3: Leptotythops Carlae

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(A/N: This chapter is stupidly long. Like almost 3,000 words long. I honestly didn't mean for it to be this long it just uhh, it just happened.)

(Y/N) stood alone at the station. Her mother was far too 'busy' to come with her; she'd insisted that she wanted to, but (Y/N) wasn't convinced. Instead, she stood alone (if you didn't count Amorita), as her (H/C) hair blew around gently in the wind. She made a point of getting onto the train by herself as soon as it arrived; she didn't want to accidentally bump into the Malfoy family. Instead, she curled up by the window in one of the carriages, Amorita in her lap and a book in her hands. Soon enough, her precious pet fell asleep, and she felt herself getting sleepy, slowly sung to sleep by the words on the page; she was reading about Kneazles, trying to work out if there was a way she could get Amorita to be nicer. She closed her book with a sigh as she cemented information she already knew. It was in a Kneazle's nature to attack suspicious people; even if Amorita's idea of a 'suspicious person' was a platinum blonde haired daddy's boy, (Y/N) wasn't going to force her to change her very self. The sound of students piling onto the train finally hit her ears, and she continued to read to make herself seem unavailable; Amorita, on the other hand, was up and hissing near the door, very much on guard. (Y/N) prayed that no one would open the door and, luckily, no-one did for a lot of the ride. Until around halfway, at least, when a girl with the most simultaneously untidy yet somehow still pretty head of hair ducked in, asking (Y/N) rather shortly, ''Have you seen a toad around here? Neville's lost his.'' (Y/N) ducked further into her book, shaking her head profusely; her eyes were on Amorita, whom she was waiting to catch when she inevitably attacked this girl. The girl looked confusedly at (Y/N), and then looked down; Amorita...Amorita had taken a liking to this girl! ''Amorita, dear, please! She might be allergic to fur, or...'' (Y/N) cut her rambling off. The girl smiled gently down at Amorita, and then at (Y/N). ''I personally think she's quite charming,'' she said, ''I'm Hermione Granger. And you are?'' (Y/N) came out from behind her book and replied, ''(Y/N) Silverlie. Pleased to meet you...and so's Amorita!'' The two laughed lightly, and then Hermione continued on, trying to find this toad. Amorita actually began to pine at the door after Hermione closed it, eventually slinking over to sulk in (Y/N)'s lap. The young witch was busy scribbling down a note;

''She appears to have an aversion to pureblooded magical folk, but if today was any example, she adores Muggleborns!''

She smiled to herself and continued to read her book; she was sure she saw a flash of blonde pass her window a couple of times, but she ignored it. If she acknowledged it, she'd get called a stalker; that, or picked on. But she kind of wanted to at least peek out...and then the train stopped. (Y/N) jumped out of her skin, Amorita almost hit the ceiling, and her book went flying. She managed to grab it and shove it into her case, and she took a moment to adjust her blank robes before heading out of the carriage. She kept her head down to the point where it was almost laying on Amorita, but that's what gave her away.

''Hey, look, it's the weird creature girl!''

(Y/N) sighed to herself, internally preparing herself for the worst. She tried to move as hastily as she could, but harsh calls came flooding her way. ''She even brought that walking rug to school with her!'', ''It smells nearly as bad as she does!'', ''I bet that thing's her only friend!'' (Y/N) tried to keep herself calm, and almost fell. When she looked up, a kind hand was reaching out to her. Amorita immediately recognised it and appeared to urge for (Y/N) to step into the boat; so she did, and then she realised it was Hermione. She sighed in relief, whispering to her unlikely heroine, ''Thank you ever so much, Miss Granger!'' Hermione shook her head, ''It was no problem.'' The rest of the trip was silent, except for the chorus of gasps as the castle came into view. When they got to the shore, Amorita began to huddle closer into (Y/N). That was usually a sign of danger. (Y/N) quickened her pace, hastily saying she hoped she'd see Hermione in the year, and made it to the front of the line. There, she was closer to the teachers and much less prone to attack. She sighed in relief, now focusing her gaze on the castle; it truly was beautiful. But as she admired the place that would soon become her home, she couldn't help but feel like she was being watched; specifically by an owl who was far from a cage. (Y/N) glared at the elegant looking creature, and it flew over the students in complete silence, true to its apparently spy-like nature. ''A Great Horned Owl...'' (Y/N) mumbled to herself, ''It can't be cheap to have one of those here. I wonder how much she set her owner back...'' Her thoughts were cut off by her realisation that she'd managed to completely ignore her surroundings long enough for her to end up on the Great Hall's steps. She cuddled Amorita closer, mumbling absentmindedly, ''let's hope for the best.'' (Y/N), being the very daydream prone girl she was, found herself ignoring the spiel about the Sorting Ceremony (her mother had told her reams about this already anyway), and letting her mind wander back to the owl. She hadn't seen it about the person of any first year, which meant it belonged to an older student...or a teacher, perhaps? Of course, there was always the chance that it was in fact a student itself...

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