
By AntheiaW

4.3K 271 55

In these times it's not that easy to find you're soulmate, what happens when Alpha Christian finds his... wha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 13 part 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 24 Part 2
Chapter 25
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 29 part 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 30 part 2
Chapter 30 part 3.
Chapter 30 part 4
Chapter 31
Chapter 31 part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 39 part 2
Chapter 40
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 48 part 2.
Chapter 49.
Bonus chapter.
Epilogue, Chapter 50.

Chapter 3

124 6 0
By AntheiaW

-Me: Hello mister McKinstry, my name is Alesandra Natasha Morel, I wanted to apologize for what happened today, I really am truly sorry for trespassing on ure property.
I can assure you that it wasn't on purpose it was an mistake, I was in the woods and got lost.

I already knew that there are some parts of the woods that's private but what I didn't know is which parts.
I swear and I also give you my word that it will not happen again, u won't see my face or hear about me ever again.

I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience I give you.
And I also wanted to thank you for not suing me.

*I open my mouth and said everything as I got to his desk, I notice that he was looking at me, smirking and caressing his chin with his index finger while I was speaking to him.

*At that moment I thought, if only I could be that finger to be touching that face.
Then as soon as I mentioned the part where he won't see me again his face changed, he got serious, but he still looked gorgeous I thought again.
And so he stands up, he extend his hand to me and say.

-Christian: It's a pleasure to meet you Alesandra. And please call me Christian, not mister McKinstry.

-Me: Of course sir.. sorry, I mean Christian, and you can call me Natasha, I only use my first name for formalities.

*I say this smiling as I take his hand and shake it, when my hand touch his it felt like electricity going threw my fingers and my hand. I look at our hands touching and then I look up and stare at him, he was staring at me, for a moment I thought he was gazing at me cause he looked like he wasn't even here.

*He then smiles a little, but as soon as that smile came it left it was just a second, but that second was enough for me because when I saw that smile I heard the angels singing.

*After what felt like an eternity of silence, I start talking again.

-Me: This is my mother, Martha Morel and this is my...

*I introduce my mom and when I'm about to introduce Nati but she did it herself.

-Nati: I'm her twin sister, Natali Morel, but you can call me Nati. Nice to meet you.

*She say extending her hand to him, he shakes it and he proceed to kindly ask us to sit down, and we all do. After we sit he starts speaking.

-Christian: Normally when someone trespass on my property I take serious matters in hand, and I'm not known for letting people off easy, but you seem like a decent person, and I understand that people can do mistakes. So I'll let you off easy.

*While Christian was talking I glance at Andres and mouthed a 'Thank you' to him. He smile and mouthed a 'No problem' at me while giving me a thumbs up.
After that I start talking to Christian.

-Me: Thank you so much Christian, I guess we can leave now?

*I say smiling at him, and I was about to stand up when he said.

-Christian: Not so fast, I said I'll let you off EASY, not that I'll let off.

*He says that kinda serious and emphasising on the easy. I was surprised, I didn't know what to say I just stay put in my seat. And waited for an explenation. Andres looked surprised too, so he start to approach Christian and he is about to say something when Christian suddenly left his hand and motion to him to wait, he stopped in his track and waited. My mom and Nati didn't say anything either, we wait till Christian started to talk again.

-Christian: Even though you didn't trespass on purpose, you still did it. So I was thinking and I came to a conclusion, here is what I have to offer you. What about you come here and work for me, I have a lot of paperwork to do and I think you could help me with it. It will only be 3 months, I was about to look for a secretary anyway, but I guess you could do it. I will even pay you, so what do you say?

-Me: Let me see if I understand, I trespass on your property, you say that you won't let me off easy, and now you offer me a job instead. Am I correct?

*I say to him surprised and not understanding anything I'm just confused, after I asked that he nods.
I'm still not understanding anything so I kept talking.

-Me: Well I don't understand anything because a job offer isn't something bad, and you made it sound like something really bad. I would have gladly accept ure offer, but I already have a job and beside that I don't know anything about a secretary job. I wouldn't know what to do at all. You can just look for someone that is capable for that work.

*Christian looks intently at me for a moment then he say.

-Christian: I could teach you and show you what to do it's not a big deal, and believe me, there is nothing easy about this work, there is lots of paperwork to do. You'll be drained in less than a week, and well it's either that or getting sued, Ure choice.

*As Christian says that, he smirk and lean back in his chair while crossing his arms.

*I start to think, he's literally blackmailing me.. well it could have been worse but what the hell, why not.
And I realized that I will be seeing him almost everyday.

*As I was thinking my mom whispered to me and told me to accept to don't be stupid and that I shouldn't think much about it.
Nati also told me to accept his offer, she said that if I'm getting paid why not.

*And so I did.

*I accepted the job.


*After talking for a bit, he offer us to stay for dinner and he says that at dinner we'll talk more about the job details, I told him that I'll have to go quit my job. But I didn't know when I start here so I ask him.

-Me: When do I start?

-Christian: You can start tomorrow, you can go quit ure job first and then come here after that.

*I nod, then I also wanted to know what would be my work days and hours and breaks. So I asked him.

-Me: What will be My wor...

*I couldn't finish my sentence because the doors was opened by someone, we turn and see a girl coming in and walking towards Christian. As she was walking towards him, she says.

(Kate upton = Darla)

-Girl: Christian baby I was looking for you everywhere, I need money to go do my nails tomorrow, it's been a week already and I need to redo them.

*She didn't greet anyone, she just went straight to papi Christian. When she got closer she kissed him with a Peck on the lips. Ugh of course he have a girl, a man this gorgeous wouldn't be alone or single I thought.

*But the girl give me a bad vibe.

*I then look at Nati and she give me a mischievous look, I knew where this was going so I mouthed a No to her almost smiling. I knew she was gonna say something.

*That's Nati she doesn't give a f#ck sometimes. I'm more quiet but if I don't like something I speak my mind up even if people doesn't like what I have to say.
And when it comes to flirting Nati is ure girl, me on the other hand, only when I'm sure that the guy is interested I flirt.

-Nati: Excuse me Christian, but is this ure girlfriend? Doesn't she have manners? I mean she came in and didn't even say hello, and I'm pretty sure she notice us.
I know this is ure place and ure people but I'm sorry it's very disrespectful.

*I cover my mouth to hide my smile and not laugh, that's Nati ladies and gentlemen. Mom was sitting there and didn't say a worth. She just observed.
When Nati said that, Christian didn't say anything, the girl on the other hand looked at Nati with a disgusting face and said.

-Girl: And who are you?

*Nati answered her right away.

-Nati: I didn't talk to you, so stay out of it. So Christian-

*The girl look in disbelief at Nati and then she say something without letting Nati finish her sentence.

-Girl: How dare you speak to me like that? Baby aren't you gonna say anything?

*She say the last part turning to Christian, Christian was in silence observing them, and Nati gives the girl a smile and puts on a face that screams I don't give a f#ck who you are.
I look at Nati and chuckle. The girl notice my chuckle and turn to me.

-Girl: What are you laughing at bitch?

*Oh no bitch, it is on, I was gonna tell her off for sure now, because even if I'm the quiet one between the 2 of us, I don't let people speak or treat me bad in anyway. And Nati was about to say something too. But we couldn't because before we said something, Christian speak.

-Christian: Thats enough Darla, you will not disrespect our guests and I have told you a million times already to not come barging in my office like that. You have to knock like everyone else, and if I'm busy then you'll have to wait till I'm done.

*She looks at him surprised and tries to speak while me and Nati just look amuse at each other.

-Darla: But they..

*She didn't finish her sentence because Christian speak again.

-Christian: I said enough.

*With that she stay quiet. At least she listen just like a good doggy. I decided to say something I just couldn't resist it.

-Me: If you allow me to speak Christian, I didn't really mind to what she said, I normally don't pay attention to insignificant things.

*I say the last part looking at Darla, as soon as I said that a gasp followed, I look at her and she was looking at me in disbelief then she looked at Christian then back at me, Christian didn't seem to mind because he was looking at me with a half smile. I was about to keep talking to him when Darla screamed. Then she turned to Christian and said.

-Darla: How can you let these people speak to me like that? I'M YOUR FIANCE FOR GOD'S SAKE.

*She say the last part raising her voice.
Then I realized what she said, and i just think, what a waste, he's getting married to her.
What a disappointment.

*I couldn't help but show my disappointment on my face, and Christian noticed it.
He then stand up and say.

-Christian: Darla get out.

*She looked astonished at him, she then speak again.

-Darla: But what about my nails? And what about an apology from these gremlins.

*She says the last part motioning to Nati and me with a disgusting look on her face.
The only thing that came to my mind was, HELL NO B#TCH.
Me and Nati, were not the bullying tipe of people, but we never let anyone bully us either. Our BFF Annette has a mouth on her too maybe that's why we get along so well.
So as she said that we both stand up, ready to eat here alive. Even our mom reacted in that moment she didn't say anything but her facial expression was enough to know what she was thinking.
Me and Nati both said at the same time.

-Both: Listen here bitch.

*Nati stayed quiet after that and she let me speak.

-Me: The only gremlin here is you, with all that make up on ure face and i mean common did u even look at ure ears?
You even look like a cheap and poor excuse of a sl#t with those clothes u have on, I guess besides looking like a clown and being stupid you are also blind, don't you have a mirror? Hmm maybe not.

-Nati: I guess the mirror broke when you looked in it. Ure nothing but an orangutan.

-Me: Ure insulting the poor animals.

-Nati: Ure right, well at least there's one thing good about ure body, it's not as ugly as ure face.

-Me: If I had a face like yours I'd sue my parents.

-Mom: Girls that's enough. Leave her alone, I don't seem to remember her name, and please don't tell me. But that's enough now.

*Darla's face was priceless, mom told us to stop but she was looking at Darla throwing daggers, Nati was glaring at her I turned to look at Christian and Andres, and I see that Andres was enjoying the show very much he was almost laughing and Christian surprisingly wasn't mad at us for insulting his fiance, he was looking at me with an eyebrow raised and he had a small grin on his face. After i looked at him, he speaks.

-Christian: So about that apology.

*Darla starts to smile, and I'm thinking of course he's gonna defend her. She's his fiance.

-Christian: Why don't you apologize to our guest for giving them an uncomfortable time Darla.

*Ohhh... she looked at Christian with wide eyes. She couldn't believe it, hell.. I couldn't believe it myself. Then he says.

-Christian: They're waiting Darla, we are all waiting for that apology.

-Darla: I will not apologize to these..

-Christian: I said, apologize, NOW.

*He raised his voice with that last word and his face was starting to look mad. Darla's eyes were now turning crystal, she was about to cry. I decided to talk to Christian.

-Me: Christian it's ok, she doesn't need to apologize, we insulted her too, I guess.. we're even.

*I said to him while placing my hand on the desk, and without noticing my hand touched his, I felt sparks.
He turned his gaze to our hands touching then he look at me and he took a deep breath. After that breath he took he looked more relaxed.

-Christian: Darla leave now, we'll talk later.

*Darla looked at us, and storm out the office. When she left Christian apologize to us for her behavior.
We decided to not stay for dinner, mom didn't want another incident like earlier to happen again, so we talked about the details and I asked him my questions and after that we said our goodbyes and we're ready to leave.

*Andres offered to drive us home and so we left. When we pass the gates, There was a line of trees on both sides of the road.. looking like a tunel.. it was beautiful, I start thinking how creepy would it be to walk alone on this street at night.

*After a few minutes we got on the main road.
On our way home we left the mushrooms for MamaNena I give her one of the flowers and left.


*At home I put the flowers in a vase and went to my room, I called Annette and told her everything that happened to me, including the wolf part I also told Nati everything.
After that we just went to sleep.

Christian's Pov:

*It was almost 10pm now. I was just finishing some work stuff when my mind drifted to Natasha.
Then a knock on the doors took me out of thoughts, it was Andres.

-Christian: Come in.

*I said as I was putting everything away, Andres comes in and locks the doors, so we won't have any interruptions again. He comes to the desk and sits down. He looks at me and say.

-Andres: So are you gonna tell me what all of that was about?

*I was thinking about her while Andres was speaking to me, she is truly beautiful, then After a few seconds of silence I sigh and turn to Andres.

-Christian: I was like in a trance when i first saw her you know, and do you know why?

*I ask him, of course Andres said no, how could he possibly know, then I finally tell him.

-Christian: She's my soulmate, Natasha is my soulmate.

2768 words.

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