23: Red Leaves Fall

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(Y/N) woke up on the morning of the third trial with worry filling her form yet again. 

She'd heard her father talk about the third trials...they changed you. 

And not always for the best.

''(Y/N), you look like you've seen a ghost,'' said Isabel, obviously sensing her worry, ''Is this about the third trial?''


Isabel strolled over, the picture of calm (but ever so slightly shaky on her feet), her black pyjamas shining a little in the early morning daylight.

And then she laughed. 

''It's going to be okay, (Y/N), it always is. Harry can get through anything! He's Harry Potter, for crying out loud!'' 

This wasn't really all that comforting, but it was obvious that Isabel was anxious to get some food down her throat before the trial, so (Y/N) smiled back. 

But as usual, Isabel saw through her façade.

 ''I know,'' she said, smiling ever more, ''I promise I'll leave you and Draco alone at breakfast. Let you have some nice bonding time, eh?''

(Y/N) smiled genuinely this time. ''Pfft, fine. But you'll listen if I ask for you to lend me the jam, right?''

''No chance!''

She ran from the room, laughing, and (Y/N) promptly followed.

Breakfast was rather peaceful that day, and Isabel kept to her word; she didn't try and weasel her way into any conversations. And then, soon enough, it was time for the trial.

''Um, Harry, good luck.'' 

Was all (Y/N) could muster, and she felt bad for not saying more.

God, she was hopeless.


(Y/N) made the decision to sit with Isabel this time; she wasn't sitting anywhere near those Krum-crazed lunatics Draco went around with, and they weren't moving. So she did. 

Isabel had painted ''Harry'' on one of her hands in red, and ''Cedric'' on the other, in yellow, both in her familiarly neat handwriting; (Y/N) had borrowed a Gryffindor scarf for the occasion, not wanting to ruin the colour scheme with green. 

She'd even taken the time to make her hair look presentable today, and she tucked it back with a red hairband. Amorita had come too, and she was currently hissing; and, just as expected, Pansy was there.

She was apparently trying to sit by Isabel.''Oh, hey Pansy,'' said Isabel, surprisingly calmly, ''any reason you're sit—''

''She's going to cry when Potter dies, isn't she?''

Isabel was immediately on her feet, standing over Pansy, and she hissed darkly, ''Piss. Off.'' 

''Why should I? She ruined my life, so—'' 

Isabel leered at Pansy, acting as if she was going to bite her neck, all the while howling like a wolf.That was apparently enough.

''I don't want to be a filthy half-breed like you, Deimos!'' 

Yelled Pansy, as she shuffled away as quickly as she could, being quickly followed by Amorita (who wasn't seen for the rest of the day).

Isabel burst into laughter, but she looked ever so slightly dead behind the eyes. 

She stopped suddenly; she looked like she was about to faint and vomit at the same time.

She stopped for a second, ''Hey, Iz, are you actually a werewolf, though?'' asked (Y/N), honestly a little worried at this point.

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