The King's Maze (Yami x Reade...

By PinkCrystal_Rose

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*All images are paid commissions created by the artist Less_End. Please do not copy or use in your own work* ... More

The Maze
The Wolf
Temporary Home
The King
A Promise
The Dragon
The Fear of Temptation
The Calm Before...
The Storm
A Paradise in Hell PART 1
A Paradise in Hell Part 2
The Ball
Joining the Fight
The Vampires
Black Magic
Blossoms at the Gate
Together and Apart
Birth of the Maze
Hope for a Future
The Gate
The Sorercer and His Game
This is the End
Epilogue Part 1 : The Calling
Epilogue Part 2 : The Calling
Epilogue Part 3: The Calling
Epilogue Part 4: The Kidnapping
Epilogue Part 5 : Fathers
Epilogue Part 6: Together

The Garden

4.4K 108 65
By PinkCrystal_Rose

Art by less end.

Night was finally here and, not to the surprise of the king, all the hunters turned up empty handed. Many gave up long ago and went back to their homes to sleep for a few hours so that they could hunt again in the night. Others refused to give up and claim that they will hunt till the next day. Though he was not surprised Yami was a tad disappointed that there was no new news of the human. He entered the courtyard where his cousin was busy supervising the large crates the goblins were bringing up from the cellar. The crates were wrapped in heavy chains that rattled as the beings inside struggle to get lose. One of the goblins did not watch its step and stumbled forward dropping its side of the crate. A small crack was made, and a black mist appeared from it that grabbed on to the green creature and hung it upside down. It screamed for help, but the king walked on by without a care. Seto gritted his teeth and barked at the other goblins to be more careful. He then took off the whip hanging on his hip and cracked it at the black mist. Blue electricity crackled from the whip making the mist throw down its captive. The creature scampered off back into the castle as its companions chuckled quietly to themselves.

Yami also chuckled at the sight as Seto glared down at him. 

"You could have been more helpful." Seto grumbled.

"Oh, but I am here to help," Yami grinned. "My shadow demons need a little encouragement and I'm here to do just that."

Seto eyed him warily as he wondered what he could have meant by that. When all ten crates were gathered in the courtyard all the goblins made it a point to leave. Each crate rattled and bounce in their spots and Seto stepped forward and cleared his voice then said, "Demons, your king is here to address you!"

All the crates stopped moving to show not only that they were listening but also in respect. Yami smirked as he stood looking at each crate.

"My demons, you have all failed me! A human was reported to me last night by a goblin and not a single one of you claim to have seen her or knew of her existence." Yami's eyes could see the chains rattling but the crates did not move. They're angry, good. "I will give you all one last chance tonight to fix this mistake. Bring her to me and bring her unharmed. If you fail me again tonight or if you bring her damage, I will personally cull all of you! Now go!"

The chains popped off the crates and the wood fell apart as a hundred shadow demons from each crate flew into the air to find their prey. Yami turned and watched them all disappear into the maze, wishing once again that he could go with them. Seto had order the squads of goblins and orcs into the maze to hunt as well. Off in the distance the wolf patrols could be heard howling as they set off to keep the law in the Demon King's maze. Seto sighed as he ready himself for the long night. He glanced over at his shorter cousin then walked up to him.

He could see the longing in Yami's eyes as he looked out at the exit of the castle grounds. He sighed again and bowed to him saying, "My king, let us go inside and watch their progress from your sitting room. I have arranged some light entertainment as well."

Yami swallowed as he tightened his fist. He wanted to tell Seto that he could take his light entertainment and shove it up his tight ass. The longer he stared at the gate that slowly closed as the last squad left the more, he wanted to run out of there. However, pride kept him rooted to that spot as the iron gates creak to a close. He had made a deal long ago and he will not lose this game no matter the cost. 

"Fine," He strained out, "but it better not be whores- "

"It's nothing like that." Seto scoffed as his face twisted in disgust. 

Though that might be an idea for a later date to loosen the stress, he thought fleetingly. "I merely meant that I found a few dark elf's that claim to excel at games and the head vampire of the Northern Outskirts as sent you a bottle of their finest red wine."

Yami rolled his eyes and turn to walk back inside his literal ivory prison. "Pour it out. That bootlicker has no taste for wine."


"Alright," Joey said, and he laid out a simple map of the maze "this is everything you need to know about this place." The map was so simple that it reminded the girl of the maps one would find in a children's illustration book.

Persona was on a couch in the sitting room sipping on some hot tea she had just made for them. She had finally return to her normal size after two hours and was now dress in a short black loltia dress with a high white collar, white stockings and her black boots. When she saw the dress, she asked where Joey had gotten it from, but the wolf refused to answer. Yugi was sitting on a pin cushion on the table and had change into a pair of black leather shorts and top, holding onto his own cup. Joey sat down across from her saying, "Mind you, this is not an accurate map of the maze, but it should help get our points across."

"Right." The girl said as she set down her cup and saucer. "I'm ready."

"First off, there are three parts of the maze. The first part is the part that everyone has to walk through first." He pointed to a large grey area on the map that showed tiny walls turning here and there. There were labels that broke up the map into the four main areas. North, South, West, and East. "This part is the most dangerous part since no one knows how big it is or the kinds of obstacles there. Pops did his best to survey the areas but nearly die each time knowing even less than before. Most of the creatures and people loss here don't even make it where we are alive. We call this part the Outskirts." He looked at Persona to make sure she got everything he was saying to her. When she nodded, he went on with the explanation.

"The next part is here." He pointed to a greener area next to the outskirts that had the label middle maze. "This is the part we are all in right now. Though it's called the middle maze officially it is also known as the King's Maze."

"But I thought the whole maze was his?" Persona said looking up at joey.

"It is, but most of his main control starts here." Yugi said softly. "I have theories that suggest that he could have allies in the Outskirts that report back to him. Who they are, or how it works is something I haven't figured out yet."

"I see." Persona said as she looked at Joey to continue.

"Right, here the King or citizens of the maze can collect anyone or thing that came in from the outskirts. Remember when I mention that there was no round-up? Every morning at the same time all the hunters from the town and castle parade whatever they caught in the night. Then whatever was caught is either sold at the market or send to the castle or put to death. That town is part of the third part of the maze." The round space in the middle showed a town that surrounded a black castle. "This is the inner maze or the King's domain. You can guess who lives here." She nodded as she stared down at the black castle.

As time passed, more questions piled up in her mind as Persona listen to Joey and Yugi talk. There was no way she was going to learn everything in one night, though Joey and Yugi seem to think that she was catching on quiet rapidly. The maze was heavy in lore that it was hard even for Yugi and Joey to know what was true or what was rumored. They even argue with each other over what they should tell her or what was being left out. Joey like to tell everything he knew or heard where Yugi wanted to stick to just fact and ideas that he himself tested out or going to test.

"So that's why you were nearly killed! To see if the king really existed!" Joey yelled as he paced the floor. "Of course, there is a king! Who do you think orders the shadow demons and wolves around?"

"Well now we know for sure!" Yugi yelled back at his friend. "The walls not moving is a sign that he is there and that he does control them."

"Yugi, buddy, I'm with you on leaving this place but you can't keep taking risks like that! Sneaking back into the castle was a stupid thing to do! What if they brain washed you! You said you would never go back!"

"I know but I had to see for myself if he was real. In my time as a slave there I never once saw him! Also, I'm sure that there is more to the maze in that castle."

(Persona POV)

"Guys!" I said as I held up my hands to the both of them. "Calm down. There is no point in arguing about this now. Yugi is here and safe. Now please, explain to me why people would think that the king is a myth."

Joey plopped down on the couch and took a moment to calm himself. Yugi rubbed his neck as he looked down on the map. He then took a breath and meet my eyes saying, "People think he is a myth because not a single person knows what he looks like or ever seen him leave the castle grounds."

I blinked several times at the information then repeated, "No one has seen him."

"That's right."

"But how can that be? If this place is his why not- "

"Leave the castle. I don't know. It could be that he is too old or weak." Yugi said as his hand dropped to his side. Joey scoffed and said not looking at us as his head stared up at the ceiling. "He can't be. Pops said that he was crown a few years before I got here. He was brought to the castle and after that no one ever saw him again."

"Brought? Wait! Is the king someone who also got lost in the maze?"

"Don't know. Pops hardly spoke about him."

"Yugi," I looked down at the sprite as I tried to choose my words carefully. This king had killed someone dear to my little friend and I didn't want to upset him, but I had to see if Yugi had at least considered this idea, "Is the king trapped as well?"

"We all are." Joey said, but I didn't look away from Yugi. I saw it! A brief...something that told me that he had thought of this and not in the simple way Joey thought of the matter. I went on asking, "What I mean to say is, what if the king is trapped not only in the maze, but also the castle?"

Yugi took a heavy breath as his hands tighten. He blinked at me then after swallowing hard he said, "I was coming to that conclusion myself. Twice, something he would want to hunt for himself entered the maze and twice he sent others in his place."

Joey sat up straight with his face twisted in worry, "Maybe he doesn't want to get his hands dirty or breathe the same air we do?"

"No, Joey. It's very strange that this king has never left the castle. Pops recorded some of the stories of past rulers in those books and always told me not to read them till I was ready to know the next step in this puzzle." Yugi turned to his friend as he spoke. "I know how this maze is structured, I know how the walls can move and now I know that there is one final key. The king can't leave because he is guarding something in that castle. Now, I just need to know what."

"Yug, what crazy plan are you thinking of now?"

"I'm thinking," He turned back to look at me then back at Joey, "That we need to sneak back into the castle to find our answers."


It had been three nights since the first batch of shadow demons were sent into the maze. True to his word, Yami had dispose of every shadow demon that returned with nothing to show him. It drove him mad that not a single person had seen or heard of her anywhere in the maze. They couldn't even smell her. He sent teams of orcs to scout the edge of the Outskirts to see if any of his followers there had any news. Even they had nothing to offer him. At this point the citizens and hunters believe that their king was playing a trick on them or had gone mad.

Seto had had it with his cousin's fits of fury over the human. Every day he had to convince the king not to burn down the maze, 'At least wait till after the ball' he would say. At this point it would be better if they could just find a dead body. Going on night four with no new info on the human was torture for everyone.

Underground the situation was no better. Joey kept everyone inside fearing that Persona and Yugi would go storming the castle. Which was ridiculous since they both knew that everyone was looking for them. Joey eventually eased up but still kept an eye on them.

They passed the time playing games and chatting with each other about this and that. In a way it was a good bonding experience. Still around the fourth day they were all feeling a tad stir crazy. Joey needed to go on a run to get rid of his pent-up wolf energy. Yugi wanted to go exploring and see something different and Persona just wanted to see the sun again. Or moon, she just needed fresh air.

However, they all agreed that they should wait just three more days. The king must be expecting them to give in and when they do that is when he will strike. So, on the fourth night they set up the sitting room with comfort snacks and drinks and played a bunch of different games. They stayed up all night and into the early morning till they each passed out in their spots. The king has to get tired of looking for them eventually, they all hoped as they fell asleep.

He already was tired on the morning of the fifth day. So tired and desperate to know what became of the human that he ordered every citizen to be brought to his castle to be personally questioned. He had two days left before Seto will force him to focus on the ball he had to give in two weeks. But no matter how many people he questioned he was no closer to finding Persona.


(Persona POV)

One week had passed since I first came here, and I was beginning to get better at playing games. It helped that was pretty much all I did and that I played against someone skilled like Yugi. Joey was an okay player but compared to the sprite he was a lousy competitor.

When we weren't playing games, I was reading the books that Joey's mentor had written. Though it was torture not being able to leave the hideout in the end I was fully knowledgeable about the maze. Joey however said the just knowing the maze was one step and that being in the maze would help further my survival, once the king got tired of looking for me that is.

Yugi did his best to convince the wolf to a least walk the tunnel for a bit, but the stubborn blonde would not fold. So again, we were spending the night playing a game. Everything was normal till Joey sniffed the air and let out a low growl. "Not now!"

Yugi and I were just about to ask what was wrong when we both jumped at a banging sound at the front door. Joey stood up fast and ordered me to stay where I was. The banging grew more frustrated to the point I was sure it was going to break down. They found me! What's going to happen to Joey and Yugi? I went over to the fireplace and picked up a poker to defend myself with. Yugi stuck close beside me as he thought of what to do.

"Open up you damn mutt! It's me!"

Yugi covered his mouth in a gasp and flew out of the room. I heard the door open and a bunch of rush voices talking over each other. The clicking of heels echoed in the hall as Joey tried to stop someone from coming to the room, I was in. I hid as best I could between the shelves and the corner as I held up my weapon. I heard the voice again and was surprised how strong and sultry it was. "Quit being a moron and tell me where she is!"

"You can't just barge in here like this! What if someone saw you! You got people depending on you!"

"Yugi! You poor thing! You look so pale! Has this idiot been keeping you inside all this time!"

"Um, well- "

"For safety you- hey! Wait don't go in there!"

The person drew back the curtain and spotted me in the corner. Their dark purple eyes met mine and their face softened making me drop my guard a bit.

"Oh, you poor thing." She cried as her eyes looked me over. She stepped into the room with Joey and Yugi following closely. She turned and smacked Joey outside the head yelling, "You brut! If I would have known that you were harboring her, I would have given you more than just the one dress!"

"Oi! It's not like I could have told you anything!"

"Please don't be mad with him Mai. We were all stressed about how we were going to hide her." Yugi said as his magic floated in a large sack.

"Hmp, honestly," she looked back at me and noticed my stare. She was the sexiest woman I have ever seen in real life. Her blonde hair was thick and wavy and moved with a playful bounce every time she moved her head. My eyes had trouble not lingering on the curves of her body that were on display in the revealing outfit she wore. But the sexiest thing about her was the aura of confidants and strength she gave off. The aura of knowing that she looked good and if you don't agree she wasn't even asking you anyway. "Hello." She said gently to me as she stepped forward. "My name is Mai, what's yours?"

"Persona." I said weakly. She smiled at me as she put her hands on her hips and sighed.

"I'm sorry that you had to suffer down here for a week, but I can make it up to you." She walked over to the sack and began pulling out clothes, hairbrushes, soaps, fragrant oils, accessories and even make-up. I started to walk to the pile of clothes and smiled at how pretty they all were.

"Look Mai, we've all been busy surviving down here to worry about a change of clothes! Not to mention it would be suspicious if they smell a rose garden underground!"

"Here," she said to me as she gathered up all the bath products in her arms not listening to a word Joey was saying. "let's get you properly clean. Your lovely hair will be ruined if we don't take care of it. Not to mention your skin." She looked over her shoulder saying, "I have the soaps you like too Yugi. You can join us if you like."

The sprite flushed at the offer as Joey's protest got stuck in his throat. "Thanks Mai, but I've already bathed today."

Mai shrugged and took me into the bathroom. Never bathing with another woman before I was very self-conscious, but Mai paid me no mind as she warmed up the water in the large tub. "I've missed taking baths here. There is just something so tranquil about this place that I just couldn't copy in my own home." She poured in a pink oil into the water that gave off a flora scent. She must have picked up in my discomfort since she kept her back to me as I undressed myself to shower off. When I opened the door, I saw that her long hair was tied up and a small towel was around her. "In you go!"


It was so strange to be washed then dressed by someone who wasn't a parent. It had been years since I had someone fussing over me. Over what color looked good on me, how I should style my hair and how to care for my skin. Still, it was nice, and Mai was a fun and enjoyable person to be around. Even Joey seemed more relaxed even though he still acted annoyed with her surprise visit.

After three hours of primping and preening, I was back in the sitting room in a new dress with hair curled, nails groomed and light make-up on my face. It felt odd to be so dressed up, but I had to admit that I did feel refreshed. Yugi commented at how pretty I looked, and I smiled back at him telling thank you. Mai sank into the couch next to Joey sighing contently at her work. "There, I feel much better now." She sipped her tea that I prepared with the leaves she brought for us. Mai had not just brought clothes for me she had also brought a fresh supply of food and drinks. "Thank you, Mai, for bringing all of this to us. It must have been a lot a work for you." Yugi said as his eyes darted over to Joey to say something as well.

The wolf sighed then scratched his head as he said, "Yeah, thanks for all the stuff you brought. Sorry, I didn't visit you sooner or you wouldn't have had to carry everything."

Mai set her cup in her saucer and brought the set to her lap. Her eyes sparkled at Joey who was looking away from her with a light tint on his face.

"Well, it's better that you all stayed hidden this long. It's been crazy up in the maze with everyone looking for Persona. At this point they've all forgotten about Yugi, almost, I should say."

"How did you know I was here?" I asked.

"I didn't, I was just following a hunch I had." Mai set her tea onto the table and looked at all of us. "A hunch I got after being personally questioned by the king."


Mai went on to explain how on the sixth day she, along with a large group of other citizens, were brought the castle. One by one they were brought forward before the king and his advisor. No one knew what the questions were or how long the king would take. When Mai was questioned, she was asked if she had 'hired' any new girls, if she had heard anything from her clients or if any of them bought items of interest from her.

"Mai, I'm sorry to interrupt but where do you work?"

"Oh, I own an escort business."

It took me a bit to understand what I heard and tried not to react oddly. Mai continued on saying that her business was running a bit slow, but that nothing was out of the ordinary. "He then asked if any wolves had visited my establishment and I told him that a handful of my customers were part of the patrol, and a few did buy things for their partners."

"You didn't mention me, did you?"

"Of course, not Joey! I just answered truthfully and carefully."

"Mai," Yugi said standing up. "What did he look like."

"The king, well he was... ah.... that is..." Mai thought for a bit till she shook her head saying, "I can't remember."

"That doesn't sound like you." Joey said as he put a hand to her back. She smiled weakly at him then crossed her arms as she tilted her head upward. "I just don't understand it. Every time I try to mentally picture him it's like the picture gets all blurry. Yugi and I looked at each other, "It's just as we thought."

Joey and Mai looked at Yugi as I got up from my seat and walked over to the shelf to pull out a book. "Wait, what is- "

"Here," I turned around with the book open in my arms as I pointed at a page, "The fifth king had a spell that cause everyone who ever saw his face to forget his appearance a day later."


"Don't you see Joey?" Yugi said as he flew up in the air. "The key is the king!"

"Yeah, everyone knows that you can't leave without his permission." Mai said as she sat back in her seat so that she could look between me and Yugi. "Yes, but," I said closing the book, "there's more to it than that."

"Since we've been hiding here Persona and I have chronologically written out every ruler that had existed in the maze. At least the ones Pops was able to record." I walked back over to the table and rolled out a large scroll with names and numbers as Yugi went on. "So far there has been three queens and five kings. This one is king number six."

"Each of them appeared in the maze one day and the next they wear crowned the new ruler." I added, "And each of them never left the castle and no one knows what they looked like."

"Okay, I'm following you so far, but what does this have to do with our situation?" Joey asked.

"Yugi and I think that it could mean two things. One that the reason each of these people were made rulers was because they actually solved and left the maze- "

"Or they solved it and can never leave." I swallowed hard as I held onto my hands tightly. Mai and Joey gave us looks of disbelief.

Mai opened and closed her mouth then said, "But if that's the case then that means no one can leave."

"But the people with the king's permission?" Again, Yugi and I looked at each other as Joey's question hung in the air. "Are you two saying they never actually left."

"Joey," Yugi looked at his friend and the wolf held out his palm. The sprite bit his lip and landed in the middle. "Joey, please understand, this is why we need to get into the castle."

"Is that all?"

The wolf's head snapped to the woman on the couch. "Is that all? Mai, that jerk wants to kill Yugi and Persona!"

"I hear you Joey, but" She looked up at me as her eyes once again looked me over, "if what they are saying is true then there is not much hope for any of us. I want to leave this place and see my home one last time before I'm too old to care anymore."

"Mai, if you don't mind, what are you?"

She smirked at me as she crossed a leg. One of her bare arms stretched out to the side and as she brought it towards her chest plumes of pink, turquoise and purple feathers fanned out, "I'm a harpy." Pleased with my reaction she brought her arm down and the feathers disappeared. "So, as I was saying, I have a way to get you into the castle."


Three days later...

This was not how the girl had expected her first outing would be after spending over a week under ground. Still, she was grateful to feel the cool air on her cheeks and to see daylight even if it was damped by the cloudy sky. As the carriage bounced on the road Persona did her best to calm her heart and remember what her task was. The King needed an escort to stand by his side at an event and his advisor was auditioning girls from different escort businesses. It was risky, but Mai saw it as a chance to not only increase her business, but also to get the info Yugi needed. In her mind there was no doubt that Persona would be chosen.

Just be yourself dear but know when to hold back." Was Mai's advice as she help dress her that morning. Yugi was against the idea of letting Persona go alone but eventually understood that his presence would only make things more difficult and discovery easier. Joey came up with several escape plans and they both agree that if she were found out, Joey would take Mai and Yugi far away, and leave her behind. 

"You know it's nothing against you Persona, but those two-"

"I know. I feel the same way."

That was all that was said on the matter between them. Joey had wished her luck and hugged her when he left her at Mai's backdoor. 

"Please, Persona come back to us. Yugi will never forgive me if I have to abandon you."

Persona smiled weakly at the memory as she held onto her dress. She was going to make it out alive, if not her new friends would pay a price. Mai was taking the biggest risk since they would easily find her. The overly confident woman insisted on waiting at her business for Persona to return.

When the carriage stopped at the grand steps of the castle Persona checked her appearance one last time in a small hand mirror Mai gave to her for good luck. A different set of color eyes stared back at her, and she had to remind herself of the glamour spell she had on the blue stone pendent she had around her neck. As long as she had it on her, her real identity would be safe.

When the door opened Persona could see a tall man with cold blue eyes looking down at her with disinterest from atop the steps. Lightly biting her lower lip, she picked up the front of her dress and stepped out as she try to let her newly acquired sleek black tail not to drag on the ground but hover just above it. She had on a white scoop neck blouse with long sleeves that had black string bows just above her fore arms and wrist. A dark blue bodice that tied up on both sides with black lace and a long dark blue skirt made up the rest of what the girl wore along with a black top skirt that was tied up on one side that cleverly hid where her tail came out so that she didn't have it under the dress. She breathed easy when she got out without banging her small grey ram horns that now adorned the sides of her head.

The girl walked up the steps not waiting for the man to speak to her. When she reached the top, she did a small curtesy then folded her hand down in front as she straightened out her back just like Mai had taught her. "You're the girl that Mai woman sent for me to audition? Really?"

(Persona POV)

The only thing Mai could remember was this man and she had been right about how...strict he was. "Easily the biggest prick you'll ever meet. Just keep it polite and you'll be fine."

"I am." I said not offering a smile but keeping my face neutral. He quirked a brow at me then turned and snapped his fingers at the orcs that guarded the door. With grunts and creaks the large black doors opened. The man walked inside without another word to me, but I quickly followed. As the doors closed, I prayed that I would be able to step out again with the information I needed.

As we walked, I did my best to remember each turn we took and points of interest while trying not to be distracted by the mysterious halls and closed doors. Neither of us spoke as we walked. The beating in my chest thudded in my ears as the halls appeared to be growing darker and darker. Candles burst to life as we passed them only to be put out once we had passed. The drapes were closed so tight I wouldn't even know if it was still day light outside. We took one last turn, and my eyes were blinded by an opened window in a staircase. The man hurried up the steps, but I took a moment to look out and saw the place I needed to get to, the garden.

"That is where I was trying to get to the night, I met you. I'm sure that here at the very back is something important."

Yugi risked his life to get there, so now I was risking mine. All I had to do was get there somehow. "If all you plan to do is sight-seeing than I can send you back and order a girl from another brothel."

"Forgive me." I climbed up the steps keeping my eyes lowered and hoped that we would reach our destination soon. His eyes looked me over suspiciously then suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me into a room. When he closed the door and locked it he spun on his heels to towered over me. I stood in my place not wanting to give into the fear that I had been found out. "Why were you looking at the garden?"

"It just surprised me, sir. I meant no harm." His cold hands grabbed my chin and turned my face to one side then to the other. "Why don't I remember seeing you at the interrogations?"

"Sir?" I said as I swallowed hard.

"The king and I have questioned every person in your master's business, yet I don't remember you." His eyes lifted up to my horns and with a chilled hand stoked them lightly. I did my best not to shiver at the touch as I spoke. "I'm new sir. The lady found me and offered me a job. I didn't think I was going to be put to work so soon, but lady Mai felt that I would please the king."

He looked down and me and searched my face. "You're telling me half the truth, but I suppose all demons tell half-truths." He then leaned close to my ear and whispered, "I would be very careful if I were you."

He then let go of me and walked over to a table where a game had been set up. He pulled out a chair and motion for me to sit. I took a deep breath and walked over to the chair. Pushing my hair back I instantly recognize the game. Cathedral, it was one of the games I would play with Yugi while Joey napped in the day. "So, you can smile."

I jumped then shrugged my shoulders saying, "I'm just fond of this game. That's all." He quirked a brow at me asking, "Do you play a lot of games?"

"Yes, it' something I like to do to pass the time."

"Are you any good?" I thought about that for a moment then said, "I can't say." I thought of Joey's skills compared to Yugi's and in spite of myself I chuckled as I added, "I'm afraid that my competitors tend to have stark differences in skill. So, it's hard to say."

He hummed as he crossed his arms. He seen to like my answer as he grinned at me. "Well, know that I will not be beaten easily. You have the honor of playing against the king's only rival in games."


Holy cats! He was not kidding when he said that he would not be easy to beat but, unlike him, I've been playing nonstop for a week against someone I would bet my life on that could win against him in a heartbeat. The game was lasting for a while and neither of us rushed each other in our moves. The idle talk was slim, and praise given sparingly. The servants had even brought us a snack of cheese, meats, fruit and wine. I offered to pour some for the man who later in the game I learn was Seto. The name I gave him was, "Amelia, not a bad name." He said sipping his wine.

"Thank You." I placed my piece not really caring what he thought of it. He chuckled then set down his cup and study my move. "I must admit that I'm surprise that you have lasted this long." He turned the pieces in his hand then made his move. "But the end is almost over for you."

I looked at his move and thought he was right. I thought that till my eyes did a double take. I tried to think if he was trying to lore me in a trap and weighted my options. Then I saw it, the trap and also the win. I just had to be careful not to alert him that I was aware of both. "I was taught not to feel victory or defeat till the end." I placed my piece as the man scoffed as he hastily set his piece. "In this case, defeat is all you can expect."

I grinned as I stared back into those cold blue eyes of his and place a piece as I claimed his and set one more down in its place. "As I said, it's better to wait till the end." His face filled with shock at my move and looked up at me as I sat back in the chair. He let out a loud laugh and said, "Oh, I think the king is going to like you. Congratulations, you pass the audition." He stood up and pulled a red cord to summon a servant. He spoke a few words than turned back to me. "I'm assuming you have something more 'suitable' to wear to the ball. If not, we can- "

"Thank you but I do have my own gown."

"Right, however, I'll need to see it, just to be sure." I held in my tongue and merely smiled and nodded. "Good, now I think I should give you a reward. It's not every day a common demon beats me."

He turned to send the servant out and pretended to ponder on the matter. I could see the little gears turning and I was praying that he would hurry up. The gardens could wait. I was coming back here anyhow and maybe I could sneak Yugi in at the ball. "I know." I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him with anticipation. "You seemed fond of the gardens. I will let you walk in it for, oh, ten minutes. Then I must send you back."

I couldn't believe my luck! He was going to let me walk in there for ten minutes, but then remember that he probably would be with me. Still, it was something. If he tried to stop me from going anywhere it could mean that it's a place of interest.

"Thank you, lord Seto. I would like that." He grinned and opened the door for me. He led me back down the steps till we reached the bottom. Taking out a key he opened the door and moved aside for me to walk out first. As I stepped outside, I could see that the sun hung low in the sky. In two hours, the sun would set, I barely made it out with time to make it back to the hide out. I took a few steps then turned to look back at Seto. "Go on, this is your prize after all. I'll be here waiting and remember only ten minutes." His eyes narrowed and calmly said, "I'll send someone after you if you lose track of the time."

With that creepy smile on his lips, I was beginning to think that this was more of a trap then a reward. Still, I made it this far to turn back. I smiled back at him and walked into the garden. There was a wrought iron gazebo with vines growing into it that I entered. I glance back to see if he was still there. He moved his hand to shoo me to go on, so I walked out the back and headed to some large walled bushes. I sighed as the path went on then turned. Really, even the garden is a maze? I walked on and was surprised that the maze was a straightforward path. The end led to a small clearing with a large tree in the middle and on the other side a chained gate. I walked up to the gate and tried to look through the bars but there was nothing but a brick wall. I stepped back to look up at the gate. At the top were strange words that I was trying to commit to memory when a pair of hands spun me around and pushed me against the gate.

"What are you looking at!"

I couldn't speak, no matter how I tried, I just couldn't. This man, no, demon staring at me looked just like Yugi. His red eyes burned as his nails sank into my sleeves threatening to cut through the fabric. "Answer me!" his deep voice growled out, "What are you looking at?"

"I'm sorry," I breathed out, "I was just curious. Lord Seto said I could explore the garden."

"Seto?" His hold loosened on me as his eyes calmed. "That bastard. I should have known." He stepped back to look me over and said, "You don't look like a whore."

I bristled at the comment and forgot to hold my tongue, "That's because I'm not!"

"Oh, a fresh one. I'm surprised Seto didn't eat you alive." He chuckled then asked, "Why would he let you out here though?"

"As a reward for beating him in a game." Though now I'm thinking it's to punish me! His eyes widen then narrowed as he asked, "At what game?"


"That's a child's game!" He laughed out. As he moved further from me, I could see that he had a long slick tail the color of the sunset. It was the same color as his horns on his forehead. While Yugi's features were round and soft, while everything about this man was sharp and defined. Even their hairstyle was essentially the same, only some of his golden locks came up in bolts. Still, there was a playful youth to him as he laughed out that made me think for a moment that he was handsome. That moment passed when he opened his mouth again. "Are you sure you won, and he didn't feel sorry for you. He knows that I don't like used women and since your new- "I said nothing and walked past him as he spoke. "Hey, where are you going! I didn't say- "

"I have a time limit. Lord Seto is expecting me back!" I said not bothering to look back at him. Again, I was pushed against the walls of the green maze. He stared into my face with all laughter gone from his eyes. "I didn't say you could go."

"And who are you to order me around?" He gawked at my reply saying, "Are you stupid? Have you not realized who I am?"

"A jack-ass? Yes, I saw that the moment you spoke to me." He was so stunned at my reply that I was able to easily push him off and headed back to the front of the garden. I heard his steps as he followed behind me. I walked faster hoping that Seto would get this guy away from me. "Wait! If not a whore, then who do you think you are? What gives you the right to speak to me like that! Compare to me you are nothing but a girl to be bought and used. Or did your master forget to tell you that!"

I stopped and walked back to the man not caring who or what he was. Whore or not, no one deserves to be spoken to like that! He saw me walking back to him and smirked for a moment, but it was dropped as I shoved him up against the wall. His eyes widen at me, and it was then that I realized that we were the same height. My hands fisted the thick clasps on his leather top as I brought my face close to his. Let's see how he likes it! 

"Who am I," I said in a low voice that came out heavy. 

In it I could feel the threat that I was not afraid to take him on and though I may not win, I will make sure to draw blood from him.

"I'm a simple girl trying to survive in what I can only guess is the third circle of hell! I was brought here against my will and been fearing for my life every night and every day! I draw the line at being treated like some slab of meat that can be spit on and forgotten."

My fingers curled into the leather and just like he did to me before my nails threaten to cut into his pale skin. He hissed at the pain and grabbed onto my arms. I leaned in close to his ear and whispered, "Fuck you. Fuck you and fuck this place." 

I shoved him again and his hands released me. Just as I turned the corner I shouted out, "And Fuck the ass-hole who keeps us all here!"

When I cleared the corner, I took off in a sprint. I held back the tears in my eyes as I thought of home. Home was where I wanted to be, but when I thought of home, I saw only the hideout. A tear slipped as I thought of Joey and Yugi waiting for me there hoping for my safe return. Never before had I ever felt so violently about a person. If I could kill, I felt I would have. 

"The maze has a way of bringing out the worst in us." That was what Yugi had said when I first met him. As I stepped in the gazebo, I wiped away the tear as Seto stood there with his stupid grin.

The walk back to the front gate was faster and as I stepped into the carriage, I thanked my good fortune that I was going home. Before the door closed, I saw the demon man standing at the top of the stairs looking straight at me. I looked away and I hoped that he wouldn't interfere with me leaving. I let out a sigh as the door clicked closed then felt movement. I brought my hands to my face and cried as my ride made it out of the front gate. It was only when I saw Mai smiling outside her establishment that I remember that I was going to have to return to that place a week later.


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