Double M is My Man

By EndlessImagination

11.2K 582 406

What's the cherry on top with being in love with your best friend? That he works part-time as Double M: a su... More

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By EndlessImagination

"Why did you take me to my neighborhood?"

"You're from here?"

I nod my head slowly while Charlie recovers from his baffled state. "Hmm, I didn't take you as the upper east side type of gal." Then Charlie chuckles, "as well, I thought you figured out by now where we were going."

"You're taking me to Reece so I can embarrass myself." I respond back, not liking this plan one bit. We ended up spending another hour at the arcade. I tried to challenge Charlie for a rematch but he didn't even bat an eye. We both know he won, thanks to a certain youngster who just had to answer her flippin' cell, and no rematch is going to change that.

So the time we spent at the arcade took a while as I did everything in my power to stall the inevitable. Add the time that I convinced Charlie to eat dinner with me and the time it took us to get to this part of the city from the mall and the day has actually ended.

I hoped that Charlie would call it quits for the day but that hunk of a Brit is sure presistent. Taking a quick glance at the screen of my Galaxy S5 to see that it's officially half an hour past midnight on, what i can say, it going to be the worst Sunday of my life.

"We're here," Charlie tells me as we both stop in front of a massive, luxury apartment complex. 

The building is familiar to me as I only live a block from it and see it often but I'm still confused as to why we are standing in front of it. "Reece doesn't live here," I tell Charlie, knowing the way by heart to his place at upper west side of town. 

Charlie nods his head, "oh I know but a certain star quarterback lives here and he just happens to be having a weekend party right now."

I gulp nervously, "and Reece is at the party?"

"Have you ever heard of a party that Castellano has missed?" Charlie questions me. I don't have to answer me because we both know the truth: Reece loves to party and any party hosted by the popular peeps of Beacon High, he'll be there.

I find it kind of funny how none of his superhero missions have managed to fall on a day when a party is happening. Either that boy is just lucky or he purposely plans to be free those days somehow. Maybe he asks all the powerful villains in the world to take a chill pill on these party days.

"So let me get this straight," I say when I notice Charlie is making his way to the building. The British dude, turns around to face me, a bit disappointed that I'm holding him back from the party. "We're going to that party?" I ask, pointing up at the tall apartment skyscraper. 

"How else are you going to talk to Reece?" Charlie asks.

"What about at school?" I hesitantly ask him.

"And what about next month? Or maybe next year?" Charlie counters, annoyed. "Don't you see, Zada! You'll only continue to push back that day when you confront him until Reece moves on and forgets about you."

I frown, not liking the idea that there would be a day when Reece would actually forget about me.

I mean, come on! This is me we're talking about. I'm Zada Leela Porter the unforgettable!

Flying skyscrapers! Am I seriously getting distracted at a time like this? 

Suddenly, a hand comes in front of my face and I look up to see Charlie standing on the top of the stairs with an encouraging smile. "It's now or never, Zada."

I stare at his hand for a few seconds. I can't just leave Charlie hanging there like that, looking at a complete idiot with his arm stretch out towards me. At the same time, I just want to run away from this building, go home, and lock myself in my room forever with a lifetimes supply of animal crackers. 

It isn't rocket science to know that I don't fit in with the party crowd. For crying out loud, I've never been to a high school party. Reece asked me once, the very first time he was invited back in sophomore year and I kindly turned down his offer. It happened to turn out that after Reece when to that party and gotta taste of what's it like at those parties, he never asked me to come with him again. I figured he realized then and there that I wouldn't fit in.

There I go agian, looking for excuses to not talk to Reece. The truth is that it's not that party I'm scared of, it's Reece. What am I supposed to say to him?

What's up best friend! Great party, huh?! So I kinda am in love with you and a lot of stuff happened after New Years like having a gun to my back and stuff like that but who cares about that?! Let's party!

I'm sure that will go just swimmingly. I might as well just go to the nearest community pool and begin to swim laps because that will be easier than telling Reece that.

I can't even swim!

"Zada, I'm waiting," Charlie calmly states, reminding me that I don't have all night to decide whether I want to run away again or face my fears. 

I take a deep breath, grab Charlie's hand, and run for the entrance, pulling Charlie behind. The guy yelps in surprise by my sudden force as I drag him as fast as I can into the building and into the nearest elevator. Some people who were already inside the elevator, decided to exit it and catch the next one when they saw the crazed look in my eyes.

"Whoa Zada, not so fast," Charlie says after the elevator doors close. 

I lean against the far back wall to catch my breath while Charlie clicks the button for the twenty first floor. There are a total of forty floors in this building so this guy doesn't live too high but high enough that I can't jump out of a window to escape.

"I had to move as fast as I could before I changed my mind," I explain through my panting. I'm already beginning to feel the nerves taking over my body. If it weren't for the elevator wall, myy butt would be on the ground. 

What have I done? This elevator music is not one bit calming. I want to back home!

But the 'ping' sound indicating that we reached our floor says otherwise. There's definitely no turning back now as the elevator doors open to reveal a bright lit beige hallway. Charlie gets off the elevator first while I stay behind.

"You coming?" Charlie asks, holding his hand on the elevator doors so they don't close. I glare at Charlie's hand, wishing it wasn't there so that the elevator doors could properly close and take me back to the main floor.

Charlie raises his eyebrow at me. He doesn't have to say anything because I know what he's thinking.

There's no going back now.

I take a large, cautious step off of the elevator, as if I have crossed over into the dark side. I wince as I hear the elevator doors closing from behind.

Now I definitely have no choice but to move forward. Thankfully Charlie understand my worry. He gently grabs my hand and leads me down the hallway.

"Zoom, the star quarterback I was telling you about, lives in a contemporary loft. His place isn't massive, I believe there will be a little over seventy five people at his party so it shouldn't be that difficult to find Reece in the mix." Charlie explains as we get closer and closer to the end of the hallway. A black door with the number 2112 on it is at the far end. The closer we get to the door, the easier it is to hear the bass of whatever party music is playing.

The fact that we're about to walk into Zoom's place doesn't help with my jitters. Zoom is the best football player at Beacon who is rumored to have already been granted scholarships at numerous college football teams. The only reason why he's considered the best is because Cameron and Reece don't play football. If they did, with their strength, they would be the best high school football players in history. 

The only issue with Zoom I have is that, for some reason, the guy doesn't like me. My speculation is that Zoom, like the rest of Beacon High's, isn't pleased with the fact that I'm best friends with Reece.

"He lives alone?" I ask, trying to ease the tension looming inside of me. I gotta distract myself as fast as humanly possible.

Charlie nods his head, "his parents own some company in Europe and are needed there all the time so they bought this place for Zoom to live in while he finishes his high school education."

I can't help but feel sorry for Zoom even though he despises me. Personally, I would hate to have to live alone. I can't begin in imagine what it's like to have parents living on the other side of the planet from you. Then again, I don't think this type of information would be given out so easily, even through gossip so, "how do you know about that?"

"Because Zoom told me so himself," Charlie answers swiftly.

"You're friends with Zoom?" 

Charlie smirks at me. "How else did I get the invite to his party?" Then, Charlie rings the doorbell to Zoom's place. I haven't even noticed that we already reached the end of the hallway.

Dread consumes me as I can feel the blood rushing away from my face. If it weren't for Charlie's hold on me, I would have bolted for the elevator.

Then again, maybe I still can. If I have the element of surprise on my side, Charlie won't see my sudden action coming. 

Hope swells in my as I think that I have a one last shot at escaping this ridiculous party.

And then the door opens to reveal a pretty wasted looking Zoom. His dazed eyes go over me quickly before they land on Charlie. Instantly, Zoom's face brightens up. "Charlie, my man!" He exclaims and ushers the two of us inside into his home. Zoom must have consumed a lot of alcohol already to have not made some sort of nasty remark at me. 

"Sick party," Charlie politely comments and pulls me with him inside the loud, massive room.

I forgot that a loft means wide open spaces.

We push our way through tons of bodies into the center of Zoom's main floor. It's a large open space with a white glossy kitchen to the right and a huge spacious living room to the left. In between the two are a lot of students dancing and jumping to Afrojack's 'Turn Up The Speakers'.

I may not party but I sure know my party music.

Well, now that I'm here, I might as well get this over with. I do a complete 360 on the spot but I don't see Reece anywhere in the area. I do, however, notice a few students giving me odd, shocked looks, clearly not expecting me at the party.

I hear Zoom to my right cheering loudly to the bass drop in the song and soon, everyone on the first floor joins in on the cheer as they jump up and down to the music, raising the red cups into the air.

I feel Charlie lean into me causing me to still. "He must be upstairs," Charlie shouts into my ear seeing as we can't talk over the obnoxious music. 

I glance over to the far left to see a wooden staircase.

"You go up there. I'll wait here." I immediately turn around to object but Charlie has already disappeared into the crowd. I briefly see him going over to talk to Zoom and some girls before the people in front of me block my view of the betraying Brit.

Did Charlie just leave me alone to face Reece?!

I stand in the same place for a good thirty seconds, just staring in the direction Charlie left me. I look completely out of place as teens around me jump to the beat of the music while I just stand there.

It isn't until I accidentally get shoved by a guy trying to out jump his pal that my feet automatically start walking into the direction of the stairs.

My face pales as I notice that Zoom's staircase doesn't have any rails. Two giggling girls are attempting to walk down it, trying their best to avoid the people sitting on a few stairs and that one couple taking pretty much the last three steps as they continue to suck each others face off. I stare in horror at those two girls who stumble a bit as they attempt to step over the couple. 

I'm pretty sure that no rails and alcohol is as bad as an idea as eating sugar at three o'clock in the morning. 

Luckily, the two girls safely make it down to the main floor where they ran past me to join the dancing crowd leaving room for me to go up the stairs.

"Now or never," I mumble to myself and take the first step. I lift one leg over the couple, not wanting to accidentally kick the boyfriend's head while doing so. Once my foot is safely on the thrid step, I use the wall to push myself up.

Then, I walk up the stairs, making sure I'm as close to the wall and as far away from the edge as I can. I'm not dying tonight because of these dangerous stairs. Not only would I hurt myself but whomever I'd use as a landing pad too.

The people chilling on the stairs give me some room as I walk past them. I give them a grateful nod that they didn't make me move to the edge. Finally, after fifteen daunting steps, I have reached the second floor.

Turns out, this floor is more like a  grand balcony overlooking the first floor. There's a crowd of people on this floor two but there are a lot more couples here. 

I squeeze past the people but at the same time, I can't locate Reece. As a matter of fact, I do't really recognize anyone here but that's no surprise being an introvert and all. I don't go out of my way to get in to the it crowd of Beacon.

I walk over to the clear glass rail of the second floor and look down to see where I originally was with Charlie before he ditched me. Afrojack's song continues to jam through the three gigantic Bose speakers, the sound radiating through the entire house.

I release a long, tired sigh. 

This scenery ain't my style. 

All I want to do is go home so I can sleep.

And Reece is no where to be found.

This trip was completely and utterly pointless. More pointless than the time Reece and I decided to run to my place after school one day during our junior year to find that my dad ate all my mom's freshly baked cookies.

"Castellano, you go dude!" Some guy cheers to my right. I instantly whip my head in that direction and scan the crowd.

At first, I don't notice anything but then, I notice a crowd gathering around the king size bed. 

People are cheering and fist pumping as my best friend, the guy who is supposedly in a relationship with the most beautiful blonde in Beacon, is making out with a blonde girl on, what I'm sure, is Zoom's bed. 

But this girl isn't Chasity.

My eyes widen in shock and if I wasn't holding onto the rail, I would have collapsed then and there. It's the first time since I lost the bet with Charlie that I'm thankful that Reece hasn't realized I'm here. I don't notice at first that I'm slowly walking away from the bed. I push past some people while my widened eyes never leave sight of Reece.

How could he do this to Chasity? I know that I wasn't fond of their relationship but I expected Reece to be faithful to his girlfriend.

This...this is pathetic even for a player like him. 

Not paying attention to where I'm going, I accidentally bump into Zoom's modern painting. The painting isn't properly mounted to the wall and it bangs harshly against the wall. Heads snap in my direction and recognition becomes evident in a few eyes.

"Yo, what's Zada doing here?!" Yells the same guy that called out on Reece just moments ago. My face pales as I see Reece stop making out with the girl. I know he's going to turn around to confirm that I'm here with his own eyes.

I don't want him to notice me.

That's why I run down the stairs the next second, pushing past people who are in my way. I few of them say some colourful words under their breath loud enough for me to hear but right now, it doesn't bother me.

I reach the main floor with a loud thud but no one turns to look at me because of the loud music. 

I need to leave right now.

"Z-lee!" I react instantly to the sound of my name, looking up at the glass rail to see Reece staring back at me with the exact same widen eyes I had when I spotted him making out with that girl.

Reece is a cheater.

For the first time of our long friendship, I glare at Reece in disgust. My gaze takes him by surprise. I've never looked at him like that hence why Reece stays frozen in place for a couple of seconds as he processes my ticked off mood while I begin to understand.

So that's why he never invited me to these things. Reece just didn't want me to see the real him.

We both know for a fact that Reece can't use his strength and speed. He can't just jump over the rail nor can he book it down the stairs in time to catch me because I'm already running for the entrance door. 

"Z-lee, wait!" But I ignore his plea. My hand is already on the door knob, opening the door.

"Leaving so soon, Zada?" I look briefly to see Zoom sitting on a couch with a girl on his lap. Another girl, beside Zoom, is sitting on Charlie's lap who is staring at me in confusion.

I mouth a quick sorry before I run out of the Zoom's place, slamming the door shut, and make a dash for the elevators. I tap my foot against the floor impatiently, wanting the elevator to get here before Reece comes out of Zoom's apartment.

I can't believe Reece would do this to Chasity. To think that I actually believed Charlie's words when he said that Reece misses me because clearly, he's doing just fine without me. 

The elevator doors open and I walk inside, pressing the button for the main floor and then quickly pressing the close door button.

Thankfully, the elevator doors close but not before I heard Reece desperately call my name one last time.

=====* * *=====

Three: the classic number that quick countdowns start from.

Two: the number that adds a bit of breather time.

One: the final number before the action.

It's now or never.

My hand sores through the air, heading straight for the target. I know what I have to do, I have no choice yet why do I stop when my hand, that's locked in a fist, is only an inch from collision?

I'm scared but I have to do this. 

I have to face my fears.

But that's when I hear the yelling. I can't decipher what their saying but man, are they ever loud. Then, the door opens to reveal an extremely pissed off...

"Jo?" I say, surprised that she's here. Why would she be here of all places but then I remember a very important piece of information. "I keep forgetting that you and Bailey are dating.

The stunning African American nineteen year old shots me a viscous glare, "we were dating." She spats.

"What happened?" I ask in concern. 

Jo just rolls her eyes and pushes past me. "Why won't you ask that unfaithful b*tch?" She asks and leaves. I stare after her, totally lost.

"Unfaithful?" I say out loud then turn my attention back to the open door to see Bailey standing in her home a bit away from me, staring at me, 

"What are you doing here?!" Bailey asks

"Why did Jo call you unfaithful?" I ask at the same time. 

"I asked you first!"

"Well my question is more serious," I counter. 

Bailey and I stare at each other for a few seconds, neither one wanting to cave in. If it weren't for Bailey's ticked off stare, I would have lasted longer. 

I hate it when my friends are mad at me. "I'm sorry Bay, for being so inconsiderate and pushing you out. I shoudn't have done that it's just that a lot of stuff has happened these past couple of weeks and you know what? I should stop with all these excuses. There are no excuses for being such a horribile friend and-"

"Enough!" Chasity yells out. The gorgeous blonde of the Super Trio comes into view and stands beside Bailey with her arms crossed over Bailey's bed sheets.

Wait a minute, why is Chasity here?

And why is she wrapped around in Bailey's dinosaur bed sheet?!

"Huh," is all I can utter out while the two girls look back at me. One appears like all she wants to do is go back to the bedroom while the other one is staring at me, her face more red than the reddest tomato.

"I'll forgive you for your weird behaviour these past few weeks if you accept my relationship with Chasity," Bailey calmly tells me. It's hard to take her seriously with her crazy blushing.

"I don't think I heard you right," I call out. "Did you just say you're dating Chasity?"

Bailey motions for me to come inside her apartment to which I gladly stumble into. The three of us all walk over to Bailey's living room where Bailey and Chasity sit on one couch together while I sit on another, opposite to them.

"Yes, we're dating," Chasity informs me.

"But not before I got the chance to break it off with Jo," Bailey adds in, giving Chasity an annoyed yet loving look.

I'm still trying to process the fact that Reece cheated on Chasity, Bailey cheated on Jo, and Chasity cheated on Reece.

This is why I stay clear of high school drama.

"So let me get this straight," I say, grabbing Bailey's and Chasity's attention. "The two of you are in love with each other?"

"Thanks for stating the obvious," Chasity replies, grinning at me. It's hard to take her seriously with the dinosaur bed sheet around her. 

"But what about you and Reece!" I all but yell out, more lost with this situation than the entire TV series Lost ever was. 

Chasity shrugs her shoulders indifferently but Bailey answers for her girlfriend. "It was all just pretend, Zada."

"And that is something you should talk about with Reece," Chasity finishes.

"You too!" I groan out, remembering how Charlie pestered on about how I needed to go and talk to Reece and look where that got me! I ended up with a vivid image of him and that girl that I want to forget desperately plus I got home late because of that.

I'm functioning on four hours of sleep here. For some, that's too much but for me, that's barely enough for my brain to function properly. I accidentally poured orange juice into my cereal this morning.

I need sleep!

"Why did you come here so early on a Sunday morning?" Bailey asks me, glancing over at her father's beloved grandfather clock that tells us that it's ten past seven.

Chasity yawns, "yah, it's way too early. Even for you."

"How would you know Zada's sleep habits?" Bailey questions her sternly.

Instead of admitting that she has spend a few winter and summer holidays over at my family's cabin, Chasity comes up with a lucky save. "Reece, how else?" 

Bailey nods her head while I just roll my eyes.

Like Reece would talk about me to her, ha! 

"Maybe I should go," I say, beginning to stand up from the couch. It's crystal clear that the two girls want some time.

"But you just got here!" Bailey protests.

"Nah, let her go!" Chasity says, already waving at me a goodbye. "You needa talk with Reece!"

I ignore that comment and walk over to Bailey's mudroom where her front door is wide open. Typical Bailey, always forgetting to shut the door behind her...or did I forget?

"Zada!" Bailey reaches out and stops me from taking another step. I turn to see a sad expression across her face. That's when I recall her little proposition for me before I came inside her home.

I give her a crooked grin, "you already know that I accept you as a friend no matter who you date so can you forgive me?"

Bailey squeals in delight and gives me one of her warm hugs, barely missing my wounded shoulder. "I missed you so much! You better not ignore me at school tomorrow!"

I laugh and hug her back, "I wouldn't dare!"

We pull back from our embrace, grinning like mad monkeys. 

"See you tomorrow, Bay." I tell her then glance over her shoulder and yell, "you too, Chasity!"

"Talk to Reece!" Is the reply I get from Invisi-Girl. I wonder if Chasity will tell Bailey about her crime fighting life? Seeing as their relationship just started, I'll take a wild guess and say that she probably didn't.

"Take care, Zada. I'll call you later this evening and we'll have a long chat over what has happened between you and Reece." Bailey says.

I nod my head, liking the idea. That's the reason why I came to Bailey's in the first place. 

"You better," I give Bailey one last hug and leave. With Bailey living on the fourth floor of her apartment building, it doesn't take me long to reach the outside. I take a deep breath in of the fresh city air (well, as fresh as it gets) and begin to walk to the nearest subway.

Due to the whole fiasco I witnessed back at Zoom's party, I have officially decided to continue to avoid Reece. I'll have to make sure that Charlie and Chasity don't bring up the 'talk to Reece' topic but at least I've cleared things up with Bailey.

I can't help but smile as I realize that I'm actually looking forward to school tomorrow.

As long as I stay clear of Beacon's Mr. Popular. 

Anyone shocked about Chasity and Bailey??? Anyone? Haha!

I'm gonna say this again but thanks for reading and for the support. It really means a lot to me that there are people out there who are actually giving this story a chance. I'll try to update as soon as I can but for me, these chapters take time so please bare with me. You won't be disappointed! ><

(Sorry for all the spelling and grammar mistakes you all had to read through. I'm too tired to proofread the chapter. I'll leave that for another time)

Pic of Zoom's loft to the side ~~~>

Next Update: February 20

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