Cemetery Weather (Kellic)

By AndleyXxKellic

28.5K 1.5K 516

This is a Kellic Fanfiction. Vic Fuentes is the tough guy of the school who isn't afraid to let anyone know... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Author's Note
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
A New Beginning

Chapter 20

631 35 12
By AndleyXxKellic

When Vic walked away I wanted to chase after him, but that would just make things worse. Mikey saw that I wanted to and he urged me to go but I didn't. We sat with Tyler and Mike more, they told us about how they were going to get an apartment in February and that I'm happy to come in April when I turn 18 or graduate. I accepted, I at least wanted to be with someone I didn't want dead.

My dad was the last person I wanted to live with. He called me once since I was gone, it was while I was sleeping in the car. He didn't text or call after that. I didn't care, I was thinking about moving out here permanently. My mom said that it was an option for me. Maybe by the end of this trip, I could somehow move here, so I can finish school, live it's Tyler, and go to college. If I'm lucky I could go on tour with them as their security or something.

"Kellin, let's go." Tyler said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I get up and help Mikey out and carry him to the car.

"Did you drive here?" Tyler asked Mike.

"Yeah, I'm right over there." He pointed.

"Okay, well we'll se you later okay?" They hug and kiss for a few, while I put Mike into the car.

I got on the front seat and buckled up, playing music from my phone as we waited for Tyler. I saw him give Mike one last kiss before pulling away and getting in the car. I stopped my music and he turned on his.

"Do you know where Vic is?" He asked

"No." I replied sadly.

"Do you Mike?" Tyler looked in the rear view mirror

"Nope." He replied as he laid back in the seat.

"Do you guys have any relatives here?" Tyler was still talking to Mike.

"No, all the family we have lives in California."

"So, we have no clue where he is. Can one of you text him?"

"I will." Mike volunteered. "Kellin, can I see your phone, mine's at the house."

"Sure." I passed it back to him.

He ended up calling him, which sucked because we only heard the conversation one-sided.

"Hey, where are you?"

"Oh, yeah."

"That's awesome."

"I can play drums."

"I know, but I can."

"Great. I can't wait."

And then he hung up.

"What was that all about?" Tyler asked an excited Mike.

"Vic met a band, they asked him to join and he's taking me to see them tomorrow. And they have a drummer spot, they'll let me try out tomorrow." He explained.

"That's awesome." Tyler encouraged him.

"Yeah, and if all goes well, they'll let us stay here with them in Utah." He added.

"That's great. I hope you guys do good." Tyler smiled back at Mike and looked at me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I lied.

There was nothing okay with this, Vic is going to be in a band. Bad thoughts started to form in my mind already. He's going to become successful and forget about me. Something else popped into my head too. Didn't I want him to forget about me? This probably could be the only way I could get him to stop liking me. Maybe this wasn't as bad as it seems. But I do know that, I didn't want him to forget about me.

We drove back to Tyler's house and sat around. It wasn't long before his sister Rebecca came home. She was excited to see me. She jumped into my arms, almost an exact replica of what I did to Tyler. She laughed and giggled as I faked like I was going to drop her. I hung her upside down and she couldn't stop laughing, but I sat her up so she could catch her breath.

"I missed you." She said as she hugged my neck.

"I missed you too." I hugged her so tight.

I don't know what it is, but I have this connection with girls I talk to. They can't help but to love me. I don't mean to sound cocky, because there's only 3 girls who have ever done that. Jessica, Rebecca and my mom. I pulled her away and kissed her cheek.

"Want to go for a swim?" She nodded.

"Yes, please." She grabbed my hand and pulled me up the stairs. "Come on, I want to show you my yellow bathing suit."

She knew my favorite color was yellow. I looked back at Mike and Tyler who were laughing. We went up into her room and she took the bathing suit from her drawer. I thought it was cute, it was a one piece. It was yellow and covered in daffodils.

"That is soo pretty. Why don't you try it on and model it for me?" I teased. She jumped with glee.

"I'll be right back." She went to the bathroom and changed into it. She knocked on the door to her room when she was ready.

"Okay, let me see it." She came in all shy and covered her face. "You look absolutely adorable." She walked over to me.

"Thanks." She smiled, but still covered it. I took her hands and moved them from her face.

"You are pretty, no need to cover it up, doll face." She smiled and jumped into my arms, hugging me.

"Thanks." She smiled sweetly.

"Ready to go swimming?" I asked her.

"Yes." She shouted. I put her on my back and galloped like a pony down the stairs.

Tyler and Mike laughed at us as we ran through to get to the pool. When we got outside she jumped from my back and cannonballed into the pool. I pulled my shirt, scarf, and pants off and jumped in after her.

I opened my eyes underwater and saw she was above the water. I went under her and threw her in the air, causing her to slam in the water. She laughed when she came back up and I let her stick my head underwater. We played around some more, then Tyler came out.

"Cannonball!" He screamed as he ran from the door. We both moved so we wouldn't get hit by him.

We all roared in laughter as we started to throw water onto each other. We played Marco Polo, and just splashed each other. We wanted Mike to get in, but he wasn't able to. It wasn't until Vic got home that we got out.

**Vic's P.O.V**

When jonny dropped me off, I could hear shouting and laughing coming from the back. I went inside and saw Mike sitting on the couch by himself. I went and sat down beside him.

"How'd it go with the band?" He asked, not taking his eyes off the tv.

"It was great. You'll love them, they are really awesome. I helped them with some music today. They even liked my singing and gave me some parts." I happily told him.

"That's great." He was interrupted and got distracted from the laughter outside.

"Who's that?" I asked, getting up.

"That's Kellin, Tyler, and his little sister Rebecca. They're swimming." I stood up and went to the door, not going out yet.

I saw them having fun and Kellin smiling and laughing. I never brought that side of him out, I always filled him with fear. I watched as he and Tyler threw the little girl, Rebecca back and forth. After they played with her I saw Kellin go over to Tyler. I opened the door slightly to listen to what they were saying.

"I missed hanging out with you." Kellin told him.

"Well stay here, with me. We can have fun like this everyday." They were getting closer to each other.

"I don't know. Maybe." He replied.

"Think on it, but it will be fun. I like having you around." Tyler got closer.

"I like being around. It's better than home." He and Kellin leaned in and kissed each other, that was my cue.

I opened the door more and stepped out and headed towards the pool. They saw me coming and pulled away and looked at me questioningly. I walked over to the side of the pool, and stopped.

"How things with the band go?" Tyler asked as he swam over to me.

"Good. Good." I looked at Kellin, he looked over at Rebecca. "I'm thinking about moving here so I can be with them. They're gonna get signed once they have a full band." I explained.

"That's great. So Mike's gonna be in it too?" He asked and I nodded.

Everything got real awkward and quiet. I turned around and was getting ready to leave when I heard splashing. I looked back and saw that Kellin was getting out the pool. He pulled Rebecca out with him and they walked past me. His body dripped with water, I wanted to touch him.

He bumped into me as he grabbed his clothes and went into the house. I wanted to call for him, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I walked in and felt Tyler's hand land on my shoulder. I looked back at him and he had a sympathetic look on his face. I went and sat next to Mike and watched tv.

**Tyler's P.O.V.**

I don't know what to do about these 2. Kellin seems stressed, I think he's still worried about his mom. After what he told me this morning, I understand. He just doesn't need to be hard on Vic.

Vic has probably been beating himself up about it. After the way Kellin replied to Michael when he asked about their relationship, I knew Vic was crushed. Kellin just doesn't know he has a good thing underneath his nose. This is going to be a very stressful 2 weeks. It's already been a stressful 1 day, 13 more to go.

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