Small (Yoongi's Sister BTS Fa...

By singformeangel

444K 13K 11.7K

"You were fifteen, Yoongi-ah." Jin states softly, "Neither of you had a choice." DISCONTINUED, but there is a... More

To New Readers~
I | Home
II | Absence
III | Coffee
4 | Dare
5 | FaceTime
6 | Sorry (Not Sorry)
7 | Chance
8 | Hug Him
9 | Deal or No Deal
10 | The Question
11 | "Oh, Please, No."
12 | A Girl?!
13 | Nothing
14 | For Me
15 | Memories
16 | Occupation?
17 | Hangry
18 | "Don't Say That"
19 | Except One
20 | I Could Never
21 | For You
22 | Sweet Dreams
23 | No Matter
24 | Cute Enough
25 | Good Dongsaeng
26 | Mask On
27 | The Man on the Other End
28 | Safety First
29 | Respect Your Elders!
30 | Awkward
31 | 쩔어 on the Street
32 | Didn't You Know?
34 | In Our Blood Pt. 1
35 | In Our Blood Pt. 2
36 | In Our Blood Pt. 3
37 | Bitter
38 | Kids These Days
39 | Worth It
40 | Not a Date
41 | D- D- Chats?
42 | Too
43 | New Reality
44 | Of Course
45 | Siren
46 | Really, Really
47 | "Would You Like Your Receipt?"
48 | Brother
49 | Heart-Stopping
50 | Worse for Wear
51 | Deaf to My Own Pleas
52.1 | Second Skin
52.2 | Compromised
53.1 Interim
Unfortunately :(

33 | Little Min Swag

8.1K 180 366
By singformeangel

      For a blissful minute, Yoongi doesn't remember.

      To him, it feels like every other morning~ he wakes up warm and perfectly comfortable just like he has for the past three days. His arms curl tighter around the slim form of his sister, breathing in the soft strawberry scent that reminds him of his mother.

      Eomma. Yoongi's lips curl into a fond smile as the memory of his warm, loving mother who always treated him like a prince and gave him the warmest hugs in the world. I found her, eomma. I finally found her, and I'm doing my best to take care of her. Are you proud of me, eomma? Am I a good son? A good oppa?

      Good oppa.

      Yoongi feels his chest tighten as those two simple words trigger something in the back of his head, and before he realizes what's happening, he remembers. He remembers the white hot anger fueling him. He remembers the drowning feeling of guilt. He remembers Hobi's wailing for forgiveness. And worst of all, he remembers the terror painted across Byeol's white face.

      The chaotic events of the day before all come crashing back at once, burying Yoongi in a mess of emotions. He burrows his face into Byeol's hair, grounding himself as the sudden rush of anxiety threatens to pull him away.

      Good oppa? Yoongi fights off the urge to snort, not wanting to disturb B's much needed sleep. What kind of joke is that? All I've done is hurt people and make Byeol-ah cry!

      Yoongi rolls over onto his back, pulling his little bundle of joy AN: I know she's not a baby, but this description just seems to fit her so well! along with him so that she's settled comfortably on top of him. Her face nuzzles into his neck, softly sighing in contentment before falling still. Another wave of guilt surges up in Yoongi's gut.

      I've only been reunited with her for a little over a week, but I've already succeeded in disappointing her and nearly causing her to have a panic attack.

      Yoongi knows that he's got a lot to make up for, and he's going to try his hardest to re-earn his title of best oppa in the world. Because Byeol only deserves the best.

      Ever so carefully, Yoongi pulls his phone off the the side table with his free arm and switches it on. The screen lights up; Byeol's cheeky grin and his own gummy smile staring right back at him. A smile fights its way onto Yoongi's face as he remembers how pitifully lovable Byeol looked when begging him to take photos with him. Only after her sad little face broke Yoongi's heart did he allow her to take multiple selfies of the pair, but with the memory stored forever on his phone in the form of B's happy smile, Yoongi can't really complain.

      It takes Yoongi nearly a minute to drag his attention away from her inherited gummy smile (his mother always told him that they got it from their halmeoni) and focus on the white numbers floating above the picture.

      8:37 AM.

     Well, we went to bed super early yesterday, so I suppose now is a good enough time as any to wake her highness.

      Yoongi puts the phone back down on the side table with a soft clack before turning his full attention to the sleeping ball of fluff. Yoongi gingerly brushes her bangs away from her tightly shut eyes, adoring the sleep-induced puffiness of her face. One thumb smooths over her left eyebrow as Yoongi whispers in her ears.

      "Byeol-ah~" Yoongi knows that B's ears are ultra sensitive in the morning, so he keeps his tone as soft as possible, "It's time to wake up, sweetheart."

      It's time for me to make up for last nights mistakes.

      A soft sigh is all it takes for Yoongi to know that B's awake. Instead of opening her eyes, however, she tilts her head, effectively smushing the left side of her face into Yoongi's clothed chest. Then her uncovered eye flutters open and blinks sleepily up at her brightly smiling brother.

      "Good morning, sunshine." The pale rapper coos, unable to restrain himself from fanboying. Her drowsy appearance radiates nothing but softness. Yoongi's feline eyes sparkle with happiness as he watches the most precious person in the world slowly wake up, "Did you sleep well?"

       A lazy nod is all Yoongi gets in response, her eyes falling shut once again as Yoongi drags his fingers through her silky silver hair.

      "Are you ready to spend an entire day with oppa?" The question seems innocent on the surface, but Yoongi's genuinely worried that B might still be scared of him. The look of terror in her eyes is forever imprinted in Yoongi's mind, and as much as he'd like to believe that she's fine, she's probably not, "I know I really messed up yesterday, but will you let me try to make it up to you?"

      This catches B's attention. Her eye snaps open, and she clumsily sits up (with Yoongi's help) with a sleepy pout.

      Oh no. Not the puppy eyes. Anything but the puppy eyes.

      "Oppa~" B sounds pitiful when she whines, and even though Yoongi's heard her childish tone a million times before it still tugs at his oversensitive heart. B's lower lip trembles as she stares pleadingly at her brother, her dark orbs the picture of innocence, "I forgave you, oppa. You don't have anything to make up to me! You didn't know."

      "I have a lot to make up to you." Yoongi states, gentle but firm, "One; I made you feel unsafe, which is unacceptable. Two; I made you cry. All I want is for you to be happy, and the fact that you cried because of me is proof that I achieved the complete opposite. And three; I didn't know about something very important to your safety, and you got hurt because that. I failed you, and caused you pain, and I need to make up for that."

      "But you already have my forgiveness." B frowns dolefully, a small hand reaching out to brush through Yoongi's messy green hair, "I know you didn't mean it, oppa."

      "Just because I didn't mean it doesn't mean it didn't happen." Yoongi can't help the dark undertone that creeps into his voice, and his hands clench a little tighter around B's waist. A soft whimper is all that it takes to yank Yoongi back into the present, and he immediately loosens his grip before kissing her free hand in a silent apology, "Mianhe, Byeol-ah, but you know how I am. I won't forgive myself until I've at least tried to make it up to you. Please, let me take care of you today. Let oppa spoil you like a real princess."

      B stares down at him, her eyes swimming with sadness. The steel in Yoongi's eyes is what meets her gaze; unbreakable and unwilling to lose this battle.

      Please, princess. Let me fight for it. Let me prove to myself that I'm worthy, because right now I don't feel like I'm worth anything but trash.

      B bites her bottom lip, and nods.

      An ecstatic smile blooms across Yoongi's face, and he promptly pulls her face down to kiss her cute nose. B, of course, frowns in displeasure, but Yoongi ignores her sour look.

     "Just you wait, Byeol-ah, I'm gonna spoil you like you've never been spoiled before!" The pale rapper hypes, thousands of black diamonds sparkling in his eyes, "Oppa's already got a plan, but do you have any requests for what you want to do today?"

      And, as always, Byeol knows exactly what she wants.

      "Can we get ice cream?" B asks unabashedly, a cheeky smile accompanying her question.

      "Ice cream?" Somehow, Yoongi isn't surprised. After all, his sister has the worst sweet tooth he's ever known, "You just woke up, and you're already thinking about ice cream?"

      "It's always time for ice cream!"

      Yoongi knows he shouldn't encourage her sugar addiction (he'd caught her eating chocolate by herself in his room on multiple occasions) but he simply can't say no to such a cute face.

      Plus, I did say I would spoil her, didn't I? How can I spoil her rotten without buying her ice cream somewhere along the way?

      "Fine." Yoongi sighs, the smile never completely disappearing, "Oppa'll buy you ice cream."

      B nearly bounces right out of the bed in excitement, giggling uncontrollably as Yoongi lifts her off his lap while rolling his eyes. She's happy enough that she even lets him pick her up off the bed without a complaint.

      How someone can be this happy because of sugar is beyond me, but who am I to complain? If getting her to smile is as easy as buying ice cream, I'm all for it.

      Yoongi carefully carries his little sister into the bathroom and sits her down on the counter, collecting both of their toothbrushes while watching the precious girl sleepily sing her abc's. The sound of her satin voice reminds the older Min of their shared childhood, and he smiles softly as he meticulously squeezes the toothpaste out onto her purple toothbrush.

      Aside from B's occasional humming, they brush their teeth in a comfortable silence. The familiarity of the setting is a comfort to Yoongi in and of itself.

      All these years he's had the boys to distract him from the empty ache in his heart. He's grown to love them as much as his own brothers, and to adore their cheeky smiles and childish games, but their loud chaotic madness isn't quite the same. He'd survived without her simply because he thought she was safe, but now that's she's back, he remembers what he's been missing.

      Never again. I'm never abandoning family ever again.

      Once their toothbrushes are back in their cup and their mouths are properly rinsed, Yoongi places another quick kiss on her soft nose (she scrunches it up in annoyance immediately after) and carries her back into the bedroom. He sets her in the edge of his bed before diggin through his closet and wardrobe for the perfect outfit.

      "What style would you like to wear today, princess?" Yoongi questions, fingers deftly picking through his many shirt, "You could wear something of your own if you like, or you-"

      "-No!" The happy morning sprite chirps, "I want to look swag, like oppa!"

      Yoongi smiles devilishly as he pulls out the perfect top, a complete outfit already forming in his mind.

      "That's my girl." Yoongi nods in approval, "Swag is the Min way- remember that!"

      "Yes sir!"

      Once the outfit is complete, Yoongi ushers her into the bathroom to change while he picks out his own apparel. For once in his life, Yoongi doesn't really mind matching someone who isn't Jimin or Hobi. In fact, he's quite excited to see the look on the other boys' faces when they see his superb fashion choices. The grin on Yoongi's face brightens all the more when he pulls the golden accessories out of the bottom of his drawers.

      "The Swag Master returns!" Yoongi chuckles darkly, "And these chains are worth a lot more than three dollars."

      A chain is slipped over her head the moment B steps foot out of the bathroom, and she doesn't question it; letting the golden metal settle around her neck like a second skin before throwing up a peace sign. Yoongi claps in appreciation, admiring the way his old clothes fit her own personality perfectly.

      Yoongi rushes to put on his own outfit in the bathroom, hating being away from her for even a minute. B slips his own favorite chain around his neck when he steps out of the bathroom. As soon as her hair is brushed, Yoongi picks up the second most Swag person in the entire universe. With one arm underneath her supporting her weight (or lack thereof) and the other arm wrapped around her lower back, he lifts her with ease and makes his way out into the hallway.

      As expected, all of the doors except for Jin's are still shut tight. Monstrous snores filter out of Namjoon's room through the thick wooden door, and Hobi's arm is still creepily petting himself when Yoongi takes a moment to peek through the cracked open door.

      It's not a surprise when Yoongi finds the living room deathly silent and empty; the other members are wise to take advantage of their break and get as much extra sleep as they can. With their schedule getting busier and busier as the months go by, sleep is getting harder and harder to fit in. If Yoongi didn't have the priorities he does, Yoongi would be sleeping in too.

      But Byeol is my first priority, and I've got some serious pampering to do.

      Poor Jin does a double take when he spots the pair, nearly dropping the whisk in his hands and making a giant mess of his perfectly constructed pancake mix. Even though Yoongi is slightly offended by the older boy's disbelief, he doesn't blame him. After all, Yoongi can count the times he's been the first one up on one hand, and they were always for extremely important events.

      But then again, if it has to do with Byeol, it's automatically important.

      "Yoongi? You're up already?" Jin's curious (and baffled. How is it possible that Motionless Min is awake before anyone else?) eyes flickering between a smiling Yoongi and his happy-go-lucky passenger, "And Byeol-ah too? What are you up to?"

      "We're going out for Breakfast." Yoongi states it like a fact, "And then I'm going to spoil her like a princess, and then I've got a surprise saved for last."

      "You aren't going to stay for breakfast?" The oldest's handsome face sours in displeasure, "Is my cooking not satisfactory?"

      "All your food is yummy, Jin-ssi!" B pipes up, turning about in Yoongi's hold to send a quick smile Jin's way.

      "Your cooking is always amazing, Hyung." Yoongi is quick to tranquilize Jin's rising anger, smiling sweetly as his one and only hyung, "I just think some one-on-one sibling time would be good for both Byeol and I."

(AN: But with green hair~)

      "Sibling time?" Jin pouts, "Am I not your hyung?"

      "Hyuuung~" Yoongi whines, embarrassed by Jin's sudden need for affection, "Of course you're my hyung, and I... uh- uh- I love you too, but you're not my Byeol-ah."

      "So what you mean to tell me is..." Jin fake sniffles, still managing to loo otherworldly handsome even with such a petty look on his face, "-that you love me, but no as much as you love Byeol-ah? Is that how you treat me after all I've done for you? I even put up with your endless laziness and sarcastic remarks, and this is how you repay me?!"

      Yoongi sighs while B giggles at the ridiculous argument.

      "Of course I love you two equally." The flustered and frustrated man pouts right back at his hyung, "You just aren't my adorable little dongsaeng, so you don't get any special treatment."

      "Fine." Jin sticks his nose in the air and whips back around to his cooking with the pout still plastered to his face, "Fine, fine, fine. Leave me to deal with those uncontrollable children all by myself, you ungrateful punk."

      "We'll be back before dark, hyung." Yoongi deadpans, carrying his sister away from his childish hyung and towards the doorway of the kitchen, "Don't let Tae burn the house down no matter how many times he tells you that it's the only way to free the innocent ghosts living inside the walls."

      "Yah! Don't tell me what to do, you rat!" The oldest member snarks, the pout miraculously disappearing in less than a second, "The only time I would ever let Tae burn the house down is it Hobi was the only one left inside."

      "Hobi Hobi?" B pipes up, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. Yoongi pauses just under the doorway, turning around to scrutinize his suddenly murderous hyung. B seems just as confused, cocking her head to the side like a puppy, "Why would you want to hurt Hobi Hobi? He's nice!"

       Too late.

      "I'm tired of burning perfectly good meat and noodles and cakes all the time!" Jin raves, his arms flailing wildly, "Just because there's a spider doesn't mean you should scream bloody-murder! So every time I run to save my helpless dongsaeng from what seems like a terrifying monster, I find a whimpering Jung Hoseok and an innocent spider, and I burn my cooking!"

      Aish. Is this all it takes for Jin to want to burn Hobi to death?

      "It's not my fault that I scream so loud." Hobi groggily complains, the still half-asleep boy shuffling into the kitchen with his brown hair sticking up in all directions, "I didn't ask to be scared to death every other day! How am I not supposed to scream when I see a tiny long-legged ball of death slowly scurrying towards me?!"

      "So you're saying I'm the one at fault here, because I run to see whether you're really getting mauled or not?" Jin booms, no longer petty and suddenly very angry, "Am I not suppose to check on my members?"

       Uh oh.

      "We better get out of here before this turns ugly, princess." Yoongi whispers in B's ear, amusement tickling his throat. B look right back at him, her own charcoal eyes glittering with laughter.

      "Can I hug Hobi Hobi goodbye first?" B whisper back.

      Hug him? Yoongi's mind blanks out of utter bewilderment. Wasn't she just crying out of fear because of him last night? Well, before she was crying because of me.

      "This may be the last time I see him before Jin-ssi murders him with his potato peeler." The tiny silver chibi giggles, attempting to hush her own laughter by covering her mouth with her thin hands, "Can I, oppa? Can you set me down?"

      Well, I owe Hobi almost as much as I own Byeol, don't I? And he's the kind of softy that would probably love a hug. Yoongi looks down into his sister's beautiful eyes- eyes that look so much like his own. When she came to the dorm, less than a week ago, her eyes had a dull sheen to them; as if the life had been sucked out of her. But the longer she spends with Yoongi and the boys, the brighter her old spark burns. If she's this excited to give Hobi a hug, who am I to deny her?

      "Of course, princess." Yoongi sets her down on the tiled floor as softly as he would set down a butterfly. Her hands linger on his shoulders for a few moments to steady herself before she's racing off to throw her arms around Hobi's slim dancer waist.

      "Bye Hobi Hobi!" B chirps into a dumbfounded Hoseok's chest, "Oppa and I are going out! Don't let Jin-ssi kill you- I wanna dance with you more!"

      "O-okay. I'll try my best not to, B-ah." Hobi stutters out, a brilliant smile slowly overtaking his face as he squeezes her back just as hard, "You have fun with Yoongi-hyung, and don't stay out too late!"

      "We won't!" B releases Hobi and turns around glomp her next victim; a still seething Jin, "Don't hurt him too much, okay Jin-ssi?"

      "Okay." Jin agrees grumpily, tightly hugging the oddly energetic girl back. He sends a dark glare over her shoulder at Hobi, "But only because you asked me too."

      Yoongi smiles softly as he watches them. He'd always thought that the members and her would get along swimmingly, but seeing it in person is so much better than he imagined. What more could he ask for than the people he loves the most loving each other?

      Of course, that makes him think of Jimin, but that situation is for another day.

      I hope Byeol-ah finds a family in them like I did. They may be idiots, but they're good idiots.

      "Come on, princess!" The sugar-white rapper calls his sister over, trying not to glare at Jin for hugging his sister for too long, "Oppa's got big plans for today, and we can't be late!"

      "Big plans?" On cue, B lets go of her hug victim (he seemed more like a happy victim to Yoongi) and crosses the room to latch onto her big brother's arm, "Is it a surprise?"

      "I'll tell you about some of it on the way there, but yes, part of it is a surprise." Yoongi states, dragging his precious away from the two idiots (they resumed arguing about "long-legged things of death" and burning cooking the moment B left), "It's not much of a surprise in my opinion, but I hope you'll like it." 

      "I'll like whatever you give or show me, oppa." B's words are too sweet for a Min, but Yoongi loves every one, "Because I love you."

      "I-" Yoongi blushes beet red, but says it anyway. Because Byeol deserves it, "I love you too, princess."

      "I love you more!" B bounces up and down with too much pent up energy, her smile the perfect picture of excitement, "Where are we going first, oppa? Are we getting my ice cream first?"

      "Ice cream?" Yoongi snorts, struggling to pull the sleeves on her arms while she continues to bounce up and down, "Do I have to explain to you what a healthy breakfast is all over again?"

      "No!" B whispers in fear, freezing long enough for Yoongi to finish zipping her jacket, "Please don't!"

       "I won't, I won't." With one hand Yoongi opens the door, while the other glues itself to Byeol's back where it will stay (for her safety, of course) for the remainder of their outing, "No ice cream for breakfast. But... would it be acceptable if I take us to a pancake house where you can get chocolate chip pancakes?"

      The way her eyes light up is a definite yes.

*          *          *          *

      "What do you mean she won't be here all day?" Jimin demands, his legendary pout on full display. 

      Jin sighs. He knew this wasn't going to go over well, but he still wasn't fully mentally prepared for Jimin's assault of adorableness.

      "I mean just that." The oldest member flails his arms in a failed effort to ward off Jimin's dangerous facial expression, "Yoongi took her out for  "one-on-one sibling time" and said that they'd be back before dark."

      "But that's not fair!!" Jin's never heard Jimin whine this much. At least, not since he stopped accusing Jungkook of copying him by being born in Busan second, "I want to spend time with B-ah too!"

      "You'll get your day soon enough, Jimin-ah."

      "But I want it now!" 

      Jin is tempted to shove his head into a wall.

      Min Yoongi, you're so gonna pay for leaving me with these idiots.


      Well... I finally updated. It took me forever, and I'm super sorry about that! But I did it. It's kinda boring, but it's here..?

      College started up, so I'm gonna be forcibly making as much time as possible to be able to update every week. But I want to do this, because writing is my escape, so I'mma try my best. Plus, I don't like to let you guys down when I miss updates.

      But no more 6000 word updates if I can help it! They drain the life outta me. XD

      Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT. ILY <3


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