2: Wands and Wazzocks

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It took a solid five minutes for her mother to follow her. Probably had a hair out of place or something; but whatever the issue was, her mother arrived eventually, and (Y/N) recoiled a little in embarrassment. 

Her mother truly looked like a princess, and beside her she looked like...well, a socially awkward, Kneazle wielding child. Surprisingly, though, her mother handed her a purse full of money and told her to buy things herself; ''you won't have me to guide you in school, after all!''

 (Y/N) smiled proudly, feeling confident now that her mother appeared to trust her. With a purse in her hand and Amorita on her shoulder, (Y/N) headed out; she quickly found herself talking to her Kneazle, having no-one else around. 

''Mother already said I can take you with me, but please don't be too aggressive to people,'' (Y/N) smiled to herself, ''Unless I tell you to, that is.'' 

She laughed a little, Amorita meowing in a way that almost sounded like a groan. (Y/N) kept walking, and in her haste, walked into a boy. 

She apologised immediately and profusely, trying her level best to keep her eyes away from whoever she'd walked into the hide her embarrassment, which was only worsened by Amorita jumping from her and attempting to attack the poor boy. ''Amorita! Don't, please...'' She managed to grab her and pull her back to her chest, but being a creature prone to disdain and suspicion, she would not stop hissing. ''I'm, uh, I'm sorry about that.'' (Y/N) finally looked up at Amorita's victim, and she sighed in relief. She most definitely wasn't scared of this platinum blonde idiot. ''No wonder your mother never brings you to our banquets!'' he exclaimed, ''You're more deranged than that stupid cat!'' (Y/N) sighed, replying politely, ''I'm sorry you feel that way, Malfoy, but my Kneazle is prone to attacking unlikable people...'' She couldn't help but shoot him a smug look. He glared at her so intensely that (Y/N) was sure she was under some sort of curse, and then retorted, ''Just wait till my father hears about this, Silverlie!'' (Y/N) nodded her head much like a nursery school teacher would to a three year old, before replying with a smile, ''You go and do that. My mother mishears most of what he tells her anyway, so it has no effect on me.'' She waved as her tormentor stormed off, smiling all the while. As soon as he was gone, Amorita snuggled more deeply into (Y/N) as if asking for a reward for protecting her. With a chuckle, (Y/N) dropped a few salmon treats into her mouth; ''I forgot that you hate the Malfoy kid, Amorita,'' she rolled her eyes, ''Not that I mind. I hate the little daddy's boy myself, but...'' (Y/N) shook her head. With a new pep in her step, (Y/N) strolled forward, eventually ending up outside Ollivander's wand shop. Just like every young witch there is, was or would be, (Y/N)'s face lit up with delight as she opened the door. Amorita already knew that she had to wait outside; (Y/N)'s mother had already enforced that rule on her. Not knowing exactly what to do once she was inside, (Y/N) coughed awkwardly to alert that she was there. She didn't want to speak, as usually, her words came out in floods and weren't stopped until her brain stopped raining ideas into her mouth. She jumped a little as a figure descended from the ladder.

''(Y/N) Silverlie?''

(Y/N) nodded shyly, ''Yes, that'd be me.'' A chuckled came in response, ''Felt like only yesterday I sold your mother her first wand.'' (Y/N) laughed awkwardly; a cocktail of nerves and excitement filled her tiny eleven year old form. After what felt like hundreds of wands that simply destroyed everything around her, one of them finally decided it wanted to cooperate. After paying for what would soon be her most important possession, (Y/N) basically jumped out of the shop; only to find her mother outside. With Amorita. And Draco.

This could not be worse.

Scratches covered her mother's face, and as soon as she saw her daughter, she yelled, ''How in Merlin's name do you keep this thing contained?!'' Upon seeing her owner, Amorita jumped into (Y/N)'s arms with two final hisses; one for (Y/N)'s mother, and one for Draco. ''So, mother, I thought I was being independent today?'' Her mother nodded, replying playfully, ''I know, I know, but I thought you'd want some company, and you haven't seen Draco since...since you were about four!'' (Y/N) rolled her eyes. Both young 'uns knew that there was a reason for that, but they also knew that (Y/N)'s mother would tell the entire wizarding community and probably her morning coffee if they mentioned it. (Y/N)'s mother took their silence as an agreement, and added, ''I wanted to catch up with the Malfoys anyway, dearie, so I want you two to stay here and be safe. And keep that damn Knea-whatever under control, (Y/N)!'' Her mother disappeared almost instantly, as usual, and (Y/N) tried her level best to make absolutely zero conversation. But of course, the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. ''Your mother says herself that you're just as mad as your Kneazle,'' he said smugly, ''I guess you don't come to our banquets because she doesn't want her crazed wreck of a daughter there.'' (Y/N) rolled her eyes, replying, ''I choose not to go because I don't like you.'' She had to hold Amorita back after she heard the tinge of anger in (Y/N)'s voice. After making sure he was safe from the second act of Malfoy vs. angry ball of fur, he retorted, ''Liar. You used to be all over me.'' (Y/N) burst out in laughter, ''If by 'all over you' you mean 'making polite conversation', then you would be right. But everyone grows up, Malfoy.'' He smirked in response. ''You will be after I tell everyone at Hogwarts that you're more bothered about that creature than your family status.'' (Y/N) sighed, ''I seriously don't care. You're the least intimidating person I know; you go crying to your father whenever anything happens. Like the three year old you are.'' (Y/N) hitched her breath in surprise as her collar was grabbed, ''You're seriously underestimating what I could do to you, (Y/N). I could make the Silverlie family a hated name...'' he droned on forever about various things he COULD do, but (Y/N) was honestly just scared that she was going to suffocate to death. She might be able to talk big, but she was, in actuality, every bit as scared of him as he liked to make out she was; if he wanted to make her school life a misery, he probably would. But suddenly, as if God himself had come to save (Y/N), she was dropped. Her mother had appeared. (Y/N) put on a fake smile, shuffled quickly next to her mother and exclaimed, ''That was really nice. I'm, uh, tired now, mother. Can we do the rest of the shopping another time?'' (Y/N)'s mother smiled. ''You are a one, (Y/N). You're lucky I bought things in advance. Say goodbye to Draco now, dear!'' (Y/N) smiled and waved begrudgingly, and was met with no response. As soon as her mother was looking away, though, he mouthed at her,

'Just you wait, Silverlie.'

Those words stuck with (Y/N) for the rest of the wait up until school began; she really hoped she'd be a Hufflepuff like her mother had always joked about, and spend her lessons with kind people, copying off of the clever Ravenclaws who she'd share a class with. Or perhaps she'd just spontaneously die in her first year in an accidental-on-purpose, tragic broom accident. Either way, she really, really didn't want to deal with Draco, but...

(Y/N) shook her head.

She wasn't going to finish that sentence.

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