I Will Never Be Yours

By asminc007

1.8M 139K 31.6K

'Love has the power to tender the broken, but self love has the power to change' Sequel to 'It was Always you... More

Sneak Peek #1
Sneak peek #2
Character's Intro
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26a
Chapter 26b
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Character's Rant
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Engagement (Part 1)
Engagement (Part 2)
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Wedding (Part 1)
Wedding (Part 2)
Wedding (Part 3)
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Author's note
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122a
Chapter 122b
Chapter 122c

Chapter 56

11.9K 1K 167
By asminc007



Aayan left the cafe in rage, without realizing that he was already seen by Sameer, when he entered the cafe...

Sameer smiled, but decided to stay quiet and not tell anything to Ananya

'So ? What's the emergency...?' He asked

'How do you know there is a emergency...?' Ananya asks bewildered

'I just know, now shoot... ' Sameer replied bored

'Okay... So I really don't know who to speak, because Deeps is already worried because of Ved Bhai, and I don't think Vansh Bhai has time to listen to my rant.... So I have only you now... ' Ananya said

'Glad to know that I am number three on your emergency listeners list...' Sameer said sipping his glass of water and Ananya narrowed her eyes

'Do you want to listen or not... ' she huffed

'Okay okay... ' he raised his hands in defense

'So.... Last week on my birthday... ' she began but Sameer cut her off in between

'It was your birthday...! Why didn't you tell me..! I could've brought you a gift, dude where is my treat....?' Sameer exclaimed in one breath

'Sameer...!' Ananya whined

'Okay okay... Sorry... Now say... ' He said placing his hands over his mouth

'Yeah... So... Last week on my birthday, for the first time in 25 years of my life, I received stupid, cheesy gifts from your brother...' she said

'Yash...?' Sameer asked confused

Ananya narrowed her eyes on him and hit him on his hands

'Aayan... ' She huffed

'Oohh... Okay... Continue.... ' Sameer said

'He never wished me on my birthdays, ever.. Me and Papa share our birthday by the way, so he would always wish Papa, but not me...  I don't mind him not wishing me anyway... But now suddenly he is interested in me... ' Ananya said annoyed

'Just ignore his wishes na, if you don't like his attention...why are you so bothered...' Sameer raised his brows 

'Listen further... ' Ananya said glaring

'Okay... '

'He sent me all the stupid teddy, roses, chocolate, cards for my birthday, with cringe worthy pick up lines...' Ananya said dramatically shivering

'Wow...' Sameer said looking towards Aayan's seat, which was empty now

'Then, he said he has a special surprise for me, and then my father enters into the picture, saying that he wants me to get married to Aayan... ' Ananya said and Sameer chocked on his coffee...

'What... ' He said coughing..

Ananya gave him a glass of water, after hitting him on the back...

'That was one hell of a surprise from my talented brother... ' Sameer said, wiping his mouth with a tissue

'I know....' Ananya exclaimed

'So shall I start calling you Bhabhi from now on...?' Sameer teased

Ananya glared at him and then smirked

'I said no for the marriage...' she replied and Sameer stared at her shocked..

That explains his presence here... Sameer muttered to himself..

'What are you blabbering...?' Ananya asked

'Nothing...!  Then what is the issue...?' Sameer asked confused

'I feel so restless after saying no to this alliance, because Bade Papa requested me to say yes, but I still denied, I never said no to him for anything, he is my god father after all, he loves me so much even more than Nitaara di... He always got me everything that I wanted, and this is the only thing he ever asked from me, and I denied... ' She said sadly

Sameer stared at her briefly, and then took a deep breath...

'Are you sad because you disobeyed Mr. Varma or there is something else...?' he asked

Ananya looked at him shocked, and then composed her expressions..

'Actually... ' she began and then sighed

Sameer smiled at this..

'Mr. Varma is not the reason for your restlessness my dear friend, it's Aayan you are worried about... I know you like him, but of course why will you accept that...' Sameer shrugged his shoulders

'Is that so obvious...?' Ananya sighed

'No, I am a very observant man, but I must say you hide things pretty well...' Sameer smiled

'I used to like him, but not now... ' Ananya said

'You never stop liking a person Ananya, you just make peace with the fact that they are not meant for you... ' Sameer said playing with his rings

'But I... ' Ananya began but then couldn't find any words

'Do you really hate Aayan...?' Sameer asked

'No.. ' Ananya replied meekly

'You think his gestures are fake...?' Sameer asked

'Yes... ' Ananya said confidently

'Why would he try to woo you, if he is genuinely not interested...?' Sameer asked

Ananya sighed, and Narrated her last encounter with Aayan, before AYSA was closed...
Sameer listened to it very carefully and then held Ananya's hands

'You are a very strong girl Ananya, if I was on your place, I would've broken down for sure...' He said

'I think he wants to take revenge... ' Ananya sighed

'What he said was out of rage Ananya, his company was at stake at that time, I am sure he didn't mean it... And now he has Amayraa with him, fatherhood changes people.... I don't think he wants revenge... ' Sameer said

'You don't know him Sameer... ' Ananya sighed

'Maybe I don't know him as much as you, but all his gestures indicate that he has fallen for you, and of course, who would not fall in love with you... ' he smiled

Ananya looked at him suspiciously and he raised his hands in defense.. 

'I have taken a vow of celibacy okay... You are safe with me, Baalike... ' He joked and Ananya laughed

'See Ananya, if Aayan thinks he can take revenge from you after marrying you, that is very stupid of him, because you are a strong independent woman, you can divorce him right away... He won't mess with you either mentally or physically, or else he is in trouble... You have Mr. Varma by your side, your brothers and Family are with you, how can he possibly or even think of hurting you... ' Sameer said

Makes sense Ananya thought

'Besides, you still like him, what if his feelings are true, and you based on your loose suspicions, get to lose the chance of marrying your dream man... ' sameer said

'You have no idea, how much I want those gestures to be true... ' Ananya said slowly

Sameer smiled at this

'Aayan is very lucky that he has someone who loves him so much... ' he said

Ananya smiled weakly at this

'Aayan needs this love in his life Ananya, he never saw how it is to be loved, what is family, what is companionship, you know all this...  You can make him realise all this, and once he realises this, he is the perfect man Ananya... The way you described how he is with Amayraa, even though she is not his daughter, explains how compassionate as a person he is... ' Sameer said and Ananya smiled at this...

'Imagine if he can love someone else's child this much, how much he will love his own child... ' Sameer said and Ananya could feel butterflies on her tummy

'Also the mother of that child... ' Sameer teased her and Ananya hit him

'You think I made a mistake by saying no...?' Ananya asked

'It's your choice Ananya, I am no one to comment... But taking a decision just based on assumptions is something I won't suggest...' Sameer said

'What if my assumptions are true...?' Ananya argued

'What if they are not...?' Sameer argued back and she frowned at this

'Even if he is doing this to take some revenge from you, you know you did nothing to harm, shouldn't you clarify everything to him...?' Sameer said

'He is assuming that I did everything to trouble him, which is not true... ' Ananya exclaimed

'Then who will tell him all this...?' Sameer asked

'Me of course... ' Ananya exclaimed

'Then go tell him... ' Sameer said

'He won't listen... ' Ananya whined

'Then make him realize... ' Sameer shrugged his shoulders

'He thinks I am a brat... Who is evil... ' Ananya sighed

'And how will he know that, you are not, what he thinks...?' Sameer raised his brows

'If he lives with me... ' Ananya said

'And how will he live with you...?' Sameer asked amused

'If he marries me... ' Ananya blurted out in a duh tone and Sameer smirked...

Ananya realised what she said and then hits Sameer

'Heyyy....' she whines

'You do want to marry him Ananya, even if he is marrying your for a 'Supposed Revenge' you are ready to be with him, because you want to clear the misunderstanding and give him his peace of mind... ' Sameer smiled

Ananya couldn't say anything, because Sameer was right...

She did wish to clear the misunderstanding, but Aayan's overly sweet behavior and sudden attention was bothering her a lot...

What does he want from me..!!
Maybe he is not pretending...

'What do I do now Sameer...?' Ananya sighed

'You can say that you changed your mind... ' Sameer said

'What if my intuitions are correct, and Aayan does have some covert intentions behind this marriage...?' Ananya looks at him scared

'Then you are ready to face the challenges Ananya, you'll get to know what's in his mind... So you can act accordingly, and if he really likes you, then you will get to live your dream marriage... It's a win win situation for you dear, Aayan will get a very understanding and mature wife, who can make him realise the importance of a family...' Sameer said

'But... ' Ananya was confused

'Can you imagine your life with someone else other than Aayan...?' Sameer asked looking straight into her eye

Ananya wanted to say Yes, but her conscience was not allowing her to say...

Yes after Aayan, she didn't fall for anyone...
No one had the effect that Aayan had on her, no one made her go weak on her knees except Aayan

Aayan was intimidating, yet appealing to her..
She could see the pain in his eyes, which she wanted to take away...

And if he is not lying, this is certainly her dream come true...

Yet she wasn't convinced that he is changed, but still she wanted to take the risk...

I think I have really fallen in love with Aayan....

Her thoughts were broken by Sameer, who snapped his fingers...

'Shall I take your silence as Yes...?' Sameer asked teasingly

'I already said No, I am not going to my father and say that I want to marry Aayan... If he offers again then I will say yes... ' Ananya huffed

'Don't worry Ananya... Do what your heart says... ' Sameer smiled

'If he plans to take revenge... ' Ananya began, but he cut her off in between

'Then you will have me and Mr. Varma with you always... After all we are family... ' Sameer smiled

'Okay... ' Ananya sighed

'I hope Arjun Uncle asks you to reconsider your decision soon... ' Sameer grinned

'Shut up... ' Ananya throws table cloth at him

'Awww Bhabhiji.... ' Sameer teased and Ananya glared at him

Same time..
Some random busy street in Mumbai...

Aayan's POV..

How can she say no to my proposal....!

No one says no to me...!!

And here she is chilling with that Singhal guy... 

I can't let my step brother take away my asset...

I have to teach her a lesson after all, for ruining my career, poisoning my father's ears against me...

He can't protect her from me...

But why am I bothered seeing her with any other guy...

I don't like her, why do I care who is she hanging out....

I am going to ignore her anyway...

She will beg for my attention, not me...!!

Maybe I am overreacting because it's Singhal

But I have to do something, before he takes her away...

I kick the container on my way, in frustration

But what do I do now...

I dodged the people standing in group on the road crossing signal and walked ahead, ignoring their calls

I hear a loud honk...



Ananya's house

Ananya walks inside her house and keeps her bag on the table

She sees Vansh panicked and hurriedly wearing his shoes

'Bhai...? Are you okay...! Where are you going in such a hurry at this time...?' She said glancing at the wall clock, which showed 9:30 p.m.

Vansh looked at her and she could say he was worried...

'Bhai is everything okay at studio...?' She asked scared

'Yeah.. Annie... Nothing happened to the studio, I received a call from city hospital, Aayan has met with an accident, they say he lost a lot of blood, we need to go there... ' he said and took out the car keys

Ananya couldn't feel her legs anymore, sweat beads formed on her forehead...

Aayan !!
In the hospital....?

Hello guys 

I am extremely sorry to keeping you waiting...
I just shifted back to Delhi and my course has also started...
I was busy in packing and unpacking n stuff,so couldn't update...

Will update twice a week now...
Can't specifically tell the days, but for sure 2 updates a week....

Hope you liked the part...

Do let me know...


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