Forgotten Conscience (girlxgi...

By AndrewHeard8

68.7K 2.7K 842

Ranked #2 in Buffy. After Faith wakes up from her coma with amnesia, she attempts to put her life back togeth... More

Two Roads, One Path
Confessions of a Deadly Mind
Revenge for Betrayal
The Truth
The Fight
Always Learning
Talking to a Brick Wall
The Price of a Tortured Soul
The Beginning
And Then There Was Sunnydale
Friends You Can't Remember, or Enemies You Shouldn't Forget
The Unknown
Triggers You'd Rather Not Pull
Answers to Questions You Never Asked
Turning The Proverbial Cheek
Latent Dreams
You Can Always Depend on the Kindness of Strangers
Deconstructing Faith
Itchy Trigger Finger
Revelations You'd Rather Not Revel In
There's Always Room for PWP
Of All The 'What If' Joints in the World, Why'd She Have to Walk Into Mine?
Uncomfortable Lack of Silence
The Kind of Plans You Never Follow Through On
Putting Your Faith in the Wrong Person
Going Nowhere in a Real Big Hurry
Save Me, Help Me, Kill Me
Chicken Soup for the Suicidal Slayer's Soul
Mixed Signals of the Confusing Kind
Musical Stools
Lies That Make The World Go Round
The Seventh Deadly Sin
Sleepless in Slayattle
Summit of Evil
Angst - The Eighth Deadly Sin
Ice Creamy Goodness Can Sometimes Leave You Speechless
Dead, Undead
The Phrase 'We Need To Talk...' Never Ends Well
Getting Drunk Will Leave A Bad Taste In Your Mouth... Then There's The Booze
Answering Questions
A Fate Sealed With a Kiss
Forgotten Conscience Remembered
They Say Fear Can Make You Do Some Crazy Things, But What About Love?
Shadows and Dust From Your Past
The Waiting Is The Hardest Part
Sometimes You Just Have To Fight It Out
The Bearer of Bad News
It Can't Be Love, Can It?
If She Forgives Me, She Forgives Me
Heroism Is Only Cool If It Gets You Chicks
Just Cause It's At B's Expense, Doesn't Mean It's Not Fun
Skipped Parts
Paranoia Rears Its Ugly Head
Empty Words
Crumbling Down Around Me
Sometimes You Gotta Take The Risk
Doubt is a Mother F*@ker
One Night in the Name of Love
A New Beginning
The Ties That Bind
Love Unconditionally Actually
Slayer Bonding Rituals That Actually Involves Bondage
The Good Within
Changes You Didn't See Coming
Wheels in Motion
The Last Stand of Captain Cardboard
Going Under
Miss Know-It-All
Whatever It Takes
Just Because You Failed, Doesn't Mean Things Won't Work Out
True Love is a Bumpy Road So Try Not to Pick Up Hitch Hikers
Chopping Down Forrest
Bloody Walls
Scooby Hypocrites
The Only One I Can Trust
Cain and Abel
The Initiative
The Power of Love
A Little Less Hypocritical
Coming Apart
Dropping of the Eaves
Kicked Out
Getting Over It
Moving Out But Not Moving On
All You Need Is Love
Magic Movie Moments
Two Into One
The Morning After
Pillow Talk
Hand in Hand
Dark Clouds
Lucky Break
First Date
Ominous Tidings
The History of Omega
Gotta Have Faith
Back to Back, Fight the Fight
Gear Up and Go
About Last Night
Hell hath no fury like a woman with nothing left to lose

Prelude to Fate

556 19 2
By AndrewHeard8

Buffy's POV

Why do I keep having this dream?

I'm standing in front of Faith. I throw three easy punches and she dodges them quickly like she always does. Even though I know what's coming next I don't stop it, not that I'm all that sure I'd want to. Faith ducks and before I know it I'm flat on my back. She crawls on top of me, pinning me down. She leans into me and her warm breath makes me all warm and fuzzy in a down low kinda way.

She leans in more and I feel her lick my bottom lip and it makes me squirm. God I wish she would kiss me. And then she does.

I open my eyes.

Oh come on, we were just getting to the good part.

I let out a deep sigh and roll over on my side.

Damn it!

I grab my head as a major headache hits me like a ton of bricks.

Now I remember why I hate alcohol, not to mention the last time I had beer I turned into a weird prehistoric cave-slayer thing.

I look down at Faith and she's still sleeping.

She's so cute when she's sleeping. She looks so peaceful lying there. I don't think the old Faith slept so peacefully.

I start to reach down to brush the hair out of her face but I stop myself.

You can't keep doing this. It'll only make things worse later. You know it and you still can't stop thinking about her. Just because you're in love with her doesn't mean things will be okay. Sometimes love isn't enough, I learned that from everything that went on with Angel.

I let out a deep breath.

You know if the Powers That Be were gonna get me to fall for Faith you'd think they'd at least let me finish my dreams. Let me finish myself off... so to speak.

She stirs in her sleep before opening her eyes and looking up at me. She smiles at me and I swear my heart stops for a few seconds.

"Good morning."

My heart starts beating again and I manage to speak.

"Good morning yourself..."

"You know... I could get used to waking up next to you in the morning."

The feeling's mutual.

"I know the feeling."

Did I just say that out loud?

I sit up and the throbbing pain in my head comes back.

"S-so, how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay I guess..."

I look down at her as she sits up and grabs her head in pain.

"Damn... I could do without the mind numbing headache though."

"Yeah, we should definitely lay off the alcohol from now on."

"I agree with that, no more alcohol. So, what are we doing today?"

Right, doing things will take our minds off what we really want to do.

"Well... I figured we'd get some coffee for our massive headaches before we head over to the gym to train some more."

"Sounds like a plan... I guess."

I scooch down to the end of the bed and get out of bed and stretch myself out.

"If anything last night proved that you're not quite back to your old self, slayer-wise."

"Yeah I'd have to agree with that, especially after my near-death experience last night."

I walk over to my dresser and fiddle through my clothes.

Maybe I should give her back some of her old clothes. They are hers after all.

"Well we'll just have to keep training until you're just as good as you used to be, maybe even better."

I pick one of Faith's old outfits and lob it to her.

"What's this?"

"Well they're clothes, you put them on."

"I know that, why are you giving them to me?"

"Cause they're yours and I figured I should give them back to you."

"Oh well, I appreciate... that."

I turn around and she's holding up the short black tank top I gave her. She's got a weird look on her face.

"What's wrong?"

She puts the top over her shoulder as she picks up the red leather pants and feels the material.

"Well... what am I? Some kind of slut?"

I probably shouldn't answer that.

I turn back to my dresser and keep going through my clothes.

"No comment."

"Oh great, so not only am I an evil killing machine but now I find out I'm some kind of leather wearing sex crazed dominatrix evil killing machine."

Okay clearly I should've commented.

I turn around and rush over to her, kneeling beside her on the floor.


I take her hand in mine and she looks me in the eyes.

"You're not evil you just... you made some bad choices, we all make them. It doesn't make you evil. And... well, we all like sex Faith. You just happen to like more than most... people. In fact... never mind..."

That's probably not the best way to go with this.

She looks at me with a look of longing on her face and it dawns on me that sex is probably not a topic I should talk to Faith about. I let go of her hand and head back to my dresser.

"In fact what?"

I turn to her.

"It's nothing."

"Tell me."

I take another second, watching her.

Okay, this might be a bad idea but...

"Well, you used to have this saying. It was kinda like a motto of yours."

"What was it?"

"Want, take... have."

She looks at me for a few moments and I'm not entirely sure how she is taking that.

"It's like I said, there's nothing wrong with... wanting... stuff..."

I really shouldn't go there.

I turn back to picking out some clothes.

"And as for the clothes, they're good for slaying, really flexible."

"If you say so, they seem kinda tight and binding to me."

It goes well with her body... I did NOT just think that. I thought I was gonna stop having these thoughts.

"Well put them on and find out."

I finally pick out some clothes to put on and turn to face her.

"Okay I will."

"Good, I'm gonna go change in the bathroom. You can change out here if you like, I promise I won't look."

What the hell am I saying?

I look at Faith and she smiles at me. After a few moments, I turn and go into the bathroom.

I'm doing the right thing, I know I am.

Spike's POV

I take a swig of the whiskey bottle in my hand.

God damn it, I can't get the slayer taste out of my mouth... I've been drinking this whiskey all night and I can still taste her on my lips, fucking bitch.

I throw the bottle away as I get near the opening of the cave.I walk into the cave and the bastard yells at me.

"What the FUCK is wrong with you?"

"Nothing's wrong with me, unless you count this bleedin' chip in my head. What's wrong with you mate?"



I light up a fag and take a drag.

"Nothing's coming to me."

"Then that chip in your head is making you even more brain dead then you already are."

"Hey, I may be brain dead but at least I'm using my head. Now what are you on about?"

"You killed 6 of my men, what do you think I'm ON about?"

I take another drag of my cig and blow the smoke in John's direction. He ain't too happy about that.

"I'm still not getting your point mate."

I know exactly what he's talking about, I just like watching him get angry.

"Well I ASSUMED the reason you needed back up to go see the slayers was to kill the bitches, not getting drunk with them."

He's such a knob.

"You're not using your head you tart. You can't beat this slayer with a head on attack, believe me I've tried. And with another slayer to help her, one I'm sure is being taught all the little tricks of the trade, the Scoobies are more powerful than ever. The only way to get to this slayer is to get inside her head, Angelus taught me that, course he got himself a one way ticket to hell for his troubles but I'm taking a less drastic approach. As far as the slayers know I just saved their rather firm asses from some of your boys."

"Okay, but how does that help us?"

I wish he'd start thinking for himself instead of just taking orders like a ponce.

"He's on the inside."

"THANK you. At least jigsaw boy over there understands me. I'm working the Scoobies from the inside. Think about it, the first time this Faith girl meets me I save her life, whether Buffy likes it or not Faith trusts me now. She didn't exactly say it but that little Buffy bitch had no intention of having drinks with me, but then Faith talked to her and we were on our merry way."

"Okay so how does this help us?"

For the love of Kensington, how did this loser live so long by being so stupid?

"Now I'm on the inside, I can let you know what they're planning."

"Right, okay so did you learn anything from your little drunkcapade, something that I don't already know about at least?"

"Yeah actually I did."

I take another puff of my fag.

"Well what is it?"

"This Faith chick you're so worried about?"


"She's got no memory."


"She's got amnesia."

"Damn it..."

"What's wrong?"

"Phase 3 can't happen until she gets her memory back."

"Well then just postpone the damn thing."

"We can't, postponing Phase 3 could ruin everything."

"Well life's that way some time mate."

"This isn't good. I'll have to talk it over with my partner. Damn it."

He walks past me and leaves the cave.

"I'll be back."

SOME ONE'S not gonna be HAPPY. Ah hell, what do I care?

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