I Will Never Be Yours

By asminc007

1.8M 139K 31.6K

'Love has the power to tender the broken, but self love has the power to change' Sequel to 'It was Always you... More

Sneak Peek #1
Sneak peek #2
Character's Intro
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26a
Chapter 26b
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Character's Rant
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Engagement (Part 1)
Engagement (Part 2)
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Wedding (Part 1)
Wedding (Part 2)
Wedding (Part 3)
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Author's note
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122a
Chapter 122b
Chapter 122c

Chapter 75

13.6K 1.2K 384
By asminc007

2 weeks later...
New Delhi...
City hospital...
7 p.m.

Ved was nervously sitting on the chair outside the doctors cabin, his palms were sweaty and he was occasionally glancing at the door waiting for Deepika to come outside...

His wedding was one month away and he had a lot of pending work in the office, he was not able to focus on his work, which was annoying Arjun...

How will Papa react to this...?
What will I say to Maa....?
What will Deepika's family think...!
Shit shit shit...

He stood up and started walking to and fro waiting for Deepika, he was very nervous right now, he was not ready for this responsibility...

I should've been careful...
I have so much to do in life, this can't happen...

He frustratedly kicked the chair, and then winced, the ward boy gave him a are you crazy look and Ved muttered a quick sorry...

Relax Ved, she is not even sure....
Maybe it's nothing, maybe I am overreacting...

Come out Deepika... Please I am dying here...

His phone began ringing and he picked up without glancing at the ID, his eyes never leaving the doctors cabin

'Hello...?' He answers

'Big brooo.... Wassup... ' Vansh said loudly from the other side and Ved put the phone away from his ears wincing

'Easy there Vansh, I am not deaf... ' He says irritated

'Yeah okayy... Ask Maa to pick up my call naa, or better give your phone to her, I wanna ask her something... Pleaaseee....' Vansh whined over the phone

'I can't give her the phone, I am at the hospital... ' Ved replied absentmindedly

'WHAT...!' Vansh literally shouted that brought Ved back to his senses

'Why are you at the hospital...? Who is sick...? Is Maa okay....? Did anything happen to Paa...? Sash Chachu, Adi Chachu, Bade Papa...? Chachi...? who is there Ved...! Answer me... ' Vansh asked panicked

'Vansh calm down, everyone at the home is okay, no one is here... ' Ved tried to calm him down

'Then what are you doing there...? Are you okay...?' Vansh asked

Ved sighed, 'I am okay, it's... It's Deepika...' he said nervously

There was silence on the other side, Ved could hear Vansh take a deep breath

'Okay, What about her...?' Vansh asked in a low voice

'Okay, just promise that you won't panic or something and definitely not share this with anyone.... ' Ved said

'I promise... ' Vansh's voice was a mere whisper

'We think Deepika might be pregnant... ' Ved replied nervously and Vansh took a sharp breath

'Are you sure...?' Vansh asked

'No, that's why we are here, she thinks she is pregnant, because she is noticing the symptoms like, late periods, back pains and others... ' Ved replied and Vansh didn't say anything

'I hope she is not pregnant man, I am not ready to be a father... ' Ved sighed

'Did you figure out, how will you reveal this to Maa and Paa....?' Vansh asked

'Paa will kill me bro, he is already annoyed because I am distracted at the work now a days, I don't know how will he react if he learns that I got Deepika pregnant before marriage...' Ved sighed

'Don't worry bro, he will understand... You are his favorite, he can't be mad at you for long... ' Vansh said and Ved became more nervous at this

'He loves all of us equally bro, and that's not the point here... I really don't know whether I want a kid or not... ' Ved said

'You will be fine Big bro... Don't worry no matter what happens, I will be there with you... I will come with you to break this news to Our and Deepika's parents, if she is pregnant...' Vansh assured him

'Thanks little bro, I am really lucky to have you as my brother... ' Ved smiled

'That you are... ' Vansh teased and Ved laughed

'You should've been careful you know... To avoid this... ' Vansh said and Ved sighed

'I was bro, We used con.. ' Ved said, but Vansh cut him off in between

'Ewww.... Don't give me the details, I just casually suggested... ' Vansh whined and Ved chuckled

Just then Deepika comes out of the doctor's cabin, and Ved looks at her

'She is here, I'll call you later... ' Ved said

'Yeah, Bye....' Vansh said and hung up

Deepika sat beside Ved, and he looked at her expectantly

'She will run some tests, asked me to wait for sometime...' Deepika said and leaned on the chair clutching the file near her chest

Ved kissed her forehead and she sighed and put her head on his shoulders

They did not say anything for sometime, just watched people to move here and there...

'Do you want a baby Ved...?' Deepika asked

Ved looked at her and then held her hands tightly

'See Deepika, don't get me wrong, I really love you, but I am not ready to be a father now... I mean there is a lot to learn, to do and to achieve... I don't think I am ready to take care of a baby... ' He said and Deepika sighed

'Me too... ' she replied and Ved squeezed her hand smiling faintly

'What if the results are positive...? How will we face our families...?' Deepika asked nervously

'We'll figure that out....' Ved said kissing her forehead again

'We should've waited Ved, I mean... there is hardly a month left for our wedding and this...., freak what will our families think... ' Deepika said her voice cracking

Ved held her hands tightly
'See whatever happened, we can't reverse Deepika, but don't worry I am with you, we will face this together... ' Ved smiled assuring her

Deepika didn't say anything for sometime

'Do you think we should abort this child... So that you know... ' she said her voice a mere whisper and Ved looked at her angrily

'Are you crazy....!' He exclaimed and Deepika got scared

'Ved, I... ' she began

'Do you think I am a coward who is scared to face the consequences of his actions....? ' Ved asked tightening his grip on her hand

'No Ved, I was just...' Deepika tries to calm him down

'We will not abort this child, Okay ! I may not take a stand for myself in front of my father, but I will face him or anyone in this world for my child, understand...?' Ved said determined and tears rolled down Deepika's eyes

'I am sorry, I was just... ' She sobbed and Ved hugged her tightly

'We'll see what happens... ' Ved said caressing her head and she nodded

After 20 minutes the doctor called them inside, both of them looked each other nervously, and then walked in

'Please have a seat Mr and Mrs Thapar.... ' The doctor asked them to sit the chair opposite to her

Both of them held their each other's hands for support under the table, Ved already started imagining his father's angry face and Deepika got scared thinking what her father will say

'Mrs. Thapar, I have your blood reports that states you are not pregnant...' she says and Ved and Deepika sighed in relief and hugged each other happily

'Thank God, we are saved.... ' Deepika muttered

'I know...' Ved said

The doctor looked at them confused

'Perhaps you guys heard me wrong, I said you guys are NOT expecting a baby... ' she repeated herself, and Ved - Deepika looked at her

'Yeah we are sad...' Deepika said trying to look sad

'Yeah, Very Sad...' Ved shook is head in disappointment

Doctor gave them a you guys are weird look and then cleared her throat, and Ved - Deepika sat straight

'The reason for your missed period is  probably stress and back pain is improper posture... You just have low hemoglobin, else your are fine... ' Doctor informs Deepika and she nods

'I'll give you medications, and once you start getting proper cycles, you guys can start trying again... ' She smiled

'Never... ' Ved - Deepika blurted our and Doctor looked at them shocked

'It was nice meeting you Mr and Mrs Thapar... ' Doctor looks at them suspiciously, and hands them the prescription

'Same here Ma'am... ' Deepika smiled and Ved takes the prescription

They smile at the doctor and walk out of her cabin, and as they are out of the hospital, they hug each other tightly...

'No stupid stuff till the wedding... ' Deepika warns and Ved chuckles and nods

'Yes Ma'am... ' He says and they get inside the car

Ananya's office
Same time...

Ananya was waiting for the bus, when she received a call from Mrs. Kumar...

'Ananya, I need to leave urgently for my house, my daughter is sick, I didn't cook tonight, will you please adjust for few days....?' Mrs. Kumar said panicked

'Yes, Yes Pappy, you should leave ASAP, Don't worry about our dinner we will make it... I will reach there in 30 minutes, is Amayraa asleep...?' Ananya asked

'Yes she is...' Mrs. Kumar informed

'Do you have enough money....? What about your tickets....?' Ananya asked

'Aayan Baba gave me the money and arranged for tickets, he will reach here anytime....' Mrs. Kumar says and they hear door bell ring

'There he is... ' Mrs. Kumar says

'Okay, take care Pappy, and don't worry about us... We will manage... ' Ananya smiled

'Thank you kid, I will see you after a week... Bye...' Mrs. Kumar said and hung up

Ananya waited for the bus, by plugging her earphones, when she felt someone gazing at her intently

She looked around but there was no one, but the feeling didn't fade, she got uncomfortable, though she was not sure whether she was being followed or not

The bus arrived and she got into it, she still felt someone's presence behind her, but turned around to find no one

Ananya plugged her earphones back and closed her eyes to calm herself down

30 minutes later...

Ananya unlocked the door of her house and was surprised to see the set up

The house was lit with candles, and the pathway from the entrance to her bedroom was decorated with roses and the entire room was filled with the fragrance of the flower

As Ananya walked inside, she looked around and the set up was so romantic, she couldn't believe her eyes that Aayan did this for her...

Is he really changing...?
Why would he do this when Mrs. Kumar isn't around...!

Ananya's heart fluttered at this, he really did this for her...?

'Why are you so surprised...?' She heard Aayan's voice from behind and turned around to face him

He was smartly dressed in white shirt, with 2 buttons out and sleeves folded, paired with black trousers and his hair slightly messy, he indeed looked handsome right now

Ananya couldn't take her eyes off him,and he slowly walked towards her without breaking the eye contact, and slid his arms around her waist...

'I really did this baby, because I wanted to spend a quality time... ' He smiled putting a strand of her hair behind her ear and there were butterflies in her stomach...

She was about to say something, when his smile changed into smirk

'But not with you... ' He completed his sentence and the door bell rang

Ananya's heart sank listening to this, and she looked at Aayan shocked, as he left her and walked towards the door to open it..

She involuntary took a step back, controlling her tears and the next thing what Aayan did literally broke her from inside...

A tall, lean woman, of about Ananya's age entered inside wearing a skimpy red dress above her knees, which was hugging her body and most of her body was exposed, her long hair reaching her waist and she wore heels to reach Aayan's 6'2" tall frame

She hugged Aayan and pecked him on his lips, while Aayan slid his arms around her waist smiling

'Hey baby... I missed you... ' she said in a sickening sweet tone

Ananya's heart was shattered once again witnessing this and it was the last nail in the coffin, because Aayan cannot hurt her anymore, this was her peak of tolerance and now she was crying inside, meanwhile struggling to keep an even face outside

He can never change...
Why did I expect anything from him...
Why do I keep giving him chances, knowing that he will eventually disappoint me...

He is my biggest mistake....
Loving him was my biggest mistake....

'I missed you too Baby... ' Aayan said picking her up in his arms and Ananya closed her eyes at this

Stay strong Ananya...
Stay strong...

How can I stay strong, seeing that my husband is flirting with another woman right in front of me...

You have to be...
He can fall this low, but you can't let him win, stay strong Ananya

Please don't give in, stay strong....

She chanted inside and took a deep breath to control the tears that were threatening to fall

'Ananya...?' she heard Aayan's voice and opened her eyes to look at them

The girl scanned her from top to bottom and then rolled her eyes, while Aayan smiled at her

'Ananya, meet Ritika my girlfriend... ' Aayan introduced her, holding Ritika's waist

'And Babe, meet my so called wife, Ananya Varma.... ' he said and Ritika smirked at her

Ananya's blood boiled at this, she so wanted to slap Aayan tightly across his face and beat the shit out of this bitch standing in front of her

But she cannot let him win, she can't show him that she is bothered by this, however in reality she was shattered from inside

'Hello Ananya... ' Ritika gestured her hands forward and Ananya looked at her, without any expression

She glanced at Aayan, who looked like he was expecting an outburst from her side and sighed internally, she couldn't help but look at him teary eyed, with a flash of hurt on her face

Aayan on the other side, who wanted to see Ananya cry and get angry on this, was affected by her teary painful eyes, something inside him broke seeing her like this...

Ananya composed her expression and smiled at Ritika, which shook both of them to the core...

'Hi Ritika ! Nice to meet you... And it's Ananya Thapar by the way, I didn't change my surname....' She smiled shaking her hands firmly

Ritika was too shocked to see Ananya greeting her warmly, and Aayan couldn't say anything, words ceased to escape his mouth

He stared at her shocked, and Ananya didn't look at him after this, because she wouldn't be able to hide her pain from him, which will give him satisfaction

'How was your trip to Goa..? I hope you guys enjoyed it...!' Ananya said keeping her bag on the sofa, to hide her painful expression from them and then took a deep breath and smiled

Ritika looked at Aayan shocked, who was staring at Ananya, petrified

How can she be so calm about this...

Ananya looked at them, who were staring her shocked and clicked her fingers to break their trance

'I asked something...' She says to Ritika, looking straight into her eyes and Ritika was intimidated by Ananya now..

'Yeah it... It was okay... ' Ritika stammered and Aayan couldn't say anything

'That's nice, anyway Aayan was really tired after the long wedding preparations, this was so needed for him, I am sure you took good care of him there... ' Ananya said smiling and Ritika was speechless, and so was Aayan...

'I see you guys have planned a date for yourself, don't worry I won't disturb you... I will take Amayraa to the penthouse so that you guys have this apartment all for yourself...?' She asked Aayan who didn't say a single word, just stared at her

'That is so kind of you, Thank you...' Ritika said, still not believing her and Ananya nodded

'Anytime for my dear husband... ' Ananya smiled and Aayan took a sharp breath at this

She walked inside Amayraa's room and came out carrying sleeping Amayraa in her Arms

'See you guys... Have fun... ' She smiled and took the keys from the holder and walked out of the house along with Amayraa...

Aayan was too shocked to react, he didn't say a single word even after Ananya left, he sat on the sofa, massaging his temples

'Wow that was easy... ' Ritika said rubbing Aayan's shoulders

Aayan got irritated by this and jerked her hands away, glaring at her

'Get out....!' he said coldly

'What...?' Ritika asked shocked

'I said GET OUT... ' he growled getting up, and Ritika took a step back, scared

She quickly took her phone and purse lying on the table and walked out of the house, glancing at Aayan for the last time...

He frustratedly kicked the table, which fell down and it's glass broke...

How can she act so normal...?

If she is so unaffected, what was that thing I saw in her eyes...?

Her pained expression flashed in front of his eyes, he just couldn't forget those painful dark brown orbs

Why am I getting affected by her pain, if this is what I wanted to see...! 

What are you doing to me Ananya Thapar...!

I think it's pretty evident who won this time...


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