The Fate of Time | Stydia | T...

By stilesismybae

139K 3.6K 451


A Moment in Time
Chapter 2- Messages
Chapter 3- Grieving
Chapter 4- Death Wish
Chapter 5- Awakening
Chapter 6- Something There
Chapter 7- Leaving
Chapter 8- Sparks Fly
Chapter 9- Love Matters
Chapter 10- The Spirit
Chapter 11- Malia
Chapter 12- Can I Be Normal?
Chapter 13- Not So Friendly
Chapter 14- The bridge (SHORT)
Chapter 15- Derek's Apartment
Chapter 16- Deaton
Chapter 17- Voice Control
Chapter 18- Saving Scott
Chapter 19- Stiles' Reaction
Chapter 20- Secret Meeting
Update for my Story
Chapter 21- The Warning
Chapter 22- Carnival Time
Another Update
Chapter 23- The Bad Thing
Chapter 25- Search and Destroy
guys I'm sorry I'm not updating
im about to just stop
GOOD NEWS (kinda)
GO READ MY NEW BOOK! :) Vision Of Tomorrow
Thank you :)

Chapter 24- Call the Cops

2.5K 69 29
By stilesismybae

Just a little thought before reading this.......


I just love writing this story and I never want it to end. So when this book does....

I can write another one!!!!! Yayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!

okay go ahead and read now


Lydia's POV:

The world goes back in motion. How could this have happened? And why the Sheriff? Did he really diserve to die like this? Or maybe he had a heart attack. Or maybe he really was murdered..... but why?

I crawl over to Stiles, who has his head in the ground and hands covering his ears. I hold my hand out and slowly put it on the one covering his right ear. He slowly looks up through his sobs, lowers his hands, and looks at me. He looks like he did when he was void.

"Why? Why Lydia, Why?"

"I... I don't know. I don't know the cause... or anyth-"

"Well listen! What are they telling you?"

"Stiles, the voices are gone, I'm sorry, I know this must be really hard right now, but you don't need to yell-"


I shudder at the sound of his yelling, and look away.

"Stop yelling at me! I can't just call them up and ask them anything! And I may not know what it's like but it doesn't give you the right to be a complete a-shole!" I yell back at him.

"I... I'm sorry. I just... I told myself that I would protect my dad... for.... for my mom. It's what she wanted me to do. I let her down. And now... I just.... I don't know what to do! Why can't I do something... anything!! Dammit! Why is this my life?!! Why me?!!"

He starts breathing heavily, and holds a hand to his chest.

"Stiles? Stiles are you okay?"

He shakes his head, and leans back onto the back of one of the tents. He's breathless, and starts shaking. Oh god.. he's having a panic attack. I crawl over to him and sit by his side.

"Stiles.. just calm down. Try to think of something else... anything else.. just um... listen to the sound of my voice... focus on my breathing... oh god.. umm."

He looks at me for a good two seconds, then he takes me by the waist and pulls me into a kiss. He moves his hands to my face and keeps them there while we kiss. He stops shaking, and his breathing slows, then we break apart.

"You were starting to make me freak out more," he says with a small smile.

"Oh.. um sorry. Are you okay now?"

"Yeah. I'm okay."

He takes my hand and wraps his own around it, and looks up at the sky. His eyes are glistening in the moonlight, which shows off every feature of his face. He looks like he could be from a painting.

"What.. what should we do?" I say it, and he starts to get up, pulling me with him.

"We gotta find him. And I swear to God, I'm going to rip whoever did this's head off." He looks at me as he says it, and I can see the shift in his eyes. They turned from pain written to anger ready to burst out.

"Then we better hurry. They might still be nearby. Where would he be?"

"He usually keeps his badge at the station. We should go there first," he starts to pull me toward the car when a question spurrs into my mind.

"How would no one have seen it?"

"What do you mean?" He stops and turns to me.

"The police station. How would no one have seen it happen?"

"I guess we'll just have to find out."

We turn and start walking again.


Stiles's POV (finally):

We get to my car in the parking lot, and I open Lydia's door for her before I walk around and get in myself. I sit down and practically jam the key into the slot. Who in the hell would do this? What did my dad ever do to diserve this?

I hit the steering wheel with the side of my hand, maybe a little too hard.

"Stiles, if you don't want to go you don't have to. I don't want you to have another panic attack..."

She sounds so concerned that it kills me to have her see me like this. I can't believe I treated her like sh-t, and that I completely freaked out. But I just can't believe he's gone.

"No. I need to do this. I don't want to never see him again. And I want to find the killer." I put the car in reverse, and wheel out of the dreaded carnival.

"Remember, he might've just had a medical incident," she says very skeptically.

I laugh a little, hysterical laugh and look at her.

"It's Beacon Hills. What do you expect?"


We drive the short drive to the station, and my heart skips a beat. Its deserted. Where is the ambulance? All of the employees? I park in a crooked line, not paying attention. I look over at Lydia, and she looks like she's going to have a heart attack.

"Lydia, what is it?" I ask sliding my hand to her face.

"The deputies, they're being confined. Somewhere in the station, they told me as we passed by."

She looks around, a little antsy, and starts to fidget.

"Lydia, if you want you can wait here. I'm only going in to find my dad- to see if I can tell who or what caused this, and I guess now, to see if I can try to find who tied up the deputies."

"No. I'm going with you. I might be able to help, the voices are louder when I'm around something like this. And I want to find out who did this as much as you do, and I promise you whoever did this is going to pay for it."

Something changes in her then, she stops fidgeting and sits up straight. I swear I see fire in her eyes.

"Well then I guess we gotta go. If anyone's still here, they're going to leave soon."

She starts to get out, then I stop her.

"Hey, if anything happens to you because of what is happening right now, I want you to know that I'm sorr-"

"Stiles, stop. You don't need to be sorry anymore. If anyone should be sorry it should be me because I brought you into this. I love you Stiles, and I want you to know that I'll always be here for you. I will never leave you."

I look at her without speaking for a moment, then I lean and kiss her. I'm so lucky to have her. We kiss for a little, then I pull back.

"Do you think I would ever leave you?" I say with a smile.

She smiles a little back, then she opens her door.

"As much as I would love to sit here next to you and never leave, we gotta go."

I nod, and get out of the car.

I lock the doors, and we meet at the back. I open up the trunk, and grab my weapon.

"Stiles, really? You seriously need to find something better than a baseball bat."

I smirk at her, and hold the bat at her.

"Would you want to take me when I have it?"

I spin it up into the air, and it falls back to me. I lean out to grab it, but it falls on the ground.

"Oooh so scary," she says while laughing.

"Whatever. Lets just go now." I stomp while I walk, embarrassed.

We walk up to the front door, and I put her behind me.

"You ready?"

She nods, and grabs my hand. I look at her eyes for any kind of fright, but only see courage. So I turn around and open the door.


Lydia's POV:

He opens the door, and the link of our hands pulls me through. My heart is racing in my chest, I feel like it's going to explode. I'm trying to look brave for Stiles, but inside I feel

like dying. Maybe it's just the feeling that I get when I'm around strife.

We walk into the main area, and it's madness. Papers are spewn everywhere, computers are broken and falling over, and there's even some blood on the walls. I immediately recoil, but push through. I feel Stiles' pulse though his hand, and it's fast. Really fast. I look at his face and he keeps clenching and unclenching his jaw.

He keeps walking, pushing aside trash bins, manilla folders, and other office damaged office supplies. We reach the room with all of the cubicles, the big area of the building. At the end of it is the Sheriff's office. I stop walking, and nudge Stiles to stop too.

"I want to see if we can hear the deputies," I say while looking around.

We stand there for a moment, standing perfectly still, hardly breathing. Nothing.

"Stiles, you go to the office, I'll go look for the deputies. They might be in pain, or at risk of being killed."

He looks worried.

"Lydia, are you sure? I don't want to leave you alone."

"We are never going to find them quick enough if we stay together," I say eagerly.

"Okay, just... be careful. This place is like a maze right now. And I feel like there's still someone here. Do you feel it too?"

"Yeah, and I don't need the voices to tell me," I say and turn around sharply. "I've felt like someone's been watching us since we came in here."

"Then here," he says, and pulls a pair of walkie talkies off of a nearby desk. "That way we never lose each other."

I grab one, and nod at him. I don't want to leave, but I have to.

"Please be careful," he says and pulls me in for a hug. I grip his cotton jacket, and wedge my head into his shoulder. I stay there for a second, then pull away.

"You be careful too," I say and walk away. I can't stay any longer or else I won't be able to leave.

I can feel his eyes burning on my back, but I don't turn around. I just keep moving.

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