
By AntheiaW

4.3K 271 55

In these times it's not that easy to find you're soulmate, what happens when Alpha Christian finds his... wha... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 13 part 2
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 24 Part 2
Chapter 25
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 29 part 2
Chapter 30
Chapter 30 part 2
Chapter 30 part 3.
Chapter 30 part 4
Chapter 31
Chapter 31 part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 39 part 2
Chapter 40
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 48 part 2.
Chapter 49.
Bonus chapter.
Epilogue, Chapter 50.

Chapter 1

398 10 1
By AntheiaW

*Here I was on a beautiful afternoon sitting on the branch of an tree in the middle of the woods scared as f#ck for my life. Thinking on how the stupid me got herself in this situation.

Let me start telling you how my day started.


*The day started normal, as any other day before, my identical twin sister and I woke up, ready for another boring day at work and school. At least that's what I thought, but man I was so wrong.

(Natali and Natasha =  flavia santiago)

*My name is Alesandra Natasha Morel, and my sister's name is Natali Alesandra Morel we practically got the same names. I like to go by Natasha and my sister Nati. We're 23 years old, we are identical twins and we are living with our mom.

(Mom.. Mrs Martha Morel.)

*Our father died a few years back, just a few days before our 19th birthday. His 5th year death anniversary is in 2 days.

*Nati and me are getting ready for work, we don't work together if that's what ure thinking. Then Nati asks me.

-Nati: Can I borrow this?

*She's smiling at me, she knows I don't like people borrowing my stuff, not even her, and she's my sister.
But maybe just maybe I'll let her borrow it, well only after she begs me.

*We fight a lot, I mean all siblings does, but we never spend more than an hour mad at each other. I love her I'll kill for her and she for me too. I just don't say or show it a lot.

-Me: What do I get in return IF I let you borrow it?

-Nati: Common, I'm ure sister we are twins, we're basically the same person.

*She always, and I mean ALWAYS say that when she wants something.

-Me: I'm not changing my mind, I am serious, what would I get in return?

*Her face changes completely when I say that again and she makes a sad face.

-Nati: Are u for real? Don't u love me not even a little bit? Why are u so mean to me?

*She's so manipulative sometimes. But I'll let it go for now, I think she begged enough already.

-Me: OK, U can take it.
But if u in any way ruin it, we're gonna have a problem.

* I tell her with a serious face, she then runs towards me with a big smile on her face and hugs me, I take her hands off of me. And tell her.

-Me: That's enough, and remember what I told u, don't make me regret it.

*I say to her as I start walking out of the room.

-Nati: I know u love me, and I love u too. Thanks.

*She say happily, I just smile and shake my head as I keep walking.


*I'm looking at the clock and it's almost 12:30 pm. My shift ends at 1pm today.
I'm currently working as a waitress.

*Me and Nati both work in the day and at night we go to school, this is our last year of school.

*The 30 minutes went by and my shift ended so I went home. I'm walking on my way home and looking around.
As I get in the neighborhood I decided to pay a visit to MamaNena.


*Her name is Nena but we call her MamaNena, she's an sweet old lady that live close by our house we know her since we were little, we always visit her and help her with what we can, like doing her favors or go to the market for her.
She had an operation on her knee recently so she can't do much anymore. I get to her house and stand at the door.

-Me: Hello?, MamaNena? Is anyone here?

*I scream standing in front of the door, then I heard her scream an 'I'm coming'. Seconds later the door open.

-MamaNena: Honey, how good to see one of you, which one are you? Oh please come in.

*She says motioning for me to go in, she knows us for so long but she still gets confused. I smile and went inside making my way to the couch. Then I start saying.

-Me: I'm the quiet and nicer one, and I'm good thank you, how are you?

*She laughs at my comment.

-MamaNena: You already know dear, getting more old everyday, and this knee doesn't let me do much either, but besides that I'm good you know.

*She says laughing at herself, and I smile to her.

-MamaNena: I'm glad ure here honey, I need a favor from you. That's if you can of course.

-Me: Sure anything, what is it?

*I say smiling at her. Then she tells me.

-MamaNena: Well you know the woods here in front, well there are some mushrooms that grow there that I like to use for cooking, I used to go get them myself, but with my knee problem u know I can't walk that much anymore or bent down for that matter.
I don't know if ure willing to go and bring some for me?

*There is a huge woods in this neighborhood on one side of the woods is the houses where we live and on the other side of it there is a private property, well at least that's what If heard, and apparently these people that live there own a big part of the woods too.

*I am not the curious person kind that go walking alone at night, or go into the woods alone either.
U can say I'm a coward, and on the other hand I've only been there once and it was in the day with Nati and Annette, we didn't even spend 5 minutes in there, we run out of there as soon as we got in.
Oh and Annette is our Bestfriend.

*I don't know if I should do it, It creeps me out just to think about it. But I also can't say no to her, that wouldn't be ok at all.
And it's not even 2pm yet the sun will be still shinning for at least 4 more hours.
Besides What's the worst that can happen? I start thinking on some examples, like..
Get lost and die, wild animals eating me alive, get rape, be bitten by a snake.

*And now My mind start to make different scenarios, no, i shouldn't think that, i just need to think that nothing will happen it will fine I'll be in and out in a matter of seconds.
Plus MamaNena has been there and she's still here obviously.
After thinking about it, I finally answer.

-Me: OK, I'll go.

-MamaNena: Good then, listen as soon as you get in you'll see a stone path, u will go a little bit further in and you'll find the mushrooms, some grows close to the path, Oh and please try to get the big once.
But don't get far away from the pad or you'll get lost, and we don't want that to happen do we?
Thank you so much darling.

*She says happy and smiles, I then nod and smile at her. She goes to the kitchen grabs something then she comes back to the living room.

*It will be in and out, IN AND OUT nothing will happen, just 2 minutes. I think as I start walking towards the woods.

*I'm now standing in front of the woods looking around, thinking if I should just run away.
I've seen horror movies, people going alone in the woods is just a horror movie cliche and a f#cking bad idea, I'm just as stupid as those people in the movies.
I'm so stupid. Well thinking about that doesn't help my case either so. I should just slap myself.

-Me: Here goes nothing.

*I say as I start to go in.


*I'm looking around and it's so beautiful, beautiful and dangerous I start thinking. I should just hurry I think to myself as I start walking a little faster and looking around for the mushrooms.

*After a while I see some in the distance I walk towards them and I start picking them and putting them in a plastic bag that MamaNena give me earlier.

*As I was picking them I see some beautifull blue flowers.
Blue is my favorite color and I love flowers. I start to walk around and pick a few of them, while i was doing that i were getting a little far from the pad without noticing.

*A few minutes later of walking and picking mushrooms and flowers I look up and see a beautiful part of the woods, the sun were shinning on a specific part of the woods where u can say was a field of beautiful flowers they where everywhere. It felt like the woods where calling me to go further in. Then i thought Maybe I can take some really quick pics.
My mind is telling me to leave because this is how people die in horror movies. I shrugged that of my mind and i did what I wanted.

*After a few pics I notice the hour on my phone, I've spend like 40 minutes in here and didn't even notice it. I thought it was enough already, so I put my phone in my pocket, and as I'm about to turn back to leave, I hear a growl.
At First I thought It's my mind playing tricks on me, that can't be real, then I hear it again.

*Ok, now I'm getting really scared, I start thinking, wishing and hoping that it wasn't a wild animal but just a dog. I didn't want to turn around but I had to and I did it anyway, so I start to turn slowly, and my eye catch something,
And oh my God, what do I see.

*A Wolf, a big ass wolf.

*I went pale I wanted to pee right there and then, I think, this is how I'm gonna die.
I start thinking how my gut feeling was right and that I'm stupid I did exactly what I said I wouldn't do. But what else can I do now.
I wasn't gonna stay there either, it's either run or be shredded in pieces.

*How cliche would it be if I run and trip over something.
I shouldn't think about that.
If I fall I'm done the wolf will eat me.

*I start backing up slowly, and as soon as I do so the wolf snarl at me, like telling me to don't move.

*Pff... as if I would do so I think, I wasn't gonna wait anymore.

*I didn't think it twice, I just throw the plastic bag away turn around and start running as fast as I could.

*My life depended on it.

1821 words.

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