Working With The Hounds

By Clay91

430 4 0

There where 3 new neighbors and 1 me... And a friendship that came to be in the most oddest way possible. J... More

Intro To My Life
Dinner for 7?
When Hearts Fight
Confronting Her Past: Joe POV
Confronting Her Past: Kawaii POV
Confronting Her Past: Colby POV
Osaka to Iowa
New Beginning
Along came a Monkey
The Sit Down
Their Redemption
2 for 1 Love: Kody's Birthday
2 for 1 Love: Kawaii's Birthday
2 for 1 Love: The Aftermath
His Love Letter
Kody's Bad Day
2 Hours Away: Author's POV
Her Silent Cries: Joe's POV
3 Hounds and a Kody: Colby POV
3 Hounds and a Kody: Jon's POV
Drunken Night, Sober Conversation
The Strong May Fall

Their Redemption: Jon POV

12 0 0
By Clay91

Jon?..... Hey Jon wake up, I heard someone say.

What?, I said peeping with one eye open to see it was Joe.

Let's give Kawaii her space, he said as we all started to get up.

Oh shit you 3 where actually here, Kawaii said a bit confused.

Yeah... sorry for invading your bubble like that, I said pointing at her bed.

Why'd you guys box me in like that?, she asked.

Because.... we didn't want anything to happen to you, Cobly said and Joe and I agreed.

The worst I could've done was ate Kody's ice cream, she said taking it as a joke but to me it wasn't.

Kawaii we're being serious, Colby said as he walked up some but stood back.

And so am I... I have really horrible anxiety issues due to the Army... that's as far as I go because I have Kody and I can't leave he alone, Kawaii said looking at us.

Ok what if you didn't have him?, I asked.

Then Luke would've killed me if I didn't, she retorted and in all honesty I hated that I knew she was right.

She walked out ahead of us and stepped outside.

I feel like shit you guys, I said standing there.

She didn't deserve what we did, Colby said trying to hold his composure. I hate we really did that to her, he added.

And to think... we could've lost her, Joe added.

Let's do this the right way this time boys.... no more fuck ups... if she needs us it's straight answers from here on out, I said and walked out the room.

Kawaii walked back in with my favorite little guy. He ran straight to me. His smile and that laugh just pulled me in. How did we let her walk out of our lives like that? Pushed her so far away that.... she fell deeper than she was supposed to?... Holding him made me feel human just then.

Kody hugged and gave a kiss on the cheek. He made me feel so alive! That of all things made me, in that instant, cry tears of wanting to be forgiven.... and Kody, as always, wipped them away telling me not to cry.

I sat on the floor as Kody held on to me still crying and I never knew how much that one thing could be needed so badly to start mending my broken heart.

Jon come now , I could hear Kawaii say trying help me but I needed that more than anything.

No cry, Kody said holding my head up.

He was the cutest kid and I was lucky and grateful that he chose me to look up to. I was always being put down emotionally that this little guy single handedly pushed me back up these past few months.

Ok ok ok I'm done bud, I said and went to clean my face.

Kody appeared again with a cookie and gave it to me as walked back to the living room.

Thanks bud, I said giving him a hug and he left out.

I sat watching him bring Colby to tears as this humble kid just wanted to show us that he loved us.

Colby came walking from Kawaii's bedroom and scooped him up and hugged him.

Hey bud! How are ya!, he asked surprising him.

Kody screamed holding on to Colby and kissed his cheek too.

Awww bud, Colby said as Kody pulled him in as well.

No cry... Otay?, he asked holding Colby's face but he deserved it.

Colby put Kody down and went to blow his nose when Kody came in with a cookie for him.

Colby came and sat next to me and laughed some.

He got you too?, he asked.

Yeeaaaaa, I said as we both smiled.

Kody brought his favorite blankets out and tucked us back in so that we could get some more sleep.

About 4 hours later we all woke up and took Kody to get something to eat buuuuuuut he didn't seem to want anything but something to drink so we got Kawaii something instead. We sat up for 30 minutes but still felt sluggish so Colby and I went back to sleep.

A little while later, I could hear faint noises coming from the kitchen until I saw Joe walk in.

Colb.... Colby man... wake up, he said trying to wake him.

What? What? I'm up I'm up, he said jumping up.

Woah woah woah easy... we're going over to Kawaii's folks house, Joe informed Colby but he didn't catch it at all.

Oh oh ok ok ok... chicken in the freezer... will do, Colby said incoherently.

No dude! Her parent's house!, Joe yelled making me laugh a bit in my pillow.

They soon walked out and I got up to go to the restroom. Once I got done and washed my hands, I went exploring. Kawaii was always very photogenic so I saw where Kody got it from. He was such a happy kid from the looks of their photos but her smile wasn't always there.

I can't believe we could've lost you, I said to myself as I held one of our old drinking cups.

I walked back in to see Colby sitting up on his phone.

Well sunshine how the hell are ya?, I said.

He showed me his phone and apparently Kody took a lot of pics when we went out.

Awwww, I said sounding mushy.

Dude.... we got to make this up to her.... we weren't right, Colby said as he put his phone down.

I know I know I know... but where do we start?... like what do we do?, I asked.

We could cook for them, he said shrugging his shoulders.

But Kody wasn't hungry, I said making him realize that.

Well I'm sure he would if Kawaii sat down to pretend to eat, Colby said laughing.

Ok cool I'll call Joe and let him know to buy us some time.

I called Joe and let him know and layed back down for a bit.

Hey lil dude!, I heard Colby yell as Kody went in yelling for food. Oh hey you two!, he added.

Well hello there sunshine! I see you're quite energized, Kawaii said making me laugh.

That I am and look.... I made turkey burgers and curly fries, he said. Hey Kody let's get you a seat bud, he called to him.

Jon!, Joe called out to me for dinner and walked in and Kody spoke.

Hiiiiii!!, he yelled and the kid hooked me once again.

Kody my man!, I said and tickled him some. Well hello my little jalapeno, i said to Kawaii just to see her smile.

Hello Jon, she spoke laughing. I take it that you slept wonderful?, she asked.

Kinda but I got to wake up happy for once in my life so I'm good, I said.

Colby came and sat next to Kody and started eating when kody reached for a frie.

Mmmmmm my frie, Colby said with a mouth full of food but Kody laughed and still ate it.

They looked like two little kids trying to take each other's fries.

Ha! Frie thief, Joe said laughing.

Kawaii agreed with him in laughter.

Here bud, I said giving him some of mines.

Ta-ta, he said with his tiny hands filled with fries.

Soooooo boys... Kody's birthday is coming up?, Joe blurted out.

Aw sweet when?, Colby asked.

Guess, Joe said.

He was too aware of things just like Kawaii is so it had to be around her's.

Her birthday, I said making her applaud me.

Yup that's right, she said.

Ok Kody can party during the day and we can celebrate that night!, Colby yelled.

Bam! It's settled, I said eating the rest of my fries while fight off Kody.

Joe just laughed at that point.

What's funny Joe?, I asked unaware of the joke.

I said the same exact thing at her parents house but she doesn't want to celebrate hers, he said making us look at her.

Dude you have too.... or at least let us treat you out?, I asked.

I don't know you guys, she said a bit hesitant.

Kawaii we'll help you celebrate it responsibly and get you home safely.... just like back in high school, Colby said which was true.

Yeah you know we made sure you didn't do what we did so we know you barley drink now, I said but apparently that changed.

My shooting squad would beg to differ... 1 st place drinking contest winner 6 years in a row and I only stopped because my pregnancy with him, she said pointing at Kody and it surprised us a bit.

Well I'll be damn.... It's settled... 33 shots for you come your birthday, I said and saw that she was shocked.

Yeah we remembered so stop staring crazy lady, Joe said making her blush a bit.

Soooooooo it's settled... Get your party pull up on KODY!!!, I yelled causing him to dance around a bit still eating out fries.

Once dinner was done and the kitchen was clean, Kody gave us hugs once again and went to get ready for bed. Kawaii came and gave us extra blankets and more pillows before turning in herself.

I strongly believe she's not going to party with us, Colby said kind of defeated.

Joe.... go ask if she wants to watch a movie, I said and an idea came to mind.

Ooo ooo ooo and tell her we got candy, Colby added because she loved candy.

They soon walked back into living room as we poured all the candy out on the couch.

Since this is your lovely home and apparently we get to stay another night.... you pick 3 candies Madame, I said as we stepped aside.

Her go to picks..... snickers, white chocolate kit kats and air heads.

Just like the good old days huh?, Colby asked in a smile.

She smiled back in agreement.

Ok boys and girl... we've got Gringo, Tag, Quite Place and Greatest Showman Ever, Joe said as he pulled them out the bag.

Quite Place, I yelled as I kicked my plan into motion.... she hates scary movies.

Ok Kawaii just look away at the scary parts, Joe said.

No I'm a big girl.... I'm not afraid of any movie, She said trying to be tough but even I knew that was a lie in this case.

Ok tough girl... you get 2 for flinching since we're doing this the old way, I said and she agreed along with the rest.

I put the movie in and sat down.

No flinching... ok?, I said smirking.

Yeah yeah yeah I got it, she said nonchalantly.

30 minutes into the movie and she had me laughing. I would laugh everytime she jumped but Colby made me change it

Looks like we'll be dancing the night away boys!, I yelled a bit loud.

Ssshhhh! A cranky 2 year old is hell on wheels in this house, she said in a whisper.

Oh!........ soooorrrryyy, I whispered back.

So what's the next movie?, She asked.

Gringo?, Colby asked

Ok, Joe said but I had be a douche bag.... it was only right that I did.... for old times sake.

Aaahh come on let's finish the other movie, I said.

Ssshhh Jon!, Colby yelled in a whisper.

Ssssoooorrrryy! I forgot, I whispered back.

Jon you seriously want me to be all jumpy tomorrow I see, she pointed out causing me to act hurt.

Noooo... I wouldn't dare do such a thing.... but what's one scary movie vs all those sappy chick flicks we've watched with you?, I asked trying to not let her catch on to my plan but it back fired a bit.

Dude you'd always watch 16 Candles and make it seem like I was watching it, she said and the guys started laughing.

I knew it! I knew it was you Jon, Joe said in a whisper.

Colby sat back laughing.

Oh hush Lopez... Teen Witch was your go to movie whenever you saw a girl you liked, Kawaii blurted out causing him to stop laughing.

Joe shook his head a looked at his phone.

Don't get so quite now Breakfast Club, she said earning a look from Joe.

She's playing dirty I see, Colby said and walked to the DVD player. Well Kawaii I guess well have to keep an eye on you tonight... again, he said and changed out the dics and sat down.

Aaahh sweet victory!!

Dude.... no, she whispered when A Quite Place picked up where it left off.

We laughed some more and started passing around the bag of goodies.

By the end of the movie she was paranoid.

I'm going to head to bed people, Colby said and she lost it.

Quit hilarious if you ask me.

Booo!, she said.

Awww how sweet, Colby said laughing.

I got up and turned the lights out. She sat there in the dark which made me laugh even more.

~cough cough~

After about 5 minutes or so she huffed some which made us laugh again.

You guys are jerks, she said getting up.

Woooah wait wait wait Kawaii... we're sorry, I said laughing.

Buuuttt.... you never reveal that secret, Colby said leaning over towards torwads her.

~Blows a raspberry ~ Jerks, she said and walked to the back but ended up walking back. Come check my room, she said innocently as I grabbed Joe's hand.

He falls for it like butter to pancakes.

See what you two did, Joe said as he stood up. Come on baby girl, he added while he grabbed her hand.

About 20 minutes later, I felt a hand on my face trying to wake up so I peeped out of my left eye to see Kody standing there.

Up up, he said reaching out to me.

So I helped him up on the couch and he layed down under me. He tugged at my ear a bit until I heard him snor a little.

So you think that's something you'd want to get use to?, I heard Joe ask me.

To be honest... it's still hasn't hit me yet that she has a kid, I said earning well worth it Amen's from them.

We have to make sure we make it to his party first of all, Joe said.

Yes that is priority number 1, Colby added.

But what are we going to do... are we going as The Shield oooorrrrr?, I asked trying to get our game plan together.

It's whatever he wants from how I see it, Joe said.

No man we got to set some rules... I mean we're spoiling him as we speak, Colby said laughing.

Trust me Colb... He can have whatever it is that he wants, Joe added.

Ok, Colby said laughing.

Soooooooooo what's the amount of toys to bring?.... just curious to know, I asked because I want him to know we care about him in a family way... not a "we're trying to buy your love way".

3 at the most... let's show him that we're there for him, Joe said as he layed back down on the couch.

Yeah I see what you're saying.... shoo he'd probably be happy that we showed up period, Colby added as he rolled back over.

We'll we're going to be there to party with him and end the night dancing it away with Kawaii, I said making Colby turn back around.

Do you actually think she'd let us take her out?, he asked.

Now that is a good question my friend, I said looking up at the ceiling.

I don't think she would but as long as Kody has the best party ever then she'd be just as happy with that, Joe said and it hit us that we were going to have to play it by ear at that moment.

We all decided to get some sleep so that we could get on the road in the morning. I was very happy that we came and saw her... it was eating me up on the inside. I know we've got a long road ahead of us but only time will tell if she forgives us. I hate it but that's just how things have to be.

Goodnight little guy, I whispered and wrapped him in his blanket as he rested on my shoulder asleep.

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