I Will Never Be Yours

By asminc007

1.8M 139K 31.6K

'Love has the power to tender the broken, but self love has the power to change' Sequel to 'It was Always you... More

Sneak Peek #1
Sneak peek #2
Character's Intro
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26a
Chapter 26b
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Character's Rant
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Engagement (Part 1)
Engagement (Part 2)
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Wedding (Part 1)
Wedding (Part 2)
Wedding (Part 3)
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Author's note
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122a
Chapter 122b
Chapter 122c

Chapter 83

18.1K 1.4K 355
By asminc007

Jai's house...
9:00 pm...

Aayan's POV..

'Whatever happened with Ananya was not good son... ' Papa said with a grim expression on his face

I didn't say anything, because I was mad at him for stopping me to hit that bastard...

'Worse could've happened Jai, had Sameer not reached there on time.. ' Big dad said worriedly

Why am I not convinced that Sameer has nothing to do with the incident..

'Why didn't you let me hit that Yash...' I whined like a kid

'Because that was not the right thing to do... ' Dad said sternly

'He touched my wife... How can I leave him just like that... ' I say preventing myself to snap at him

'You guys didn't let us call the police as well... ' Vansh complained looking at Big dad

'Do you realise if we involve police in this, the matter will go public, and Ananya would be blamed, because there are many people who will think what Priyanka Singhal thought, I don't want anyone to raise a question on my daughter's character....' Big dad argued back and Vansh sighed

But Ananya is innocent, why are we caring about the world, I won't spare him anyway, no matter what these people say...

'But Dad, Yash Singhal can't be left loose as well, what if he tries to harm Annie again...?' Ved said

True that..

'I won't let him come near her....' I said gritting my teeth

'The question is....' Vansh began looking at me, more like glaring

'How did he manage to lay his hands on Annie...? Where were you ?  When this happened...?' he asked, staring directly into my eyes


'I...I was at home, he attacked her near the market, when she was coming back from office... ' I explained

'Why wasn't she in her car, what was she doing near the market...?' Papa looked at me raising his brows

Damn it...

'She doesn't use my car, she goes to her office by public transport... ' I say lowering my voice

'WHAT...!' Big dad, Dad and Ved exclaimed

Oh no...

'And you let her use that...?' Dad scolds me

'She... didn't listen to me...Believe me... I tried a lot... ' I try to convince them

'Why will she do that...?' Vansh gave me a suspicious look

'Is everything okay between you and Annie..?' Ved asked taking a seat beside me...

Should I answer that...
If I say no, this marriage is over
If don't say anything, they will get suspicious...
And If I say yes.. That'd be plain lie... Which my conscious is not allowing me to say...

'Nothing is wrong between us Bhai... ' Ananya said from behind, she walked towards us and stood behind my chair, keeping her hands lightly on my shoulders...

My stomach had this weird feeling when she touched me, I prevented myself from shivering...

'As far as using the public transport is concerned, my office is not very far away from the house, like Aayan's office is, and we leave at the same time, so I suggested that I will take the bus, and he goes by the car... ' She lied and I sighed

Why is she lying...
She could expose my deeds and get out of this marriage right now..

Her teary eyes and her tired expression few hours back is still haunting me
Will we ever sort out our differences Aayan, or this is what we signed up for the rest of our lives... Her voice was painful..

Yes I was unfair, she can get out of this marriage right now, but why isn't she saying anything...

What are you up to...

'Aayan can take the bus... ' Papa began

'It's okay Papa, I anyway love traveling by buses, in Mumbai also I would use them, Vansh Bhai knows...' she says looking towards Vansh and he smiled

'Are you sure this is the reason Princess...?' Big dad asked her, but looked at me though

'Yes Paa... ' she smiled

'How would Yash know where were you...?' Ved asked looking at me

Why are they making me a suspect...

'Why are you all looking at me suspiciously, I have no connection in this... ' I say angrily

'Who is saying you are responsible... Don't be stupid... ' Big Dad said

'Yeah, we know you won't do this to her after all Ananya is your wife... ' My father said

I realise Ananya's hand on my shoulders was no more there, and she had crossed her hands across her chest

Big dad walked towards her and engulfed her in a hug

'I am so sorry that you had to go through all that my princess, I am so sorry to fail to protect you...' he had tears in his eyes

Fault is mine actually, I failed to track that bastard, that's why he dared to lay hands on my wife...
He will be thought a lesson soon....

I tightly grip my hand over the sofa and close my eyes to prevent myself from going to singhal's house right now...

Ved pats my shoulders, understanding what is going on in my mind and I nod

'Paa, it's no one's fault, see I am safe,  god sent sameer to help me.. ' Ananya smiled

Damn this Sameer...

'I wonder what truth were you talking about Bade Papa about Sameer's mom's death, that he will ask to them today.... ' Vansh said

Papa's face turns pale and Big dad also stiffens

'I hope the poor kid takes it well...' he said nervously and we all look at him confused

'Shall I call him Papa... ?' Ananya asks

'No kid, let him deal with it and if he can't, I will help him, as promised to his mother... ' Dad said

What is going on...

'Let's go Dad, you have to take your medicines... ' Vansh said and Big dad nods leaving Ananya and caresses my hair, and leaves

'Take care Annie, Aayan... ' Ved says to us and follows Big dad

'I need to talk to you, after the wedding don't leave immediately... ' Vansh says to Ananya and she nods, he turns to me 'Take care bro... ' He says and leaves the house

Ananya turns to me and without giving any look, walks upstairs and I sigh

'Son.. ' Dad's voice startle me

'Yes Papa...?' I say looking at him

'Don't think that we take you as a failed husband son, it's just that, she is precious to all of us... I am sure, she is precious to you too... But next time be careful son...' He said patting my shoulder

'Yes Dad... ' I say not looking at him

'Ananya is our pride son, nothing should happen to her, you have been given a very big responsibility, because we know only you can do it, me and Arjun trust you a lot, don't disappoint us...' he smiled

A pang of guilt ran inside me, they will never forgive me for what I did then...

I don't reply, just smile faintly, and he seems to notice my nervousness, but didn't say anything...

15 minutes later...

I walk inside my room to see Amayraa sleeping peacefully on the bed and Ananya was nowhere to be found...

Where did she go...? I need to talk to her...

I look around the room, she was not there, not in the bathroom not in the walk-in closet...  Nowhere...!

'Ananya...?' I call and see Amayraa squirming in her sleep and bit my tongue

Maybe she is outside..

I leave the room and check the study, garden, kitchen, guest room everywhere..?

Did she leave or something...?  But when... I was in the living room the whole time...

I walk to the terrace to see whether she was there or not and find her standing in the corner, staring at the road that leads to the park...

I sigh and walk towards her, and noticed she is not wearing a sweater...

Damn it's so cold, and she is not feeling anything...! Is she made up if ice or what...!  Well her behavior from last few weeks indicate this only...

I take out my jacket, not because it's romantic or I am some hero, but as I am wearing thermals, I won't feel the cold...

I walk towards her and she didn't seem to notice my arrival, she was staring at the road continuously..

I wrap the jacket around her and she her reverie was broken, she looked at me startled and then composed her expression...

'I don't need this, it's not that cold...' she says removing her jacket

'Wow so you don't appreciate Chivalry...?' I say sarcastically, taking the jacket from her

'I don't appreciate fake chivalry... ' she shot back

Damn this girl...

'Well no use of arguing, but my gesture was genuine, if you catch the cold, you won't be able to enjoy Ved's wedding, and be on the bed the whole time... Eating medicines and tasteless food... ' I say brushing the jacket's dust

She looks at me with widened eyes, and then frowns...

'Give me that... ' she snatches the jacket and wraps it around herself and I chuckle

'Why are you here...?' she asks

'Same question.. ' I say

'You don't answer question with a question..  ' she huffs and looks the other side

'I was looking for you... ' I say

'So you really can't live without arguing me at the end of the day... ' She smirks

True that...

'You wish... ' I huff and stare where she was looking and smiled

'You know, me and Ved would skateboard there... ' I said pointing at the road leading towards the garden

'Yeah and play cricket every Sunday in the park... ' she smiled

Yeah that too...
Wait a minute...

'How do you know...?' I ask her and her smile fades

'Uh.. Wo... When Ved bhai would leave, he told us where he was going..' she said not looking at me

'Okay... ' I say and then look at the empty trail again

'You really hated me as a kid didn't you...?' she asked and I look at her confused

I found you irritating, and also you disliked you making my father to send me to the boarding school so yeah... If that's hate then yeah I hated you...
I still do...

Do you...? My inner conscious mocked me and I frowned internally

'Does it matter...?' I ask

'No, just casually asking... ' she said

'It was awkward for me to talk to you, because you were Ved's sister, and also you would always do something to irritate me... So I avoided you... ' I say truthfully and she nodded

'Actually I wanted to confess something... ' she says taking a deep breath and I turn to her

'Yeah...?' I coaxed further

'I.. Didn't tell Bade Papa, about you being in your room with a girl purposely, I was angry on... *she looks at me* something... And when he asked where were you, It just came out....' she said looking at me, staring straight into my eyes..

'Okay... ' I say

'Believe me, I tried to stop him, but then It was too late for damage control... ' She sighed

Well it's all in past...

'Anyways the girl, dated almost all the boys in your class and You and Ved bhai were the 'Big Fishes' for them, so she was bragging about how she trapped you and then you went crazy for her, and send letters to her from Dehradun... So you should thank me for saving you from her... ' She said


'I didn't send any letters to her.. ' I say irritated

'But girls of St. Stevens think you did..' She chuckled and I huffed

'Nevertheless, I am sorry for that day, Unknowingly I did hurt you, I had no such intentions.. ' she said

I didn't say anything, just stared at the sky and she took a deep breath...

Yes, I was sent away from everyone once again, but this time, I had no issues going away...

Infact, in those 4 years I learnt a lot without any distractions and was convinced to do something of my own...

Had she not complained, I would've stuck in E market like Ved...

AYSA was something that came into my mind when I was back, and met Samar...

So this was a blessing in disguise...

Yes, she did a lot of disasters in my life, but I should not be mad at her for this one....

'It's okay Ananya... It's all in the... ' I began, but she was not listening to me anymore...

She was staring into the sky, looking at the stars, and the faint moonlight gave her face an angelic glow...

The cold breeze blew her long hair, which fell on her face and she closed her eyes to prevent them bothering her eye, and from the other hand started adjusting her hair...

Surprisingly, it was the most beautiful sight to watch, Instinctively I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her towards me, and she looks at me startled...

'What are you doing...?' she asks looking scared

I don't answer, just brush off the hair from her face and look at her intently

'Aayan.. What are... ' she begins but I shut her mouth with my palms

I have to apologize her for Yash's behavior...

'Let me speak today.. Please... ' I say softly and her eyes widens

I chuckle, and remove my hand and she sighs, not looking into my eyes...

'See I know, it's too late to say this, but I am sorry that you had to go through that experience... ' I say still holding her and she shivers, closing her eyes

'That bastard brother of mine had his eyes on you, I had no idea, or else I would've taken care of him long back... ' I say, tightening my grip on her and she takes a deep breath and a lone tear trickles down her eyes

This broke my heart, to be honest, I don't know why, but seeing her cry was now affecting me, although that is what I always wished when I was not married to her...

I wipe the tear with my thumb, and kiss her forehead and she didn't seem to react to it...

'I promise that he won't come near you ever... ' I say touching my forehead with hers and she sighs closing her eyes

'See I understand that no girl would want to experience that and I should've protected you... ' I began, holding her face in my palms

'No girl would want to live a married life, that I am living Aayan... ' she said looking straight into my eye and then wriggles out of my hold

I was speechless at this... My heart sank, seeing that I have hurt her beyond repair...

'Ananya...' I began trying to hold her hand

'You have no right to touch me... ' she stated firmly, tears brimming her eyes and those words struck me like lightning

'You lost this right... ' She cries, tears rolling down her eyes

There was a lump in my throat, and I looked away

'I don't know what future this wedding has, but you must keep this in your mind, Just because I am your wife, it doesn't give you the right to touch me whenever you want... ' she said wiping her tears

I closed my eyes, this was actually hurting, her voice was actually painful and I couldn't face her

'You have Ritika with you, so she can happily oblige to fulfill your so called needs... I am happy being your namesake wife, because I didn't wait this long for someone like you...' she said and I took a sharp breath

'I don't feel bad for myself, I had the most amazing life before wedding, but what they say is true, happiness and sadness are part of life, so my share of happiness is over, and sadness begins... But don't worry I am ready to face all the challenges... ' she said determined and now I glare at her

'So you are mocking me for having a disastrous childhood..?' I say angrily and her expression changed

'I didn't mean that... You are the victim of circumstances Aayan, but so are Nitaara di and Sameer, and to an extent, Viraj and Saanjh too... But didn't they cope up with it...? You on the other hand don't want to get out of your past... How will you enjoy your present and hope for a happy future.. ' she said and I had no answer to this

'You just want to blame someone for your misery, and then vent your anger out... But let me tell you, you must blame the right person... ' She said and wiped her tears

'Anyway, now it's useless to say anything because you have already made your mind, so be it... But I am not backing off, because your stubbornness can't always be right...' She gave me a challenging look

'I hope I made myself clear on the rules, next time you do that... I have other ways to tackle... ' She said and then turned around to walk away, but then looked back at me..

'Not that it matters now, but I really liked you once, and I was really hurt that you said mean things about me to that girl... You are hurting me since times immemorial, so now I am immune to all your cheap tricks, think of something new... ' She said and then walked downstairs

This last revelation, actually made me numb...

What have I done...? 
What the hell is happening...!

Jai's living room...
1:30 am...

Someone was violently ringing the doorbell and the servant hurriedly rushed towards the door..

'Who is it ? At this time...?' Jai said coming out of his room, wearing his specs

'Who is it...?' Aayan said walking downstairs, wearing his t shirt and tracks followed by Ananya who was in her night dress too...

The servant opened the door, revealing Sameer who looked disastrous, his hair was dishevelled, his hands were bleeding and his eyes were red and puffy and face swollen

They gasped looking at him and Ananya rushed towards him, making Aayan clench his jaw

'Oh My God... Sameer... What happened... ' She asked scared, holding his injured hands

He didn't answer her and was looking at Jai the whole time, who understood what he wants to say...

'Bring him in Ananya... ' Jai said and Ananya pulled him towards the couch

Aayan was seeing all this silently, crossing his hands over his chest, he had an irritated expression on his face, because he thought Sameer was pretending

Ananya made him sit on the couch and sat beside him, ordering the servant to get the first aid

'I assume you are here for the letter..?' Jai asked and Sameer nodded

Jai walked inside his room and tears rolled down Sameer's eyes, and Ananya wiped them, Aayan clenched his fist at this

'What happened Sameer...?' Ananya asked softly and he cried even more

'Please don't cry Sammy, tell me what's wrong... ' Ananya held his hands and Aayan took a sharp breath

'My whole life was a lie Annie.. They lied to me... ' Sameer's voice cracked and Aayan looked at him shocked

'What do you mean...?' Ananya asked

'My mom didn't attempt suicide because she was couldn't see me and Dad suffering, infact she didn't have cancer at all... ' Sameer cried and Aayan unfolds his hands and walks towards him and sits in front of him, holding his other hand

'They told you she had cancer..?' Aayan asked and Sameer looked at him shocked

'You also know this...?' Sameer cried tears rolling down his eyes and Aayan nodded

Sameer began sobbing badly at this and Aayan hugged him tightly

'I am sorry bro... ' He consoled him and Sameer cried further..

'She didn't have cancer..? Then why did she... ' Ananya asked tears filling her eyes

'She couldn't take the deceiving of her loving husband and her sister like friend... ' Jai answered on Sameer's behalf and Ananya looks at him shocked

'I don't understand Papa...?' Ananya asks him confused

'They lied to me... They said mom killed herself because she couldn't fight cancer anymore, but the truth is she killed herself in grief of being cheated by her husband and best friend... She left me ! She left me with these monsters and I believed that my father and Priyanka mom loved me, but it wasn't their love, it was their guilt...' Sameer said with disgust and Aayan held him tightly

Ananya was shocked and then looked at Jai, who nodded in agreement

Jai handed Sameer a paper which was crumpled a bit and was yellowing from sides..

'I believe you need to read this...' Jai said

Sameer took the letter and caressed it seeing his mother's handwriting, more tears rolled down his eyes and then he read it..

Dear Mr. Varma...

I know, I have no right to write this letter to you, but honestly I don't know with whom to share this...

I believe that even you are going through the same pain that I am bearing right now, so this gives me some courage to write my last letter to you...

Before you crumple this letter and throw it away, stating that my husband ruined your life, so let me tell you that your wife broke my house too...

Seeing Priyanka for the first time, it never even crossed my mind that this woman will take away my everything from me...!  I mean why would she..?

She was happily married with you, was mother of a beautiful daughter, Nitaara and  Aayan was on his way...

We became close friends, and she helped me get through my first pregnancy with Sameer after Aayan was born, I felt blessed that God gave me such a nice and understanding friend..

Though she was Prateek's friend, she became a close friend of mine too, like a older sister I never had...

I would share everything with her, right from mine and Prateek's fights to our happiness everything ! She would guide me through the difficulties I faced because of Prateek's short tempered nature...

Everything was going fine, My Sameer was very fond of her, though I never got the privilege to meet Aayan and Nitaara, but I was very sure that they were as perfect as their mother...

Even though you and my husband were not in good terms, but you never stopped Priyanka from being friends with us, made me realise how mature as a person are you and how lucky my Di is...

Everything was fine, but then dark clouds started surrounding our lives when suddenly my husband was extra fond of me, he started caring for more than he ever did in 9 years of our marriage, which made me suspicious..

Priyanka was also distant from me, I didn't know what was happening, until the hell broke loose and you came to our house along with your friend and confronted them, revealing about her pregnancy...

I remember snapping at you and threatening you to get you arrested if you hit my husband one more time,I am really sorry for that Mr. Varma...

After you left, it turns out that everything was true and my husband cheated on me with my so called sister like best friend...

I really don't know what to do now Mr. Varma, I don't have the courage to see that kid in front of me, also I am not that cruel to ask Priyanka to abort the child...

They destroyed everything Mr. Varma, nothing can be repaired now..

I don't want to live with Prateek anymore, but also don't know how to raise my Sameer without his father..

I don't want any alimony from that man after divorce because I refuse to live on the crumbs of that man, but also don't have the qualifications to start a new life and support my kid, my mother will die of shame in the society as I am her only child and my father is no more...

I don't have any other option except taking my life Mr. Varma...

I just have one request,don't give up on your kids Mr. Varma and don't let them come here with their mother, my husband is a cruel man... He won't love them, he will treat them as his servants...

As far as Priyanka is concerned, I really don't know what that woman is... A home breaker or a witch... She ruined both houses.... I don't trust her with my Sameer, but I know his father loves him...

If you happen to meet my Sameer anytime, will you please tell him that his mother loved him more than anything in this world...

I don't know what they will say to my son about his mother's death, but God forbid if they throw him out of the house, please accept him Mr. Varma or at least make sure that he doesn't live on streets, I know this is too much to ask for, but please... This is a request from a dying mother...

I am not as strong as you Mr. Varma, yes I am a coward, yes people may say that a woman must become strong once her child is in trouble, but thing is my child is not in trouble Mr. Varma, it's my marriage, my dignity in trouble and I find no way out...

My health is anyway deteriorating, and my sameer feels that god will cure me soon, I don't wish to recover, so I am taking my life...

I will be gone, once this letter reaches you...

I am sorry for whatever happened Mr. Varma...

Please tell my Sameer that I am sorry...

Yours Sincerely..

Sameer broke down reading the letter and Aayan too had tears in his eyes after reading it, he hugged him tightly...

Ananya took the letter from his hands and started reading it,and Jai walked towards Sameer and held his hands

'They killed her Mr. Varma,*sob* they killed her... *sob* they lied to me, *sob* I was living with my mother's killers *sob* I feel so pathetic...I hate them.... I ... I am so sorry... ' Sameer cried and Aayan held him tightly

'It's not your fault kid, I am happy that Prateek was not monstrous enough to throw you out... ' Jai said wiping his tears

'My mother is a witch.. ' Aayan said angrily, tears filling his eyes and Ananya who was crying after reading the letter rushed towards him...

'Don't say like this...' Ananya held him and he rested his head on her stomach as she was standing, crying silently. 

'I won't live with them Mr. Varma, I'll go somewhere else... ' Sameer cried

'I want to fulfill your mother's last wish son, will you accept me as your guardian and live with me... ' Jai smiled and Aayan nodded

Sameer didn't know what to say...
Tears brimmed in his eyes and he hugged Jai, leaving Aayan and Jai hugged him back.. 

Aayan wiped his tears and Ananya held his shoulders and he held her hands tightly...

Lot of things were changing in Varma's house....


10 minutes before Saturday ends...
Believe me guys I am typing this since 9:15 pm
Sorry for the delay...

Next update : Saturday

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