When The Past Bites Back (Pat...

By Beth-Star14

29.5K 1.4K 850

Virgil had been a light side for over a year now but when Deceit returns, he is reminded of a past that he'd... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Sneak peek
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
A/N-I need your help
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
A/N-I need your help
Chapter 25
Competition info

Chapter 16

827 46 31
By Beth-Star14

TW: Blood, torture (yeah this chapter gets quote dark and sad so just a quick warning)


Virgil had given up on struggling against his chains, realising that he wouldn't break free any time soon. He was able to loosen his gag so that he could breath and talk but he knew that no one would hear him if he screamed for help or even care enough to save him so he just stayed there, silent, weak and helpless.

Suddenly, he heard the door swung open, bringing in a stream of light before slamming shut again. Virgil gulped, assuming that it was Deceit here to torture him or hurt Patton in front of his eyes. However, a wide smile glowed on his face when the person moved to stand infront of him so he could see who they were.

"Patton!" He exclaimed. "You're okay!" But much to Virgil's confusion, Patton didn't respond and just stared him dead in the eye. "Patton, is everything okay?" Virgil asked as concern laced his voice. "You don't seem yourself" Patton stayed silent and moved to the other side of the room, out of Virgil's sight. Virgil hated the silence that followed. It wasn't an awkward silence but more of an eerie, unsettling silence that made his hairs stand on edge.

A few minutes later, Patton returned to Virgil with a box in his hands. "Patton, what's in the box?" Virgil asked, fear seeping into his voice.

"Just a few little toys" Patton smirked as he opened the box and pulled out a whip, causing Virgil to gulp.

"W-what's the w-whip for?" Virgil asked, fearing the answer would be.

Patton stared him dead in the eyes. "You"

"No no no. Please Patton. Please don't hurt me" Virgil pleaded.

"And why not?" Patton sneered. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't"

"Because I love you" An awkward silence followed that before Patton burst out into laughter.

"You honestly think that's a valid reason?" Patton snorted.

"I thought you loved me too and that you would never hurt me"

"Who gave you a stupid, pathetic idea like that?"

"You did" This made Patton chuckle even louder than before.

"Did you honestly believe that I actually loved you? Please, no one could love a useless, worthless, pathetic annoying waste of space like you. The man I love is Deceit. He's twice the guy you'll ever be. I've never loved you and I never will" These words hit Virgil like a rock but he tried to hold in his tears. He couldn't believe a word Patton was saying. Did he honestly love Deceit more than him? With every insult Patton hurled, more and more swirls formed on his face.

"Patton, your face. You're turning dark again" Virgil gasped noticing the blue and grey swirls forming on Patton's face. All Patton did in response was widen his smirk.

"I know. That's the whole point. If I turn dark again then I can be with the man I truly love again and this time, we can be together forever"

"What has gotten into you?" Virgil asked in confusion. Just then, he noticed something strange with Patton's eye. It was glowing bright yellow. "What has Deceit done to you?" Virgil growled.

"All Deceit has done is love me" Patton barked in return before placing the box on the floor, still holding the whip in hand. "I'm sick of all this arguing and your pathetic whining. Now let's begin the real fun" Patton grinned wickidly.

As he held the whip high above his head, Virgil tightly shut his eyes, accepting what was about to happen. He didn't even bother arguing with Patton or resisting anymore. The only thing that kept him going was Patton's love but now that that had gone, Virgil had nothing left to live for. As the whip cracked against his skin, sending blood oozing out of his body, he didn't even bother to struggle or scream. He just accepted it. He accepted all of the bruises forming on his body. He accepted all of the red marks. He accepted all of the deep wounds. He accepted all of his injuries. What was the point in fighting when he had no one to fight for?

Eventually, the whip stopped being thrashed against his skin. Slowly opening his eyes again, Virgil looked up and gasped at the sight infront of him. There stood a man wearing a dark blue t shirt beneath a dark grey cape, his eye grey now instead of yellow and the right side of his face completely covered in blue and grey swirls, admiring himself in a hand mirror that he must have created with his powers. Virgil knew exactly who it was: Depression.

"Ahh feels so good to be back" Depression smirked, gazing at his reflection. "I've been gone for far too long but I'm finally back. No more Mr nice guy Patton. From now on, I'm gonna be the darkest I've ever been" Waving his hand, he made the mirror dissapear before turning to face Virgil, who was cowering by the pole that he was bound to. "Well this was fun. I'll have to come back later to continue our little game. I might even bring a little friend with me. But for now, I must go. I have some more urgent matters to attend to" he strutted towards the door and was about to leave but before he did, he swiftly turned around and called out "Ta ta for now...Anxiety" Before sharply turning around, his cape flowing behind him, and slamming the door shut.

As soon as he left, Virgil burst into tears. He couldn't believe it. The guy he loved was gone now and may never return. And there was nothing he could do about it except cry, his eye shadow running down his face and adding to the pool of blood surrounding him.


Deceit sat on the edge of his bed waiting patiently for Patton to return. Everything was going according to plan. Everything was going perfectly. Suddenly, the door swung open and a figure stood in the door way, leaning his hand against the door frame. Deceit immediately looked up and was delighted to see Depression standing there with a wide smirk on his face.

"I'm baaaaaaack"

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