Cemetery Weather (Kellic)

By AndleyXxKellic

28.5K 1.5K 516

This is a Kellic Fanfiction. Vic Fuentes is the tough guy of the school who isn't afraid to let anyone know... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Author's Note
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
A New Beginning

Chapter 8

767 45 11
By AndleyXxKellic

Vic's P.O.V

I left from Kellin's room because he kept asking questions. I didn't want to talk about anything that happened today. I went back downstairs to the living room where Mike was. He was watching reruns of Teen Wolf and eating another slice of pizza. I went around and sat next to him.

"You think he'll kick us out?" Mike asked me as he finished the pizza.

"No, I don't think he will, but he could." I sighed.

"Do you think he'll let us stay here?" He was starting to annoy me with questions.

"I don't know Mike." I didn't know what to say.

We sat back on the couch and watched tv some more. We heard the shutting of a car door and we went to the window. A man about 6'7 was coming to the house. He must have been Kellin's dad.

"Shit. Come on." I told Mike.

We cut off the tv and lights and ran upstairs to my room. We heard the door open and we closed my door quietly. We stood back as we heard someone retreating up the stairs. Soon everything was silent, we looked at each other and went over to my bed and sat down. He took out his phone and I saw it.

"Why does he keep calling?" I asked him.

"I don't know, but do you think we need to tell mom where we are?" He scrolled through his contacts to her number.

"No. She can't know." I took away his phone.

"But she might get worried." He complained.

"And dad might find out and he'll come and get us. Now would you rather her worry or you have to face dad?" I asked him sternly.

"Sorry." He put his head down.

"Now we can just stay here and tell mom that we're safe. Okay?" He knew it was the best thing to do.

"Okay." He agreed.

"Now why don't you go to bed. Kellin and his dad might be in bed by now." I patted his back and he smiled.

"Night." He spoke quietly as he got up and left the room.

I laid back on the bed and remembered everything that had happened.


I had gotten suspended so I was out of school for a day, so what? Didn't bother me. I just wanted to get back at that kid, what was his name.

"Hey Mike!" I called.

He ran to my door with his backpack on, he was getting ready for school.

"What's up, man?"

"What's that kid's name who pulled me back?" I didn't mention the punch.

"Uh, I think Tony said his name was Kellin."

"Alright. Thanks man."

Kellin. He was going to get payback for what he did. I laid in bed and blasted my music through my headphones, I had nothing better to do. I looked at the time, the day had past by it was 4:37. Mike would be home from school at anytime. I cut my music off and went downstairs. I looked in the fridge, there wasn't anything to eat, just leftovers. I called my mom to tell her.

"Hey we're out of food."

"Well get a job and buy some." She meddled.

"But mommm." I dragged the word. "I'm hungry."

"I'll take you and Mike to the store when I get home." She chuckled.

"Okay. Love you."

"Love you too." I hung up.

I went and sprawled out on the couch and watched the Teen Wolf marathon until Mike came home. He came in and threw his backpack on the couch and jumped in my lap.

"Hey, get off. I may be older, but I'm not heavier." I commanded him.

"Sorry." He smiled slyly.

"Mom said she's taking us to the store with her when she gets home." I told him.

"Okay. When will that be." He asked.

"I don't know." I shrugged.

"Do you know what time dad gets off?" He asked nervously.

"No." I said flatly.

He got up and went to his room, it wasn't long before the door closed and locked. I knew what he was doing. I waited until Teen Wolf went off before I got up and headed to mine. I went inside and closed the door and played music. I didn't hear the front door open.

I was sitting in the middle of my bed when the door opened. Shit, I forgot to close it. In walked my dad with an angered face plastered on. He came over and hit me upside my head.

"What the hell are you doing getting suspended again?" I didn't answer. "You better say something before I kick your ass."

"I got into a fight." I blurted out.

"A fight? Oh so you think you're tough or something? Well get up and fight me." He back away and held up his fists.

"No." I silently said.

"What?" He screamed again.

"No." I said even louder.

"No? Boy.." He couldn't continue Mike came in and jumped on his back.

"Leave him alone." He yelled as dad moved around the room.

"Get the fuck off of me." He ran against the wall and knocked Mike off.

He was going over to Mike and was getting ready to punch him when a door opened.

"Mike? Vic?" Mom called.

We both ran from the room away from dad. We went to the front room and hugged and kissed her. She smiled sweetly and we hurriedly lead her to the car so we could go to the store.

When we got to the store, me and Mike went to walk around. We both knew we couldn't go back to that house. Mike left me to go talk to some chick and I walked around. I saw Kellin, sweet, innocent, weak, Kellin. I walked over to him and messed with him a bit, I noticed he stuttered when he was around me. I scared him more before going back to find Mike.

Both of us started to walk around and I saw Kellin again, this time with his mom. She was a very nice woman, she even invited us to have dinner with them. Mike asked for tacos and she agreed. We went and begged our mom to let us go.

We had fun hanging out at Kellin's house, we didn't have to be tensed and on edge all the time. He seemed annoyed that we were there, I didn't want him to be scared of us. I went and talked to him some, and he kind of relaxed.

When it was time to eat, me and Mike couldn't wait. Tacos were our favorite food, I mean we are Mexican. When we started eating Kellin's mom began to question us. We didn't mind his mom's questions, she was just trying to make conversation. It was one question in particular that stood out.

"What does your dad do?"

Me and Mike didn't really want to answer it. We hated our dad, he abused us and used us. I hesitantly answered though. When it was time for us to go home me and Mike didn't want to. Kellin dropped us off and left before we went inside. Mike opened the door and snuck in and I followed close behind. When we reached our rooms and locked them was when it all started.

"You motherfuckers better open this door."

"Vic! Mike! Open the fucking doors."

"When I get my hands on both of you. You're gonna be sorry!"

That happened all night. When it all ended it was 3 in the morning. I texted Mike to see if he was still up.


'Get ready for school, we can go over Jaime's house and get some rest before school starts.'

'Okay. Give me 15 minutes.'

We both got ready and I unlocked my door so Mike could come in. I opened the window and we both snuck out. I took my keys that were in my pocket and got inside my car. We drove the 5 minutes to Jaime's house, he let us in and we slept on the couch. When it was time for school he got us up and rode with us.

I skipped most of my classes that morning. I was going to skip second period, but I wanted to mess with Kellin. I had missed the first 10 minutes, but I still made my way down the hall to the room. I saw Kellin before I got to the classroom, when I turned the corner he bumped into me.

I messed more, he was too easy to scare. After having my little fun I went to class, and got detention. Everyone had been doing a group work and I had no partner, until Kellin came back. Mr. Collins called me out to be his partner. I willingly went over to his desk to work.

He actually did all the work, I watched and ate pizza. When he finished he stared at his pizza and the clock. I asked for his pizza since I didn't eat all day, I needed food. He gave it to me and the bell rang. I thanked him and pushed him to the floor. I felt bad instantly after he had been so nice to me. He was feared me, which is what I liked most about him. You could he did by the way he stuttered.

When it was lunch time, me and Mike ditched Tony and Jaime to mess with Kellin. He asked us to beat him up already, but I couldn't, I needed him. I looked at Mike with a pleading face and he played along. Kellin got mad and left, we laughed as we rejoined the guys. I do have to admit that I didn't like messing with Kellin, but I felt obligated to.

I skipped my next period class, I wasn't really the type to go to class. I wandered the halls and found none other than Kellin doing the same. I messed with him again and made him invite me and Mike to his house. He said he was going over that douche Mr. Collins' house. I got nervous and angered, but I made him invite us tomorrow. I guess I'll just have to deal with dad tonight.

I told Mike he had to catch a ride home with Tony because I had detention. When I got to detention I went and sat behind Kellin. He tried to avoid me but the teacher made him sit back down. I was excited about this, I actually didn't want him to leave. I messed with him and he tried to ignore me. I had gotten distracted and looked over to him and he was writing. I asked him about it but he wouldn't tell me.

The teacher dismissed us and I went to my car. I wasn't ready to leave school, I knew what I was going to have to deal with when I got home. Mike had texted me when I got in the car.

'Dad is super pissed, but at you. He's mad because you're not here. Don't come home.'

I took that as a warning, dad would probably kill me.

'Put some clothes and stuff in a bag and throw them down my window.'

I had to find somewhere to go. I parked my car a block away and went to the backyard and looked under my window. The bag was on the ground, I took it and went back to the car. I tried calling Tony, but he was on a date. Jaime said I could stay at his house for a while, but I couldn't spend the night. I went to his house and played video games. When it was around 9 his parents told me I had to go. I had nowhere to possibly go but home.

I did know someone who I didn't have to ask. I texted Kellin and made him let me come to his house. He agreed against his will. I got Jaime to take me home so I could drop off the car. I didn't want them to track the tags, otherwise they would catch me. I got him to drop me off at Kellin's. I texted Kellin when I made it to his house. I texted Mike and told him where I was.

'Open the door.'

After a few minutes he opened it, it was empty sort of. I made myself at home. He didn't like that and said he was going to bed and I needed to leave. I told him I was staying and that I had clothes to wear. He stomped up the stairs and I followed. He told me where my room was and I went in and jumped on the bed.

I laid there and couldn't help but think of what was going on at home. I texted Mike to ask him about it.

'Hey what's going on?'

'Dad is pissed more pissed than ever. He came at me with a knife.' I gasped at the thought that he could have killed my brother.

'Its alright Mikey, I'll get you out of there. We can stay at Kellin's.'

'Thank you.'

'I'll come by and get you for school and pack your bags. We're gonna stay at Jaime's until we can go to Kellin's.'


'Get some rest and keep your door locked.'

I turned my phone off and laid on my side. This is hell.

The morning was all a big blur to me. I got up and ready, ate breakfast, and walked to get Mike. Drove to school and stood outside the building with the guys, messed with Kellin some. I do remember something about it though. I got called to the office, my dad was here. He called me and Mike to the office. He took us into the parking lot and beat us. I was glad no one was around, I didn't want anyone to see this.

I ran away from him and went to the restroom. I entered one of the stalls and started to cry. I mentally cursed myself for being soo weak. I heard someone come in, but I ignored them. They then came to the stall and knocked. I quit crying and looked through the crack to see Kellin. I couldn't breath at the thought that he heard me, did he know it was me?

After I heard him leave I decided to clean myself up and head to class. I got detention of course, but I didn't care. I went to the back I the class and laid my head down. I didn't want anyone to see my face. At lunch I stayed in the bathroom and mostly stayed there all day. I attended detention, but I kept my head down.

When it ended I slowly walked out of class. Kellin waited for me and questioned what was wrong. I didn't want to be bothered and I made that apparent. I went home in my car and went home. Biggest mistake ever.

When I got home, dad was on top of Mike hitting him. Mike shielded his face with his arms. I pulled him off of Mike and punched him in the nose. It started to bleed, Mike and I went upstairs, grabbed our bags and ran and got in the car. We drove around a while before heading to Kellin's house.

I texted him and told him to let us in and he did. He told us everything we needed to know and went to bed. I felt bad for him, so me and Mike ordered a pizza and asked him to eat with us.

Mike asked him about some band merch that was sitting on the kitchen table. He said this girl Jessica gave it to him. I got a little upset at that, she was probably his girlfriend. Mike showed me her picture and she was beautiful. I asked him about it but he said he was gay. A wave of relief washed over me. Mike wanted to talk to her but once Kellin explained who her father was, I gave him a thumbs down.

Kellin went upstairs and got in the bed. I didn't really think anything of it, but he felt down. Was it our fault? I went up there to ask him. He stuttered and asked what I wanted. I asked him why he was scared of me and he said he just was. Was I that scary? I didn't want to scare him. When I got ready to leave he asked a question that made a chill go down my spine.

"What was wrong with you today?" He asked me.

"What you mean?" I didn't know if he had been talking about me crying.

"You had your head down in class and didn't bother me that much. What was wrong?" He asked again.

I didn't want to talk about it, I refuse to talk about it. Instead I ignored it.

"Goodnight Kellin." And I closed the door.


I went across the hall to check on Mike, it was 1 in the morning. He was sleeping. I went to check on Kellin. He was sleeping too. I went into his room though. I looked him over as he laid in bed. I felt something spark in my chest, it hurt a bit. I clutched it and left his room. When I got to my room, my chest quit hurting. I laid in bed and wondered what that could have been. I thought about it as I drifted off to sleep.

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