I Will Never Be Yours

By asminc007

1.8M 139K 31.6K

'Love has the power to tender the broken, but self love has the power to change' Sequel to 'It was Always you... More

Sneak Peek #1
Sneak peek #2
Character's Intro
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26a
Chapter 26b
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Character's Rant
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Engagement (Part 2)
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Wedding (Part 1)
Wedding (Part 2)
Wedding (Part 3)
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Author's note
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122a
Chapter 122b
Chapter 122c

Engagement (Part 1)

11.2K 1K 225
By asminc007

Engagement Day..
New Delhi...
5 p.m.

Aayan was getting ready for his big day and Ved was helping him, they are at Aayan's old house, where he, Ananya and Jai will live together after the wedding, once Aayan shifts back to Delhi...

He was smartly dressed in Royal blue tux, and Ved was helping him wear his tie...

'When will you learn wearing this by yourself... ?' Ved whined, because he was struggling to tie the knot

'Why do I need to learn ? Your sister will help me after marriage... ' Aayan smirked and Ved chuckled

'Well, it's still a mystery to me that how both of you agreed for this marriage...?' Ved hands him the jacket

'Your sister couldn't resist my charm...' Aayan said proudly fixing his hair and staring himself in the mirror

'Eww....' Ved hits him

'But I really think it's good you know, that Annie is marrying you, I can trust you with my baby sister, she is precious for us, I don't know, If I can have faith on any other man with her... ' Ved continued

Aayan's smile fades at this and he avoids looking at Ved's eyes

'Promise me that you will take good care of her... ' Ved gestures his hand forward and Aayan hesitantly looks at Ved

'Ved you know... ' Aayan says slowly, but they were interrupted by Vansh entering Aayan's room

'Heeelllloooo Jijaji... ' Vansh said and Ved chuckled

Aayan smiles at Vansh but he doesn't reciprocate, Aayan gets confused at this and then sees that he was carrying some papers with him

'What are these papers...?' Ved asked

'I want Aayan to sign these... ' Vansh said in a serious tone

'What is it..?' Aayan asked

'It's a prenup...' Vansh said and Aayan - Ved look at him shocked

(A/N - Prenup or Prenuptial agreement is a premarital agreement or contract, between a couple intended to marry, which contains provisions like division of property or spousal support after divorce, it can also includes a provisions like forfeiture of property by the spouse if the other partner is found to be engaged in Adultery

Lawyers please correct me if I am wrong...)

'Vansh are you out of your mind...!' Ved exclaimed

'What's wrong in that...?' Vansh raised his brows and Aayan read at the contract

'You don't trust Aayan....?' Ved asked

'I am just securing my sister's future, I don't think Aayan must have any problem in signing this if his intentions are clean... ' Vansh said

'There is an additional clause in here that states, that I won't be able to claim any rights on Ananya's assets, but she can claim on mine... ' Aayan chuckled

'Yes I specifically added that... ' Vansh said

'You think I am marrying Ananya for Big Dad's money...?' Aayan asked

'This is ridiculous Vansh... ' Ved said irritated

'I cannot trust anyone with my sister Aayan, she is precious to me, I would've made any man who wants to marry Ananya sign this....' Vansh said

'I cannot remarry after I am separated from Ananya !' Aayan laughs reading the agreement

'Vansh...!' Ved stares at him shocked

'I am just being safe for Annie, Marriage is a gamble after all...' Vansh said seriously looking at Aayan

'I don't understand what's wrong with you and Papa, why are you guys behaving as if he is some criminal or something, and not the Aayan you guys know from childhood... ' Ved said

Vansh opened his mouth to argue back, when Aayan spoke in between

'They are just being cautious Ved, I understand... Give me the pen Vansh, I'll sign this agreement... ' Aayan smiled at him

'Aayan, you don't have to... ' Ved said

'But I want to, if this gives some satisfaction to Big Dad and Vansh, I will sign this agreement....' Aayan said

Vansh smiled faintly, and handed him the pen, Aayan quickly scribbled his signature on every page of the document, and handed it to Vansh

'I am not marrying Ananya for money... I have other reasons to do that...' Aayan said to Vansh, who got confused

'And that reason will be...?' He raised his brows

'To get a Smart, Beautiful and a Understanding Wife... ' Aayan smiled and Vansh chuckled

Though he was still not convinced somewhere, but then he hugged Aayan tightly

'Thank you for doing this...' Vansh said

'Anytime, Brother in law... ' Aayan said and Ved - Vansh chuckled

'Okay, I'll see you guys at

our house in an hour...' Vansh said and exited the room

Aayan smiled staring at Vansh's retreating figure, but sighed internally...

Why do I feel, it's not going to be a easy task to trouble her... He thought

1 hour later....
Ananya's room..

'Deeps my stomach feels funny, and it's not good... ' Ananya said nervously

'It's a mixture of nervousness and excitement di... So Chill and Relax i.e. Chillax....' Saanjh chuckled

Ananya looks at her confused and so does Deepika and Kitty

'What do you mean...?' Kitty asks, she  was doing Ananya's hair

'See, Di is excited that she will look the prettiest of all today, but she is nervous about getting married... ' Saanjh explains and Ananya sighed

'Wow Saanjh, you are very smart... ' Deepika pats her shoulders and she grins

'But... ' Ananya began

'Chillax.... ' All three of them say together

Ananya was also dressed in a royal blue gown, which was matching Aayan's suit

'OMG di... You look gorgeous....' Saanjh exclaimed

'Yeah...' Deepika stared her smiling

'Is Ananya ready...? Aayan has already arrived...' Naina entered Ananya's room and stares at her in awe

Tears fill Naina's eye as she sees her daughter looking like an angel in this beautiful dress...

'You look beautiful princess... ' Naina's voice cracks and Ananya was also on the verge of crying..

'Aww we love you Badi Maa... ' Sayesha and Saanjh hug Naina tightly

'Me too Aunty... ' Deepika hugs her too and Naina chuckles wiping her tears

'Heyyy....' Ananya whines and pushes them away from Naina and hugs her tightly and they chuckle

'I love you my baby... ' Naina says

'I love you too Maa... ' Ananya says

'Guys let's go downstairs, everyone is waiting... ' Vansh knocks the door from outside and then enters inside

Ananya and Naina leave each other and Vansh takes a deep breath, seeing Ananya trying to control his tears

'It's okay... You can cry... ' Naina says

'Not now... If I cry today, I won't cry at her Vidaai... ' Vansh chuckled and they laugh

'You look beautiful Annie... ' He caresses Ananya's face and then quickly walks out, unable to hold his tears

'Aww my baby... ' Naina says and follows him and Ananya smiles

'Let's go...?' Deepika says and Ananya takes a deep breath and nods

Thapar's residence...
Living room...

Ananya and Aayan's engagement was a private affair, no guests were invited, just family and close friends were there

Aayan's mother and Sameer were also there, Yash and Prateek refused to attend the function

Sameer has become everyone's favorite in the house in just few days, right from Arjun - Naina, Ved - Vansh to even Ananya's cousin, he was Ananya's best friend for everyone and in last few days even Jai started interacting with him, he also liked the boy, only Aayan avoided any interaction with him, and Sameer too didn't make any efforts to bond with him, because he knew it will be a futile attempt

Sid, Vikrant, his wife Maria and his daughter Pari were also there

Arjun was anxiously waiting for Ananya to arrive, he was tapping his foot nervously, and wiping his sweat occasionally

He was uneasy to the core about this wedding, despite the fact that everything was perfect, Aayan was the most suitable guy for Ananya, he didn't want this wedding to happen

'Relax Bhai...' Sash held his hands

'Yeah...' Arjun said taking a deep breath

Aayan was nervous too, his palms was getting sweaty, and he was loosening his tie to breathe properly...

He was nervous and excited at the same time too...

'Relax son... ' Jai said to him and he nodded taking a deep breath

Just then Ananya came to the room and Aayan's heart skipped a beat, she was looking like an angel fallen from heaven and suddenly everyone in the room, disappeared for Aayan, as he could only see Ananya right now

She was slowly walking towards him, and with her every step forward, his heart started beating twice it's rate

'How can I take revenge with her... ' A voice beneath him said

Then he scolded himself internally

Focus Aayan... You hate her... He chanted under his breath

Arjun looked at his princess and tears filled her eyes, he remembered the day when Ananya took her first baby steps towards him, and her first words were Papa too...

He wiped his tears and looked at Aayan, who was staring at her mesmerised, and chuckled remembering his own engagement day

Jai smiled proudly at them, Sameer looked at Ananya and dramatically placed his hands over his heart, pretending that he was unable to breathe, Ananya stuck her tongue out at him and then her eyes land on the hazel orbs staring at her intently

She smiled at him and he smiled back, she slowly approached him and stood beside him, he was staring at her all the time...

'Kid, she is yours now, you can stare at her later, now sit for the ritual... ' Jai said and Aayan looked away embarrassed

Aayan and Ananya sat in front of the holy fire, and priest handed flower to each of them, before chanting the mantra, both of them joined their hand and prayed

Arjun and Naina held each others hands to see that their princess was no longer only theirs, she finally got her Prince Charming

'She looks just like you... ' Arjun whispered to Naina

'But has your eyes... ' Naina sniffs

'Geez, she was born 25 years ago, not just now, quit your emotional cries.... ' Adi said

'We'll see you at Sayesha's wedding then... ' Arjun hit him playfully and Adi laughed

'Our princess grew up so fast...' Adi said and Naina-Arjun nodded wiping their tears

Ved stared at Deepika who was smiling at the couple and then her eyes landed on him

Ved gave her a thumbs up, to tell her that she was looking beautiful, followed by a flying kiss at which Deepika's eyes widened and she blushed crimson red

'Control brother, we'll arrange your engagement very soon... ' Vansh whispered to Ved and he too got embarrassed

Priest asked them to give offering to the holy fire and then stand up...

Aayan helped Ananya to stand, and then left her hands

'You may exchange the rings... ' Priest said

Naina and Priyanka walked towards them with rings in their hands and Jai left Aayan's side and stood beside Arjun,who held his hands...

Priyanka, smiled at Aayan and gave him the ring, and he faintly smiled back at her

He held Ananya's soft hands and slid the ring on her finger, Ananya did the same, everyone clapped at this and Aayan didn't leave Ananya's hands after this...

'Ladies and Gentlemen, the most eligible bachelor of Delhi and Bangalore is taken....' Rudra announced and everyone chuckled

Ananya and Aayan took blessings of all the elders of the house and later, Ved hugged them together.. 

'Finally, he got someone....' Ved exclaimed, and then turned to Aayan
'You better take care of her... ' He warned him and he nodded

Vansh hugged both of them and whispered to Ananya..

'Take care of yourself Annie... And don't forget, your brother is always with you, no matter what...' he said and Ananya nodded

He then hugged Aayan
'You are a very lucky man... ' he said to Aayan and he smiled

'I know...' Aayan said staring at Ananya

Sameer walked towards them and hugged Ananya

'Congratulations bestie...!' He hugged her

'Thank you bestie...' Ananya hugged him back

'Heyy.... ' Deepika whined

'I love you naa Deeps... ' Ananya blows a kiss to her and Deepika huffs

Sameer leaves Ananya and then gestures his hand forward towards Aayan to congratulate him

'Congratulations brother....' He smiled

Aayan looked at him and then Priyanka who was staring at them nervously and then engulfed Sameer in a tight hug

Everyone was shocked to see this
'Thanks brother.... ' Aayan smiled

Sameer was shocked to the core, but he reciprocated the hug

'Samdhiji.... ' Jai hugged Arjun and he hugged back

'See finally inki Dosti rishtedaari me badal hi gyi...' Adi said and everyone laughed

Arjun held Aayan's hands
'She is the most precious possession of mine, I am giving it to you,please take care of her son... If you ever get annoyed on her, come shout at me... But please don't say anything to her, my princess is very sensitive.... ' He said tears filling his eyes

'Paaa.... ' Ananya cried hugging him

'I can't believe, that I have to give you away....' Arjun cried

'Stop crying Old man... She is coming to live with her Bade Papa, who loves her more than you...' Jai butted in and Arjun chuckled wiping his tears

Aayan couldn't bear to see all this, his inner guilt was increasing, he walked away from them and stood near a corner watching them joking and laughing...

'Am I doing right....?' he thought

Priyanka approached him smiling and he faintly smiled at her

'Hey son... ' She said

'Hey mom...' Aayan replied

'I can't believe even you are getting married.... My kids grew up too fast...' her voice cracked

Aayan gave her a side hug and she held him

'But why are you marrying her...?' Priyanka asked and he looked at her confused

'What do you mean...?' He asked

'I thought you didn't like her...' Priyanka said

'Why would you think that...' Aayan raised his brows

'I mean, what is there to like in her, she is a spoiled brat, self centered princess, who is overly pampered... She doesn't suit your personality, You need a serious understanding partner, not another kid to take care of... ' Priyanka said and Aayan got angry listening to this and glared at her

'Listen Mom...' Aayan began angrily but then words ceased to leave his mouth, as he saw who was standing behind Priyanka

Sameer and Ananya were looking at them shocked, and Ananya had tears in her eyes....
They heard everything

Priyanka turned around, but there was no remorse in her face

'Well Aayan you did everything as you wanted, but I wished that you atleast let me choose your bride, but alas I didn't get that opportunity too... ' She smiled sweetly at Ananya and then walked away

'Mom... ' Sameer whined, but Priyanka was gone

Ananya couldn't control her tears, so she ran towards the terrace, which was only noticed by Sameer and Aayan

They looked at each other worried

'Bro I think you should...' Sameer began and Aayan nodded in understanding

'Can you do me a favour... ' Aayan asked Sameer

'Anything... ' Sameer said

'Please take Mom out of here, before I return.... ' Aayan said and sameer nodded

Aayan patted his shoulder and followed Ananya



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