Bitten But Alive (The Walking...

By chibicandimei

1M 30.3K 17.8K

When it all began, you,being one of the best soldiers,helped get as many people as you could out of multiple... More



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By chibicandimei

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Photo Cred: imorawetz on Deviantart


( Glenn POV )

"What did Rick say?" I expected an immediate answer from Lori but all she did was stare at me before going back to whatever she was doing,"You didn't tell him?" I heard her sigh before she continued to ignore my existence,"Okay ,but Lori,"I moved in front of her only to have her turn around. "You have to Lori,"I sighed,what can I say to get her to not ignore me? "You're pregnant." With this she easily looked up and stared at me in fear before looking around making sure nobody heard,"you need vitamins, medicine, a nice pillow." She ignored me and began to fiddle with our little camp fire,"Here,"I turned to grab the food I had gotten and raised my hand to Lori,"You can have my share of food, you need it more."

She pushed my hand away from her and into my chest as she finally payed full attention to me,"Honey ,I don't want your food,okay? You eat it."

I stared at her incredulously as she turned away from me again,this time she did it to fill a container with water that happened to be over the camp's fire,"Lori you need to eat, you're too skinny!" Still ignoring me? Dammit, I looked around to make sure no one was around again before stepping closer to Lori,"If you're not gonna let Rick take care of you, then someone has to!" Now having filled up the container she put the water filled bottle down,"Lori you have a medical condition."

At the words medical condition she looked at me with a "Are you serious face" before letting out a sarcastic laugh and going back to ignoring my existence, with an annoyed face I spoke,"I'll make another run into town with Y/N, just tell me what you need and me and Y/N will help you."

With a glare she looked up again and stared at me,"I already know Y/N has dropped the subject but I need you to be quiet about this, alright?" Her glare on me turned into pleading eyes," Please."

I opened my mouth to speak but at that moment I heard Shane call me over as the peach man, with a sigh and a roll of my eyes I turned around to pick up the basket before making my way over to the guys huddled around the car and a map. I feel like I should just tell Rick already, but I know I have no right to do that.

As I made my way over I heard a small part of their conversation,""Take a run up there after gun practice, I'll hold down the fort here but make sure to take backup. After what went down with Daryl and Y/N I don't want anyone going out alone. I want everyone in pairs."

Shane nodded before pushing off the car and facing my incoming figure,"I'll take suggestions on a partner."

Rick looked over to see why Shane moved only to see me before responding to Shane,"Just see how they do on the range and then take your pick.For a suggestion if you want someone good? I say take Y/N with you, she's a good shot."

Shane shook his head,"I don't want her out there again,no, it has to be someone else."

Rick raised an eyebrow at him which was accompanied by an amused smile,"She went out there this morning on her own."

"What? That brat.."

They ended the conversation which only led me back to my previous thoughts,If I told Rick,right here and right now would it just come back to bite me in the ass? Shaking my head I raised the basket of fruit, letting Rick and Shane before walking over to Rick's other side so that someone from Herschel's family could grab one of the peaches as well.Now standing there with nothing to do I looked at Rick's face and opened my mouth to tell him but I quickly shut it, instead I just stood staring at him. My eyes then moved to Shane and finally I turned around to look at Lori.Should I say it? I know she won't..

She quickly felt my eyes on her as she looked up with wide eyes,I could see her yelling at me with her eyes,it was clear as day what they were screaming at me too,Don't say anything Glenn. I quickly turned back around to stare at Rick, I could still feel Lori's stare on my back.

With a raised eyebrow at my awkward staring Shane pointed with his head at me,"My binoculars."

I made a confused face before I realized that he was talking to me because I had them hanging off one of my shoulders,"Oh ....right,yeah yeah," I lowered the basket to the floor before removing them from my shoulder and handing them off to Shane. I quickly went back to the basket of fruit as I avoided Rick's eyes,"Okay, bye," I picked it up and left in a hurry.

( Rick POV )

Me and Shane watched Glenn run off,what was that about? Shane had the same looked on his face about Glenn before his eyes focused on something behind me,"We'd like to join you for gun training today."

"If that's ok?"

I turned around to see Patricia and Beth, wholeheartedly I wanted to say "yes you can join us", I knew it would be a big help to teach them but after the many talks that turned into non yelling arguments between me and Hershel I knew accepting their request wouldn't go down well. With a sigh I spoke,"Hershel's been very cIear, I can't involve any of you in what we do without Herschel saying himself that it's ok."

The younger of the two, Beth, responded with a smile,"That won't be a problem, he doesn't like it but he consented to it," I raised my eyebrow in question and she continued. "Otis was the only one who knew his way around guns.."

Before I could speak,Otis's wife spoke up,"Now that he's gone, we gotta learn how to protect ourselves. Her father saw the sense in that."

I sighed as I looked down at the car before moving my eyes back up to face them,"No offense, to either of you, but I rather ask Hershel myself." They both nodded in understanding, I sighed, I wonder how this conversation is going to go.

( Carl POV )

Hmm,where is she? She wouldn't still be sleeping right,she might be.I heard she was hurt so she might be resting, but what tent is she in? With a pout on my face I noticed Andrea outside so I ran up to her,"Hey Andrea?" She stopped walking and turned to look at me with surprise.Then again, no one has seen me outside of that room and bed in a while,"Do you know where Y/N is?"

She gave me a small smile before pointing over to the tent Daryl was currently using,"She should be in there,she was sleeping last I saw her."

I nodded and yelled,"thank you," before making my way towards the tent where I found Daryl asleep clutching onto an arrow.That's weird.

Ignoring his form I looked to the other side of the tent where Y/N laid,unmoving,should I just leave? I walked a bit closer and began to lean over her,trying to see if she was asleep or not,It feels like I haven't seen her in years,she won't be mad if I wake her up right?

"What are you doing?"

What the! I fell forward and onto a now awake Y/N who just continued to lay in silence with a raised eyebrow."I- sorry! I didn't mean to wake you up just....I'm finally out of bed now."

With a sigh she moved a little to the edge of the "bed" before wrapping her arms around me and pulling me down next to her,"Don't worry Carl,I wasn't sleeping.Just being ....lazy."

With a smile I looked at her half covered face before my hand slowly raised up to grab onto her face mask."Can I?" She let out a small laugh, though it sounded a bit strange it was a laugh no less, I took that as a yes before pulling down the black cloth to reveal her mouth and chin. I tilted my head to the side in confusion as I stared at her red tinted lips,and small patches of dried blood ,"What's on your mouth?"

"Hmm?" She raised her hand to her mouth,her eyes widenend for just a second before going back to their emotionless state.Feeling whatever it was she quickly wiped at it with her sleeve before turning back to look at me. "I ate some food earlier,seems I didn't cook it well enough after hunting it."

"Isn't it bad to eat undercooked meat?"

I tilted my head to the side as she thought about it,"It is bad but I'm one of those really weird people who goes to restaurants and asks for my steak to be rare.That basically means it not cooked very much."

"People eat meat that's still red,and can have blood on it?" She seemed to think about it before nodding slowly which just turned into her shrugging with a smile on her face.I started to laugh ,Y/N is so cool! I moved my body to lay on my stomach next to her,"Hey Y/N, would you ever teach me how to hunt?"

"Of course I would," I looked up at her hopeful that she would take me to go hunting right now,but she started talking again."Problem is, your dad doesn't think it's right to teach you."

"Can you please teach me?"

She laid her head down to stare up at the top of the tent,I opened my mouth to speak when I felt one of her hands begin to run through my hair.My hat must have fallen off when I fell on top of her, I stayed quiet waiting for her to respond,"I'll teach you knife weilding and work my way up to my crossbow."

I pushed the top half of my body up with my arms, it hurt a little cause I stretched my mostly healed wound but I ignored it, with a smile I hovered over her face,"Really!?"

She nodded with a smile,"Ya, I'll get yelled at by your dad, you will too ,but, it will be way less than if I went straight to teaching you how to use a gun."

I rolled off the "bed" with some discomfort, picked up my dads hat ,and walked to the tents entrance,"Can you show me right now?" She raised herself up with her arms to look at me,before she could respond I clasped my hands together in front of me,"Pleaseee."

Y/N laughed at me as I watched her sit up completely before reaching down and grabbing her bag that sat on the floor ,somehow standing up,"Carl I was gonna say sure before you cut me off," the smile on my face got even wider as she stood up with her bag now on her back,"Lets go to the shooting range with the others.While they do that I'm gonna show you other skills that'll be helpful in the long run."

"Helpful in the long run?"

"I get guns are easy to use to kill walkers, you aim and shoot and something goes now. When you learn to use your surroundings things work out a lot better,"I raised an eyebrow not understanding what she was saying only to earn another laugh. "It'll make more sense when we start, but judging by your confusion I'm gonna start with throwing knives,that sound good to you?"


Not great, it sucks ,and its late. I'm really sorry,

I was gonna update yesterday but I decided to write 2 chapters and post them at the same time.

No matter how hard I try I just can't update on time.

Anywho, hope you enjoyed sorry if it seems rushed <3


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