Chapter 8 | Chaos
Chapter 9 | Unbinding Loyalties
Chapter 11| A Broken Foundation
Chapter 12| Pains
Chapter 13| Gotcha
Chapter 14| Jackass
Chapter 15| Mud is Thicker Than Blood
Chapter 16 | Cruor
Chapter 17| At Night the Sun Falls Dark
Chapter 18 | Too Bright
Random Concept Art of Julius
Chapter 19| Peace
Chapter 20| How?
21| Fall
Chapter 22| You're Next
Chapter 23| Dynamic Duo
24| Concert to Take to Heart
25| Shame
26| The Cold of the Night
Chapter 27| The Heat of the Mourning
Chapter 28| Manik's Maddening Mistake
Chapter 29| Mark
Chapter 30| You, Me, Us
Chapter 31| Awakening
Chapter 32| Fear Knows No Bounds
Chapter 33| You Know You Love Me
Chapter 34| Crazy Something Normal
Chapter 35| The Death of Ravenwolf
Chapter 36| No Help Here
Chapter 37| Which Way
Chapter 38| Panicked Pleading
Chapter 39| The Hero Must Fall
Chapter 40| So Says the Mighty One
Chapter 41| I'll Tell You Why my Heart is Dark
Chapter 42| You Still Doubt?
Chapter 43| Hell Is Here to Stay
Her Rising Glory: Sneak Peak

Chapter 10 | Bloodlust

1.1K 54 9
By Kaylawide

"Who said I wanted this?"

Julius's POV

"Julius get outside now!" I jumped as the door slammed open to reveal my Grandmother Lexi come blazing through the door.

I looked at her in shock: shock that she was here and also that she just barged into the locked room.

I frowned and looked at the broken doorframe and tried to hold back a growl.

She'd ruined Jezebel's room.

"Hello Granny nice to see you, what's the matter?" I said in a wondering voice, trying to hold off on snapping at her.

"Well Mike and I just got here and you're little brother is outside attacking your sister!" She said and I rose to my feet before racing out the door.

"Get Kaden and Mom too." I growled to her as I hurried outside.

You've got to be fucking kidding me!

I flung open the door and momentarily halted at the sight in front of me.

Nancy was on the ground scrambling away from Alex, her eyes wide, blood oozing from a gash on her forehead and she rubbed her eyes repeatedly as it dripped into them. Brenton stood in front of her, his limbs shaking slightly with exhaustion. He was pretty beat up as well.

Alex was as his wolf, his grey fur lifted along his spine. Blood marring his muzzle as he snarled showing glistening, crimson-coated fangs.

My brother abruptly launched himself forward his jaws aiming for the man's throat.

"No!" A howl broke out and an older man appeared out of nowhere, throwing himself into harms way; taking the deadly blow.

I blinked in shock as the former beta, fell under the weight of Alexander; blood saturating his clothes as it flowed freely from a horrible gash in the side of his neck.

I winced as I saw the horrific scar around his left eye and how his left ear had a bit of outer cartilage, most of it gone.... I'd done that. And thinking of that day brought on a spark of rage which I pushed away. After all he'd just saved Brenton.

"Ryan!" Nancy screeched and fell to the ground. Brent stared in shock before letting out a growl and snapping his fangs at my brother then hurling himself onto him and dragging him off of the dying ex-beta.

"Ryan... w-what did you—why?" Nancy cried rushing over to him and pressing a hand to his wound trying to stop the bleeding. I cringed thinking of Jezebel.

"Couldn't... let... him... kill who... you loved..." Ryan croaked his eyes training on Nancy's face.

"I'm... so sorry. I wish..." he coughed up blood and gasped, "I wish things had been different... my little Cinderella." He brushed a hand against Nancy's cheek and the she-wolf shuddered and let out a sob.

"Ryan..." Nancy cried and the former beta lowered his hand.

"Brent will take care of you... love you how I should've." He sighed and started to take shorter breaths.

"Thank you—I forgive you. Do you hear me? I forgive you." Nancy cried holding onto the dying man's hand.

Ryan smiled softly and his eyes widened as he stared off and I followed his gaze and scowled when a random woman walked up to stand beside Nancy.

Who is this and where'd she come from?

"Rose... you're here..." Ryan sighed and the lovely black-haired woman smiled softly; with a rattling breath he was gone and so was the woman.

"The hell just happened?" I said softly looking around but no one seemed to notice. Was I the only one who saw that?

Nancy sobbed as his body shifted back into a deceased grey-furred wolf.

My attention flitted back to the two wolves still going at it to see my brother fling off Brent and let out a cackling noise his chops pulling back in a wolfish grin. He gave a shake and his deranged eyes shone with a disturbing glisten.

"Damn that was heartfelt sis." He said and Nancy managed a growl.

"Just leave us alone! You'll never be Alpha! Julius will be!" She abruptly yelled and Alexander snarled.

He chuckled and pelted away out of sight before returning in his human form fully clothed in white. I scowled in confusion.

The fuck?

He turned his gaze on me once he was a few meters off. "Hello Julius." He said with a sneer and my anger ignited like an explosion.

Kill. Chaos growled lowly.

Without another second to waste I charged at Alexander and he snarled as I barreled into him.

He gave a bloody grin, his teeth glistening red and pink. I managed to knock him off balance and he fell. I took the opportunity to get the upper hand and get on top of him.

My hands shook as I gripped Alex's throat. He bared his fanged teeth at me as I shoved him into the ground.

"Brother, stop this." I croaked and he smirked softly.

With a growl he spat, "I'll kill them all."

"No!" I snarled as he tried to push me off and squeezed his throat in my hands. He let out a gurgling breath before beginning to claw at me.

I let out a shuttering sigh as I pressed harder into his throat and his fights became more desperate.

I shouldn't have looked at his face, but I did.

His eyes looked wide and a plead was in them. His face was growing almost a purplish color. He kept trying to breathe.

My shoulders slackened as I looked at him and soon my grip was doing the same. He sucked in a gulp of air. Tears clouded my vision.

I couldn't kill him. No matter what he did... he was still my little brother.

He almost killed Jezebel! My mind screamed and I scowled. And he just killed Ryan and attacked Nancy and Brenton!

I know dammit... I know... but...

"Alex why? Why are you like this? J-just stop it." I huffed hearing my own voice crack. "Please I don't wanna kill you."

"Like it would matter." He managed to get out. Pain jabbed my heart and I felt sick.

"You're my brother! Of course it matters!" I yelled. He just stared at me with his cold eyes.

"Half brother—"

"I love you. We all love you. Please Alex, come home. We can be a family again." I said and my voice was shaking.

I gasped at a sudden pain in my stomach and I glanced down to see a blade embedded in my abdomen and Alex's hand clutching the holt of it. Blood oozed from the wound and I let him go focusing on the knife as he let it go.

Do I pull it out? No... what if it's got something vital? Oh shit. I thought as I stumbled back from him clutching around the wound.

Alexander stood up and glared at me spitting, "They chose you to be Alpha over me! I'm Dad's son, you're just a mutt and they should've killed you when you were born!" He snarled and shoved me back before stalking around me.

"Dammit! Mike get Alex, Julius do not touch that knife!" Grandma Lexi came running over and I looked over through blurry eyes as Grandpa Mike took off after the youngster in his wolf form.

Suddenly a burning sensation swept through me and my legs gave way as I crumpled to the ground.

I reached for the knife and Granny slapped my hands away.

"Don't touch it! That's a wolfsbane-laced blade. Where the hell did he find this?!" She hovered next to me and grabbed my arms.

"Get up." She huffed and pushed her grey-brown hair away from her face.

"This is probably a bad time... but why are y'all here? Not that it's not good to see you." I grunted as I stood and she steadied me.

"Your parents called for counsel, said your brother had overstepped his boundaries." Granny grumbled.

"Overstepped? He almost killed Jezebel—and she was his mate!" I gritted out.

"Jezebel? Isn't that the girl you—"

"Granny, this conversation is very interesting, but I'm pretty sure I'm dying right now." I huffed.

"I know come on." She said stepping me toward the house.

"I couldn't catch him. You know I've got a bad knee." Grandpa Mike huffed as he came into a step beside us.

"Damn! C'mon kid that looks bad." He said grabbing my arm and pretty much hauling me to the front door. Grandma Lexi followed close behind.

Grandpa Mike was pretty much dragging me towards the clinic when a certain someone came rushing toward us. I peeled open my eyes as she got closer. My vision swam before me and I groaned softly as I closed my eyes again.

"Julius!" I flinched as my mother touched my forehead and a growl rumbled in my throat.

"Don't touch me." I snapped and she drew her hand away.

"What happened?" She asked and I only growled and managed to open my eyes to glare at the blurred woman.

"Alex stabbed him with a poisoned blade. Damn can you get out of the way? He's knocking on deaths door here. There's no time for this." Granny said pushing my mother aside and Grandpa Mike pulled me along.

"Lay him down." A voice said and I felt myself being put on a hospital bed. I groaned as a stinging sensation rushed though me.

"Get this—thing—out." I hissed through gritted teeth.

"Hand me... yes th...." Everything was fading but I felt the knife get taken out.

"Jul... some of the... hurry!" I blinked curiously as everything got darker. Who was yelling? Why?

I winced as something jabbed my shoulder and just like that I passed out.

Hey guys! Sorry for the wait!

I had some serious writers block.

Picture of my boy Draco! ^

Until next time!



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