Is it Hot in Here... Or Is It...

By bookbutterfly1999

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Meticulous. The one word I would aptly use to describe me. Or at least it used to be.... until Desperate desc... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Apparently, I'm desperate...
Chapter 2: I am an absolute dash!
Chapter 3: I don't deserve her. No one does...
Chapter 4: Me? A lingerie wrecker?
Chapter 5: I'm a 7 and that's apparently good...
Chapter 6: Of course I would do something stupid like challenge him...
Chapter 7: Cause t-shirts are cool right?
Chapter 8: The better version of Call Me Maybe?
Chapter 9: I meet the devil, literally.
Chapter 11: Get me more pillows to fight evil!
Chapter 12: I am not ready to take care of myself, much less children!
Chapter 13: No peace at the office too...
Chapter 14: Fate screws me up big time.
Chapter 15: Bro's day out?
Chapter 16: Stuff happen.
Chapter 17: How many more people have a contract?!
Chapter 18: The devil truely is evil!
Chapter 19: I realise why snooping is bad
Chapter 20: Ardous life
Chapter 21: Distance makes the heart grow fonder
Chapter 22: The way to a man's heart is through his stomach?
Chapter 23: Feelings ewwww
Chapter 24: Way to be dramatic on an email!
Chapter 25: Way to be a drama queen
Chapter 26: All is well that ends well?
So what now? Editing? Spin-off?

Chapter 10: Know thy enemy better than thy know thyself

311 17 2
By bookbutterfly1999

"Matt?" Sam called from outside my cabin, peeking in cutely

"Yeah Sam?" I grinned.

"I need your help with a few of these." She gestured to a pile of folders in her hand, and I quickly got up to help her with them.

"God these are heavy." I chuckled as I put them on my desk and sat down.

"Eh, it's not so bad." Sam shrugged and dived right into the pile and took out a huge one. She opened it and her green eyes squinted as she tried to find what she needed from the text.

"How was the weekend, Matt?"

"Uh um... not that great." I shrugged, annoying memories of the doofus devil floating around in my head.

I hate how much control he has over my life.

"How come?" Sam looked up.

"I don't know... I guess there were too many stuff not going my way this week..."

"Oh... wait is this about the girl you liked?"

"What? No!" I vehemently shook my head.

"Really now?" Her left eyebrow rose.

"It's definitely not about her..." I shrugged and opened my laptop, not wanting to be asked more questions.

"Fine Matt, be that way." She scowled while continuing to search her folder and I hid the grin that was threatening to spill on to my face.

We worked in comfortable silence for a few minutes.

My thoughts went back to the meeting.

Why did he dress up like a businessman and talk and act like one? He had no qualms about being informal the other day at the store. He was downright annoying both times, I could feel they both were the same people, and yet, he seemed different in the club.

And what was up with the dark halo? Is it because he was like a fallen angel so his halo stopped working?

And those dark black and grey wings... it looked very beautiful... like the eyes of someone who can't see... these wings didn't look functional at all.

And why would someone who could look like whatever they wanted to, look like that?

"- Matt? Are you listening to me? Matthew Pearson!" Sam snapped her fingers in front of my eyes.

"Ah- um sorry!" I shook my head sheepishly.

"You know what? I think we need a break. Clearly you have been working hard since you came in today and you look pretty exhausted right now."

"What no! I am fine!" I protested.

"It's alright Matt. Let's break. Lunch is on me." She closed everything stood up and patted my shoulder.

"Let me just go grab my wallet, okay?" She strode out, leaving me behind with the biggest grin on the face.

Sam is just so caring...

I grinned giddily, but sobered up immediately.

I flipped out my phone and texted Delilah about the club formality thing.

It's always good to know your opponent in and out....



Hey! Hope you have a good week!

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