one direction ageplay (reques...

By MukeKindaGirl

232K 2.1K 167

I'm writting this book because ageplay is cute and if you send in prompts I'll add zaynie if you guys want p... More

Sick (Baby! Harry Daddies! Ziall)
tantrum (toddler! louis daddies! ziam uncles! narry)
forgotten (toddler! zayn toddler! liam baby! harry)
forced (baby! harry toddler! zayn daddies! niouam)
hurt (baby! liam toddler! zayn)
coloring on the walls (baby! niall)
tantrums at the store (toddler! louis)
spanking (toddler! liam toddler! zayn)
nappie rashes (baby! harry, baby! niall)
sick and forgotten (baby! liam, baby! harry, toddler zayn)
baby girl
babysitter josh (baby! louis todler! zayn todler! liam daddys! narry)
thunder storms (toddler! zayn)
bed wetters (toddler! niall toddler! louis)
teasing (baby! zayn)
blame game (toddler! zayn toddler! louis baby! niall)
call us daddy (baby! zayn)
potty training (baby zayn)
mine (toddler! louis)
settle down niall (baby! niall)
time to be a big boy (baby! zayn)
time to be a big boy pt 2 (baby zayn)
toy store (kid! liam)
car rides (toddler! zayn baby! louis)
spanking (toddler! liam toddler! niall)
cant sleep (baby! liam)
night mares (kid! niall)
abandoned (toddler! louis)
abandoned part two (toddler louis)
daddy paul (baby! harry baby! niall toddler! louis toddler! zayn kid! liam)
scared (toddler! louis)
no nap (toddler! harry)
jealous (toddler! louis kid! zayn baby! liam)
lost pacifier (baby! liam)
Coming out to the world (toddler! harry)
out with the diapers into the pull-ups (toddler! niall)
lost teddy (baby! harry daddies! lilo uncles! ziall)
sick (baby! niall)
time out (liam)
daddy paul (kid fic)
teething troubles (baby liam)
bad girl (zerrie)
Daddy paul prt. two
princess pull-up
silly girl (elounor)
dress up (sophiam)
daddies office (zerrie)
time out (zerrie)
grumpy girl (elounor)
mommy (perrie)
baby girl part 2
updates plus more
first birthday
bad imaginary friend
Leaky Nappies:
Babysitter Greg:
Bed wetter (Larry)
Adoption (Lirry)
Feet (Lirry)
Best friends: (Daddies! Nouis, Uncles! Lirry)
Christmas surprise: part one
Baby girl: Cuddles
special announcement

our new babies (baby! luke baby! micheal baby! ashton baby! calum daddy's! 1D)

3K 27 3
By MukeKindaGirl

Calum: headspace of a one and old

Ashton: headspace of a one year old

Luke: headspace of a one year old

Michael: headspace of a one year old

harry: daddy

niall: dada

liam: papa

zayn: baba

Louis: dad


Niall's POV

I got the boys into there high chairs Luke was always the hardest "hungie" they all said the rest of the boys were helping me they made breakfast for the boys "ok niall you feed Luke I'll feed Ashton liam will feed calum and harry will feed Michael." zayn said "why me?" I asked "because he will let you feed him niall." Louis said I looked at Luke "hey lukey are you gonna eat for dada?" I asked he shook his head I grabbed a plate and put some eggs on it liam zayn and harry followed they had no trouble feeding the other boys but every once and a while I would have trouble getting the egg into his mouth but eventually he would let me put it in his mouth


we put the boys in their play room.

Ashton's POV

me and calum were playing race cars while Mikey was building with his blocks and Luke was hugging his penguin plushy and sucking on his binky I looked at him "hey Calum wanna see if Luke wanna pay wif us?" I asked he nodded we crawled over to Luke Mikey looked at us then went back to his blocks "lukey wanna pay wif us?" I asked he looked up at us?" I asked "otay." Luke said we crawled over to the cars "hey you guys wanna play wife bwocks too?" Mikey asked we nodded he built a tower "on the cownt of twree we nock da towa down otay?." Mikey said "one." "seven." "twree." he counted we all grabbed a truck and started to bulldoze it "boys its lunch time." we heared baba say he picked me and cal up then daddy helped and he grabbed lukey and Mikey they sat us in our high chairs. they sat cut up hot dogs and Mac n cheese on our trays "eat up then its nap time." Dada said we ate our lunch


Niall's POV

we picked the boys up and took them to there nursery's and changed there diapers then put them to bed to take a nap (niall had Luke harry had Ashton liam had calum and Louis had Michael) . I kissed Luke on his head and covered him up "sleep tight baby." I whispered

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