Stars Can't Shine Without Dar...

By MrsSociopath

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Kris is the new girl in a new town in a new school. She has gone there for one reason only and that is fresh... More

{Prologue} Kitty and James sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G
1. If first you don't succeed, bash the shit out'a it
2. I don't know, I don't care and it don't make any difference
3. Don't let an idiot ruin your day
4. If at first you don't succeed, keep sucking till you suck no more
5. You'd screw your own sister for a slice of cake!
6. An apple a day keeps the doctor away
7. Never confuse your Knight in shining armor for an idiot in tinfoil
8. I am on a seafood diet; I see food and eat it
9. Obviously you have mistaken me for someone that gives a shit
10. Best way to not get your heart broken? Pretend you don't have one
11. You're the reason people have middle fingers
12. Your opinion is irrelevant, cause I don't like you
14. Before. Not B4. We speak English. Not Bingo
15. Your village called. They want there idiot back
16. You don't like me? Fuck you. Problem solved
17. I've never liked hide and seek.
18. Lift up your head Princess, if not the crown falls
19. I'll have a whiskey, with a side order of you
20. Some people are just beautifully wrapped boxes of shit
21. We're playing 20 questions, how big are your boobs?
22. I fell for you in between the hurting you
23. Remember when I asked for your opinion? Neither do I
24. I punched a girl in the face, now y'all want my autograph

13. Family love is annoying and repetitive, like bad wallpaper

43 4 1
By MrsSociopath

[ Copyrighted to MrsSociopath© ]

Kris had been seated on the sofa as she watched the Hopper children argue in front of her. Their mother, Tara Hopper had not long come home from her job and she had immediately rushed Kris in a bone crushing hug. Tara was happy to see her daughter had not lost the complete ability to make friends. 

Since that she had been in the kitchen and had started cooking food. The sweet aroma of chickens and gravy were drifting through the house like a melody. Kris could feel herself starting to drool. However, it was when Tara had asked for help with the cooking that the arguing had started. 

“No, no, no, paper beats rock!” Cas argued, the twins just stood there holding out their hands that were clenched into fists. They were looking at their older sister as if she had just grown another head in the room and told them everyone was getting them.  

“Don’t be ridiculous Darling,” Martin waved his sister off as if she were a fly. “Have you ever seen a rescue team save a group of people from a Rock Slide with a load of post it notes?” the eight year old refused to be wrong. 

“Of course you ain’t, Sugar,” Sienna answered for her older sister. “If shizzle went down like that there’d be a rise in god dammed post-it notes.” Cas glared at her siblings. 

“No, your aren’t going to twist the rules of another game.” 

“You’re just upset because you lost,” Martin said with a dramatic hand gesture. Kris noticed how the boy always expressed himself as if he were on stage in front of an entire audience in the New Theatre. “Don’t bring it if you cant swing it!”

“What does that even mean?!” Cas shouted in exasperation. Kris couldn’t help but find the sight of Cas being out Cas’d amusing, and by people not even half her size and less of her age. 

“It means you a sore looser!” Sienna accused. 

“Am not!” 

“Are too!” 

 "Am not!” 

“Are too!” 

“Whatever helps you sleep at night girl,” Sienna rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers. 

“The rules are: paper beats rock, rock beats scissors, and scissors beats paper,” she explained through clenched teeth. 

“Oh,” the twins said together and looked down at their hands as if they were trying to figure out some untold secret. They looked up at Cas before changing their hand to scissors. “There, you loose!” 

“No, I didn’t that’s cheating!” Cas argued back. Her mind goes back to all the game she played with them when they were five and how she always changed the rules slightly to turns the game in her favour. They were to small to realise she had been cheating. 

However, the twins grew up, they were looking at her with Cheshire cat grins painted across their small petite innocent faces. Cas had lost. She could out argue everyone except the twins. She had trained them too well in the art of annoyance. She glared at the toxic duo. 

“No… I didn’t loose.” 

“Someone get your butt in this kitchen and help me before I deprive this house of anything Korean!” Tara shouted. Cas squeaked and Kris could swear she had never seen the girl move so fast in her life. She watched as the twins smirked and high-fived each other. They were sneaky, cyaniding little buggers. She liked them. 

Finally noticing that she had been left aloe with the Hopper twins she started to feel nervous. Both of them were openly staring at her. They were evaluating her with their identical dark blue eyes. Cas’s eyes were lighter. They had their arms crossed across their chests, their left hips jutting out and their heads tilted slightly to the right. They reminded her of a pair of Siamese cats that were trying to see into her soul. 

Finally not being able to take the tension that was increasing Kris stood up and mimicked there actions. This caused the twins to narrow their eyes at her in suspicion. None of Cas’s guests, when she used to have any, had ever reacted to them like this before. They didn’t know how to react. Kris narrowed her eyes at the in return. 

“Ok, I like her,” Martin said with a nod of his head. 

“What!? Oh nuh-uh,” Sienna glared at her brother. “We don’t know if we can trust her tiny white ass.” Kris self consciously looked at her ass, she thought it was kind of nice. Many of the lads back home had commented on her but and one of her way too ambitious friends, Steve, constantly slapped it in public to prove how close they were. She would thank him by slapping him in the face. 

“Ain’t you charming,” Kris smirked.

“She has the personality of a wet towel, if you must know,” Martin sighed dramatically. “I’ve been trying to get mother to send her to a therapist for months now.” He clutched his chest and placed the back of his hand against his forehead. “Oh woe my disdainful life.” 

Sienna clipped  him up the back side of his head, “Shut up you pussy!” 

“I am not a pussy!” Martin defended. “Why is it even pussy anyway? What has a ladies vagina got to do with being a scaredy cat?” 

“Pussy originated from the old word pusillanimous. The dictionary form of pusillanimous meaning showing a lack of courage or determination; aka timid,” Kris filled in so they could continue there argument. 

“Hmm, pusillanimous, I like that. From now on pusillanimous is now my new favourite word!” Martin declared with a grin. “ Pusillanimous, pusillanimous, pusillanimous, pusillanimous!” 

Sienna looked at Kris, “Oh hayell, I don’t wanna even know how your skinny white ass knows that!” 

Kris shrugged, “Similar debate back home. Heavy stuff.” 

“Back home?” Martin mused. He finally said something other than pusillanimous.

“Encase you hadn’t noticed I’m not exactly from around here,” Kris sat back down on the sofa realising the argument with Sienna and Martin was not going to continue. Then squeaked when the twins jumped on her and parked themselves on each one of her legs so she couldn’t move. 

“Where are you from?” Martin asked. 

“I lived in Wales. And no that’s not in Australia, it’s the tiny thing right next to England. Its like a zit… It doesn’t know when to bugger off. But it’s still much better then England.” 

“Ain’t heard of it,” Sienna shrugged. Kris didn’t bother to enlighten her with an answer, she would end up ranting about ranting about how the Welsh are better than the English. 

“What about rugby?” Kris asked. They shook their heads in unison. “Damn, I’m going to have to give you guys a full on welsh education. Rugby is a sort by the way.” 

“Oh hayell nah!” I ain’t sweating out my weave!” Sienna cried out as if someone had told her they were going to teach her how to chop off her right hand. Kris could hear her mumbling under breathe. It sounded like, ‘Pat the weave. Just pat it. Don’t worry weave’. 

“You haven’t got a flipping weave, Si,” Martin rolled his eyes. 

“Well I should have!” Sienna sounded distressed. “This white girl hair is so flat.” Kris couldn’t believe this talk. She couldn’t believe that the tiny humans sitting on her legs were eight either. The twins looked like they were about to ask Kris more question but was saved by the Cas shaped bell. 

Cas stormed into the room, hands on her hips, her eyes murderous as she glared at the twins on Kris’s lap. Then she pulled out a spray can of water that you used on misbehaving pets. Kris’s eyebrow quirked as the twins had a dose of water sprayed in each of their faces. “Shoo bitches!” 

The twins squealed. “My weave!” Sienna cried the same time martin screamed, “My eyeliner!” and they bolted out of the living room and into the dining room. Kris looked amused. 

“Well that was eventful.” Kris giggled. 

“They’re damn pests. Like rats,” Cas shuddered. 

“Are you sure they’re eight?” Kris asked looking back the way that the twins had run out of the room. 

“Yes, the internet is dark place,” Cas dropped her head solemnly as Kris shook her head in bewilderment. They probably found Cas’s tumbler account and were never the same again. She could picture little Martin writing Larry Stylinson fan fiction at all hours of the night and flirting with every primary school boy tat he laid eyes on. 

“No shit Sherlock,” Kris lay down on the sofa taking up all the room. 

“Move over,” Cas glared as Kris turned on the television making herself completely at home. “Move over,” Kris tucked a pillow beneath her head and started watching an old episode of Doctor Who were David Tennant was still the Doctor. 

Cas smirked before jumping and landing on Kris’s stomach. Kris groaned as Cas simply made herself more comfortable on the tall girls tummy. Kris hit Cas’s arm but she didn’t move. “Move you twat!” Kris tried to shift her weight so Cas would fall off but it didn’t work. 

“Masterful,” Kris nodded and then just lay there and watched as David Tennant once again used his famous line. Run. She had always liked Doctor Who no matter how many times people said it was a really nerdy boy thing to watch. David Tennant had also been her most favourite Doctor. She watched the series ever since she was little when Christopher Eccleston was parading around London in his leather jacket and blue box. 

However, Cas had been peering at Kris from the corner of her eye. She was trying to figure out what the new girl was doing at her house and why she had agreed to be her friend. Why she had continued to talk to her when Kris obviously saw the way that everyone else in Kasper High reacted around her. She wondered why she hadn’t run away after meeting the twins and wondered if the twins like her just as much as she did. 

Then she wondered why the hell Kris wasn’t pushing her off of her stomach. There was only one answer. That she was used to it. It was same with the twins on her legs. Cas had seen the way her hands were placed on the base of the twins backs making sure that they didn’t slip off. The same reason that even though she had tried to tip Cas off she kept her body at angle were Cas wouldn’t actually fall. 

“So what do you think of the pests?” Cas asked referring to the twins. 

Kris smiled fondly, “They’re interesting.” Cas bit her lip and thought hard for a moment before deciding to ask the question anyway. 

“Got any pests?” Cas asked. 

Kris froze. The pause was so obvious that Cas wondered if she had asked the wrong question, if she had just lost a friend she had only recently made. There was something in the air and it was suffocating the two girls that sit in it. “No.”

Both girls sat in silence as they watched the Doctor explain for the fifteenth time this episode that the sonic screw driver does not work on wood. Kris shot up knocking Cas onto the ground. “Run the Dark is coming! Move it you stupid wankers!” Cas looked at the Welsh girl in disbelief. 

“Oh shit sorry mate,” Kris grinned down at Cas and hauled her up to her feet. “You’re surprisingly light.” Kris winked and Cas breathed a sigh of relief. They were still friends. The girls resumed their position and continued to watch Doctor Who. 

About half an hour later Kris was standing in the pink fairy princess bedroom that belonged to Martin and attempted to twerk to Jason Derulo’s Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle. Kris only kept failing because every time he looked over at Cas she would crumple into a fit of giggles. Cas’s twerk looked like a disfigured crump done by a drunk man who was wearing a too tight pair of Speedo’s. 

Martin looked like he could top himself at any given moment as he looked at his sister and Sienna had reverted to completely ignoring the hideous dance moves that her sister was displaying. Kris on the other hand managed to do two, possibly three, twerks before laughing and collapsing onto the floor. Kris didn’t know what it was with this family and twerking but it was the funniest thing in the world. 

“Stop!” Martin cried putting his face in his hands. “Please make it stop!” he was referring to Cas. It didn’t bother her though that people were mortified by her dance moves. She had learnt not to give a crap earlier on in life. She being twerking - if that’s what one could call it - in her brothers direction. Making sure she was always in his line of sight. 

Kris was officially twerking and Sienna was ordering her to get lower to see if she could keep twerking. Sienna was impressed when Kris managed to go all the way down and back up while twerking. 

“This ain’t yo first time,” Sienna said like a fact. “Why would a white girl learn to twerk, you ain’t trying to pull a Miley Cyrus are you?!” Sienna sounded mortified. Kris looked disgusted at being referred to anything similar to Miley-what-a-whore-Cyrus. 

“Ha. Ha. Ha.” Kris frowned. “Hilarious.” 

“What else can you do?” Sienna asked curiously. Kris smiled and then started to Dougie to the lyrics of Iggy Azalea’s song Fancy. Humming under her breathe she whispered ‘Teach me how to dougie, teach me, teach me how to dougie. Teach me how to dougie, teach me, teach me how to dougie’. Sienna looked at her moving feet in awe. “Teach me how to do that!” for a moment she was a normal eight year old girl in awe of someone older than her. 

“Teach you how to dougie?” Kris asked while she quirked an eyebrow. She was suddenly very aware of two other sets of eyes on her. She looked over at Martin and Cas who were sitting on the floor staring up at her waiting for her to continue. She hadn’t realised they had even been watching her. 

“Yes!” Sienna stood next to Kris looking eager and ready to learn. 

“First of all just chant, so you can feel the rhythm,” Kris nodded her head slowly up and down and started to chant. “Teach me how to dougie, teach me, teach me how to dougie. Teach me how to dougie, teach me, teach me how to dougie.” Then Sienna joined in repeating the same words. “Teach me how to dougie, teach me, teach me how to dougie. Teach me how to dougie, teach me, teach me how to dougie.” 

Kris started to move her feet slowly to the rhythm of the words that were tumbling from her lips. After a couple of minutes of silent watching Sienna began to join in. her feet moving slowly along with Kris’s. Cas and Martin had joined in the chant as well, “Teach me how to dougie, teach me, teach me how to dougie. Teach me how to dougie, teach me, teach me how to dougie.” 

Grinning Kris began to move her feet faster and Sienna copied her actions. Kris couldn’t help let the music get to her, her hips started swaying as she went. Her feet were moving at an incredibly fast pace and her shoulders bounced up and down. “Teach me how to dougie, teach me, teach me how to dougie. Teach me how to dougie, teach me, teach me how to dougie.”  

The song changed, Talk dirty to me by Jason Derulo, and Kris span. She was no longer chanting as she lapsed into a pace that Sienna couldn’t follow before trailing off into a dance. Kris circled Sienna and jerked before making an abstract of dancing on her toes and heels. Kris two stepped over to Cas and pulled her up and finally the entire room was dancing like maniacs. 

It amused Kris to see Sienna still chanting under her breath, “Teach me how to dougie, teach me, teach me how to dougie. Teach me how to dougie, teach me, teach me how to dougie.” The kid was actually picking up the moves really well. Just a couple more days, a week at the most and the girl would be a right on dougie queen. 

Suddenly the fire alarm went off and everyone stopped dancing. “You know what that means,” Cas smirked and they all made a move towards Martins bedroom door. Kris rushed up to Cas’s side. 

“What does the alarm mean?” Kris asked. 

“Oh, that dinners ready.” 

 Kris was trying to leave the Hopper house, it was way after dark and Frank had called to enquire about his Missing In Action daughter. However, Martin and Sienna were clamped onto her legs like limpets and crying their eyes out. They still managed to cling on and not let go even when Cas had sprayed water in their face. 

Now they had resorted to what looked like a game of human tug-of-war. Kris was gripping onto the door frame trying to pull away from the house while Cas and Tara were holding onto the ankles of the twins and attempting to pull them off of the first guest they had in about a year. 

“Please don’t leave!” Sienna cried. 

“We’ll die without you!” Martin sniffled. 

“Ugh!” Kris grunted and pulled harder on the door frame. Her muscles were screaming and her arms were hurting. She had been trying to leave since nine o’clock. It was now 11:45. “You need to let go!” Kris called back at the Hopper twins who only decided to cling tighter. She couldn’t understand how they still had the energy to hold onto her. 

“Okay, 1, 2, 3!” Tara shouted and they all pulled in opposite directions to separate Kris from the twins. The plan failed as it had the previous forty five times. That wasn’t even a guess, Kris had literally started counting. 

“But you’re family!” Martin cried. 

“Therefore you should sleep over!” Sienna blubbered

“Oh family love,” Cas sighed. “It’s annoying and repetitive, like bad wallpaper!” 

“Take your bad wall paper and shove it up your-” 

“SPIDER! Oh my god spider!” the twins screamed and let go of Kris’s legs. She senesced her opportunity and legged it. She could hear the evil cackle slipping from Cas’s lips behind her. “Annyeong Chingu!” 

“Adios Amigo!” Kris laughed, the cold night air sliding through her hair. She hasn’t felt this free in ages. She grinned as she ran. She kept running and running and running. Her hair was dancing in front of her face. She closed her eyes for a minute. Blinking them open she ran across the road. 

The tyres squealed and Kris screamed. The bike slid past her. Sparks alighted from the contact of metal on concrete. The rumble of the bike cut off. Deacon lay about fifteen feet away from it. Blood dripping down his face. 

I'm sorry. I'm sorry! I had to spoil it! 

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