33: Sudden Learning Curves

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(A/N: How to edit really quickly: put Roxxxy Andrews' verse of 'Read U Wrote U' on repeat as you go through, and tell yourself you can't turn it off until you're done


(Y/N) had always been an absolute dismal disaster at Potions; she was the only student who consistently did worse than Ron, and she was considered 'clever' in other lessons...

So Professor Slughorn's enthusiasm that she wasn't as awful as she thought made her feel terrible. He was such a nice teacher, and (Y/N)'s complete lack of skills made her feel unworthy of this class.

She'd been one of the first to grab a book, and even just looking at what it contained was painful; she spent most of the explanation about why Potions were useful and dangerous trying not to cry over her upcoming failure in the subject, ignoring what was being said.

Until, of course, the Love Potion was opened, and (Y/N) fell into the same trance as many of the other girls.

Hermione had explained what she smelt, but (Y/N) didn't even have a moment to work out whose scent it might be before she was assaulted with familiar smell, one she just wanted to envelope her...

Citrus and fresh mint and something else she couldn't specify...his smell.

The potion was closed as quickly as it was opened; Slughorn even went as far as to say it was 'the most dangerous potion in the room' afterwards.

Perhaps it was, but (Y/N) didn't care; she wanted him to open the potion again, so she could feel like Draco was next to her, holding her close...

Grey eyes silently followed her every movement, noticing her glance over subconsciously, her eyes filled with...happiness? Obsession?

He couldn't think straight, and it took every ounce of effort to not look back at her; the smell that drifted over to him, a mix of floral pet shampoo, old books and something unexplainable and feminine, was most definitely hers. 

Professor Slughorn then proposed a competition; whoever could brew a perfect Draught of Living Death would win a small phial of Felix Felicis, Liquid Luck.

(Y/N) could probably use that...


You couldn't say that (Y/N)'s potion went downhill fast, as it was never really going uphill at all.''

I'm going to have to start doing bloody Remedial Potions in the evenings,'' (Y/N) complained, practically having a meltdown then and there, ''Merlin, strike me down—''

(Y/N) very nearly lost the tip of her finger trying to cut the Sopophorus bean in half, and she was honestly considering 'going to the toilet' in order to hide in shame for the whole lesson. She sighed, her head lolling back; she initially didn't see Harry's desperate attempts at getting her attention.

Her partner (who she'd had to sit by as Pansy had taken (Y/N)'s proposed spot by Draco), nudged her to bring Harry to her attention.

He mouthed 'crush it', and, although the book said otherwise, (Y/N) tried it; perhaps it was because she would probably die from blood loss before she finished the potion anyway, or just because of her blind trust in Harry, but she did it, and it worked. 

''Galloping gazelles,'' exclaimed the very short, rather chubby little Gryffindor next to her, ''how did Potter work that out?'' 

(Y/N) shrugged, ''Just Harry being Harry, I guess.''

Little did she know, however, that Draco was watching her every move too; and although he didn't say anything to do with animals in response, he too was very surprised, even a little angry that Harry had figured it out first.

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