Reaction Time || Ashton Irwin...

By hi_ashton96

50.4K 1.1K 193

In life you've only got a certain amount of time to react to something whether it be good or bad. Billy Cliff... More

The Restaurant
A Little Crush
Just Be Alright
Movie Night
The First Show
Just Hold Me
I'm Sorry
Why Me?
The Second Show
I'm Back
Is It A Date?
The First Date
Just Tell Me The Truth
I Think I Love You
"Forever Mine"
A Bad Day For All
Invisable String
Pizza Place
Airports & New Friends
Home Alone
Telling Ashton
Come Home
The First Ultrasound
Luke's BBQ
Happy Endings

Two Months Later

1K 33 0
By hi_ashton96

//I know it's a short chapter but I wanted to end it a certain way! Thank you everyone so much for reading you've got no idea how much it means to me//

Billy's POV:

It's been exactly two months since Ashton and the boys went on tour and I'm missing Ash more every day if that's even possible. I've been staying at the Irwin's house this whole time. It's crazy how welcoming they all are and I'm so grateful to have them for support. Both Ashton and Michael have been calling me everyday and even Liz has rung a few times to see if I'm doing alright. I'm so grateful to have all these wonderful people in my life.

I've still been feeling quite sick but it's bearable. Sometimes when I wake up it hits me and I get sick but once I eat something the feeling fades allowing me to get on with my day.

"Hey Sis, heard you haven't been feeling to well." Michael says through the phone.

"Nah not really. Nothing to worry about though." I reassure him.

"That's good then. How's things at the Irwin's?" He questions.

"Yeah great, they're all so nice. Lauren and I are officially best friends. I've also been hanging out with Kelsie and Brooklyn a bit to. We're actually all going out to lunch today." I tell him.

"I'm glad you've found some friends." Mikey says happily.

"I've got to get to sound check but Ashton wanted me to tell you that he'd call you tomorrow morning." He says.

"Ok, bye. Miss you heaps." I say smiling into the phone.

"Miss you too." He replies before hanging up.

I grab my phone and the car keys walking into the lounge room.

"You ready Loz?" I ask Lauren as her head shoots up.

"Yep." She replies with a smile as she follows me out the front door.

"Be safe you two." Anne says to us.

"We always are." Lauren replies back.

We get in Ashton's car and head to Kelsie's house. I pull up in her driveway, her and Brooklyn walk out the front door waving goodbye to Kelsie's parents before climbing into the back of the car.

"Guys this is Lauren, Ashton's sister." I say as they both introduce themselves to her.

I pull up in the cafe parking lot and suddenly start feeling a little sick again. I try to forget about it as we walk towards the cafe and take our seats outside in the fresh air. I take a few deep breaths trying to calm my upset stomach.

"Are you alright?" Kelsie asks concerned.

"Um yeah, I'll be fine." I say taking one last deep breath.

"You sure?" Brooklyn asks.

"Yep." I reply.

"Hey Lauren, do you want to get some menus?" Kelsie asks Lauren who nods and gets up to get them.

"Are you still not feeling good?" Kelsie asks concerned.

"Nah not really." I say.

"Are know...pregnant?" Brooklyn asks worried.

"Nah, no way!" I say convincing myself.

"Ok then. If you say so." Kelsie replies as Lauren walks back out.

We order our food and eat before paying and heading back home. I drop Brooklyn and Kelsie off at their houses before heading back to the Irwin's.

"Do you love him?" Lauren asks with a smirk on her face.

"Who? Ashton?" I ask.

"Yeah." She replies still looking over at me as I drive.

"Of course I do." I smile back to her.

"That's good then. Because he really loves you." She replies almost shyly.

"Yeah I know he does." I say as a massive smile grows on my face.

We pull into the drive way and I turn the car off as we walk inside. That night Harry, Lauren and I made dinner as Anne was working late. She got home and we sat down to eat. After dinner I insisted on cleaning up then had a shower before heading to bed.


"Good morning my beautiful girl." Ashton pipes through the phone.

"Hey Ash." I say tiredly.

"Someone's moody." He says cheekily.

"I'm just tired. I was up most of last night feeling sick." I yawn.

"Are you still throwing up?" He asks almost as if it's a strain on him as well.

"Nah, I just get nauseous." I reply.

"Ok, maybe you should see a doctor and find out that's wrong?" He suggests.

"Nah, I'm not that sick." I say.

"Are you sure? You've been sick for a whole two months. Basically since I've left." He says concerned.

I suddenly realise something and fall completely silent in shock as I join the dots and remember back to Brooklyn, Kelsie and my conversation from yesterday.

"Babe are you there?" Ashton asks as he doesn't get a reply.

"Billy?" He says as his concern rises.

"I've got to go." I almost whisper as I hang up the phone that instant.

I go straight to the calendar on my phone and check the date, 5th of August. Shit almost three months late. I start to panic and my phone buzzes again as Ashton's name lights up on my phone screen. I finally manage to pick the phone up still in shock.

"Billy?" Ashton asks panicked yet I'm still to scared to reply.

"Billy? What's going on?" He asks frantically.

"Ashton." I say soft and scared.

"Yeah baby." He replies instantly.

"I think I'm pregnant."

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