50: A Joy-Bringing Pain

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No answer.
''(Y/N), it's three in the afternoon, I think you should wake up,'' Draco said amusedly, laughing a little as he watched her attempt to pretend she wasn't even the slightest bit awake yet.
After a couple of seconds, (Y/N) proved herself to be at least a little conscious; she groaned angrily into her pillow, wrapping herself even more thoroughly in the blanket.
She stayed firmly put in her blanket burrito, her face completely buried in the pillow, making no noise or attempts to move, minus her breathing.
A hand grabbed her duvet; she grabbed the other pillow, and said, muffled by the pillow, ''don't you dare, Draco.''
She felt him let go, and with a contented sigh, she tried to go back to sleep.
Of course, with her face buried in the pillow, she couldn't see him grab his wand...
''Accio duvet!''
(Y/N) made a noise of extreme discomfort as her soft nest of warmth was snatched away from her, the cold air hitting her skin and making her feel like she'd been dropped into some Arctic wasteland instead of simply having her blanket taken away.
She turned over slowly, narrowing her (e/c) eyes at the blonde who was now smirking victoriously down at her, knowing he'd won the battle.
''You're a bully, Dray!'' (Y/N) whined, ''give it baaaaack...''
''No,'' Draco said, trying to get some authority in his voice, although that was difficult while having his view assaulted by an adorable, sleepy (Y/N), ''we have things to do, and I seriously don't think Potter will survive if we go on this shopping trip without you.''
(Y/N) managed to laugh, ''you make a good case, Malfoy; but is there food yet? I'm not getting up without food.''
''Yes, Queen (Y/N), Wisp already made things,'' he laughed, ''the poor elf was beside herself without you there.''
(Y/N) sighed, stretching; ''well, I suppose I'll get up for food.''
''(Y/N)! Good...afternoon?'' Wisp exclaimed.The happy little elf pulled out chairs for (Y/N) and Draco, and said quickly, ''anything you don't eat can be taken as snacks for that trip, maybe?''
''Perhaps,'' (Y/N) responded, piling far too much of everything onto her plate, ''but I might just eat everything.''
Wisp smiled lightly; ''Mm. Make sure you do eat enough, little one needs to eat too.''
(Y/N) nodded, biting into one of the apples she'd just grabbed, and then into various other things.
''You're not taking this 'eating for two' thing lightly, are you, (Y/N)?'' Draco asked jokingly.
''Of course not,'' (Y/N) responded, ''I'll take any excuse to eat as much as possible.''
Draco rolled his eyes; her appetite had skyrocketed recently, probably she was very close to full term now, and it was really showing.
''Just make sure you're not too full to move later.'' Draco said.
''I'll try!'' (Y/N) responded happily.
''You have terrible taste, Isabel,'' (Y/N) said, as Isabel pointed out another ugly looking crib, ''please just let me—''
''Hey, I liked that one as well, (Y/N)!''(Y/N) sighed; apparently Draco and Isabel's taste in baby stuff was similarly terrible.
Hell, they'd both thought it would be great to paint the baby room green and black.
''This one's pretty, (Y/N),'' Luna mumbled, gesturing to a cream coloured crib with bunnies engraved into it, ''at least, I think so...''
(Y/N)'s eyes lit up; ''Perfect, Luna!''
She smiled, making sure to get an approving nod from Draco.
''Right, I'll get for the shop attendant,'' Hermione said, waving for her.
A blonde woman and a small blonde girl came over, and the girl looked as if she'd either just woken up or was in some deep thought.
She couldn't be more than four.
''Hello,'' the woman said, ''I think that one's about—''
''Magical people,'' breathed the girl, ''Mummy, magical peo—''
''Shh, Peri! As I was saying, that one is—''''MAGICAL PEOPLE!''
The attendant sighed; ''Three hundred, it's on sale. I'm sorry about Peridot, she's been rather stuck on the thought that she's a witch recently...all because of that firework...''
The entire group tried to not smirk at one another.
''It's perfectly fine,'' Hermione said, cutting through the awkward silence, ''we'll take it.''
Isabel pushed through the group, handing the woman the money before (Y/N) could even complain; she whispered something to Peridot, and she lit up, but didn't speak.
The small girl's eyes met Harry's for a second, and it was like he couldn't break contact...
''Right, that's it, thank you!'' He said quickly.
They were out in seconds, and Isabel said immediately, ''that's a Muggleborn witch if I've ever seen one.''
''Not necessarily,'' Hermione replied, ''she could just be reading—''
''I don't know, she didn't feel like a Muggle to me, either.'' Ron added.
(Y/N) laughed; if Peridot was a Muggleborn witch, she'd probably be in school with her child...
''You've zoned out again, babe,'' Draco said, his hand on her shoulder, ''did that kid curse you or something?''(Y/N) laughed; ''No, but she did feel strange; the way she stared at Harry!''
''It was like she knew you...'' Luna mumbled.
''It was weird, that's what it was!'' Harry exclaimed.
(Y/N) laughed, realising little Peridot was hanging around in the window, analysing; but her smile soon fell as a sharp pain spread through her.
The colour drained from her face.
''Are you okay there, (Y/N)?'' Ron asked.
''Yeah, I'm—'' another sharp pain hit. ''okay, maybe no—''
She yelped in pain, but cut herself off as she felt a liquid warmth hit her legs.
''Shit,'' she muttered, ''shit, shit; Dray, I, uh...I think...my water broke...?''
Anarchy descended on the group.
No-one had a phone, being wizards and all, so there was no way to contact the Muggle hospital; Apparition might hurt the baby, there were no Portkeys nearby...
''Magical people don't have phones?'' came the voice of Peridot, who was holding out a phone, ''okay, use mummy's phone...''
Hermione and Draco immediately grasped at it, while Ron and Harry were thanking Peridot, and Luna was holding (Y/N) steady; god knows what Isabel was doing.
It took seemingly forever for the ambulance people to show up after the number was called, and everyone was completely mad by the time it was there; (Y/N) was only able to stay upright because of Luna.
''Breathe, (Y/N), breathe,'' Draco exclaimed frantically, ''don't worry, we'll be there soon—''
Whether they'd be there soon or not was irrelevant now; all (Y/N) knew was that it was time.
After nine months of waiting, her child was ready to make their debut.
And it was sure to be spectacular.

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