26: Professor Potter

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(Y/N) was never one to be early for things, but she'd apparently turned up an hour early for Hermione.

 So she was walking around by herself, appreciating the pretty weather and picking up this and that for herself, and going over what she'd said to Draco that morning; did 'my cousin's birthday's coming up' sound like a good enough excuse? Or was it a blatant lie?

Or was she just analysing her own words far too much?

''You're a mess, (Y/N),'' she mumbled, ''He loves you, he wouldn't think you're a liar.''

She leaned against the glass of one of the shops, and tried her best to not stick out like a sore thumb amongst the shoppers. After what felt like an eternity, Hermione appeared. 

''(Y/N), hi!'' she said, obviously quite preoccupied, ''we've got to meet up with Harry and the others; I'm sorry for my lateness.''

''No harm done; this glass is surprisingly comfortable.'' Jested (Y/N), smiling although the water from a puddle she stood in a while ago was soaking through her shoes and freezing her feet. What was that thing Isabel said about cold weather?

''Merlin, is this England or bloody Alaska?''

Oh yes, that was it. 

Isabel coughed a little, and then said, ''so, uh, why did you want us to—''

Hermione raised an eyebrow. ''I wasn't aware I invited you?''

''Yeah, some Ravenclaw kid invited me,'' she smirked, ''couldn't really say no.''

Hermione was still extremely suspicious (as Isabel was a Slytherin, and she wasn't exactly all sunshine and rainbows to people), but she kept her mouth shut, as (Y/N) looked completely overjoyed to have her there. 

''Ahem, so...'' started Hermione, ''Harry wanted us to meet him.''

She led the two girls wordlessly; it wasn't usual of (Y/N) to invite the uninvited, but she must have mentioned it, as Isabel would never usually listen to 'some Ravenclaw kid's suggestion... 

She was probably just overthinking.

''So, um, Isabel,'' said Hermione, feeling rather awkward around the strange presence that was Isabel Deimos, ''Why did you—''

She coughed a little, ''Ravenclaw kid. Or are you deaf, M-'Mione?''

Hermione sighed; it was obvious that this conversation wasn't going anywhere. She felt so extremely relieved when they arrived; Isabel was no longer her problem.

(Y/N) decided to stay standing while they waited for the rest of the people to file in, but Hermione did pick up on Isabel pushing someone out of a chair so she could take it.

Harry was hiding his annoyance about the titters concerning him being a liar fairly well; especially as said titters were abundant in the room.

And the abundance only grew.

And grew.


'Is it true you can produce a Patronus charm?''

The chatter fell down dead. All eyes fell on Harry, who replied, surprised, ''Uh, yes, I can.''

Awe fell on the room, and then, wanting to bolster Harry further, Hermione and Ron chimed in with tales of the Basilisk, fighting off Dementors, the Philosopher's Stone...

Chiding comments turned to words of wonder.

Until, inevitably, the topic became Cedric Diggory's death. 

And the truth about the situation was finally, at least by most, believed.

''He's really back, isn't he?'' said someone, disappointment in their voice.

Harry nodded, solemnly. 

Silence descended like a fog, but as soon as it cleared, students rushed to write their names on the parchment entitled ''Dumbledore's Army''. 

(Y/N) Silverlie was embellished proudly in the mid-centre of the parchment, despite being a 'snake amongst lions', so to speak. Isabel seemed to be struggling to write her own name, having to cross it out multiple times before stalking off, not even bothering to wait for (Y/N).

She put her friend's mood down to just coming back to school from wherever she was, and, by (Y/N)'s judgement, the moon was due to be full soon, too, so Isabel had every reason to be angsty. 

(Y/N) returned to the Common Room on her own, and, surprisingly, didn't see Isabel on the sofa.

 She sat alone, reading over her Potions notes and petting Amorita quietly. 

''If it isn't my favourite cat lady.''

(Y/N)'s face lit up immediately.

''And if it isn't my favourite ferr-''

''Shut up!''

(Y/N) smirked triumphantly, her head held slightly higher. 

But then the god forsaken questions came.

''So, what did you buy for your snivelling little cousins?'' Draco asked, the slightest air of suspicion in his tone. 

''Uh, stuff. Like, kid stuff, you know...'' 

''You're lying,'' Draco hissed, ''you never speak so...vaguely.''

(Y/N) stood up and tried to look offended to hide her rising awkwardness.

''Are you calling me...'' (Y/N) paused, letting her dangerously sweet tone sink in, ''A liar?''

''And now you're being protective!'' Draco exclaimed, ''you were doing something with stupid Saint Potter, weren't you?''

''Am I not allowed to have friends anymore, Malfoy?''

Her spitting ''Malfoy'' instead of ''Draco'' stung a little.

She obviously still didn't completely trust him. 

''No! I mean yes! Merlin, (Y/N), you're so difficult—''

''That's rich coming from you!''

(Y/N)'s expression was filled with hurt, and, as she often did, she tried to storm off to her dorm room. 

Draco caught her hand.

''You'd better have an excellent apology, Malfoy!'' yelled (Y/N), not even turning around. 

''Please, stop yelling,'' said Draco, actually a little scared of (Y/N)'s temper, ''I'm sorry, okay? I just don't want you running off with stupid...stupid...Potter!''

Suddenly, (Y/N)'s anger turned into fits of hysterical laughter. 

''Was that why you were scared?'' she exclaimed through laughs, ''Oh Merlin, Draco, it took me almost four years to get with you; why in Salazar's name would I leave for Harry after all these years of pining after you?'' 

Draco was actually stunned to silence; her beautiful laughing face was enough, but for her to put all of that out on the table...

''You're a stupid loser, Miss (Y/N) Silverlie.''

''And you're not?''

The two laughed together for a while; something that was unheard of for either party. The vast majority of Slytherin house exchanged a confused looks as they walked past the oddly happy duo.

Pansy could be heard crying rather loudly from her dorm room, and poor Millicent and Tracy were stuck with cheering her up, as Isabel's ''cheering'' was, well...


(Y/N) trailed off to bed rather late that night, and fell asleep almost immediately, smiling.Both of her lives were perfect; the one she would start within the DA, and the one she shared with Draco.

She just had to pray one didn't meet the other.

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