The Secret Prince (Amourshipp...

By Azazel0886

954K 16.6K 22.9K

After his loss in Unova Ash returns home to regroup and plan which region he will go to next. However while p... More

A few words from the author
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
authors request
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Putting it to a vote
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71

Chapter 64

7.4K 160 567
By Azazel0886

Welcome one and all to Chapter 64 of "The Secret Prince". Things are really getting exciting and I hope you are all enjoying this so far.

Now I have some, potentially bad news. Starting this weekend begins me being in a completely new situation in a new place, and I don't know what my schedule is going to be like, or my cell service. Cell service is important because I use Wattpad through my cell phone. I'm going to be in this for two weeks, then I get a week off, then I dive to an even more difficult situation for six months. I can't go into details about any of it. My point is, I might not be able to post new chapters for the next two fridays. If I can I will, but if I can't I will just update when I get back with both chapters. I'm just warning you all now just in case.

I'm almost done writing, and I will try and finish ASAP so I can finish before my six month period. My hope's are that I will have enough time to update during these periods, because I've taken a real love of writing and want to continue. Regardless, Secret Prince is a priority to complete before my six months. I hope you all understand and are ok with this.

Now to a happier topic. If you like my work please vote, feel free to leave comments, and please share this story with your friends. I now present to you Chapter 64, enjoy.

"Hello Mr. Ketchum, so nice to finally meet you. We have so much to discuss," said Lysandre in a cool calm voice.

"I have nothing to discuss with you. You are going to give me Serena back, and in exchange I won't put you all in the hospital," Ash spat back.

Lysnadre scowled, "You need to learn some manners boy." Lysandre then raised his right hand and snapped his fingers.


Ash looked to his right and saw Serena being brought out in some kind of restraints, by two Team Flare grunts, and an officer with purple hair.

"Serena," Ash cried and started to move towards her.

"Don't move," Lysandre yelled.

At that moment one of the grunts raised a laser gun and pressed it against the back of Serena's head. Serena felt this and her eyes filled with fear and tears that began to stream down her cheeks.

"If you try anything, they will kill her," Lysandre said calmly.

Ash turned back to face Lysandre. "What do you want," Ash said angrily through his teeth.

Lysandre smiled, "for right this moment, just for you to listen to me."

Ash took a deep breath to try and calm himself. I worked just enough to keep him from doing anything stupid.

"Talk," Ash said, not wanting to say much so he didn't say anything that would anger him, yet.

"As a trainer you have no doubt seen how bad this world has gotten. Greed and corruption everywhere. People and pokemon never satisfied and always wanting more, always wanting the best of everything thing. People always wanting the biggest house, the nicest car. They want this and that, more and more, bigger and better. And their pokemon have adopted this trait. Through all of this our world suffers the most, oceans are polluted, forests cleared, the natural beauty of this world wiped away for homes and cities. Destroyed for oil, precious metals and stones. But Team Flare will change all that, once Zygarde is done we will teach the survivors how to live in a way that respects and nurtures our world," Lysandre explained.

"And let me guess, all of them ruled by you," Ash commented with an annoyed tone, as Lysandre just sounded as arrogant and egotistical as all the other Team leaders he's faced.

"Only at first, to get things started. In the end though, I was thinking you could lead," Lysandre said with a smirk.

Ash was shocked by this. He could tell Lysandre was crazy, but this took it to a new level.

"You see I've done my homework on your kind, Aura Guardians. Your kind used to live as people need to. The Aura Guardians used to try and teach people to live a better life. But it was the nobles of the kingdoms that didn't like them. They saw the Aura Guardians as a threat to their power, and tried to wipe them out. Those survivors had to adapt and blend in to stay alive. In the end though they scattered and tried to make the world better a little at a time. You have lived up to this yourself, all those times saving the world, toppling criminal organizations, you have done so much good. You are also a prince, and clearly a natural leader, the survivors would look to you to lead them. You could teach them a better way to live, even better than I. You and Ms. Serena could teach the world together. Join me Ash, join me in heralding in a new era," Lysandre explained with an excited smile.

Ash couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"I've read your aura, and it showed me you are twisted. But it didn't do you justice, your completely off your rocker. I know this world is messed up, but you are no better than them. You want to force your ideology onto the whole world. I'll give you credit, your heart is in the right place, but your method makes Team Flare no better than any other organization I've faced," Ash retorted. Ash's pokemon smirked at his response.

The smile on Lysandre's face was gone he looked down upon Ash with a frustrated look.

"Don't be fool. I'm giving you a chance to survive this with your fiance. Don't make the same mistake your father did," said Lysandre.

"What," Ash breathed, his eyes wide and fixed on Lysandre.

"I guess you wouldn't know, you were probably only a baby then, and I doubt he told anyone where he was going before he came. Yes, I made this same offer to your father nearly eighteen years ago. Team Flare was just in its infancy back then, existing under the cover of Lysandre Labs. I saw Red on a security camera flying in on that wretched charizard of his. I was excited at first, the World Champion arriving at our little lab. Legends of his greatness were known everywhere as he worked to make the world better for people and pokemon alike. I thought he must have heard about us and wanted to help, but I was wrong. I guess he used his aura to evaluate our base, because he had his charizard attack a hidden lab, where we started our research on mega evolution energy. That was only the beginning, the two of them knocked out every pokemon, and killed anyone who attacked them, they were merciless. Anyone still alive I ordered to retreat, while tried to deal with him. I had never met that man before, but the look in his eyes when he saw me was pure hate, even to this day I can still remember it clearly. I tried to reason with him, but all he said was that he wouldn't let me kill his son. My Mega Gyarados battled that Charizard X, but lost."

Lysandre then pulled out a large sliver colored revolver from inside his jacket.

"But in the end it was this very gun that brought down both man and beast," Lysandre said with a smile.

The rage inside Ash was coming to a boil. "This man. This man is the reason I grew up without a father," Ash thought to himself.

Ash was on the verge of a full blown aura rage, his aura beginning to flare out all around him. Even his pokemon were ready to rip them all apart. Ash was their family, he filled the holes in their hearts with the love they longed for. And these people deprived Ash of a love that he was missing his whole life, the love of his father. They hurt him deep, for that they deserved no mercy.

"Nah ah ah. I wouldn't do anything to hasty. Don't forget I have your fiance," Lysandre said gesturing towards Serena.

Upon seeing Serena as Team Flare's prisoner again, Ash began to get is aura back under control.

"Good boy," Lysandre said as he saw the aura flaring stopped. "I guess I shouldn't have bothered giving you much of a choice. You will work for us, or we will kill your fiance."

Ash looked over at Serena, fear in both of their eyes. Ash didn't want to help Team Flare, but he couldn't sacrifice Serena. He looked at Serena's state and the Team Flare members around her. Serena was just too far away to be able to do anything without them killing her first. Ash needed help, he needed a distraction.


"Gahhhhh," Calem groaned as he regain consciousness.

His eyes opened slowly as he tried to piece together what happened. His head hurt, causing him to rub the back of his head.


Calem felt something wet on his hand, he looked and saw his palm was red with his blood.

"Great, I probably got a concussion now."

Calem struggled to his feet, his balance was still a bit off from the hit, but he still managed to get up by leaning against the wall. He could hear voices, but couldn't tell what they were saying. He walked towards them, as he did he started to make out the voice.

"Lysandre," Calem hissed.

He continued to a metal table with pokeballs on it, Serena's pokeballs. He left them and walked a little further, looked around a corner, and saw what was happening. He was behind Serena, she had a laser gun pointed at her head, and was just a few feet away. He looked more and saw Ash with five of his pokemon out, and Lysandre on a platform about a foot above Ash and a few feet away. Ash suddenly started glowing blue, and looked ready to kill.

"Nah ah ah. I wouldn't do anything to hasty. Don't forget I have your fiance," Lysandre said gesturing towards Serena.

Calem saw Ash starting to calm down. He could tell Ash couldn't do anything, he had to do something. Calem looked around and saw a toolbox under the metal table. He ran over, opened it, and started digging through.

"Oh come on. These tool boxes always have a big wrench, a hammer, something good to use as a weapon in the movies," Calem whispered to himself.

Eventually Calem found a medium sized wrench. "Better than nothing," Calem whispered to himself again.

He carefully walked back to the corner, took a deep breath, then charged at the grunts.

"AAHHHHHHH," Calem yelled as he swung the wrench down onto the head of the grunt with the gun.

This caught everyone's attention. The grunt dropped the gun as he grabbed his head. Calem caught it, aimed, and fired at the other grunt, then at the first. The purple haired officer ran for cover, ducking behind a pillar as he fired at her.

He grabbed Serena by her restraints and pulled her away, grabbing a controller from one of the grunts on the ground as he did it.

"KICK HIS ASS ASH! I'LL PROTECT SERENA!" Calem yelled as he ran.

They were just about to get around the corner, he saw a bright blue light out of the corner of his eye and heard Ash yell, but could afford to look back.

Calem then felt a sharp burning pain in his lower back. He pushed Serena around the corner, turned, and fired the gun at the purple haired officer, hitting her gun and blowing it up, all while falling to the ground.

He grabbed the controller and pressed some buttons. The restraints holding Serena deactivated and fell to the ground. He then reached back and felt where it hurt. He grabbed at the area, his hand slipped on something, he grabbed it and brought it forward to see. It was black and crispy on one end, the other was covered in his blood, he had just unintentionally removed the burned skin from the wound.

"Come on Calem," Serena said as she came out from safety.

Serena grabbed Calem by the arm, lifted him to his feet and helped him around the corner. She leaned him back against the wall and grabbed her pokeballs. When she turned back around she saw the purple haired officer released her Drapion and Manectric.

"Absol, Braixen Go!"

Both pokemon took a battle stance in front of Serena as she grabbed the key stone in her blue ribbon. "Absol mega evolve!" Serena yelled.

Absol was engulfed in a bright light as his form changed.

The purple haired officer shrugged as she dug into her pocket, "sure, why not. Manectric, mega evolve!"

Serena's eyes widened in shock upon hearing this. Manectric was engulfed in a white light as it changed. However, before Serena could even see Manectric's mega evolved form, she sees the officer charging at her.

Serena backs up until she hits the wall. The officer tries to slam her foot into her stomach, but Serena manages to move to the side out of the way. The officer then chases after her throwing punches and kicks. Serena however dodges all of the attacks gracefully. All of her training for all the showcases made her agile and quick. Serena even subconsciously added a little flare to her moves, making it look like to anyone watching that she was dancing, as her pokemon continued battling without her.

"Stand still so I can hit you you little bitch," the officer said angrily as she continued to fail to land a blow.

Sadly Serena's luck ran out as she saw a white light coming from Braixen. The officer kicked Serena in the stomach, then grabbed her and forced her to the ground. Serena struggled to get free but the officer was bigger and stronger. She then pulled out a switch blade knife and extended the blade.

"I wonder how much your little prince will like you after I cut up that pretty face of yours," the officer said sadistically.

"Keep away from me," Serena cried as she tried to hold back the knife.

A little ways away, Calem heard Serena's cries. He looked to his right and fell over as he reached for the tool box from before.

"Come on tool box, give me what I need again," Calem said to himself.

Calem tipped over the tool box and began rummaging through looking for the improvised weapon he needed. He then smiled at he held one of the tools, and knew exactly how he was going to use it. Calem then started crawling towards Serena.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" Serena screamed as the blade began to cut into her skin.

The blade touched on the left side of Serena's head by her eye. The officer had a sadistic smile on her face as she slowly brought the blade down, blood pouring out.

"Ahhhhhh," the officer screamed as she felt something stab into her calf.

She looked back behind her to see Calem pulling a screwdriver out of her calf and then thrust it back in.

"Ahhhhhh," she screamed again.

She then kicked Calem in the face, breaking his nose. Calem was knocked away and grabbed his nose, leaving the screwdriver in her leg. The officer then forgot all about Serena as she climbed off her and limped towards Calem to finish him off.

"I'm going to kill you you little piece of shit," she spat as she got closer.

She raised the blade over her head as she began to fall on top of Calem and stab him till he was dead. He took his hands off his bloody nose to try and keep her from stabbing him. She was mere inches away when she stopped, covered in a pink aura.

The officer couldn't move as she was lifted up and was turned to face a very angry looking Delphox with her eyes glowing pink from using physic on the officer. She looked past Delphox to see her Drapion smoldering, and her Mega Manectric revert back to it's normal form, with Mega Absol having a paw on its throat.

"Hahaha," the officer chuckled nervously as she looked back at Delphox. "Um good match, congratulations on winning. About the whole thing with me and your trainer...." she started.

Delphox didn't let her finish, as she quickly moved her stick, and the officer moved with it. She was sent flying into a concert wall, then fell to the ground in a lifeless heap.

Serena stood back up and looked at her newly evolved Delphox, "congratulations Delphox."

Delphox looked over at Serena with a smile, but the smile quickly left as she saw Serena wounded. Delphox and Mega Absol quickly rushed to her, worried about her condition. Despite how much it hurt, Serena's cut wasn't very deep, or big, it just looked bad.

"I'm ok, don't worry. It's not that bad," Serena cheerfully.

Serena then remembered Calem. She looked over to see him a bloody mess, and smiling at her.

"Calem are you ok?" Serena asked.

"I'll be fine. Go worry about Ash, Lysandre is alot stronger than he looks," Calem said reassuringly.

Serena nodded, then started running to where Ash was before, both Delphox and Mega Absol right behind her. Once there Serena saw Ash, his body glowing blue. A few feet away was Lysandre, who looked like he was recovering from a pretty hard hit. She then saw Ash grab the brim of his hat and turn it backwards.




"BLASTOISE HYDRO CANNON!" Yelled both Gary and Tierno.



"LUCARIO AURA SPHERE!" Yelled Korrina.

The seven attacks hit the Zygarde and exploded creating a dust cloud, hiding the results of the attacks.

"Did we do it, did we win?" Dawn asked no one in particular.

Just then they heard a loud cry and a blast of turquoise dragon energy parted the cloud and hit the ground in front of them, sending all, people and pokemon alike flying back.

Paul was the first to attack Zygarde, with the others trickling in over the last thirty minutes, Korrina was the most recent. People and pokemon alike were exhausted, while Zygarde looked as though he could go on forever.

"You just had to ask didn't you," Korrina groaned to Dawn as she was recovering from the blast.

"I don't get it, where's everyone else. I can't imagine Alain couldn't make it this far," Tierno thought out loud as he was getting back up.

Zygarde let out another cry, and several vines burst from the ground and shot towards the trainers. Some eyes closed, as others were wide open as they thought this was the end.

Then as the vines closed in a combination of several different attacks flew over their heads and destroyed the vines. An old looking Mega Lucario, Mega Ampharos, a Gengar, and a Mega Sceptile, jumped in front of the trainers.

"Are you all ok," yelled Max from behind.

They looked back and saw Salamence landing with Max and Bonnie on it's back. Beside them also landing was a Dragonite, with Queen Ilene's head of security Lucas, and a Fearow, with Serena's head of security Tom. A motorcycle then skidded to a stop, Meyer and Gurkin then climbed off.

"Grandfather," Korrina cried.

The two rushed to each other and gave each other a hug.

"I'm so happy your ok," said Gurkin.

He then started looking around at the other trainers getting up, and noticed a particular trainer wasn't there.

"Where is that boyfriend of yours? He should be here battling by your side," Gurkin questioned.

"He went ahead with Ash to stop Team Flare at Prism Tower. I stayed behind to help clear the way a little ways back," Korrina said defending Clemont.

Gurkin smiled and nodded, "charging right to the heart of the enemy, boys brave."

Korrina sighed in relief that Gurkin approved.

"Yes, he'll make an excellent addition to the family," Gurkin said under his breath.

"What was that Grandfather?" Korrina questioned, not hearing what Gurkin said.

"Nothing Granddaughter," he said casually as he looked up at Zygarde. "Quite a powerful pokemon. Its impressive you kids lasted as well as you did. But now it's time for the old men to take over."

"Who are you calling old gramps. I'm not the one who's a grandfather, yet," Meyer commented, looking a Korrina and smiling at the last part.

"Hey old guys, you can't be our only reinforcements. Where's everyone else?" Gary asked.

"They are dealing with the other Zygarde," said Lucas as he walked up.

"Oh great, there's two of them now," Tierno whined.

"Hey, aren't you two supposed to be protecting the queen," Paul commented.

"Queens orders, we are to help save Lumiose and it's people. She and princess Miette are safe, and I left two of my best guards to see that they stay that way," said Lucas.

"And I'm supposed to be protecting Serena. I need to redeem myself," added Tom.

"If you are all done with the chatter, we have a legendary pokemon here that needs to be dealt with," said Gurkin, bring everyone's attention back to the Zygarde.

Lucario and Dragonite charged at Zygarde and began attacking, keeping the attention off the trainers.

"That's not just any legendary pokemon, that's Squishy," Bonnie cried.

Everyone looked at Bonnie to see her eyes glowing blue.

"Wait, are you trying to tell us that that little green blob you were carrying around was Zygarde!?" Gary asked yelling with shock.

"Yes, and we need to save him from Team Flares control. I think I can do it if I get on his head, but I'll need all of your help," Bonnie explained.

"No! Absolutely not! It's too dangerous. We'll figure this out," Meyer objected.

"Dad I know I can do this! I'm an aura guardian just like mom was and Ash is!" Bonnie yelled back.

Meyer took a step back in shock. This was no longer his little girl, Bonnie was her mother's daughter. She had the same fiery passion in her eyes that her mother did that always used to tell him not to get in her way.

"Fine, but I don't know how we are going to get you on his head," Meyer said giving in.

"I think I've got a plan," Paul interjected. "Shauna, can your Venuasaur use frenzy plant?"

"Yes, why?" She replied.

"Everyone, on my mark have your pokemon hit Zygarde with your most powerful attacks to hopefully keep him from moving. Then Shauna, Max, and I will have our pokemon use frenzy plant to hold Zygarde in place. Max I want you to take Bonnie up on your Salamence and drop her off on Zygarde's head while it's restrained. Then Bonnie, do whatever you have to do," Paul explained.

Everyone nodded in agreement, understanding Paul plan. It was simple, but if anything went wrong, the whole plan could fall apart, and they probably wouldn't have a second chance.

"NOW!" Paul yelled.

All at once the trainers called out their pokemon's most powerful attacks. Squishy cried out in pain from the large number of powerful attacks, as a dust cloud formed around him.

"FRENZY PLANT!" Yelled Paul, Shauna, and Max.

Torterra and Venuasaur glowed green, then stomped their front feet into the ground. Mega Sceptile slaps both his hands together, then thrusts them into the ground. A dozen spiked roots then erupted from the ground and began to wrap around Squishy as the dust began to settle.

"Max!" Paul yelled, but Max and Bonnie were already airborne on there way to Squishy's head.

Squishy struggled against the frenzy plant, trying to break free. He then saw Bonnie and Max on Salamence coming in. A vine the fired up from the ground. Salamence tried to dodge, but his wing was clipped, knocking Max and Bonnie off. Salamence managed to catch Max as they fell, but Bonnie was out of reach.

Thinking fast Bonnie grabbed a pokeball, "Froakie, make a rope from your fubbles to catch me," Bonnie yelled as her little blue frog was released. Froakie emerged mid air and quickly made a frubble rope. He then threw one end to Bonnie, and the other at Squishy, which stuck to the side of his head. Bonnie grabbed Froakie and the two of them, and Dedenne swung around and up, landing on Squishy's head.

Upon feeling someone land on its head, Squishy began move even more violently, breaking most of the roots restraining him.

"Please Squishy calm down, were here to help," Bonnie pleaded as he struggled to stay on.

Froakie then began throwing his frubbles by Bonnie's hands and feet to help her stay on.

"Thanks Froakie. Now to put operation, bring back Squishy, into action," said Bonnie.

Bonnie put her hands directly on Squishy's head, then her hands and eyes began glowing blue.

"Squishy, this isn't you. Remember who you are, remember me," Bonnie pleaded using her aura.

Bonnie also began forcing her memories of her time with Squishy into his head as she also sang him her song about him. Squishy's eye glowed blue while he fought, as Bonnie tried to counter the effects of Team Flare's mind control. Everyone else just watched, hoping Bonnie succeeded, while also being ready to attack again. Soon Squishy calmed down and stopped trying to get Bonnie off. Then the red on his body turned back to green.

"Thank you Bonnie. Thank you for saving me," Squishy said through telepathy.

"I promised I would take care of you and protect you. I will always be there for you," Bonnie replied.

"I also must apologize to you all for attacking you," Squishy said to the other trainers with telepathy.

"It's ok Squishy, we know you weren't yourself," replied Korrina.

The others accepted Squishy's apology as well.

"Thank you, but now I must ask for your help. My brother must be freed of Team Flare's control as well, and I do not believe I can do it on my own. Will you help me?" Squishy asked.

"Of course we will help," said Gurkin.

"Thank you. Come we haven't a moment to lose," Squishy replied.

"Wait a minute," Korrina said as she realized something. "Squishy your speaking to us using telepathy right?"

"Yes, is that a problem?"

"No, but during the whole time you traveled with us, why didn't you do it before now?" Korrina asked.

Everyone looked at Squishy for an answer.

Squishy sweat dropped. "We must go save my brother quickly, we haven't a moment to lose."

Squishy then slithered off to his brother, Bonnie riding atop his head, and everyone else following behind.


As they ran, Gary saw something out of the corner of his eye and stopped to investigate.

"Gary what is it?" Dawn asked as she stopped with him.

"I'm not sure. I thought I saw something," Gary replied as he started walking towards an alley.

Then he saw it again, a person running by wearing a red suit. And then another and another, all dressed the same.

"There they are, did you see that?" Asked Gary.

"I wish I didn't. That was a horrible look, way too much red, and to have so many people wearing the same thing, I'm sorry but no it's too horrible," Dawn judged.

But Gary wasn't listening too much to Dawn. "Come on, let's follow them, I've got a bad feeling about them."

"It's called nausea, I've got it too after seeing them," Dawn relied.

Gary didn't respond, he just took off after them. Dawn followed close behind.

Gary and Dawn ran down the alley. Once they reached the end, Gary looked around the corner to see several more Team Flare grunts, and a black vertical takeoff jet, with the Team Flare logo on it.

"These guys are with Team Flare," Gary informed Dawn as he ducked back around the corner.

"Are you sure?" Dawn asked.

"Yeah, there's a jet back there with that same logo Lysandre had after his message," Gary responded.

"What do we do? Should we get the others?" Dawn asked.

A smirk then formed on Gary's face. "No. The great Gary Oak and Dawn Berlitz, can handle these small frys."

Gary then explained his plan to Dawn. After the plan was explained, Dawn gave Gary a kiss for luck, and then put the plan into action.

Gary quietly released Arcanine and had him dig a hole that lead under the grunts.

"So how long are we supposed to wait here?" asked one of the grunts.

"Until Lysandre calls for us," another grunt responded.

"But what if Zygarde..." the first grunt started before the ground started to shake.

The shaking stopped, they all waited a second, then breathed a sigh of relief. Just then the ground underneath them exploded, and an Arcanine, Mamoswine, and Electivire burst out.

"Electivire thunder," Gary yelled.

"Mamosine blizzard," commanded Dawn.

Half the grunts were knocked out by the thunder, while the other half were frozen in ice, all before they could release a single pokemon.

"You see, I told you we didn't need any help," Gary said confidently.

"Umbreon, come on out," said Gary as he released another pokemon.

"Arcanine, Electivire, stand guard. Umbreon, with me. Well be right back, I just want to make sure that's all of them," Gary said.

Gary walked into the jet, and almost immediately had a laser gun pointed at him.

"Pachirisu, nuzzle," Dawn cried as she released the white and blue squirrel looking pokemon.

It flew past Gary and Umbreon while it rubbed its cheeks, then it nuzzled against the Team Flare grunt. The grunt fell to the group paralyzed from the attack.

"Please be careful Gary, I can't save you all the time," Dawn casually commented.

Gary chuckled embarrassingly. They checked the rest of the jet and found nobody else inside. Gary then took a seat in the cockpit and looked around the controls.

"Don't tell me you think your going to fly this thing," Dawn questioned shockingly.

"Of course not. I couldn't even figure out how to fly this thing even if my life depended on it. But, I do know what this button does," Gary said as he pushed a button that read dump fuel.

Gary and Umbreon then dragged the grunt away from the jet, as well as the other grunts, with help from the other pokemon. Gary then returned all his pokemon except for Archanine.

"So now what," Dawn asked curiously.

Gary smirked as he looked at the jet, still leaking fuel. "Archanine, flamethrower."

Archanine opened his mouth as a stream of fire came out and hit the fuel on the ground igniting it.

"Alright let's go," Gary said

He helped Dawn up onto Archanine first, pushing her up by her butt. Gary was about to climb on when he noticed a walkie talkie on one of the grunts belts. He walked over, pulled it off and put it on his belt. Then jumped onto Archanine, and then they started off to catch up with the others.

"So what's the walkie talkie for?" Asked Dawn.

"Somebody is going to want that jet eventually. I'm just going to tell them what happened to it," Gary replied.

Meanwhile the fire followed the trail of fuel up to and inside the jet. It then exploded behind them just as Gary finished his response.

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