Liquorice Honey (A Draco Malf...

By Clefabled

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(Y/N) Silverlie is a Pureblooded witch with a strange emotional connection to her pet Kneazle, Amorita. She h... More

Author's Note #1!
1: A Girl and her Kneazle
2: Wands and Wazzocks
3: Leptotythops Carlae
4: Bright Eyed and Fluffy Feathered
5: Silver Barred Cages
6: Willow and Wisp
7: A Silent Banquet
8: Spoilt and Pretty
9: A Chance of Bliss
Author's Note #2!
10: Hospital Pillow Daze
11: Gingerbread in December
12: Mars' Moon and the Pansy-Wolf
13: Party of One
14: Lonely Home Library
15: The Quidditch World Cup
16: A Girl I Could Know
17: Flames and Fury
18: Dear Miss Silverlie
19: Hello, I Love You
20: My Favourite Gift
21: Sleep Reading
22: Trial of Champions
Author's Note #3!
23: Red Leaves Fall
24: Ruffled Feathers
25: Sweet Tea and Curses
26: Professor Potter
27: Swish and Flick
28: Inky Expressions
29: Perfect Nightmares
30: Rosewood Wand
31: A Mother's Love
32: Secrets and Lies
33: Sudden Learning Curves
34: Starlight Daydreamer
35: Christmas Memoir
36: The Astronomy Tower
38: Of Angels and Death Eaters
39: A Soft Place To Land
40: Engulfed in Flame
41: Only You
42: Isabel's Friendship Club
43: Saying Goodbye
44: You Got Me Helpless!
45: Forever Entwined
46: Ticket to Ride (๐Ÿ‹)
47: The Negative
48: Unexpected Additions
49: Naming and Shaming
50: A Joy-Bringing Pain
51: The Stars' Debut
Author's Note...#4?

37: Acting Awful Tough

28 0 0
By Clefabled

(A/N: I'm posting this on the train back from Comicon oof

A/N 2: No I'm not, because I forgot to copy half of the chapter over from Word because uhh)

(Y/N) felt like a prisoner over summer.
Her father wouldn't let her leave home, always scared she'd get herself hurt or killed; and the only person allowed to come into the house was Opal, as she had a good reason to be there. Even Trixie couldn't come in.
Opal's curse had been worsening again, and there had been days where she couldn't get home from the pain; her father, a trained Healer, often spent hours helping her as she struggled to even stay alive.
(Y/N) wasn't even allowed to attend Bill and Fleur's wedding; (Y/N)'s father said it was a 'Death Eater magnet', as Harry was in attendance. He even used Opal's curse as a fear technique, scaring (Y/N) into thinking she might get one, too.
Summer soon turned to the first day of term, and (Y/N) didn't go.
As Opal had suggested, (Y/N)'s father tried to get in contact with Professor Faera, but to no avail; he said he wouldn't go anywhere near a 'family like theirs'.
(Y/N) spent days doing nothing but lying in bed; there was nothing to do in the house, as a big part of her family's possessions were still with her mother.
Owls were vetted by her father.
Six or seven cloaking charms were cast around the house.
Opal struggled around the house, often falling up and down the stairs, sometimes not eating for days as it hurt; it was incredibly difficult to watch.
Wisp was the only person (Y/N) could really talk to.
''I like the sound of Miss Lovegood,'' Wisp said, as (Y/N) had been talking about Luna, ''perhaps...perhaps we could all have a nice banquet when this is all over? Yes, with all of your kind, kind friends...'' She fidgeted with the ribbon tied gently around her neck, obviously scared again.
''I wish I could leave, Wisp.'' (Y/N) said suddenly.
''No, don't do that! Y-you'll die, you'll-''
''I don't care anymore. I want to help in this war, you know?''
''You're too determined, Miss, too much...'' Wisp replied, ''I'm sure Mr Potter can win without you!''
''I don't care, I want to play my part!'' (Y/N) exclaimed, hearing the footsteps on the landing stop, ''I'll die...I'll die for this. I've already lost Draco...''
(Y/N) went to stop herself from crying, but then the door flew open, causing a few to fall anyway.
''Is that the absolute truth, (Y/N)?'' her father asked, his tone hushed.
''Yes, father, it is,'' she sighed, ''sitting here and doing nothing is worse than being a Death Eater. I'm not doing anything for anyone.''
Her father sighed, taking (Y/N)'s hand and leading her to the door, his eyes teary.
''Are you sure, my dear?'' he said, choked up now.
''Yes, father, I'm sure,'' she smiled through her tears, ''I love you.''
''I love you too, my precious, brave little girl...''
He was crying uncontrollably now, and even Opal managed to get to her feet, even though it was obviously extremely painful for her.
''Don't...die...'' she mumbled, ''!'' She started crying too, using all of her strength to hug (Y/N).
And as soon as she stepped outside, she spotted someone else, just beyond the field of the cloaking charms.
After her father let her through all of them, still crying, Isabel launched herself onto (Y/N).
She was soaked to the skin and covered in blood, almost as if she'd been swimming while fully clothed and then attacked; she was shivering all over, but she was still beaming.
''Dad apparated us back to the UK earlier this week, because I just knew you wouldn't stay put!'' she exclaimed, laughing.
''Isabel, you're not sa—''
''Since when have we cared about safety, Silverlie? C'mon, we're going home.'' She smiled again, groaning a little as she rubbed at the blood, ''Merlin's Beard—Scourgify!''
The vast majority of it was gone, and Isabel led (Y/N) into the distance, where a man she'd never met before stood.
''Isabel, (Y/N), hello!'' he said, ''Am I safe to go in now? I...want to be there when she goes.''
Isabel nodded, ''She's told Mr Silverlie that you'll be there. Are the broomsticks still there, dad?''
He nodded, but he seemed to be more focused on the cloaking charms now.
Isabel gestured for (Y/N) to get on the other broomstick as she got onto hers; never before had (Y/N) seen Isabel fly, but she was definitely far better than her.
She howled much like a wolf when they got to a safe altitude, and then smiled as if there was nothing much going on at all.
''So, uh, what are you planning to do if we see the Death—''
''I don't know, but perhaps the lunar cycle could tell you.''
(Y/N) looked up; if she remembered correctly, the moon was currently in its waxing gibbous phase, which meant...
''Don't. Please.''
''I have no other choice, (Y/N),'' she stopped smiling for a moment, ''being good at Charms isn't anything when you're up against Dark Wizardry. But a werewolf...''
Isabel went to speak again, but she was cut short by the sound of someone swooping above them.
''Shit,'' she exclaimed, ''that would be your mother. We're dead...''
And then, she was gone.
When (Y/N) woke up again, the first thing she saw was her mother's smiling face, and the dark wall of the bedroom like room she was in. She couldn't move; thick ropes were tied around her arms and legs.
Incarcerous. Of course.
''Hello, (Y/N) sweetheart,'' her mother said, her tone deceptively kind, ''it was really stupid of you to leave that house, but I can keep you safe here now. If you become one of us.''
(Y/N) shook her head, whispering, ''I'd rather die, thank you.''
Her mother looked offended, but she kept smiling, somehow. ''Did I mishear you, sweetie? I promise being one of us will be pain—''
''Go on! Kill me, I dare you!'' (Y/N) exclaimed.
Her mother blinked in surprise, replying, ''has your father driven you mad? You don't have to die! Just join—''
''Kill me. I know you want to; just do it. Be a hero. Kill one of Harry Potter's comrades, I know you want to.'' (Y/N) goaded, fumbling for her wand.
Her mother lifted her wand, actually looking sad; ''but why, (Y/N)?''
''My best friend is dead. The love of my life is a Death Eater. What is there to live for now?'' she said, her wand now firmly in her hand, ready for the moment.
Her mother stumbled, not knowing what to say; apparently there was still love in her heart, as she couldn't say the spell.
''Emancipare! Emancipare!''
The bindings on (Y/N)'s arms and legs fell free, and she sighed in content (that spell had never actually worked for her before that moment), glaring at her mother as she got to her feet.
''Clever girl,'' her mother breathed, ''you're a rather great little witch now, aren't you? Definitely better than mummy ever was. I'm sure Harry Potter will be sad to know he's not getting you back.''
Her mother went to grab (Y/N)'s wand from her, but before she could get close enough...
Never did (Y/N) think she'd have to be the one to make her mother bleed this much.
The woman gave a screech of pain before finally getting a hold of (Y/N)'s wand and snapping it forcefully.
She grabbed her daughter by the hair, yelping in pain as she moved, her fresh wound agonising for her.
''Come,'' she exclaimed, pain leeching into her voice, ''meet Draco's aunt. I'm sure she'd love to meet such a kind, respectful little girl...'' She eye pointed at her wound as she spoke the last few words.
(Y/N) refused to give her mother the pleasure of seeing her squeal; instead, she forced herself to continue her suicidal spiel.
''I don't care, mother, I really don't,'' she laughed, ''you're going to lose to Harry Potter, no matter what you do! And I'll happily die in his name—''
''Shut up, shut up, shut up!'' her mother yelled back, (Y/N)'s words obviously getting to her, ''he doesn't care—''
''He cares for everyone who deserves to be cared for!''
(Y/N) was thrown roughly onto the floor, and she heard her mother limp away, never to be seen by (Y/N) ever again.
She looked up, pulling herself off of her knees, smiling; and realised she was under the eyes of three people.
''So this is the Silverlie girl,'' said a man (Y/N) recognised as Draco's father, ''sad that her mother couldn't convince her.''
(Y/N)'s eyes kept staring up through her dishevelled hair, smirking cockily.
''Curse me, kill me, do whatever you want,'' (Y/N) said quietly, ''nothing will make me regret my decision.''
Her eyes continued staring up confidently, meeting the eyes of the dark haired witch to Draco's father's left.
''You know the spells, don't you?''
''How dare you speak to me,'' she exclaimed, ''filthy little—''
''I'm a Pureblood. I thought you'd know that—''
(Y/N) bit into her lip so hard that it bled; but she wouldn't give in.The pain was unlike any she'd ever experienced; excruciating, unending and insanity inducing.
But she wouldn't scream...

She looked up ever so slightly, every movement of her eyes agonising, and saw her mother; no-one had cast a counter spell yet, so it was likely she was going to bleed to death, knowing she'd put her daughter to death, too.

(Y/N) smiled; it wasn't a smile of happiness, but rather the only expression she could force herself to make.

She couldn't hold it anymore.

''Just kill me! Please! Ple---aargh!''

The curse was lifted, but it had already been too much.

(Y/N) fainted, falling forward into the spots of her own blood.Her pulse was weakened, she couldn't possibly hold on...

But as she fell, the tiny charm around her neck shattered, and her eyes fluttered in surprise.

''Don't leave us yet, Silverlie.''

Unknown to everyone else, (Y/N)'s eyes fluttered open again; but she had far from the amount of strength to get up again.

It didn't take long for Bellatrix to realise she was awake again.

''Did you have a nice wittle rest, pwetty girl?'' she mocked, ''sit up, it's time to have another nice game—''

''Stop it!''

(Y/N) sat up as quickly as she could upon hearing that voice, the shards of the charm still shimmering in her lap.

''Dray...!'' she breathed, even though she knew he couldn't do anything for her.

(Y/N) managed to smile softly.

And then the black liquid was forced into her mouth.

The pain became her only thought, her only feeling; it was her everything.

Something sharp was also shoved into her arm, the movements it made excruciatingly painful.

The curse was cast again, and she felt sure she was going to die any minute now; but she got to see him one last time before she died, so she was at peace with herself.Watching her sob and choke on her own breath, unable to scream, was torturous for Draco, too; he should have begged her to stay at home last time he saw her, to not leave...he knew this would happen...

Suddenly, her sad (e/c) eyes were focused on him.

She wasted her last gasp of air telling him something he didn't deserve to hear.

''I love you.'' 

And then the life disappeared from her eyes.

There was no way around it; (Y/N) Silverlie was dead.

And Draco hadn't moved a finger to save her...

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