Working With The Hounds

By Clay91

428 4 0

There where 3 new neighbors and 1 me... And a friendship that came to be in the most oddest way possible. J... More

Intro To My Life
Dinner for 7?
When Hearts Fight
Confronting Her Past: Joe POV
Confronting Her Past: Kawaii POV
Confronting Her Past: Colby POV
Osaka to Iowa
New Beginning
Along came a Monkey
The Sit Down
Their Redemption
Their Redemption: Jon POV
2 for 1 Love: Kody's Birthday
2 for 1 Love: The Aftermath
His Love Letter
Kody's Bad Day
2 Hours Away: Author's POV
Her Silent Cries: Joe's POV
3 Hounds and a Kody: Colby POV
3 Hounds and a Kody: Jon's POV
Drunken Night, Sober Conversation
The Strong May Fall

2 for 1 Love: Kawaii's Birthday

14 0 0
By Clay91

Ok Kawaii... where did you get this figure from mama!?, Trinity asked as she helped me zip up my dress.

Being in the Army... I had to keep busy some kind of way so I workout and eat what I want, I said.

Lucky you... I love cookies and I have to beat myself if I even look at one, she said laughing.

Hey don't get me wrong.. but I love your figure... I'm hating on your butt though, I said causing us to laugh.

Hey squat life is real honey!, she said.

It took us 45 minutes to get ready so we sat down waiting for everybody else.

So do you think you'd invite Joe back over tonight or you're not that comfortable yet?, she asked as I sat down.

Now that is a great question.... Ummm... I'd like to but I'm not sure just yet, I said and she smiled.

Well the purpose of healing is to let the past go, never forget it, and allow change baby girl... I've hear just about all the stories about you after the first time we met and I was mad for you but we all mess up, she said rubbing my hand. I know you didn't ask for advice but I know you got someone depending on you as well but don't be afraid to love again girl.... I told this to Jon when we got together and I want to say it to you.... I've never seen Joe this happy before and you and Kody are the only 2 I've seen bring it out, she added.

Thank you Trinity that means a lot and my mom has been telling me the same thing but after everything in Japan.... I just kept to myself but I do want to find love...... I just don't want history to repeat, I said looking at her.

Trust me i understand but I hope you enjoy tonight because he put it all together, she smiled.

About 5 minutes later a knock came from the door.

Would you get that and I'll get my I.D. and phone, I asked and she went to the door.

I walked out to see the guys standing there.

What's up chicken butts?, I said and everybody turned around.

Wooooaahhh, Jon said.

Yeah what he said, Colby said as he looked not once blinking.

I know right.... thanks to Kody I finally got boobs, I said jokingly making them laugh.

Damn girl!, Joshua said as he came in.

Why thank you, I said laughing.

Ok how much you guys wanna bet we see a totally different Joe tonight?, Jon asked.

Forget that just wait til he see her! We just might have to go back to the hotel... ALL plans cancelled, Jonathan added.

Wait where is he?, I asked.

Oh he's on the way in, Joshua said.

I walked to the kitchen to make sure nothing was on and grabbed some candy.

Ok party people let's do this!, I half yelled as I reappeared and saw Joe standing there.

Woah, he said shocked.

Well looky... you clean up nicely, I said causing him to blush.

No... you're stunning Kawaii, he said barley blinking.

Thank you Joe..... Are we going to stand and look or are we going to go party?, I asked snapping him out of his thoughts.

Oh!... oh sorry... come on party people, he said as he walked over to walk me out.

He grabbed my keys from me and locked the door and motioned me to the limo they had rented.

Ok where to first?, I asked.

Dinner, Joe replied.

Piiizzzzzaaaa, Jon said.

No pizza dude, Joe said.

Awww, Jon said causing me to laugh.

Ok tomorrow I'll let Kody make you one.. deal?, I asked and his smirk came back.

Yay, he said smiling.

Colby looked and laughed.

Am I over dressed for this place oooorr...?, I asked.

No.. not at all, Joe said still blushing.

Girl I think he's stunned!, Trinity whispered.

Like a deer caught in headlights, I laughed some.

So boys how does it feel to see Ol Kawaii here in a dress for the (counts on his fingers) 5th time in our lives?, Jon asked still dead set on the fact that I was wearing a dress.

Well from the looks of Joe.. I'd say he's lost for words, Joshua said causing Joe to mug him. Heeeey it's joookee come on Uce! Mama feeling herself!, he added.

About 5 minutes later we made it to the restaurant.

Red Water Cafe

We walked in and were seated in under 3 minutes. Once we had our menus, Joe spoke finally.

Kawaii.... ummm you look absolutely gorgeous tonight, he said.

Thank you Joe, I said with a smile.

Hello everyone! I'm Tina and I'll be your waitress for this evening... Now what drinks can I start you guys off with tonight?, the green eyed brunette asked.

Can we have 5 coronas for us guys and ladies..., Colby said.

I'll take a green apple cosmo, Trinity said as the waitress scribbled it down.

And you Miss?, she asked.

I'll have a Pineapple Circo on the rocks, I said and Joe looked at me.

Going in early I see, Jon said while clapping his hands. I feel (he fake sniffles) so proud! My baby's an alcoholic, he said making me laugh.

You always told me that if I was going to drink then do it big, I said laughing and fist bumped him.

That's my girl!, he yelled. Well let's get this party under way people, he added.

A few minutes later the waitress returned with all of our drinks but she had her eyes heavily on Joe.

Honey she staring at Joe like dinner, Trinity said to me.

I see, I said and decided to flirt with Joe as she took our order.

Joe was so clueless that all he could say was that I looked gorgeous tonight.

Hey Joshua I think your cousin is broken, I said causing Joe to look up at me.

He something I tell you that, Joshua said laughing.

Hey leave me alone.... I can't help it if she's a meal in that dress, he said making me blush a bit and I threw the idea of flirting with him out because I know it's not going to end well.

For 2 hours we sat and enjoyed the night. We joked and laughed the whole time but that waitress kept coming over and touching Joe's shoulder so I had trick for that.

Colby what are you laughing at?, Trinity asked.

That little vein that's popping out of the side of Kawaii's neck every time the waitress comes over and touches Joe, he said eating the last of his cheesecake.

Joe looked at me but looked at Colby puzzled.

Damn Kawaii! Don't you wear another dress around him because he's lost right now , Jonathan said.

Just wait til she brings the check, I said and everybody got their things to get ready to leave.

Not even 5 minutes passed when she reappeared with the check and handed it to Joe.

She tried to touch his hand and before he knew it he mean mugged her and I just laughed.

What's funny girl?, Trinity asked.

Well...., I said and showed her a text from Joe.

As we looked at the text the waitress apparently took it as we were talking about her and decided to jump in the deep end..... Poor poor.... poooooor lady.

Excuse me is there something funny?, the waitress asked as I (with all intentions) started laughing again due to me spitting my drink out some.

I'm goofy at the wrong moments but this wasn't one... I was still thinking about Joe's text and the drink caught me off guard.

Who? Me?, I asked as she shifted her weight into a defensive stance.

Yes you... every time I come over you're laughing so is there a problem?, she asked a bit more rudely.

I stood up to leave out but everybody didn't see that in my body language.

Kawaii sit down, Jon said leaning over.

What I'm going to the restroom before we leave!, I laughed but nobody bought it. Ok Trin can you come with me because if I wanted to do something to the waitress then I'd be in handcuffs right now... with a smile on my face, I said smiling and walked off from the waitress and the table.

Once I used the restroom and we walked out, 2 more girls were at our table and boy I tell ya.... young and dumb seemed to have lived in the gene pool I see.

Um look Imma need for y'all to step back.... you're in danger is all I got to say, Joshua said but the girls didn't leave so I gave them a little nudge.

I DON'T THINK YOU LADIES HEARD HIM! MOVE!, I yelled as if I was back on the base.

Everyone looked at me as I grabbed my jacket but Joe stopped me and put it on for me.

Oh y'all thought they were paying? Oh no, I said and they got offended.

We're not prostitutes!!!, the manly red head said.

Could've fooled me, I said smiling.

Out of my peripheral vision I saw the shorter one grab a glass of water and threw it on me but it hit my jacket more so.

Joe stood in front of me to stop me from going at the girl . He stared me down eye to eye.

You're one sexy man you know that?, I said trying to get him to move.

Yes girls tell me all the time but you're a grown ass woman and you're all that matters so let's not ruin your birthday, he said clearly aware of what I was trying to do.

No no let her go, the waitress said standing there basically ready to fight.

Awwwww you want to beat up little old me!, I said causing Jon to laugh.

Dude!, Colby said nudging Jon.

I do, Joe said looking at me.

You do?, I said still with my eyes on the 3 in the back. Can I just hit one of them?, I asked but he said no.

The owner finally came out and to my surprise it was owned by my old battle buddy Theo Marsh.

Theo 3 Fingers Marsh!!!! How the hell are you?, I said as he came over and hugged me.

Well I'll be damn Kawaii! How's it going?, he asked.

It's great until your waitress started being rude and called her friends to come jump me I guess, I said filling him in.

Wait.. Tina I just fired you! What are you still doing here! Leave before I call the police, he said yellingat her.

I'll leave but I'll be waiting for her, she said and walked out.

Awww how sweet, I said and that caught Theo's attention.

Please don't let here go out there.... She's crazy as it is and those girls won't make it home tonight, Theo said but I wasn't listening.

Joe suddenly grabbed my waist and walked out the kitchen way with me.

I can walk on my own you know?, I said feeling like he was dragging me.

Yeah I know but I don't trust it, he said.

Joe?, I said to him.

Yes baby girl, he replied.

Can I.... can I have a kiss?, I asked and he stopped in his trackes. Just one, I said causing him to pulled me up close to him.

Our lips were inches away when he stop midway.

No you can't have one... you won't play my weakness against me so hush and get to the limo, he said causing me to laugh.

I'll let you come over tonight, I said in my last attempt.

What?, he asked.

I'll let you come over tonight if you let me hit just one of them?, I asked and I saw that brief battle going on in his head.

No no no no... I can't, he said and with that I dropped it.

Once we made it out and to the limo Jon just looked at me.

That escalated very fast, Jon said breaking the silence.

Well my dress is wet, I said as Trinity patted the back on my black dress.

Do you want to go back home and change? Because I don't want tonight to end on like this, Joe asked.

Yes!.... I mean yeah she does, Trinity said making me laugh.

So we leave and head to my house. Once there, Trinity and I got out and walked in so that I could change.

Wear the plum dress!!, She yelled in excitement.

That's if I can still fit it, I said laugh.

I walked to the bathroom and tried the dress on and boy! Did it look like it got painted onto my body. Not too loose.. not too tight. I walked out and Trinity looked at me me in awe.

Oh my gosh you look absolutely gorgeous girl!! She said. Here put on these gold accessories and let your hair hang down, she added as she helped me.

Now I know he's not going to let me out his sights now, I said and she agreed.

Once we finished... we left out. We got back the limo and Joe just looked at me up and down.

Ok where to next?, I asked.

We can go back in if you want, Joe said looking me in the eyes.

Nope, I said pinching his left cheek.

Before I could say anything else my phone started ringing.

Hold on people this is my mom, I said and answered it.

Hello this Fred's Chop Shop. You Steal'em, We Chop'em... This is Fred speaking, I said making my mom laugh.

Um yes Fred this is Bill..., she said but couldn't finish because she was laughing too hard. Oh god bless you child, she said still laughing.

Ma what's up?, I asked laughing as well.

Aah Kody wanted to say goodnight again and I tried giving him the phone but he wants to see you, she said.

Ok I'll come by since I'm at the house.
.. again, I said.

Wait I thought you were at dinner!, she half yelled.

Calm down Ma I was but I had to come change my clothes.. I'll explain when I get there, I said and hung up.

Is everything ok?, Joshua asked.

Oh yeah Kody just wants to say goodnight again, I informed them.

Ok cool, Jon said and we left for my parent's house.

We pull up and they were waiting outside on the porch.

Hey baby!, I yelled as I stepped out the limo.

Maaaaaa!, he yelled running.

I picked him up and he was in awe. He touched my face and rubbed my shoulder.

Mommy?, he said trying to make sure it was me.

Yes baby it's me, I said almost in tears.

My mom came over and wipped my eyes.

You look beautiful Kawaii!, she said hugging me.

Thanks ma, I said.

Joe... I have accurate aime, my dad said.

Trust me I know, he said referring to the time my dad threw a football and him in the balls out of reflex.

11 years later and I'm still apolozing for that, my dad said laughing.

Kody layed his head down and started yawning. I looked down to see that he was staring at me trying to fight his sleep.

Awwwww, Trinity and Jonathan said as they came over to me.

Ok baby mommy has to go and I'll be back to get you in the morning ok?, I said.

Otay, he replied and gave me a kiss.

As we all walked back to the limo, Kody blew kisses at me and I caught them a sent him some back.

That's too adorable, Trinity said.

He does that when he doesn't want a person to go, I said.

Awwwwwwwwww, Colby said and everybody looked at him. What! I love little dude ok!, he said making me tear up a bit.

I know Colby... it's just that he's never seen me this dressed up before..... so he really didn't want me to go,I said as Joe handed me a tissue.

Well you should dress up more often, Joshua said.

I don't really have a reason to, I replied.

You can... whenever you feel as if I could try again with you two, Joe said and grabbed my hand.

I gave him a small smile but he understood that things were still rocky amongst the 4 of us.

As the limo pulled off and out of nowhere.... Jon farted.... Great!

Aaaaahh come on dude!, Joe yelled and opened the sunroof.

We drove for 10 more minutes when we reached the 619 Bar. We all got out and walked in and headed to the VIP section.

Not to shabby Joe, I said as he sat down next to me.

It's your birthday so we got to celebrate it right, he said.

Sooooooo dancing... no dancing?, Colby asked.

Let's get a couple of drinks in and then we'll dance, Joe said. Kawaii order what ever you want ok?, he said looking at me.

1st her birthday shoots!, Trinity yelled.

Joe motioned a lady over and told her something and she left. Few minutes later she came back with a tray with blue and red jello shots.

Ok champ let's get to these shots!, Jon yelled as he grabbed a shot from a separate tray.

$100 bucks say she can't take them all down in under 5 minutes, Jonathan said and Colby called his bluff.

My $100 says she gets them under 3 minutes, Colby said and placed his money on the table.

Ok then here goes nothing, I said and took all 33 shots down in under 2 minutes.

Oh happy day boys!!, Colby yelled and ate 2 jello shots.

Well let's get to the dance floor people!, I half yelled and we made our way down.

Joshua asked me to dance for a bit... then Jon..... then Colby but Joe sat back and watched on. So I went and pulled Joe to the face floor and dirty danced for him. This was something I'd always do back in college.

Alright now!, Trinity yelled as Joe held on to my hips as I felt those shots kick in.

The last time I got tipsy around him... we thought parenthood was upon us but we dodged it barley... so I had to slow down.

I started to get hot so I grabbed Trinity to go to the restroom.

Hey what kind of liquor was in those shots?, I asked.

Once again.... that is a good question?, she said laughing. Tequila!, she yelled looking at her phone.

Ok let's dance this on out then because Tequila and I equal another Kody, I said laughing.

We walked back to the VIP room where the guys were sitting.

You girls ok?, Joe asked as he touched my shoulder and I jumped. Woah there jumpy, he laughed.

I grabbed my phone and texted him.

Me: Tequila!!

Joe 🤔: 🙂

Me: So you remembered?

Joe🤔: I didn't do it for that reason though... the night I was there last month I saw Kody in my old varsity jacket and checked the pockets and found a sticker off the bottle you and in dranked the night of my birthday in high school.

Me: 😒 dude...

Joe 🤔: Lol what?

Me: Take me home 😐

Joe 🤔:😂😂😂... nope

We all went back to dance when someone bumped into me pushing my head. I turned to see those same girls standing there.

This ain't over, the red head said and Joe pulled me back.

Damn it!, he yelled as we made our way back to the VIP.

Joe went and spoke to the manager and tried to have them escorted out but one of the bouncers stopped him. Once Joe returned he told us that the bouncer wouldn't let him back so we had to leave.

Boooo, I said highly buzzed.

Ok ok ok let's just leave and avoid this because Kawaii looks like she'd still win even tipsy, Colby said as he paid the tab and led the way.

They won't be able to save you luv, the same girl said as she followed behind us.

So I polity removed my shoes and took my jewelry off.

Kawaii no!, Jon yelled as he stood in front of me. Dude calm down please... don't let the night end like this, he pleaded.

Jon... Colby... and Joe.. it's I do it now or it'll get done when you guys leave. Ok?... Plus they followed us to my house and my parents house so I'm calm and I have money to bail myself out as well, I said as Trinity pulled me towards her.

We all started back walking when those same girls pulled up out of nowhere in a 2012 Red Honda and pulled out blades and a stun gun. Joe looked at me and he said no.... but I wasn't going to pass that moment up. It was one thing to get beat on by my ex and got the courage to stand up to him but it's another thing for a female to come at me and not fight fair... Shit at least Luke had enough balls to do that so I had to show them weapons only excite me.

Ok come on let's get this over with, I said stumbling towards them.

Tina came up to me and tried to pull my hair but I stepped out the way.

Are we gonna fight or what?, I said and it caused Jon to laugh because it took him back to a day in high school when I took up for him against one of the cheerleaders that liked to bully new kids.

Tina charged at me and with a swift kick, I kicked her left knee down and punched her in the jaw. Out like ice. I walked back over and noticed my dress ripped some at the back and started laughing. Nobody knew what to say and it was kinda funny as well. Colby kept looking back as we walked off trying to get to the car buuuuuuuuut... Our escape was stopped once again.

Hey you little bitch that was my sister!, the bouncer yelled and once again.... I took my shoes off.

Well hello handsome, I said slurring my words on purpose.

Joe on the other hand was hot!. He walked in between the bouncer and I and pulled his blazer off.

Watch how you talk to her. That's a whole different ass whooping you're asking for, Joe said push me behind him.

Nah Joe I got this, Jon said. I don't have a problem with spending one night in jail, he added.

Nobody's going to jail, I said as I rested my head on Trinity's shoulder.

So the guy tried to walk up but all the guys blocked me off.

Moooovvvvvve, I said and started laughing.

She's toasted dude, Colby said.

Come on boys come come, I said as I shifted my weight to my right foot and waited for them to back up.

I wanted to give the bouncer a clear shot at me but Joe wasn't budging.

Apologize to her, he demanded.

Fuck you and her!, the bouncer yelled .

Before Joe could speak, the bouncer threw a punch and missed Joe completely and missed me by and inch. Being that I trained in Japan and knew some of their training techniques in with their army just made that moment more awesome.

I backed up as the bouncer came at me and before anybody around me knew it... I caught him in an arm bar and with in 10 seconds he tapped but I was locked on. Jon tried to pull me off but I wouldn't budge.

Kawaii let go!, he yelled but I just smiled.

You tried to hurt my friends and I don't like that!, I yelled still holding on. I came out to have a good time but you and ketchup head down there thought you were going to mess that up! Huh?, I asked as the bouncer yelled in pain.

Somebody get her off me!!, he yelled but even the on lookers cheered.

For one, say sorry to my friends!, I yelled.

I'm sorry!, he said in tears.

Joe walked over and pleaded with me to get off him but I had one more thing to say to him.

Ok ok ok Joe just this last thing, I said without looking at him.

I released his arm and he quickly got up but I couldn't let him leave that easily.

You bitch!, the bouncer said and I pounced before I knew it.

Joe and Colby pulled me off the bouncer once again as I held him in an arm bar and Trinity cheered me on.

Trin stop it!, Jonathan yelled as we all made our way off.

Well looks like I'm going home, I said dusting my dress off.

Yeah you are, Joe said in a disappointing tone.

Everyone I apologize for what just happened buuuuut can't say sorry that I did it.... I told myself after what happened between Kody's dad and I that I'll protect myself at all times, I said and everyone chimed in except Joe.

Girl you're good! It's times like these I wish I could step out of being a Diva and snatch a chick bald, Trinity said a bit hyped.

That was wild Kawaii.... great form though, Colby said bumping fists.

Kawaii you could've got hurt... That was careless of you,Joe finally said.

I know.... I enjoyed every minute of Joe, I said but he wasn't hearing it. Don't act like that was the first time I've been in a fight, I said and caused Jon to laugh uncontrollably.

What's he laughing about?, Joshua asked.

12th grade... School parking lot... she beat a dude's ass for grabbing her butt and she swore one of us put the guy up to it, Colby said as Jon pulled himself together.

Then this one time in college... she.... well.... she fought 2 girls because they were mad we were at a party with her and didn't want to dance with them, Jon said. Boy I can still see that blonde's chick head bounce off her shoe, he added laughing.

But this time.... I'm wrong, I said causing him to look at me. Once again thank you all for attempting to celebrate the night with me. I feel loved from it and I regret nothing, I said.

About 20 minutes later, we pulled up to my house and I got out. I said my goodbyes and gave out hugs and walked to my door. Joe, on the other hand, didn't say anything to me nor wanted to take a hug.... well he fought it back to not give it so I just walked in and got ready for bed.

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