{MY NIGHTMARE} 🎩Human Golden...

By TallestOfThemAll

204K 4.5K 4.2K

[Name] was just an ordinary girl with an ordinary life.. that is, until she found out about Freddy Fazbear's... More

1- •A new start•
2- •Getting the job•
3- •An interesting place•
4- •A phone call•
5- •A long night•
6- •Home sweet home•
7- •Another stressful night•
8- •More hard yakka•
9- •Alot more stress•
10- •Meeting a nightmare•
11- •There's no escape•
12- •What to do•
13- •He's all broken•
14- •Something isn't right•
15- •Befriending the beast•
16- •I'll mend you•
17- •Must stay hidden•
18- •No more secrets•
19- •Meeting the other's•
20- •Trying to survive•
21- •The new arrivals•
22- •A new irritation•
23- •Making new friends•
24- •A disturbing warning•
25- •The troubled being•
26- •The shocking truth•
27- •An unexpected surprise•
28- •How's it possible•
29- •Growing more fond•
30- •He's my nightmare•
31- •He is back•
32- •There is pain•
33- •Lot's of confusion•
34- •Sorting things out•
35- •Joining a team•
36- •He's acting different•
37- •A lovely life•
38- •Lot's of drama•
39- •Dealing with problems•
40- •The awaited confession•
41- •Finally Settling in•
42- •I'm not ready•
43- •Who are you•
44- •Friend's with other's•
45- •A personal visit•
46- •How we met•
47- •I found you•
48- •You trust me•
49- •Time is ticking•
50- •I love you•
51- •A new day•
52- •Making things right•
53- •I forgive you•
54- •Lot's of trouble•
56- •Love me harder•
57- •It starts now•
58- •The battle begins•
59- •The grand finale• PART. 1
60- •Rest in peace• PART. 2
•••Christmas Special•••
•••New Year's Special•••
- !!important news!! -
đź–¤ |A THANK YOU| đź–¤
<•Prequel: Before it all began•>
•••Valentines Day Special•••
•••Easter Special•••
+ đź–¤ FANART đź–¤ +
•••Halloween Special•••

55- •Please don't go•

1.3K 32 7
By TallestOfThemAll

< {flashback} >

"We're here!" The girls Father informed cheerfully, she was basically jumping out of her seat from pure excitement.
If child wasn't on her door she would've bursted out of the car and headed in the Pizzeria already. The door finally opens grant freedom and she practically leaped to exit.
"Come on, Come on!" She impatiently dragged her parents along, a wide grin spread out on her chubby face.

They make it into the Pizzeria out of breath, gawking at the colourful atmosphere with the warm smell of Pizza and joy. "May I help you?" A kind old asks the small family sweetly. "Why yes! We're here for our daughter's birthday. A table for three please" the girls' Mother steps up to the desk and tells all the information needed.
"What food would you like to go aside? You can always change your mind once you're seated" the lady asks while getting out a menu.

She gave it to the little girl so she could look at it. But the poor thing couldn't choose! There was so much variety and everything looked so good. There was silence as the adults awaited her answer patiently- "uhm"
"Uh, we'll choose inside thanks!" Her Mother interrupts and gently grabs the menu away, returning it to the lady.
"You won't have to pay here then, when the waiter comes around then you can pay for your choice of food and drink" she smiles warmly.

A nod from the girls' parents and a few 'thanks' and you were heading into the eating area.

The constant screams of kids reminded you of the pure ecstasy of this place.
"Mummy, Mummy! I wanna see Freddy" a kid pleaded their Mother while tugging along.
The show hadn't started yet, which was exciting!
"Mama~ I don't want to drink water!!" Another kid pleaded and complained to their parent. "You have to honey" was the response to their attempt to not be healthy.

The waiter comes around. A man who has no expression on his face- he looks as if he doesn't want to be there, which is probably the case.
"Good evening, how may I serve" he grabs out a notepad and pen, waiting for an answer.
"[Name] sweetie, what would you like?" The Mother asks her child. "Pizza!" The girl squealed in response.
"What flavour dear?" The waiter reports whilst readying his pen.

You say your favourite Pizza flavour alongside your beloved drink type. Your parents following in suit with their own orders. "That will be everything?" The waiter asked before leaving- "Yes that will be all" your Father spoke up. The snobby man that once stood in front of your view to the stage was now working slowly to the kitchen.
The chair was a little big for you so you happily swung your legs about.
A kid running around the tables slipped on the tiled floor- "now look what you've done! I told you NOT to run around. You never listen!" A ages lady walks up to the kid and harshly pulls them to their feet. The kid was crying and in pain but the lady didn't seem to give a care.

You slumped in your chair, a smile that once graced your lips a second ago faltered to a straight line. "Dear, dear, dear" you heard your Mother mumble to herself as she watched the saddened child get dragged away roughly. Her head shaking with disappointment at the lady's actions towards the hurt child.

"Mummy? Will they be okay??" You ask innocently, your face deepening with a frown.
"I'm sure they are" she assured you convincingly. Though, you knew she was lying.

A sudden bolt of music and dance of lights came to view, forgetting the incident with that kid once the stage came to life. "Hello! Boys and girls, the show will begin in just a moment. First! I want to know if you're enjoying your delicious meals" a Golden Rabbit announces. Everyone hummed in the crowd for a response- "great! Glad to hear. My name is Springtrap-

"And I'm Fredbear" a Golden Bear standing next to the rabbit known as 'Springtrap' interrupts. Our meals haven't arrived yet but just as you were about to complain to your parents- the snobby waiter comes into view, holding trays of Pizza and drinks. "Here is your meal" he stated the obvious as he sets them on the table rather roughly.
You squirm in your seat in attempt to see around the waiter to see the stage once again.
He seemed to take extra long, your parents had just paid him but he was still standing there.

He ripped off a piece of paper and handed it to your father. He then trudged off finally and you could happily return to watching the show, now with food and drinks to go along with. You were only young but you were already judging the waiter's service and manner, he was now annoying yet another table and you could tell the people- well victims, weren't comfortable with his presence. At least your Pizza was good, worth the wait as you could say..

"Are you ready kids!?" The Bear shouted to hype the audience. The kids screams followed shortly after- it reminded you of the intro to spongebob to be honest but you shrugged it off. You were enjoying every bit of this place so far and you most definitely did not regret choosing to come here.
"Let's begin!!" The Golden pair sounded in unison to the excited crowd.
Different music began to play and you noticed that the Rabbit was playing a guitar while singing along to the Beat who only sang.

The show was absolutely amazing! The feeling, music, emotion, melody and lyrics made you sing along with a wide smile. The song would now be stuck in your head for sure- "How is your food?" You were asked by your parents. You nod at least ten times with a thumbs up, your face was stuffed with Pizza and drink to guzzle it down so it was near impossible to answer with words.
You get a smile and laugh in return, your parents ecstatic to see that you were enjoying every bit.

You don't know why, but you had an odd feeling about Fredbear. Darkness and danger swirled with his aura- you didn't know why this was the case, he looked so innocent and wouldn't harm a fly. But your gut told you otherwise... maybe it was because he was a robotic animals that moved, talked and sang. Or maybe it was because of his visible and intimidating sharp teeth? Who knows! You just were going to avoid getting close to him.

The song ended and everyone was cheering and clapping, meals were finished by now and that snobby waiter was collecting Kanye's and cups from tables. Some families getting up from their seats and heading for the door to leave. The robots kept staring into the crowd, you felt uneasy under their gaze.
Time seemed to have stopped in this moment; you take in more of their appearance whilst they were occupied with creepily staring at everyone.

You jumped back a little at a small detail you had just noticed. A stain.
Right near the teeth and jaw on Fredbear were stains, red. 'It can't be!' You thought frantically to yourself. You had seen what blood looks like before due to accidentally watching a horror movie. You shook your head refusing to believe that a Bear who kids greatly idolise has potentially killed, or has been at a scene of a murder. You thought it was paint but the colouring was way off.

Swaying back into your chair nervously, your parents notice this and become worried. "What's wrong [Name]?" You father asked confusedly by your actions and change in mood. "I feel sick.." you reply with a whisper. You were half lying but not at the same time, besides, you have spent more than enough time at this Diner as your eyes threatened to throw it's eyelids to cover themselves.
"Did you want to go home?" Mother suggested with a small smile.

"Y-Yes please" you stutter quickly. "Okay then, it's about bed time anyways" she replied whilst beginning to stand up, your father soon standing as well.
The show was ended and people were leaving so there was no use in staying anyways.. smiling and waving goodbye to the elderly woman at the front desk as you trotted behind your fast walking parents. You could tell they didn't like this place but they went here for you... they spent money here for you., they watched the whole 40 minute show of two singing robotic animals, for you.

It was now late afternoon and you were exhausted. And before you knew it, you were in your bed; sleeping peacefully.
What a day that had been... your dreams that night were very peculiar and strange.
You never went back the Fredbear's Diner after that day- not because it was bad or anything. It was abnormally expensive and your parents didn't have that much money to spare. You just stuck to watching the ads and cartoons of the Diner from then on.


[Name] POV-

I watched as customers stormed into the restaurant not long after it opened. Kids running around and whatnot was reminding you of when you saw kids doing the same exact thing when you went to Fredbear's Diner- that kid who fell and was crying hysterically still vacant in your memories.
"So that's the owner of this place?" You pint to the guy with dark hair who was standing pride near the entrance. Gold who was standing next to you nodded, "more or so, yes. He took this place under his wing when the original owner sadly passed due to an unknown cause." He explained with a hint of sadness.

"What do you mean by 'unknown cause'?" You ask confusedly. "Some say that it was suicide, some say that he was murdered. The police didn't want to go into details, apparently the scene was too horrific to look at." I shudder at his last words, 'too horrific to look at...'
I sense him nodding. "Hey! Stop reading my kind, you know I hate it!!" You exclaim whilst giving him a light slap on the arm. He playfully smirks in return- "I know that, that's why I do it~." He leans down to purr in my ear. My face begins to heat up immensely; "Are you okay? You look a little red." Gold stares intently at your face with that same smug smile.

"Argh! I'm fine" You sputter out flustered while waving him off frantically. He lets out a chuckle, "if you say so, [Name]~." He cooes your name which doesn't help your blushing situations state right now. You pout like a child and cross your arms turning away- "I love you too." He whispers as he wraps his arms around you from behind. You huff in response, pretending to be mad. You freeze as you feel him nuzzle into the crane of your neck, he begins to trail kisses from there while gently swaying you. You blush returns once again- "s-stop" You whimper as he finds your sweet spot.

"Make me." He huskily purrs as he continues. Your face reddens even more at this; you manage to turn around so that you were facing him now, "how about this~" you cooe this time as you wrap your arms around his neck to pull him in. You kiss him with such force that you can tell that he was genuinely shocked.
You continue to devour his lips for a little more before pulling away, now HIS face was as red as a tomato. You laughed at the sight, he frowns slightly and tries to go in for another make out session. However, you stop him by pushing you index finger to his lips-

"Don't be greedy, Goldie~" You teasingly smile and let go of him, his arms remain still as he gawked. You decide to leave him in his dumbstruck state; needy and heated. even after you heard his whisper echo through the hall. "please don't go..."


•Author's notes•

hiiiiii thanks for reading this chapterrrr. I know it got pretty heated in the end and expect more like this in the next chapter aha. I'm getting more confidence okey!?
Anyways, I reached 2000 words on this so I hope it was worth the read and time. Thanks again and take care <333


[Name] - your name
[y/n] - your name (she isn't the main character but a character that you can choose her name. Basically a 2nd OC)



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