40: Engulfed in Flame

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Isabel jumped back as the Death Eater she had very nearly been killed by went up in flames.
(Y/N) did the same, watching part of the floor explode and force her opponent into the wall.
The three ran as far as they could, not wanting to continue to duel the two Death Eaters.
Isabel yelped in pain as something stabbed her bare foot; they finally managed to duck away for a minute, and Anneliese muttered, ''Episkey!''.
The bleeding split was gone.A figure appeared from just behind the wall; another bloody Death Eater.
''Avada Ke-''
''Stupefy!'' yelled (Y/N), causing the Death Eater to fly at least two metres away from her; she was sure she heard an ankle cracking or something.
Isabel cheered a little, able to walk over properly now her foot was healed.
She suggested finding some other people to help; mostly because she'd found that Anneliese had a teensy bit of Healer training from her older brother, and so was better than most at healing spells and such.
''Yes, let's do that,'' (Y/N) said, limping on an ankle she'd fell on earlier. Annaliese sighed; ''Episkey!''
(Y/N) squealed a little in pain, but it wasn't too bad; she could run again now, at least.
Meanwhile, Harry's situation wasn't quite as positive.
Crabbe had only gone and used some fire curse to set the entire bloody room on fire after something had made him particularly angry; but that didn't matter now, what mattered was that Harry, Ron and Hermione would most definitely burn to death if they didn't keep moving.
Ron eventually found broomsticks, making their escape significantly easier, but...Draco and Goyle were still there, atop a mountain of miscellaneous things, fighting for their lives; Crabbe must have been taken by the fire already, along with the Diadem.
They could easily escape now with their lives, but...He wanted to save them; not that he particularly liked them, but he knew that there'd be at least one person upset for them if they died.
(Y/N) would probably never get over it; that's if she was even still alive herself.
Even Isabel would be angry if Draco died; they were on pretty good terms now...
''We can't just leave them,'' Harry said to Ron and Hermione, much to their confusion.''He's got to be kidding!'' Ron exclaimed.
They tried to fly close enough to save them, but didn't quite get to them; they circled again.
''Harry, if we die for them I'm going to kill you!'' Ron yelled, but it fell on deaf ears.
Harry successfully grabbed Draco on his second attempt, and soon enough, Ron had rescued Goyle.
They were out before the doors closed; the fire was contained and the Diadem was destroyed.
Draco ran off with Goyle, not stating his cause but knowing it, deep in his heart; he was looking for her.
''scuse me, pretty boy, you're Draco Malfoy, right?'' A pale, freckly face peeked around the corner, waist-length, messy ginger hair hanging loosely around her.
She looked like some weird Weasley relative.
''Yes,'' Draco responded, ''but I'm a little busy—''
The girl grabbed his wrist, her chocolate eyes smug and full of excitement.
They turned the corner, Draco anxiously waiting for her to let go so he could run away.
But there, behind the corner, was someone.
Someone with even messier (h/c) hair, covered in dirt and blood, her clothes destroyed and in tatters now...
But her eyes shone all the same; it was, without a doubt, her.
''I need a new shirt, Is,'' came her familiar voice, ''I look like absolute tra—''
It was like she suddenly forgot how to speak.
Her eyes met Draco's, not for a second parting; they were frozen to the spots they stood in.
''Haha, that's f-funny, Isabel...'' she whispered after an eternity, ''P-Polyjuice potion, right?''
Draco shook his head, ''No.''
And then, as if a button had been pressed, (Y/N) began to cry floods of tears, running over and throwing her arms around the boy she loved.
''I thought you'd be dead by now, or I'd be dead, or—or—'' she exclaimed lots of random little interjections, trying to get all of her thoughts and emotions into one sentence.
''I thought you were dead!'' Draco exclaimed, tearing up.
''Isabel and Trixie rescued me,'' she paused, ''but that's in the past now. I'm safe, and you're here, and...'' her sentence ran off into nothingness again, choked into silence by her tears.
She parted from him for a second to wipe her eyes and compose herself, ''this is probably a terrible time to ask, but...is Harry okay? I'm sorry, I'm being inconsiderate—''''Yes, he's fine. For now.''(Y/N) sighed in relief, leaning in to quickly peck Draco on the lips, ''now, um...I don't think it's safe for you to be here, Draco. One of us is going to end up getting killed.''
''Why are you sending me away so quickly?'' Draco interjected.''Safety reasons! I promise...I'll...I'll be here for you as soon as this shit is over, okay?''
He laughed lightly at her attempt at being authoritative; and then kissed her gently again, ignoring everything else for that one moment.
''I don't know how you can be so strong, (Y/N),'' Draco said quietly.
''I'm not, Dray, trust me. I've cried for days up in the dorm room; I'm just good at hiding things.''
Draco sighed, brushing his hand down along the side of her face, taking in every detail before he had to go god knows how long before seeing it again.
''I love you, Draco,'' (Y/N) whispered, ''stay safe; and please, don't die...and don't let Harry die either, okay?''
She smiled softly; Draco could look at that smile forever...
''Will do.''And with that, he left; pretending it didn't hurt him as much as it did.Pretending he didn't want to grab her hand and risk his life just for one more kiss...
''Hey,'' came a voice from the shadows.
''Yes?'' Draco replied, too distraught to really think of anything to say to the currently disembodied voice.
''I'll make sure your soul rots in hell if you don't come back to her, alright? Isabel's Friendship Club isn't right without you; and I'm not going to sit back and watch her cry over you anymore, alright?!''
The voice was teary now, but it was obvious who it was.
Draco smiled gently.
''I thought we'd agreed not to—it doesn't matter. I'll be back, Isabel,'' he paused, ''and I hope you're still up for being her bridesmaid.''
He heard a gasp, and then Isabel finally emerged; she was smiling a little, but her eyes were filled with tears.
''I am. But if you fuck this up...'' Draco nodded, ''you'll kill me? I know. But I won't.''
Isabel sighed contentedly; ''you'd better stick to your promises, Malfoy.''
She flounced away, most likely to get her badly twisted ankle fixed by their ginger friend.
But that didn't matter; he'd seen her again, and that was the most important thing in the world right now.
Even if she never spoke to him again after Harry Potter's inevitable death, he'd seen her again.
(Y/N) Silverlie was alive.
And that was all that mattered.

Liquorice Honey (A Draco Malfoy x Reader fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu