Behind The Tour (Sequel to Be...

By dontwannabelikethem

34.1K 862 46

Harry and Y/N's relationship is stronger than ever. With Harry's tour coming up, he needs a videographer, so... More

Opening Night - Part 1
First Night Is A Success - Part 2
A Day Off - Part 3
Drama is coming Part 4
Everybody Know - Part 5
A Breakup Perhaps? - Part 6
Just A Girlfriend - Part 7
Why Did You Have To Go Make Things So Complicated? -Part 8
Max Is Back - Part 9
Nowhere to be found - Part 11
I'll Hold You and Never Let Go - Part 12
A Few Months Later - Part 13
Traveling - Part 14
Happy Anniversary - Part 15
Take Me Back To Jamaica - Part 16
A Day of Love - Part 17
A Perfect Day To Say I Do - Part 18
Always and Forever - Part 19
With This Ring - Part 20
Not Like We Planned - Part 21
To The Future - Part 22

You're Mine - Part 10

1.2K 34 2
By dontwannabelikethem

"Because I've told you this all before Y/N," Max whispered walking up towards you and moving a strand of hair out of your face. "I'm in love with you and you're mine."

You pushed his hand away and stepped back from him. "You're fucking crazy," you said. "I've already told you that I'm not your's and I'm not in love with you. You need to move the fuck on already."

Max grabbed your arm and pulled you into him again. You tried pulling your arm away, but his grip was too strong. "I've tried to move on from you, but I can't. You may not love me now, but you will."

"No, I won't!" you snapped.

"Why because of Harry?" He scoffed.

"You can't force someone to love you, Max," you told him.

"Maybe, maybe not," he said. "Now, you're coming with me and don't you dare think about causing a fucking scene."

He pulled on your arm to make you start walking behind him. Fear started running through your veins because you had no idea where he was taking you or what he might do. Since Max was holding you by your right hand, your left hand was free. You were going to try and grab your phone from your back pocket and alert someone about what was happening.

However, Max caught you and took the phone out of your hands. "I'll be holding on to this," he smirked.

"Why are you doing this?" You begged.

"How many times do I have to tell you this, Y/N?" He said, frustration evident in his voice. "I fucking love you and if this is the only way we can be together, then so be it."

There was a black car parked in front of you and he opened the door. "Get in," he said.

You hesitated and debated if you could get away. He must have sensed your inner debate because he leaned in to whisper in your ear.

"Get in the fucking car or I'll make you get in the car," he said firmly. "And we both know that if I force you into the car that's going to make a scene and if that happens something bad will happen because of it."

Chills ran down your spine as he spoke those words to you. You quickly pushed the thoughts of running away out of your mind and got into the car.

"Good girl," he smirked at you before slamming the door shut and making his way over to the driver's side and getting inside.

He started the engine up and you looked over at him.

"Where are you taking me?" You asked.

"A place where we can be alone," he said. "We have lots to talk about."

You gulped back the fear knotting up in your throat as he drove away.


"Harry, I've been thinking for a while now and after today, I think it would be best if we took some time apart from one another. Goodbye."

Harry read the text you had sent him while he was talking with Lou about the argument you two had earlier in the day.

Both hurt and confusion spread across Harry's face as he read the text over and over again. Tears filled his eyes to the point where the screen on his iPhone was a blur before the water droplets fell over and down his cheeks.

"Harry? What is it? What's wrong?" Lou asked.

"I think... I think Y/N just broke up with me," he whispered.

"What? No, that can't be right," she said taking the phone from his grasp.

Lou read over the text and sighed sadly before wrapping her arms around him. "I'm sure she just needs time, Harry," she said. "It won't be forever."

"You don't know that," he sniffled. "I can't lose her, Lou. God, I love her so fucking much. She's it for me. I want to marry that girl, one day."

"I know, I know," she whispered rubbing his back. "There's a lot going on right now, she's just overwhelmed."

He shook his head. "I have to go to the room. She has to come back and grab her things. She wouldn't leave without her things. I need to see her and talk to her about this," he said standing up from the couch.

"She wouldn't... she wouldn't end things like this.. " he whispered.

Lou sighed as she watched Harry get up and walk out of the door.


Max had been driving for about thirty minutes before he pulled into a parking garage connected to an apartment complex. He parked the car on the fourth floor and turned it off before looking over at you.

"Are you going to play nice on the way up to my place?" He asked.

You were afraid to say anything, so you just simply nodded at him. He nodded in return and got out of the car before walking over to open your door. He grabbed your hand, not as forcefully as before. You both walked to the elevator and got on once the doors had opened. He pressed the button for the tenth floor and you felt the elevator jolt up.

After a few moments, the dinged signaled the elevator was at your destination and the two of you stepped out on to the hallway of the tenth floor. You followed Max down the hallway to the very last room on the floor, where he grabbed his key and unlocked the door. He stepped to the side and let you walk in first.

You weren't sure what you were going to see when you walked inside. Thoughts of rope and duct tape went through your mind and other things that went along with the whole kidnapping scenario. But then again, was that what this was?

Was this an abduction situation?

Regardless, when you walked in everything looked normal. There was a coffee pot sitting on the counter with a bit of leftover coffee from earlier in the day. A few dishes were laying near the sink to be washed. A vase of flowers, your favorite flowers, sat on top of the breakfast bar.

The exterior walls of the living room and kitchen were windows with the view of the city. This was definitely not a very private space in a sense.

"Would you like some water?" He asked. "I also have some stronger choices as well."

"No, uh, water would be fine," you said softly.

He nodded and walked over to the stainless steel refrigerator and took out a water pitcher. He got two glasses out of the cabinet and poured water for the two of us.

"Thank you," you said taking the glass from him.

You took a small sip as you leaned against the edge of the counter.

"Shall we take this conversation to a more comfortable place?" He asked.

You nodded walking into the living room and sitting down on the couch. You placed your glass of water on the table in front and sat back.

"Now, Y/N, I know I probably scared you back at the park and I'm sorry for that," he said. "I just, I wanted to get you somewhere we could talk privately and I didn't know how else to get you to come with."

"You could have asked me for starters," you snapped.

"Like you really would have said yes," he said.

"Well, that doesn't matter, now. I'm here, so let's talk about whatever it is that you want to talk about," you said.

"I want you to break up with Harry," he said.

"Why? So, we can together?" you asked.

"Yes," he nodded. "I know you have feelings for me, Y/N. We were best friends once and I just want us back..."

"You're right. We were best friends once, but you ruined that," you said. "You got possessive and jealous for no reason. I understand that you have feelings for me, but I don't return those feelings for you and I never have and I never will. You have to accept that."

"But why?" He asked. "Why don't you love me? I've been there for you during your other relationships and they were all dicks! I was there to help you pick up the fucking pieces. I was there through everything and yet, you sit here and say you felt nothing for me?"

"Not like that," you said. "Yes, I loved you, but only as a friend. Yes, you were there for me through a lot of rough shit, but that's what friends do, Max. Friends are there for each other no matter what and they don't expect things in return."

Max shook his head and got up from where he was sitting. He began pacing around the room.

"This is all Harry's fault," he said. "You and I never had problems until he came into the picture and started filling your head with bullshit."

"None of this is Harry's fault," you said. "I told you I need distance from you before I even met Harry. You put a strain on our friendship before Harry even came into the picture."

"You know I've tried doing it from afar. I've tried breaking the two of you up, but no... you two just wouldn't fucking do it," he snapped.

"What are you talking about?" You asked.

"I'm the one who hacked your account and leaked the footage, I was hoping Harry would have been pissed at you for it, but apparently not. Then I paid those two girls at the show to treat you like shit so that you'd get upset and leave him because you couldn't take it anymore," he said. "But no, you two are still so fucking in love... until today."

"Today, I saw the two of you yelling at each other and thought here it is, here is my chance to sweep in and pick up the pieces, but still you're all about him and not me," he said.

"All of that was you?" You yelled. "You were the one behind all of that shit! What was your plan for doing all of that besides trying to ruin my life and my reputation!"

"My plan was for you two to break up and then you would come back to LA completely heartbroken and pissed over what happened and then, as usual, you would come to me and we'd be together," he said.

Your mouth dropped in pure shock as you listened to what he was saying. "You really are fucking delusional aren't you?"

"Look, I've done everything to get you two to be over and your little argument has set up my new plan perfectly," he said.

"Harry and I are not breaking up," you said. "There's nothing you can do to make that happen."

"Oh really?" He asked walking up to you.

"What are you going to do hurt me until I give in?" You snapped.

"No," he said. "Y/N, I'd never hurt you, but I won't say the same for Harry."


Dun... dun..dun! 

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