Bad Royals

By SRoseAllam

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In our modern days. In these days, our days. In this century. Two kingdoms with two Royal families chained w... More



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By SRoseAllam

Days passed, and the newly-wedded couple went for a short honeymoon due to their new responsibilities as king and queen. When they arrived, they were greeted by a ton of work for the kingdom; they were prepared for it. Of course, in their absence, Bella was the one in charge along with slight help from her papa, so by now she was exhausted, and all she needed was some rest, never had she thought how heavy a load of a whole kingdom is. Now she experienced it, but it also was an advantage to her because it busied her mind instead of thinking of a certain blonde prince who happens to be occupying a large space in her head no matter how hard she tried to get rid of him.

It really wasn't her fault, because she is known for being determined and when she wants to get rid of something she always succeeds but due to the messages that he keeps sending to her every night before sleep she miserably failed and that what he was aiming for. They were always one sentence each day, but she never replies because she didn't know how to answer, and she was trying to get rid of him, not get attached to him, but I guess he has other plans.

"What do you think of that dress, Bella?" Tia asked, examining herself in front of the long mirror. She was getting married soon, and they were in her room with the french atelier and the various choices of newly made wedding dresses and simple gowns for Bella and Ashley to choose from. "Bella..?"

"Huh.. what?" Bella was buried deep in her thoughts, sitting on the comfy couch in Tia's chambers.

"The dress? What do you think about it?" She asked slowly as if she is talking to a little kid.

Bella nodded, not really in the mood for picking out dresses. "Uhm.. yeah yeah, good."

"Just good?" Tia frowned.

"Yeah..?" Bella shrugged, not really knowing what to say.

"Ughh... Bella, you are no use these days," Tia groaned. "Ashely, please come out and help me pick a dress."

Not long after, Ashley came out of Tia's dressing room wearing a beautiful lace maroon dress that compliments her attractive body.

"Woah! That really screams Ashley." Tia gasped at the sight of her beautiful sister-in-law. Ashley was a gorgeous and attractive woman with all of her outstanding curves in the right places and long blonde straight hair.

"Really? You think it suits me?" Ashley bit her lip nervously. She wanted to look her best for Dylan, and she always thought lowly of herself.

Now Bella had to snap out of it and enjoy those ladies' company. "God! Girl, are you mad? You look devilishly hot. Dylan will surely lose his mind; he won't be able to get his hands off you." Even though Bella still had her tiny doubts about Ahsley but so far, she proved her nothing but how amazingly and lovingly queen and wife she is to Dylan, so she really wasn't lying or pretending anymore.

"You really think so?" Ashley's cheeks had a slight redness in them by now. Whenever she remembers Dylan and his hungry, lovely eyes admiring her, she would always blush.

"You really want me to repeat myself?" Bella lifted a brow. Ashley chuckled, shaking her head. She knew it was a dumb question, but she couldn't help her nervousness. However, she always knew how blunt Bella was, and she kind of admired that about her; in other words, she found that it suits her personality very well.

"What about you, Bels? What did you choose?" Ashley asked.

"Nothing yet, " Bella shrugged. "I will just pick out any dress."

"Nah, uh, not happening, young lady," Tia shook her head firmly with her hands on her hips. "Everybody should look dazzling at my wedding."

Bella rolled her eyes, then Ashley added, "It's her day, Bella, and she has got a say in every single thing." She was now by Bella's side, pulling her arm gently to stand up. "Now get up off your lazy ass, and let's pick out a dress for you." However, Bella stood her ground and groaned in resistance. Slyly, Ashley thought of one last trial that might raise Bella's interest. "You know Archer would be there and y--" After hearing Archer's name, Bella's head snapped up, looking at Ashley, and she lost control; she was now off the couch.

"I think I have just the thing for you, princess Bella," came the thick voice with the accent of the french stylist. "Voici!" she handed her a dark violet silk dress that made Bella's eyes pop out. Bella's body has fascinated this french stylist since she saw her; even though Ashley had a more attractive body with a slim waist, she just found Bella's body more admirable -calling it a stylist intuition.

[Translation: Here you go.]

After that, the girls got busy with choosing dresses, accessories, and heels. They had fun, more like the two girls had fun while Bella just complained; she always got bored. She missed fighting with swords and horse races with Dylan, but now he has got a wife and a family to think about, and she would never ask him to pause all of that just to bring joy to her life again. Because that was life, she knew that it would come a day when they would grow up and attend to their grown-up responsibilities. However, she still deeply missed her partner in crime.

It was soon night, and it was time to hit the bed. Bella went to her room, stripping out of her clothes and just sleeping in her underwear because she felt like it. As she tucked herself in bed and closed her eyes to dose off to a night of deep sleep, a beep occurred from her phone, signaling that a message was sent to her.

She already guessed who might it was, and she complemented to ignore it without a single glance, but curiosity got the best of her, and she wanted to know what did he send her today, even though she never replied.

So she opened it and read: 'I won't break my promise.'

And with that last sentence hanging in her head, she hit dreamland.


More days passed until it was Tia's wedding day.

Bella felt a pang of sadness even though it should be a happy day because Tia was getting married to her loved one. But she couldn't help but think how really lonely she would get now as both her siblings got married and have their own lives now while she is still sitting here afraid of commitment. She ruins her life with her own hands, but she was a coward to overcome her weakness.

However, the thought of meeting Archer today after two months made her heart flip and maybe jump from enthusiasm. So she got ready very quickly and soon enough they were hitting the road to the place where the wedding is taking place.

She also couldn't stop the smile from gracing her face as Dylan and Ashley kept throwing confused glances at her behavior. She had been depressed for the past month or so. Why the sudden change?

"Do you know what's wrong with her?" Dylan whispered from his seat in the limo opposite Bella, Tia, and king Evans.

"No, I--" Ashley, who was sitting beside him, was going to say some theory when it suddenly hit her. "Oh god!"

"What? Why? Is she ill? Is it that bad?" Dylan panicked, not used to seeing thrilled Bella with that wide smile plastered on her face.

Ashley shook her head, giggling. "No, No. I think it has got something to do with the arrival of Archer today."

"Oh." That all Dylan said. Still not believing. But it really made sense. "Ohh!! Oh my god, you are right." and he started laughing, happy that his sister was on the right way of finally accepting her feelings.

Bella gave them weird glances due to their behavior but shrugged it off because she was not in the mood for their cute love bubble.

She was anticipating seeing a certain blonde prince.

Soon they arrived, and so many guests were filling the place. The kingdom's higher-ups, famous businessmen, and of course, some locals. But still no sight of the blonde prince.

"Don't worry; Father assured me they are coming," Ashley whispered, flashing Bella a knowing smirk with a wink, and went on her way.

"No, no, I wasn't.." Bella tried to deny it, but it was no use as Ashley was already so far away.

Bella got tired of waiting, and the wedding was starting so soon; she has to get inside now, and it was not princess-like to keep standing out there. So she huffed in defeat and went inside, taking her place beside her papa, who is walking Tia down the aisle in seconds now.

Maybe their flight just got held up a little. Bella convinced herself.

After saying the vows, etc., they were now sitting in the open area dancing, drinking, and doing all kind of fun stuff at a wedding when Ashley's voice came roaring, "They are here!" She didn't need to ask who are they. She already knew who arrived and she was walking to greet them as they have been doing to all the higher-ups since the wedding began.

She couldn't keep her enthusiasm. Finally, she was going to see Archer again. After so long. Actually, it was only two months, but for her, it was a year. God! How deep of an effect has he left on her. Her smile just kept widening as she approached where Dylan, Ashley, and King Evans were standing, giving her their backs blocking the view of the blonde prince and his father. She was so close by now, pushing against people, feeling as her heart was going to burst out of happiness and nervousness at the same time. She felt like she couldn't breathe and she was now standing in front of...

He is not here.

"Oh no!" Ashley muttered to Dylan, but Bella heard it because she was already beside them. "How are we going to tell her?" And by now, her smile fell.

"Ah, dear Bella." King Steven engulfed Bella in a tight hug, she took seconds to grasp the situation, and soon she was hugging him back. "I missed you very much, young lady."

"You were also so missed, Uncle." Where is he? She couldn't help her eyes wandering around, searching.

Then they broke the hug that seemed more like a sympathetic or a supporting hug? She didn't really get it. But by the looks on everybody's faces and her papa's sorry eyes, she felt that maybe he isn't coming?

"Sorry that Archer couldn't make it, but we had a slight problem in the kingdom, and a royal member had to stay back there." King Steven explained it was supposed to be for everybody, but his eyes were focusing on Bella. "I guess I now have to go and apologize to our beautiful bride and congratulate her." Bella gave a sweet, fake, and hesitant smile nodding in understanding like everyone and pretending as it didn't bother her at all. So he really didn't come? He isn't coming?

"Ah yes, follow me, my dear friend." King Evans patted king Steven back in a friendly manner, making their way to the newly married couple. "She has been asking about you."

As soon as they left, Dylan and Ashley came by Bella's side with sad eyes.

"Are you okay?" Dylan asked, hugging Bella from the side.

Bella nodded, flashing them a fake smile, but her tears were threatening to fall. "Y..yeah, why wouldn't I be?" God, why do I feel like crying? Bella asked herself, trying to blink the tears away.

"Oh god, Bella, I am sorry, I swear he was coming because he missed y--" Ashley muttered sadly, but Bella cut her off.

"Hey, it's okay; I wasn't waiting for him. That's just your wild imagination." She tried to joke, nudging both Dylan and Ashley playfully, but they knew she was just pretending. "Anyways, I need to use the toilet. You know nature calling."

She didn't wait for them to say anything and stormed to the ladies' room. She couldn't keep it inside anymore. She had to cry. She wasn't strong as she thought, and she definitely cared about him more than she ever thought.

She went inside the bathroom, slamming the door behind her, then collapsed on the floor crying. Minutes earlier, she was beaming with happiness to finally meeting him. She was feeling as if her heart was flying and jumping around, but now? Now she feels as if her heart has been shattered with a hammer. The disappointment is so heavy. She really missed him. She wanted to see him and tease her as he used to do. God, why is she so weak? Why is she crying in the first place? She never cries on men! Like never!

But now... Now she is locking herself like the pathetic girl she is, crying over a man who she has been pushing away, and now she is longing just to capture a glimpse of him.

It's all her fault, and she knew it.

If she weren't afraid of commitment and gave him a chance, maybe by now, they wouldn't be that separated without knowing a single thing about him.

It's all her fault.


The long tiring day finally came to an end. And her other sibling was now in her new home with her husband.

She was left all alone with no one by her side. She has no life.

As soon as they arrived home, she hurried to her room, stripping off her clothes, not bothering to wear her nightgown, and went under the security of the covers of her bed.

"It's all my fault.." she kept muttering to herself with silent tears. She never thought he would affect her that much. She thought that she would forget him easily, not caring about him but guess she was wrong. She was wrong that she felt broken and as if she was being tortured. She felt her heart squeeze tightly that it was hard to breathe as if he was her anchor.

She always pitied and mocked those girls who kept saying that they won't be able to breathe without their lovers beside them, but I guess the joke is on her now. She is experiencing how they are exactly described right now. And that made her pity and hated herself more.

A beep snapped her out of her breaking thoughts. She held her phone, afraid of what he has got to send today.

Will it be a simple yet touching sentence like every night, or would it be an explanation for his absence today?

She was nervous about what the message contained, but soon she gathered her courage and opened it to find: 'I missed you too.'

And that brought more tears to her if possible.


On the other side sat depressed and heartbroken Archer in his kingdom, holding his phone in his hand with the little sign indicating that his love read his message as usual but didn't respond.

He was waiting for that day to meet his beautiful Bella after the long wait finally. Especially since Ashley has been updating him on her and he knew how depressed she felt exactly like him so he had his hopes up that when they meet at Tia's wedding, she would finally admit her feelings to him but guess it was all a dream of his that won't come true soon.

He was ready to go with his father to the wedding when a terrible matter happened in the kingdom and royalty had to stay and take care of the issue, but they were already late for the wedding, and One of them had to stay and miss it.

King Steven knowing how his son has been waiting for that day to meet Bella, couldn't make him stay here. "I will stay here, Archer; you go on our behalf."

Even though it was a very tempting proposition, Archer knew how his father needed a break from all of that, especially that he was getting sick more frequently, so he had to give up seeing Bella for his father's sake. "No, father, you go and don't worry about a thing."

"Archer, I kn--" king Steven tried but was cut off by Archer.

"Father! I will get a chance to see her again. Don't worry and leave it to me." With no more words exchanged, king Steven nodded, giving his son a proud hug, then made his way to the airport.

But what didn't he put into consideration that Bella would have those high hopes of seeing him? He didn't know that she would be more depressed if possible after discovering that he won't be able to come. And he felt terrible. Scratch that! He felt as his heart was breaking into tiny pieces, and a wave of sadness fell on him, especially after that phone call with his sister.

"Brother, can't you come at all? At least for a couple of hours and leave, you don't have to spend the night here like father." They had private jets, it won't be a big deal, but he knew duty calls. He can't be neglectful to his kingdom.

Archer sighed. "No, Ashley, I can't; I still have to solve the problem. I am sorry." There was no sound from the other side, and he knew she was sad. They never stayed that apart from each other for that long, that's why they have been talking to each other nearly every day through the phone. "I miss you, though."

"I miss you too, Arch." She said with a shaky voice; then there was a pause. "and..." She seemed hesitant but said it anyway later. "She is missing you too."

"How is she?" That's all he was able to say about her without breaking as well.

"Honestly,..." she paused, and he was getting worried by now. Wasn't she okay? Did something happen to her? "..She is terrible Arch since she found out you won't come she has been depressed more than before. The whole day she held a delighted and hopeful smile that creeped us out but now.." she sighed, and he felt his heart getting punched by every word. " she has mourning and puffy eyes, and I think she has been crying for a while in the bathroom. Her smiles are sad and fake, she is pretending for our sake, but it's so obvious how much she cares about you."

By now, he felt as he can't breathe. He felt horrible. His beautiful Bella was hurting because of him. He wished nothing more than to be by her side by now and hold her in his arms, but he couldn't.

"Archer..? You there?" Came Ashley's voice from the other side, snapping him out of his trance.

"Y..yeah,.." he breathed and felt something wet on his cheek—a tear. "I gotta go, though. Talk to you soon."

"O..okay, bye." And she hung up, knowing he would go and blame himself and engulf himself in sadness as Bella.

After that phone call, he felt his heart shatter. And couldn't imagine Bella's beautiful face looking all stained and teary and all of that was because of him.

For the whole day, he busied himself with the kingdom matters even though his heart and mind were elsewhere.

So as the night came and it was time to send Bella his daily texts, he got sadder if possible, and he welcomed the liquor company. He sent the message that he felt right now. He sent The sentence that he knew she was dying to say it to him but couldn't do it.

And the only sentence that suited the day for both of them.

But it was no use.

Because he still felt hurt. Even more if possible. And she didn't reply; she never does.


Months passed, and Bella was getting bored than ever.

She has nothing to do with her life except walking around the palace or keeping her papa's company. Dylan and Ashley did all the kingdom's work, not making any room for her to help. Tia was busy in her new life. And Bella didn't have friends in her kingdom. No one dared and be friends with the royals except for their benefit. She also felt empty and as if something was missing. She knew what was missing, but she wouldn't dare to admit it to herself. She tried to neglect all the thoughts and feelings towards him because it was no use. They would never get the chance to meet up again. Also, she didn't want to perk her hopes up again, only to get them crushed.

She was now sitting in front of the T.V with her lazy papa. He was watching some funny show, but she didn't feel like watching it. Hence, she started scrolling in her social media accounts, catching the last news on her friends and the world generally until she stumbled on a piece of the heartbreaking news that nearly shocked her to death.

<<Prince Archer and princess Bella no more?>>

She couldn't help but click on the headline to find another one to appear.

《 Check out the last photos of prince Archer and the daughter of a French businessman Valerie Lumiere, with a promising statement from the french beauty. 》

She was getting furious by now with all those headlines and especially Valiere's name appearing with Archer!

And french beauty? Bella scoffed. French beauty, my ass!

She clicked on the headline as well to find pictures of Archer and this bitch Valerie standing very close to each other with his hand resting on her back, both smiling brightly. She was wearing a concise, tight red dress that showed so much cleavage, and Archer, of course, handsome as usual as they were in some restaurant, and those photos were obviously taken off guard. Under the photo laid a statement by your one and only bitch Valerie saying:

"Wait for some big news soon regarding our relationship."

Their Relationship?

Big news?

Archer and Valerie?

The traitor!

She felt a sting in her heart.

Just yesterday, he had sent her a promising message, and now she finds...this!

She found herself opening their chat conversation that held his daily messages and glanced at the last sentence from yesterday that read: 'I won't give up on us.'

Guess he is a liar. He already gave upon us. Bella thought to herself. He is moving on now. He is probably kissing and hugging 'the french beauty by now. He is probably spending every second with that bitch forgetting about a girl called Bella by now.

She went to their photo again and examined his and that witch photos with that ugly tight dress of hers. It was sexy, but she is in a cursing mood right now.

But then again, isn't that what she wanted?

Wasn't she trying to push him all along?

Shouldn't she be satisfied by now?

He has already moved on and will leave her alone as she wanted, but why does she feel the hurt in her heart? Why does she feel as if someone has been jumping on her hear, slashing it open?

But still, he is such a dick!

He didn't keep his promise!

"Don't believe everything the media says." Came the voice of Ashley snapping Bella's face in a second towards her.

When the heck did she come and sit beside her?

"W-what?" Bella blinked, unable to form a sentence and closing her phone so that Ashley won't see what she has been up to. "When did you come here?"

"I have been here for a while." She shrugged. "Just don't believe what they say; you know how exaggerating and assuming they are." she then winked. "Moreover, he has his eyes on someone else."


Meanwhile, Archer was arguing and was on the verge of losing his shit.

He couldn't believe that Valerie would use their innocent encounter in dinner yesterday like that.

He knew the girl had issues and wanted to date him at any cost, but he hated her guts, she is so clingy, and if it weren't for the kingdom's sake, he would have gotten rid of that mad girl long ago. However, now she has really crossed the line!

They only had dinner together yesterday to discuss some business while taking over her father's company. Yes, she tried to make moves on him, but he made it clear to her that he is already seeing someone.

But this girl is so damn determined that she made a big fuss, and he was afraid Bella would question his feelings. After he has been making progress with tch, now their possible relationship would stumble some steps b because of some french witch. Also, Bella already has commitment issues. She struggles to accept her feelings for him, so after seeing these photos, she would possibly block and hide her feelings again, pushing him further than before.

That's why he called Ashley telling her to make sure Bella won't believe what's written about them. And now he had to deal with that french witch.

"What did you want me to do, Archer? They have been bugging me for questions about us, so I had to give them something." Valerie's annoying voice echoed through the phone.

"So you went and told them complete and utter lies?" Archer was fuming because by her doing, she was ruining his relationship with stubborn Bella.

"It was just a statement, Archer, and it was vague."

"By this statement, you gave them hope and assured them that something is going on between us." He now was losing it that he started yelling.

"Calm down, Archer! Why are you making a big deal? Is that because of that princess of yours?"

"It is a big deal, Valerie, and yes, it is because of Bella; you are ruining my relationship with her."

"God Archer! She doesn't glance at you, and she is making you roam around her as she is the center of your life."

"She is my life."

"Whatever, Archer, but just know that you and I are more suitable, and that's the public opinion as well, so why not we get together already? I am sure we will end up together anyway. It's just a matter of time."

"You are delusional! Don't you ever try and interact with me ever again, Valerie, except if it is a business matter, understood?"

"B--" he didn't give her a chance to finish her first word and hung up on her.

He hated her more than ever. She is sick and needs help. And she is so damn full of herself. He just had to wish that Bella would have more faith in him.


Bella kept sulking the whole day, not knowing if she should believe Ashley or not.

But she also knew from experience that the media aren't good at something except making a fuss out of nothing, so maybe, just maybe, they had dinner or something, and their photos got captured, and that french witch added this statement to make a fuss of it and claim the prince as hers. Yes, that definitely is!

Maybe if I just find the courage and send him a text asking for an explanation, I would feel relieved? Bella asked herself. Anyways he would send his text soon, so maybe I should reply for once or anything?

"Ughh.. why am I such a coward?" She groaned at the same time a text was sent. She was nervous as usual but today was more because maybe she would reply this time? She took a deep breath. "Here we go." And she opened it, and it wasn't like usual.

The text read: 'You are my future. Have faith in me.'

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