Cemetery Weather (Kellic)

By AndleyXxKellic

28.5K 1.5K 516

This is a Kellic Fanfiction. Vic Fuentes is the tough guy of the school who isn't afraid to let anyone know... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Author's Note
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
A New Beginning

Chapter 21

534 27 4
By AndleyXxKellic

**Mike's P.O.V.**

Vic has been very upset when it comes to Tyler. I see it, when Tyler kisses Kellin, Vic can't handle it. They're not together and I would classify that cheating for Tyler. Vic mopes around because of Kellin, he won't even tell me anything. First, Kellin was only some little toy he would play with. Now it's like he's after him like a puppy and getting jealous at what he does.

Kellin came in the house with Rebecca and they went upstairs. Tyler passed Vic and followed them up. He stayed down and sat next to me. He started to twitch, where he would constantly push his hair behind his ear. He did that whenever he wanted to fight.

"You alright?" That was the only thing I knew how to ask.

"Yeah." He quickly replied. "You think you'll be able to play tomorrow?" He was changing the subject, and started to point at my bruised body.

"Yeah, I'm up for anything." I replied with an edge of cockiness as I drum soloed in the air.

"Good." He went back to twitching.

"Vic, is there something you're not telling me?" I questioned.

"No, I'm good. I just need some air. I'll be back later." He stood up and started towards the door.

"I'll come." I volunteered. I didn't want him doing something stupid.

"No, it's okay. I just want to be alone." He opened the door and left.

I used all my strength to get up and go to the door. When I got there he was pulling out and driving away. I sighed, heavily and walked back over to the couch to sit down. It wasn't long before Tyler, Kellin, and Rebecca came downstairs. They held her hands and hoisted her up every time she jumped up. If I didn't know any better, I would say that Kellin and Tyler are definitely dating.

"Hey, where'd Vic go?" Tyler asked when they got to me.

"He went for a drive." I said as I grabbed the remote.

"He tell you where exactly?" I shook my head.

When I did, I caught sight of Kellin. He looked down, like sad.

"You alright Kellin?" I asked.

**Kellin's P.O.V.**

No I wasn't alright, but I wasn't going to let him know.

"Yeah I'm fine." I sat down on the couch.

The thoughts were eating me up inside. I was running away from Vic because I didn't want to hurt him, but I can't help but to mane get feelings for him.

"Hey my mom doesn't get off until 10, who wants to order pizza." Tyler said. Rebecca jumped into my lap and yelled.

"I do!" She screamed and raised her hand.

Tyler took out his phone and called the pizza place. I took out my phone and it was dead. I went over to Tyler and mouthed to him while he was on the phone. I asked could I use his charger and he nodded.

I ran up the stairs and got it from his room. I plugged my phone into it and sat beside it as I waited for it to turn on. I wanted to listen to music. When the phone turned on I had 7 text messages. Some were from Mr. Collins, Jessica, and there was one from Vic.

I opened the ones from Mr. Collins and Jessica and they were just wishing me well. I hesitated before opening the one from Vic. I wanted to pretend I didn't see it but the stamp would tell I did. There was no going back after that, so I read it.

'I'm sorry.'

That's all it said.

Why was he sorry? I wanted to go downstairs and ask Mike, but he probably wouldn't know. So I texted Vic back for the first time. I had never texted him back before, and I didn't want to, but I needed to know.

'What are you sorry about?'

I plugged in my headphones and played my music. I needed to clear my mind. I laid my head back against the wall and closed my eyes. I sat back up when my music faded in and out, it meant I had a text.

'Sorry that you can't love me and that I'm not Tyler. I hope that he makes you happy. Me and Mike are going to stay here, we'll stay out your way though. We will be touring most of the time with the band so we won't be a bother to you.'

Fuck. I knew it was a bad idea to text back. Something else to stress out about. I pulled my wrist that was wrapped in her scarf to my face. I laid against it, needing her here. I wanted to go home, she was there. I needed to see her.

I stood up and went to get my things I brought here. I didn't want to be here anymore, I just wanted my mom. I gathered my things and went downstairs. Everyone was sitting on the couch and looked puzzled by me when I came down.

"Kellin, what are you doing?" Tyler asked.

"I need to go. I want to go home." I replied bluntly.

"You guys aren't leaving for 2 weeks remember?" He reminded me.

"No, I need to see her. I have to go home." I went towards the door, but he stopped me.

"You can't Kellin. She's not there." He tried to hug me but I pushed him away.

"Don't tell me that. I need to see her." I shouted.

I tried to go to the door but he stopped me. I pushed him away and he fell to the ground. I looked around and my eyes landed on Rebecca, she looked scared of me. I gave her a look to tell her I was sorry and I went out the door.

I needed to go home. Vic's car wasn't in the driveway, so he took it. I couldn't get Tyler to take me home, he wouldn't. I decided to walk, it wasn't a problem to me. I started off down the street as voices called out my name.

"Kellin please." Tyler begged. I didn't stop, I have to see her.

**Vic's P.O.V.**

I went over to Jonny and Craig's, they were roommates. I pulled into the driveway and before I could get out the car they were at the door. They greeted me and brought me into the house. They offered me a beer, I'd never had one, but I accepted.

They were 20, so they were almost legally able to drink. I took a sip of the stale liquid. I clenched up when I swallowed, it didn't burn just tasted weird. They laughed at how I reacted to my first drink.

"Good Luck." Jonny laughed. I smiled and took another swig of the beer.

"So, you didn't bring your brother?" Craig asked.

"No. I was trying to clear my head and didn't know where else to go. I hope I'm not intruding on you guys." I spoke quickly.

"No, it's okay. What are you trying to clear your mind from?" Jonny asked as he chugged the rest of his beer.

"It's just stupid stuff." I didn't know how else to phrase it.

"Come on, you can tell us. This is a judge free zone." Craig said as he toasted his beer up to me.

"Well, it's this guy. I like him and I was kind of a bully to him back in Arizona. I started having feelings for him, but I didn't show them good enough. When his mom died a few days ago, he like shut down. Now, he won't even give me a chance." After I said the last sentence, I put the beer down and buried my head in my hands.

"Hey man, look." Craig said and I looked up. "If he doesn't want you, don't worry. While we're on tour, there will be plenty of others."

"Yeah, so don't worry about it." I nodded in agreement to Jonny's words and then I got a text.

It was from Kellin. I forgot that I texted him when I left the house. When I opened it, they stared at me.

"What is it?" Craig asked.

"Oh, it's the guy I was talking about, Kellin." I texted him back. I held back every emotion, mentally possible. I didn't want these guys to see me vulnerable and I just met them.

"What does he look like?" Jonny asked.

I didn't really have a picture of Kellin in my phone. I told him to hold on while I got on Facebook and looked up his name. I clicked through his pictures and pulled up one where he was in a plaid red shirt, with a red beanie on to match it. He was standing in front of his house.

"He looks hot." Craig pointed out.

"Yeah." I agreed and that honestly made me feel worse. Jonny hit Craig in annoyance and looked at me.

"Hey, don't worry about it okay? He'll come around."he reassured me. I nodded and tried not to think about it as I took another swig of beer.

We started talking more. They told me about the last douche bags that were in the band. They were glad that they could replace them on such short notice. They had a meeting with the record company in a month and needed at least 3 songs. They told me more about themselves and I did the same. Although I left out the parts on my father. My phone began to ring while we were talking.

"Hello?" I answered.

'Vic, you have to go find Kellin. He's trying to go back to California, he's walking.' I heard Tyler's voice say through the phone.

"What? Why?" Craig and Jonny looked at each other questioningly.

'He kept repeating he needed to see her. He wouldn't listen to me or Mike, we yelled after him. He just kept walking.' Tyler's voice was worried and I could hear how scared he was.

"Okay, I'll go find him." I tried to calm him down. "I'm leaving now. I'll bring him back to your house." I hung up before he could reply.

"What was that about?" Craig asked as I got up to leave.

"Uh, Kellin's trying to go see his mom." I said as I grabbed my keys.

"I thought you said his mom passed." Jonny pointed out.

"I did. He doesn't believe it." And with that I left the house.

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